1、四年级下册英语教案一、教学目的1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心;2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。4、同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意志,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。二、教材分析 义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语供三年级起使用,是人民教育出版社与 加 拿 大L i n g o.M e d i a国际集团合作编写的一套全新的中下学衔接的英语教材。这套教材是根据教育部制定的 国家英
2、语课程标准和 小学英语教学基本要求编写而成的。本册供以小学三年级为起点、开设英语的学校第一学年第一学期使用。义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语 的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取其精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合,以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。本册教材具有以下几个特点:1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的
4、3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。4、多为学生营造一些学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。四、主要教学目标:1、能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。2、能听、说、认读6 0个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写6 1个单词和2 4个句子(包括学校、时间、衣服、天气、购物、农场动物、数字、颜色等几个话题),并简单运用。3、能听、做6个TPR活动。4、能学会3个小制作。5、能唱8首歌曲。6、能听、说、唱7首歌谣。7、能完成
5、6个自我评价活动。8、能听懂6个幽默小故事。9、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。五、教学进程单元课时周次第一单元6 课时2 周第二单元6 课时2周第三单元6 课时2 周复习13 课时1 周第四单元6 课时2 周第五单元6 课时2 周第六单元6 课时2周复习23 课时1 周机动复习6 课时2 周共计4 8 课时1 6 周四年级英语下册教案编写者:李文有 执教者:执教时间:年 月 日课 题Unit 1 My School共六课时教学内容Lets learn Lets talkRead and write Lets chant教学目标1、能够听、说认读 teacher office canteen
6、garden playground gym TV roomart room computer room washroom music room2、能听懂会说 This is the teachers office.That is my room.Is this the library?Is that the教 学 重单词认读、拼写,句型的掌握和运用教学准备本课时的五张单词卡、录音机、朗读磁带教学过第一课时1、热身教师播放第三册学生用书第五页的歌谣“Work and play”,让学生跟随录音机说唱。2、预习通过和学生一起回顾第三册学生用书第一单元句型:Whats in the classroo
7、m?A board,two lights,many desksand chairs.自然过渡到学习学校各课室的名称。3、新课呈现Lets learn(1)教师指着教室问学生:This is our new classroom.Do youlike our classroom?Whats in the classroom?学生做出相应的回答。教师接着问:How many classrooms are there in our修 改 意 见教 学 时 应加 强 会 话的运用教(2)通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时五个生词的正确读音。在练习library的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单
8、词,如 ice-cream,brother,friend,hungry。学过(3)游戏A、小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如garden,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其他单词,如:flowers,red,colour,trees等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也为继续学习Le六do打下了基础。B、教师或学生做动作,让其他的学生猜并说出该单词。Lets do要求学生听指令,做出相应的动作。可以采取组与组竞赛的方式。程第二课时1、热身(1)教师播放本课时A 部分Lets d o 的录音带,学生听音做动作。(2)教师慢慢出示canteen等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。教school is really ve
9、ry nice.Today some friends from America are学coming to see our school.Chen Jie is showing our school.Letswatch.有此导入新课。(1)看与听学生看Lets talk部分的插图,教师提一些问题,如:Howmany American friends are there?What do you do in theplayground?在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。(2)模仿分说,注意指导“this”和“that”中“th”的发音。(3)和的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:也
10、可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语。(4)分角色朗读与表演分组表演先示范一一大众化表演过第三课时1、热身(1)学生跟录音演唱C 部分的歌曲“Our school”。(2)请一组学生表演A 部分Let,s talk的对话,复习所学的新句型教学过Lets chant播放B 部分的歌谣,引导学生将学校场馆library,art room,canteen,gym 和动词 read,draw,eat,play 对应起来认读。Read and write(1)在跟唱Lefs chant之后,教师对歌谣中的内容进行提问:Where do you read?Where
