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1、最新版新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案及单元测试答案全套Unit 1Lead in Task 1AngerCorrect answersHappinessCorrect answersbeamingcheerfuljoyfulthrilledas happy as a kingin seventh heavenon top of the worldover the moonFearCorrect answershorrifiedscaredterrifiedscared out of ones witsscared to deathparalyzed with fearfeel a shi

2、ver run down ones spineSadnessCorrect answersbluebroken-heartedcheerlessdepressedheartbrokendown in the dumpsin low spiritsget(a case of)the bluesout of sortsBasic listening practice C B D ADListening InTask lKeys:AC D C BTask 2 causes of depressionJ/X)/x717J/)/)/17)z7|7l71oz123456789111z(xz(z(/(Xz(

3、/l/(X/lx/(X/lxCor r e ct ans we rf amil ie sche mical sinf or mationce r tain s ymp tomss e l f-e s te e mthink ing p atte r nsmooddiv or cep hys ical abus ef inancial dif f icul tie ss tr e s sanxie tyTask 3 Keys:B D A A CLefs talk Task 1)/)/)/,17x)zi7777)z777!/777)z11004Ano7(00123456789111111111z(

4、z(z(z(z(xz(xz(xz(z(z(/(z/lz(z(z(z(z(z(Cor r e ct ans we rs hycr yings car e dcame downf unnicetwo s is te r sar g uetouchbad times p e akcomf or tabl ebr othe radul tschil dr e ns e condar yg r owing upl e ar nFurther listening and speaking Further listening TasklCorrect answerownerrunningdroprunloc

5、alyellinglivesAs he was picking himself up,he saw a large man,almostseven feet tallThe bartender nervously handed the big man a beer,handsshakingI got to get out of town!Didn,t you hear Big John iscomingTask 2 Reason and emotionKey:A B C C DTask 3 Every cioud has a silver liningKey:T F FT FFurther l

6、istening and speaking Viewing and speaking 1717)/)/171777)/71717)z)/1711oo4-no123456789111111z(z/tz(zz(z(/(Xz(z!z(z(z(/(/(z(Correct answerSeven/7150favouritebridge111fastSimpletrustedstupiddidNo wayultimatelimitsskywards60(16)cheapUnit testPart I CDBCDPart IICorrect answerOvercompanionshiploverdefin

7、itionscarcediarysightAfter he learned he had defeated theenemy fleet,he spoke his last wordswith a smile:Thank God,Ive done mydutyIn a workforce made up entirely ofhappy people,the competitive edgewould soon be lostIt may take centuries beforephilosophers and scientists canarrive at a clear definiti

8、on ofhappinessPart III BADCCPart IV ADCAB CBDAAUnit 2Lead in Task 1fdaehibcjBasic listening practice BACDBListening in Task 1 CAADBListening in Task 2Correct answer(I)the end(2)discounts(3)T-shirts(4)big-name brands(5)(6)(8)(9)Interchangeable piecesblack trousersseveral timessimpleststylish and fash

9、ionableListening in Task 3 A B A C DLets talk Task 1Cor r e ct ans we r(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)we al thycl othing s tyl e sf ig ur es l imme rcons tr uctionl ig htl ar g e rf or malbr ig htl y col or e dthe r ich and the p oorone cl as soccas ionsPoor e r p e op l eFurther listening

10、and speaking Taskl CAABATask 2 BAB ABTask 31She chose two colors,then built her wardrobe around them.2She has a pair of black dress slacks,with black shoes to match.If she wears that withher turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings,she will look dressedup.3If she wears a T-shirt wi

11、th the black dress slacks,she is more casual.4If she brings a pashmina,or another dress scarf,she can dress up the T-shirt intocasual chic.5Her suitcase will be nearly empty,with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking Task 1Correct answercombining clothing with new technologybrand-new stylen

12、ew industrial design solutionselectronics and fashioninto your collarwent into partnership withbring them togetherthe modern-day worker600 poundsto what we might expectUnit testParti CBCBDPart IICorrect answer”(1)conte s t/que e ns/outg oing/che e r s”(5)titl e5 6)tour s/p e r f or me dy A be autif

13、ul woman has v e r y g r e at p owe r s to conv ince,and we hav es e e n many mis s e s who hav e done a g r e at job/Wome ns l ibe r ation or g anizations in the Unite d State s r e g ul ar l yde mons tr ate in p r ote s t outs ide Mis s Ame r ica and Mis s Wor l dconte s ts,10)Al l the s ame,s ome

