1、计算机工程系实验报告课程名称:计算机网络管理实验项目名称:计算机管理命令的使用班级:姓名:学号:_一、实 验 目 的:1掌握常用的计算机管理命令。2学会在计算机系统的Command窗口中执行管理命令。3熟练使用计算机管理命令,进行计算机的基本信息检测与修改。4掌握常用计算机管理命令的作用,了解各命令对应执行结果的含义。二、实 验 要 求:1 本次实验,需要设备为:安装有windows2007或windowsXP系统的P C-台。2、在系统的命令行窗口中,熟练的进行命令的使用3、通过计算机的基本管理命令,实现对计算机信息检测与修改。4、在实验结果中,需要实验者将实验结果做出手写注释。三、实验过程
2、:1打开装有windows系统的PC2利用windows+alt键打开执行窗口。3输入c m d,按回车进入命令行窗口模式。4在命令行窗口中,直接进行相关命令的输入与测试。5为进入相关命令模式,统一输入格式,都为:“命令类名(空格)一(具体命令字母)、6命令输入结束,按回车,进行执行。7查看实验结果,做好结果保存与相关注释。四、运 行 结 果1网络Ipconfig|c:Iin)O Ssyst e32cB(i,exeHSE30.0.0.0.in-addr.arpaRecord N am e.:*.arpa.R ecord Type.:12Time To Liue.:
3、603671Data L e n g th.:4S ection .:AnswerPTR Record.:a c tiv a R ecord Name : n-a d d r.a r p a.Record T y p e.:12Tine To Live :603671Data Length.:4S ection .:AnswerPTR Record.:Record Name.: T y p e.:12Time To Liue :603671Data Length 4S ection .:AnswerPTR Record.:
4、ereg.ad ob e.conRecord N am e.:*pft.Record T y p e.:12Time To Liue.:603671Data L e n g th.:4S e c tio n .:Answei*PTR Record.:a ctiv a te.w ip 3.a d o b e.co nRecord N m e.:*.arpa.Record T y p o.:12Tine To Liue.:603671 611g c :3R ecord NA IH O.: n-A d d r.a r
5、 p a.R ecord Typo 12Tim e To L iu e.:60 3671D a tA L e n g th .:4S e c tio n :Answ erPTR R ecord w ip 3.a d o b e.c o mR ecord Name n-a d d r.a r p a.R ecord Type 12T im To L iv e .:603671D tA L e n g th 4S ect io n :Answ erPTR R ecord.:3 d n s-3.a d o b e.c o mR ecord Name d d
6、r.a r p a.R ecord Type 12Tim e To L iu e .:60 3671D ata L e n g th 4S e c tio n Ans#erPTR R ecord 3d ns 2.ad ob e.co mS e c tio n :Answ erS ect io n Answ erC:Docum ents and S e t t in g s js jx,rJ陶C:,IWD0,S s E e32cd.C:Documents and Sett ingsXjs Jxipconf ig/sliowc lass id Realtek*Windows IP Configur
7、ationThe operation fa ile d as no adapt”is in the sta te perm issible forth is operation.C:XDocuments and SettingsjsJxipconf ig/show class id UM*Windows IP ConfigurationThere are no cla sses defined for UMware Network Adapter UNnetl.C:Docunents and S ettin g sjsjx o|jcTjC:f IHDOlSYsyst6B32CB(1.exeTh
8、ere are no cla sses defined for UMware Network Adapter UMnetl.C:Documents and Sett ingsXjsjxipconf ig/se tc la ss id MUMware U irtual Ethernet Adapter for UMnetl0 TESTUindows IP ConfigurationThe ope rat ion fa ile d as no adapter is in the sta te perm issible lot*th is operation.C:Documents and Sett
9、ingsX jsjx.zlARP:IND O fSsyst eB32cBd.exe日 日 口C:Documents and S ettin g sjsJ x a rp -aIn te r fa c e:In tern et Address192.168.0.1192.168.0.101192.168.0.104192.168.0.106192.168.0.107192.168.0.111192.168.0.112192.168.0.116192.168.0.118192.168.0.119192.168.0.120192.168.0.122192.168.0.124192.168.0.1261
10、 0 x2P h ysical Address00-00-00-00-00-00d4-3d-7e-43-89-32d 4-3d-7e-43-98-9dd 4-3