11、do you draw?等等,学生作答后,教师继续提问:Where do you play computer?学生会比较容易地答出:In thecomputer room。这时教师可出示挂图说:This is a computerroom.(2)师生之间对挂图上的内容进行简单的交际性回答后,教师请学生阅读课文并设计几个简单的问题检查学生的理解程度。(3)教师在四线格中示范书写四会掌握单词和句子,并讲解书写规范。1、句子的打头单词的第一个字母要大写;2、句子末尾要加标点。需要特别指出的是英语中的句号为实心点,汉语中的句号是空心小圈。3、句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽。教第四课时学1、热身师生齐唱
12、本单元的歌曲和歌谣。2、预习教师说一个句子,如:I can see many flowers in it.Where isi t?让学生判断是什么单词,然后做出正确的回答。4、新课呈现过Lefs learn(1)学生表演A 部分Let,s do的“听听做做”活动,表演之后教师提问:Where do we water the flowers?学生问答:In the garden.教师再问:Where do we read story-books?学生回答:In the library.然后教师继续提问:Where do we havecomputer classes?弓|导学生说出:In the
13、 computer room.(2)出示本单元的挂图,教授其余五个生词。(3)听录音,跟读、模仿。Lets play(1)教师将一幅教学楼的框架图贴在黑板上,让两名学生站在讲台前配合。教师说:The washroom is on the secondfloor.让学生在讲台上选出washroom的词卡,并将它贴在正教library?学生快速抢答:Its on the first/second floor.(2)教师把贴在黑板上的六张图卡分别翻过来并打乱顺序,用手覆盖住单词,用手覆盖住单词向学生提问:Where is thewashroom?让学生回答,借铺垫句型:Is this/that th
14、e.?学第五课时1、热身(1)学生表演A 部分Let,s do的内容。(2)学生吟唱B 部分Lefs chant中的歌谣。2、预习教师和学生进行主题讨 论:Whafs in our school?鼓励学生用新学的单词来交谈。过3、新课呈现Lets talk学生谈论了学校的场馆设施后,教师出示本校校长的照片A i ri*i n-,r i i i x 4上 i教(3)学生听录音、模仿跟读对话。(4)学生分角色朗读对话。学生分角色表演。Lets check教师连续播放三次录音。第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。学第六课时1、热身(1)师生合唱该单元的歌曲和歌谣,边歌边
15、舞。(2)请学生表演Story tim e中的对话。2、预习猜谜语。根据各个房间的特点,教师慢慢地说一些简单过程的英语句子,让学生根据教师所说的英语句子,来猜房间的名称。3、新课呈现Read and write(1)请学生观察Read and write部分的情景兔,预先空出来需要书写的四会单词,让学生独立思考,填充对话。(2)强化练习拼读单词picture,可以以小组竞赛的形式教游戏。根据单词,组内开展游戏:字母拼凑单词。背单词接力赛。Pronunciation一起听录音,找出发音规律。反在进行适当的全班教学后应及时地转向小组合作学习。通过学生对英语学习过程的主动参与,调动学生学习英语的积极
16、性,提高学生自主学习能力和语言交际能力。四年级英语下册教案编写者:李文有 执教者:执教时间:年 月 日课 题Unit 2 What time is it?共六课时教学内容Lets learn Lets talk Read and write Lets chant教学目标1、认读A、B 部分Let,s learn Lefs tai中的单词和句子2、掌握A、B 部分Read and write中的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写教学重点上 左*?/;:上单 词 认 读、拼 写,句型的掌握和运用教学准备本 课 时 的 五 张 单 词 卡、录 音 机、朗读磁带教第一课时修改意见学过1、热身教师播放第
17、一单元Story tim e的录音或者请一组学生表演Story tim e中的故事。2、预习教师在听录音或学生表演之后想学生提问:Where isZoom?学生回答:He is in the canteen.教师又问:Why?学 生 答:He is hungry.教师再问:Why in hehungry?What time is it?引导学生答出:Ifs time forlunch.接下来,教师可鼓励学生说出哪些东西可以告诉我们时间,如:the sun,the moon,the tree.等等,学生如果不能用英文说,也可用中文说。3、新课呈现在教学中应更多的渗透会话教学的运用,能使学生真正的
18、会听、会讲。教学过程课程名称的教授可借助于chant.math class,math class,1 and 1 ,1 and 1Chinese class,Chinese class,read and write,read andwrite.P.E.class,P.E class,jump and run Jump and run.11,11,11,Its time for lunchmusic class,music class,sing and dance,sing anddanceart class,art class,draw a picture,draw a picture.Eng
19、lish class,English class,read and chant,read andchant.Lefs d o 先听录音,再跟做。采用组与组或男女竞赛的方式。第二课时1、热身(1)学生演唱第二册学生用书第26页的歌曲“One TwoThree Four Five”。(2)师生一起表演本单元A 部分Let,s d o 的听听、做做活动。教学过程School is over.如果学生不理解可联系Class is over.来帮助学生理解。待时针拨到5 点或其他实际放学时间后,教师问:School is over.What do you do?学生回答Go home.教师说:But W
20、u Yifan and John dont gohome.What are they doing?Lefs watch TV.由此导入新课。(2)看与听学生看Lets talk部分的挂图,教师就对话内容提一些问题。在提问与回答的过程中,借助画面帮助学生理解难点,可要求学生用句型Ifs time for造句。(3)模仿跟说,注意语音语调。(4)分角色朗读与表演。第三课时1、热身(1)师生齐唱第一册学生用书第62页的歌曲Ten LittleCandles Dance(2)学生跟着录音或录象一边说一边表演本单元A 部分 Lefs talk的对话。2、预习教学过程(2)读文书写。师生之间先对本课时挂图