14、 Aus tr al ians we r e hop ing the two-hour s how woul ddr aw wor l d atte ntion to the be auty of the ir countr y and attr acttour is tsPart III ADCBBPart IV CDADD BCBDBUnit 3Lead in Task 1f o r e s t f i r eC o r r e c t a n s w e r:f o r e s t n r el a n d s l i d ec o r r e c t a n s w e r-e a r

15、 t l-ic|u i a k ef l o o dC o r r e c t a n s w e rf l o o dt s u n a m iO o r r e c t a n s w e rt s u n a m ie a r t h ic iL ja K eC o r r e c t a n s w e r:l a n d s l i d es n o w s t o r mC o r r e c t a n s w e r:s n o w s t o r mv o le a n i c e r u p t i o nC o r r e c t a e s w e r-v o lc 2

16、*riic e r u p t i o nBasic listening practice DACBCListening in Task 1 BCADCTask 2 BBABATask 3717H7717)/)/Xu/)/177)/711nz-oo1234567891111z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(/(/(7fCorrect answerdroughttsunamiundersearesult indry spellfloodwater suppliesfamineagricultureheavy rainfallmeltingswellman-made damsLef s talk

17、Task 1X)/)z17J/)z)z123456/(z(z(/(/(z(Correct answereruptedburyingfewoverseasrescueinjured17X)/|7|7)/17)012345789111111/(7(z(xz(/(/(z(z(/(damag e dis l ande r ss e v e nbig g e s tcl os eaf te r s hock str ap20 mil l ion p oundsdis e as eFurther listening and speaking Further listening Task 1 BADACTa

18、sk 21.Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65,there was doubtthat they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anywaybecause the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle,and there was no other help available.2.The truck drove straigh

19、t toward the fire and,instead of stopping in front of thefire,drove right into the middle of the flames.3.After an hour of intense fighting,they had extinguished the fire.4.He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for$10,000.5.The captain said,nThe first thing were going to do is to get

20、the brakes fixedon that stupid fire truck.That suggests that they drove right into the middle of theflames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Task 3 ABCDCX)/)z7)/7J/)/)z)/rv1234567891z(z(z(/(/l/(/(z(/(z(Viewing and speaking Task 1Cor r e ct ans we rr e s cue dwor s t f l oodings ur p r is

21、 ef l oode dmy s on,scr e wsbur s thits av ehig h tideX17|77!712345-4-4f ur nitur enor malcomp ute r s ys te mdr ug she av yUnit testPar t IACCDDPar t IICorrect answer/at/s e ction/conne cts/bottom(5)s hining(6)As/cr os s,8)T e n minute s l ate r,as we we r el ook ing out the window,we s awe v e r y

22、one was r unning away f r oms ome thing,9)A hug e f l ood was s tr e aming down themountain.We we r e s tanding on ahig he r p l ace,s o we coul d s e ee v e r ything5 i o)It was r e p or te d that the f l oodde s tr oye d a big ar e a andap p r oximate l y 300 p e op l e we r ek il l e d or dis ap

23、p e ar e d that dayPar t IIIABBDCPar t IVBDACCDAB DAUnit 4Lead inc d a e h fig bBasic listening CBABDListening inTaskl CBDAATask 2Cor r e ct ans we r(1)Re l ations hip s(2)mar k e ting manag e r(3)in conf l ict with(4)e xp e ns e s(5)e nde d in v ain(6)tr aining adminis tr ator(7)v is ite d(8)e s ta

24、bl is h cl os e r r e l ations hip s(9)l ong-te r m(10.1,)p ick e d upTask 3 CDDCALefs talkTasklCor r e ct ans we r16f e atur e sbr ie fe ig htp ap e rg uide l ine sinte r v ie wstr e atme ntcome back)z)717717)z71/17123456789z/k/(Xzlz(/t/(X/(Xz(10)De adl ine s(11)me e t(12)g uidance(13)s car yFurthe

25、r listening and speaking Further listening Taskl DBCACTask 2 BAB ABTask 31.They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer,CarlMartin,and say goodbye to the departing CEO,Dick Jackson.2.The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3.The message read,Blame your p