11、d-7e-43-89-27d4-3d-7e-43-99-b8d 4-3 d-7 e-4 0-ld-e0d4 3d 7e 40 1f fcd 4-3d-7e-43-89-2fd4-3d-7e-43-99-d2d4-3d-7e-43_9a_45d4-3d-7e-43-99-d8d 4-3d-7e-43-99-c5d 4-3d-7e-43-89-0ed 4-3d-7e-40-20-7ed 4-3d-7e-43-9a-5ed 4-3d-7e-43-99-bad 4-3d-7e-43-99-d 4d4-3d-7e-43-99-b5d 4-3d-7e-43 99-e8d 4-3d-7e-43-9a-57d
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13、namicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicdynamicC:Documents and S e ttin g sjsjx 武 C:fIMDOSsyste*32cBd.exe羽C:Docunents and S ettin 9sjsjx arp -d InetAddr IP address:InetAddr.C:XDocuments and Settingsjsjxa*p-d
14、ts and SettingsX jsjxo:INDOf S syst eB32cBd.exe而wC:XDocuments and S ettin gsjsjx arp -s d4-3d-7e-39-la-e2C:Documents and Settin9sjsjxaip-aIn terface: x2Internet AddressPhysical AddressType192.168.0.101d4-3d-7e-43-89-32dynamic192.168.0.102d4-3d-7e-43-99-dcdynamic192.168.0
15、.106d4-3d-7e-43-89-27dynamic192.168.0.107d4-3d-7e-43-99-b8dynamic192.168.0.109d4-3d-7e-43-99-e2dynamic192.168.0.111d4-3d 7e-40-ld-e0dynamic192.168.0.112d 4-3d-7e-40-lf-fcdynamic192.168.0.113d4-3d-7e-43-9a-4fdynamic192.168.0.115d4-3d-7e-43-99-b3dynamic192.168.0.116d4-3d-7e-43-89-2fdynamic192.168.0.11
16、8d4-3d-7e-43-99-d2dynamic192.168.0.119d4-3d-7e-43-9a-45dynamic192.168.0.120d4-3d-7e-43-89-22dynamic192.168.0.121d4-3d-7e-40-le-06dynamic192.168.0.122d4-3d-7e-43-99-c5dynamic192.168.0.123d4-3d-?e-43-89-3adynamic192.168.0.124d4 3d 7e-43-89-0edynamic192.168.0.125d4-3d-7e-43-9a-4bdynamic192.168.0.126d4-
17、3d-7e-40-20-7edynamic192.168.0.127d4-3d-7e-43-9a-5edynamic192.168.0.128d4-3d_7e_43_99-badynamic192.168.0.129d4-3d-7e-43-99-e5dynamic192.168.0.130d4-3d-?e-43-99-d5dynamic192.168.0.132d4-3d-7e-43-99-d4dynamic192.168.0.134d4-3d-7e 43 99e8dynamic192.168.0.136d4-3d 7e-43-9a-4cdynamic192.168.0.137d4-3d-7e
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19、-la-e2sta ticC:Documents and SettingsjsJx,Pingc?JC:fIK D O fSsyste32cB d.exeM icrosoft Windows 5.1.2600 版权所有 1985-2001 M icrosoft Corp.C:Documents and SettingsX jsjxping-tIP addvess must be spec if ied.C:Documents and S ettin g sjsjx(二J-1*|C:,IHDO,S sy ste32cd.exe-3C:Documents and Settin gsjsjx pin
20、9-f with 32 bytes of data:Request timed ou t.Request timed ou t.Request timed ou t.Request timed ou t.Ping s ta tis tic s for 1 0.0.3 1.7:Packets:Sent-4,Received 0,Lost-4 zJ:f IND01Ssyst eB32cBd.exeBEICC:Documents and S ettin g sxjsjx p in g -i 128I P address must be s p e
21、 c ifie d.C:Docunents and S ettin g sJsjx p in g -i 128 1 0.0.3 1.7Pinging 1 0.0.3 1.7 w ith 32 bytes of d a ta:Request timed o u t.Request timed o u t.Request timed o u t.Request timed o u t.Ping s ta tis tic s fo r 1 0.0.3 1.7:Packets:Sent 4,Receiued Lost-4 o二1I!ID O fSsyst e32cd.exe-|0|x|C:Docume