26、redecessor.So,the new CEO held a pressconference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4.The message read,Reorganize.The new CEO did it,and the companyquickly rebounded.5.The message said,Prepare three envelopes.It implied that it was time forCarl to leave and give three simil

27、ar envelopes to the next CEO.Viewing and speakingCorrect answer(1)earning(2)live on(3)frustrating(4)head(5)chasing(6)television(7)editor(8)launching(9)basis(10)privilegedUnit testPart IDDADDPart IICor r e ct ans we rV (1)e xp e ns iv e,2)de cl ine d av e r ag e d,4)comp ar e d5 5)ag e ncy,6)f l oor,

28、7)accommodation(8)B ut the big g e s t cl imbe r of al l wasDubl in,with the Ir is h cap ital jump ingnine p l ace s to the te nth among thewor l d,s mos t e xp e ns iv e of f icel ocations(9)Gl obal l y,mos t of f ice l ocationscontinue d to r e g is te r de cl ine s inoccup ancy cos ts l as t ye a

29、r,r e f l e ctingthe we ak and unce r tain g l obal e conomice nv ir onme nt(10)In Eur o te r ms,London is s ome 17p e r ce nt che ap e r than l as t ye ar,but indol l ar te r ms it is v ir tual l y unchang e dPart IIIDCADBPart IVAB DCADDCCDUnit5Lead in:BABCBasic listening practice:BCACDListening in

30、 Task 1 BACCDListening in Task 2 BAB ABListening in Task 3 DCBCALets talk Task 1717H771717)/)z)z)/1777711oo4-12345678911111/(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(z(/(z(Cor r e ct ans we rs up e r mar k e tsa f actor ycap acityk itche ncomme r cials ixag ains tmy ownap p e all ar g e rhig h-r is kg ambl eone-mans up

31、p or tFurther listening and speaking Further listening Task 1 ABCDAFurther listening and speaking Further listening Task 2 AABBBFurther listening and speaking Further listening Task 31.She had experience as a career counselor who had counseled hundreds of peopleabout career changes.But when her husb

32、and lost his job,they were both caughtunprepared.2.They were unprepared to tell their children,unprepared for the mix of emotions,and most dramatically,unprepared fbr the sudden loss of routine in their lives.3.She saw her husband sitting in their home office patting his forehead and mutteringto him

33、self,uNow what am I supposed to do?”4.In the bookstore they found lots of books about job search,but not a single book onthe day-to-day challenges people face when they get laid-off.5.They had gathered enough interesting material for a book on careertransitionsthe book they needed but couldnt find l

34、ast July.Further listening and speaking Viewing and speaking Task 1x)z)z7)z)z12345z(xzz(z(z(z(Cor r e ct ans we rtur n thing s ar ounds ug g e s tionse xp e ctationshow manythr e e mil l ion(6)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)tar g e ts al e s p e op l emar k e tbr andp r obl e mschal l e ng e

35、smone yhar d tas ks al e s me ninv e s tme nte xp e r ie nce dne g otiationUnit testPart ICDCBDPart IICorrect answer p os itiv e5 2)r e as onsV(3)tr y(4)f ig ur e maintain,6)cur v eV (7)p ath5 8)Its cl e ar that job hop p ingbe ne f its the e mp l oye e,not thee mp l oye r5 9)the tr ick with job hop

36、 p ing is tomak e s ur e your r e s ume al ways s howsthat you mak e a hug e contr ibutionwhe r e v e r you g oV(10)You can s how that you ar e l oyal toa comp any by e xce e ding the ire xp e ctations with your outs tandingp e r f or manceP a r t I I I ScriptCBDACP a r t IVABDCDCDBBAUnit 6Lead in T

37、ask 1c ro p circleC o r r e c t a n sw e r:c ro p circleU F OC o r r e c t a n sw e r:U F OG r e a t P y ra m idC o r r e c t a n sw e r:G r e a t R y ra m ids ta tu e s o n E a s te ris la n dC o r r e c t a n s w e rs ta tu e s o n E a s te rIslandM a y a civiliza tionC o r r e c t a n sw e r:h/la

38、ya civiliza tio n/)z17l7)z17x)z)z12345678z(/(X/(/(/(Xz(/(X/(XBasic listening CCADBListening in Task 1 CBADCTask 2Correct answerterriblemisfortunereflectiondamagedheavenpickwashedSome people claim that the number is bad luck because 13 peoplesat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified(9)F