22、nts and S ettin g sjsJx p in g -u TOS 1 0.0.3 1.7Pinging 1 0.0.3 1.7 w ith 32 bytes of d a ta:RequestRequestRequestRequesttimedtimedtimedtimedo u t.o u t.o u t.o u t.Ping s ta tis tic s fo r 1 0.0.3 1.7:Packets:Sent 4,Receiued-0.Lost 4 p in 9 -v 2 1 0.0.3 1.7JPinging 1 0.0.3 1.7 w ith 32 bytes of d
23、a ta:RequestRequestRequestRequesttimedtimedtimedtimedo u t.o u t.o u t.o u t.Ping s ta tis tic s fo r 1 0.0.3 1.7:Packets:Sent=4,Receiued=0,Lost 4 ,IND01Ssyst CB32CB1.exe-!xPackets:Sent4.Received 0.Lost4 pin g-n 5-w 6000 with 32 bytes of data:Request timed ou t.Request tim
24、ed ou t.Request timed ou t.Request timed ou t.Request tined ou t.Ping s ta tis tic s for 1 0.0.3 1.7:Packets:Sent-5,Received-0.Lost-5 二1Tracert,IMDO-Ssyste32cd.exeC:Documents and S ettin gsjsJx tracert-d 1 route to ouer a maximum of 30 hops1 X M MRequest t imed ou t.2*Reque
25、st timed ou t.3*wRequest t imed ou t.4 w xRequest timed ou t.5*Request timed ou t.6 M M MRequest t imed ou t.7 M M XRequest timed ou t.8 K M MRequest timed ou t.9 M M MRequest timed ou t.10*Request timed ou t.11 W Request t imed ou t.12*Request t imed ou t.13*Request t imed ou t.14*Request timed ou
26、t.15*Request timed ou t.16 *Request t imed ou t.17 Request timed ou t.18 *Request t imed ou t.19*Request t imed ou t.20 8 Request timed ou t.21*Request timed ou t.22*Request timed ou t.23*Request timed ou t.24*Request timed ou t.25 C:Documents and S ettin gsjsjxcC C:WINDOTSsvste Docmtnts and St1cC:H
27、 N D 01S syste32cad.exe|-回口|C:Documents and S ettin gsjsjx tracert-hA value must be supplied for opt ion-h.C:Documents and Sett in gsJs jxti*acert-h 9A target name or address nust be sp ecified.Usage:tracert C-dJOptions:-d-h maximum_hops-j h o st-list-w t ineoutC-h maxinum_hops t-j h o s t-lis t t-w
28、 tim eout】target_naneDo not resolve addresses to hostnames.Maximum number of hops to search for ta rg et.Loose source route along h o s t-lis t.Wait tineout m illiseconds f 01*each reply.C:Docunents and S ettin 9sjsjx二Ic(C:W IIIDO fSsyst e*32cBd.exesai&m Microsoft Windows XP 版本 5.1.2600)版权所有 1985-20
29、01 M icrosoft Corp.C:Documents and S ettin gsjsjx tracert-h 9 route to over a maximuR of 9 hops1*Request timed ou t.2*Request timed ou t.3*Request timed ou t.4*Request timed ou t.5*Request timed ou t.6*Request timed ou t.7*Request timed ou t.8*Request timed ou t.9*Requ
30、est timed ou t.Trace com plete.C:XDocunents and S ettin g sjsjx .二JHNDOSsyst ea32cBd.exeB-回回C:XDocunents and S ettin gsjsjx tracert-j route to over a maximum of 30 hops1*R equest tim ed o u t.2*Request timed ou t.3*Request timed ou t.4*Request timed ou t.
31、5*Request timed ou t6*Request timed ou t.?*Request timed ou t.8*R equest tim ed o u t._9*Request timed ou t.10*Request timed ou t.11*Request timed ou t.12*Request timed ou t.13*Request timed ou t.14*Request timed ou t.15*Request timed ou t.16*Request timed ou t17*Request timed ou t.18*Request timed
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33、ts and SettingsX jsjx.色cT C:VIWDOVSsystea32cBd.exeC:Docunents and Settingsjsjxti*acert-w 100 in g rou te to 1 9 2.1 6 8.0.1 3 6 oue a maximum o f 30 hops1 ms 1 ms.dC:IBD01Ssyst eB32cd.exeC:XDocuments and S ettin g sjsjx C:XDocuments and SettingsX js jxti*acei*t
34、ng route to ouer a maximum of 30 hops1 1 ns 1 ns(二IPathpingHcc:fIHDOfSsyste32cd.exe-llxlrrace complete.C:Documents and Settingsjsjxpathping-g route to ouer a maximum of 30 hops0 jf31513( M M WConputing statistics for 25Hop
35、RTT0Source to HereLost/Sent Pctseconds.This Node/LinkLost/Sent PctAddressJF31513 1192.168.0.112100/100-100z100/100-100Z10/100-0Z complete.C:Documents and Settingsjsjx色c:C:fIK D O ISsysteB 32cm d.exe I 可 xiic r o s o ft Windows XP 版本 5.1.26001 版权所有 1985-2001 M icrosoft Corp.C:Docunents
36、 and Settin gsX jsjx p ath p ing route to 1 9 ouer a maximum of 30 hops0 JF31513(1 9 2.1 6 8.0.1 1 2)1 s t a t is t ic s fo r 25 secon d s_Source to Here This Node/LinkHop RTT L ost/Sent-Pct L ost/Sent PctAddress0JF31513(1 9 2.1 6 8.0.1 1 2 0/1
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38、 e.co m:0LISTENINGTCPj f 31513:epnapact iu ate.ad ob :0LISTENINGTCPJf31513:httpsact iv a te.a d o b e.co n:0LISTENINGTCPj f 31513:n icro so f t-d sa ctiu ate.ad ob :0LISTENINGTCPJf31513:912a ctiv a te.a d o b e.c o n:0LISTENINGTCPJf31513:1029act iu ate.ad ob :0LISTENINGTCPJf31513:1032act iv a te.a d
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42、ors00Jnknown protocols0C:Docunents and SettingsX jsjx二1 c C:f IKDOfSXsyst eB32cd.exe-|xMicrosoft Windows XP 版本 5.1.2600)上 版权所有 1985-2001 M icrosoft Corp.C:Documents and S ettin gsjsjx n etstat-nActive ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address StateC:Documents and SettingsX jsjxo|cC C:INDO Ssyst
43、eB32cBd.exe-1*Microsoft Windows XP 版本 5.1.2600:版权所有 1985-2001 M icrosoft Corp.C:Docunents and SettingsX jsjxnetstat-oActive ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address State PI DC:Docunents and S ettin gsjsjx二1|cC C:fIN D O fS systeB 32cB d.exeIONUDP jf31513:4605-dC:Documents and S ettin gsjsjx n
44、 etstat-p TCP-1Act xve Connect ionsProto Local AddressForeign AddressStateC:Docunents and S ettin g sjsjx B二J(C:fINDOfSXsysteB32cBd.exe口|x|C:Documents and S ettin gsjsjx n etstat-s-p UDPUDP S ta tistic s for IPv4Datagrans Received-109391No Ports-294Receive Errors 71Datagrans Sent 5925Active Connecti
45、onsProto Local Address Foreign Address StateC:Documents and S ettin gsjsJxH_l二Jcr C:VIKDOVSsyst eB32c*ci.exe-net st at-r and S ettin gsJsjx n etstat-r TableJInterface L ist0 x1.0 x2.d 4 3d 7e 40 If fc程序微型端口M S TCP Loopback interfaceRealtek PCIe GBE Family
46、 C ontroller-数据包计划Active Routes:Network D estinationNetmaskGatewayInterfaceMetric0.
47、 Gateway: ersistent Routes:None cr C:f I!(DOfSsyst em32cBd.exe|x|C:Docunents and S ettin gsjsjx n etstat-n 3Active ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address Sta
48、teAct iue Connect ionsProto Local Address Foreign Address StateActiue ConnectionsProto Local Address Foreign Address StateACC:Docunents and S ettin gsjsjx色ROUTE 3 3|C:11 IIDOf S sy st ea32c*d.exe-o|x|C:Documents and SettingsXjsJxroute-f H-1C:Documents and SettingsjsJxroute n
49、etwork routing ta b les.二JI cC C:f IliDOfSsyst eB32cBd.exeC:Documents and Settingsjsjxi*oute-p add mask m etric 3Fhe route addition fa ile d:The sp ecified mask parameter is in valid.!-D estination.C:XDocunents and SettingsX jsjx,zi五、实验结果分析:这次的实验虽然简单,只是熟悉一些网