39、riday the 13th of any month is considered especially bad orunl uck y,and F r iday the 13th of Mar ch is the wor s t of the m al l(10)the y me an that e v e r y s e v e n ye ar s a p e r s on unde r g oe s a comp l e techang e in p e r s onal ityTask 3)z1717JZ7)/1717XJZAu1234567891z(/(Xz(/lzlz(/(/(Xz

40、lz(Cor r e ct ans we rf al l ing s tock mar k e tse v e n mor e s up e r s titiousmuch l e s scons tr uctiv e actionl e s s l uck ywor k e dmor e s atis f ie de xamstr us tr e v is ionLet s talk Task 177J/17177J/17JZ|7!711oz-123456789111z(x/lz(/(Xz(zz(xz(z(z(/(z(7)/3XI4Cor r e ct ans we rmys te r yi

41、ns ide outl ar g e s tthr e e mil l ionouts ideinne rhis the or yus e d upthe bas e137-me te rp ur p os etal l,nar r ow100,000 or s or adarFurther listening and speaking Further listening Task 1 ABDDBTask 2 AABBATask 31.The magician did the same tricks over and over again.2.The captains parrot watch

42、ed every show and began to understand what themagician did in each trick.Once he understood that,he started shouting in the middleof the show.3.Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets,the audience roared withlaughter.The performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into acomedy.

43、4.The ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank.The magician foundhimself on a piece of wood,in the middle of the ocean,and the parrot was by his side.5.He said,“OK,I give up.But I hope youll tell me what trick you are going todo with the boat.”Viewing and speaking)/)/./)/17)/X)/717)z)7)/)z/77

44、7)z7X)/)/110/oo4*no7i0011nz1234567891111111111222z(/(z(z(z/(z(/(z/lz(/lz(z(z(z(z(x/(z(/(z(z(z/(/(Cor r e ct ans we rf e e ts hap e sthe or yman-madel ook af te re xp e r tsa mil l ionoute r s p acee xtr ate r r e s tr ialconce iv abl ecir cl e mak e rimag ee xp l aing e nuinel if ting out ofr ubbis

45、hmys te r ymys te r iousf ar me r scatchap p e arl ands cap eTestPart IDACCCCorrect answer(1)discovered(2)eager(3)died(4)convincing(5)writing(6)Indians(7)taught(8)The Easter Islanders lived on sweetpotatoes they farmed.These sweetpotatoes came from the Americas(9)Remember that the distances involved

46、were great,further than the distancefrom Europe to the closest place in theAmericas(10)a few American Indians could havereached Easter Island,because of astorm,and brought the seeds of sweetpotatoes with themP a rt I I I ScriptBDACDP a rt IVADDDCUnit 7Basic listening AADBCListening in Task 1 DCAABTa

47、sk 2 DCAABTask 3Correct answer(1)rest(2)Sunday)z7)/717!77)z177)zo11oz334567891111z/(z(z/(/(Xz(zFurther listening Task 1 AABBBTask 2 CABBDTask 3 ABCDCViewing and speakingTaskl)/)z17x)z717!7x7)/123456789z(z(z(z(/lz(/l/lz/kCorrect answerbooksearch enginesreal customersjudge250 poundstwo dayspartyingcli

48、cktargetingTestPart ICABDDPart 2Correct answerwhencompetitivenessunmannedregularlyextrahouseholdsTo serve these new shoppers it is alsonecessary for more stores to remainopen and thus more people to work onweekendsWeekends are days when people cansafely sleep in and also not have toworry as much abo

49、ut the ill effects ofa hangoverOne area in which the weekend hasremained unaffected is education,where schools are shut on Saturdays andSundaysPart IPart IIICAB DDPart IVCACDBUnit8Lead in Task 1 c a f d g b eTask 2771771234z(/(z(z(Your ans we rGM cr op ss te m ce l lg e ne tic mapcl oningCor r e ct

50、ans we rGM cr op ss te m ce l lg e ne tic mapcl oningBasic listening practice BCDACListening in Task 1 BAAAD1717!717J/1717)/12345678z(z(/(z(z(/(X/(X/(XTask 2Your ans we rRe s e ar chg e ne sjour nalwar np r oductiv ityg r ows ur v iv alPl ant br e e de r s hav e al r e ady us e dp r e l iminar y inf


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