21、上的内容进行简单的交际性回答,再请学生阅读对话并拼读、书写十个四会掌握单词及一组句子。完成之后先同桌互相交流然后全班讨论谁写的最规范。本课时需要书写的单词量较大,可在学生间展开游戏:Whose memory is thebest?看谁能在几分钟内正确拼写出更多数词,以此增强学生的学习兴趣。(1 )教师先介绍这项任务:It is Sunday.Sarah andChenjie are going to see a movie.They must be home atsix.Which movie can they see?Can you help them?鼓励学生说出答案并讲明理由。(2)教师
22、给学生出几道类似的数学应用题考察他们的推理思维。第四课时热身数学游戏:教师给学生出一些数学算式,可以是加减混合运算,也可是连加连减,学生算出来后用手指头表示答案。2、预习教学过程(3)教师借助图片和听听做做活动教授其它几个动词词组,如:教师发指令:It5s time to get up.请学生做起床、穿衣服的动作;教师说Ifs time to go to school。请学生做背书包、走路的动作,以次类推。要注意多让学生说句型:It,s time to为下一课时重点学习句型做铺垫。(4)听音跟读,注意强调语音语调。(5)教师可采用A部 分Lefs do的形式操练新的句型。(6)画画说说:学生模
23、仿B Lefs learn部分的插图画出自己的活动时间,然后在四人小组中交流,比如学生A六点起床,他就指着自己的画说:Ifs 6 oclock.Itstime to get up.(1)看录像,听故事。(2)进行理解性回答。教师可介绍一些关于“愚人节”的知识。要教育学生不能开过分的玩笑愚弄别人(3)模仿跟读和分角色朗读。第五课时1、热身师生共同吟唱B部分的歌谣,边唱边做动作。教学过程does he get up?学生可能会给出各种答案,让他们从录像中找出正确答案。(1)看挂图或,回答理解性问题,并通过情景、动作等帮助学生理解hurry,ready和 oops的意义,可适当进行造句联系加以巩固,
24、并注意对两个句型:Its tmefor和 Ifs time to加以比较。(2)听录音,然后跟读、模仿。(3)分角色朗读和分角色表演。(4)调查:设计一个调查表,然后调查五名学生或教师的作息时间,在四人小组中进行交流。鼓励学生用新句型Its time to.来表述。连续播放三次录音。第一遍让学生先听录音,第二遍勾出与录音内容相符的一项,第三遍检查。录音内容如下:(1)What time is it?Ifs 8:30.(2)Im hungry,Mom.Oh,its twelve oclock.Itstime for lunch.(3)Hurry up!Ifs 7:05.Its time to g
25、o to school.Its 9:40.Its time to go to bed.Good night,Mom.教学过间做动作,并说:Tick,tock,tick,tock,says theclock.Ifs 7:30.其他学生做出相应的回答,如:Its timeto go to school.以次导入课文。3、新课呈现Read and write(1)听录音,理解句子内容。教师可就该部分对话设计一些问题检查学生理解程度。(2)学生跟录音朗读课文并分角色朗读。(3)利用课程表玩游戏。学生A:Tick,tock,tick,tock,says the clock.Its 12 oclock.学
26、生 B:Its time forlunch.(4)教师知道学生在四线格中书写四会单词和句子。Pronunciation建议教师先示范分析一个例子,再让学生仔细听录音后分组讨论。各组派代表向全班汇报讨论的结果,教师评价并指正。Task time学生能够认读A、B 部分Lets learn Lets tai中的单词和句子后 掌握A、B 部分Read and write中的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写能够询问时间并做出正确的回答。四年级英语下册教案编写者:李文有 执教者:执教时间:年 月 日课 题Unit 3 Weather共 6 课时教学目标1、能够掌握A B 部分Lets learn/re
27、ad and w rite的四会词。2、能够听说认读A B 部分Let,s talk 的单词和句型。3、能够掌握A B部分Read and Write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。教学重点教学难点四会词句的掌握和听写能力教学准备Tape pictures and cards.教第一课时修改意见学过程Step one:Warm upSing“colour song”Step two:Presentation1、Show the object card and asking:What colourit?,Afterreviseing it,the teacher point and guide:Wh
28、ats this?Its aT-shirt,a yellow T-shirt.Teach the words shirt,brown jacket bluedress eg in the same way.2、Notice the sentence:I like the white sweater with the greenskirt.Understand and use the word:with.3、Listen to the tape and read after it twice.Compare thepronunciation“shirt and skirt.4 Play a ga
29、me:the students point to the card and say:ILikethe white jacket.I like the.See who speak it fluently.5、Practise in groups,draw and colour my favourite clothes.Encourage the students to use the phase from the text.ForExample:I have a skirt.It white.6 Listen to the tape of Leis do then read after it.7
30、、Teacher says English,the children do actions.Have a matchbetween the boys and the girls.See who do it better.Step three:Consolidation and extension.1、Do exercises in Activity Book.2、Try to let your classmates.Family do actions as you asked.在教学中应更多的渗透会话教学的运用,能使学生真正的会听、会讲。教学过程第二课时Step one:Warm-up1 Li
31、sten to the tape forLets do”2、Board the song t4My clothesStep two:Presentation1、Show the card.Point the clothes from the song by asking:Is this your shirt?Is that a skirt?,Then guide.2、Point to the students clothes asking:Is this your Tshirt?Isthat your T-shirt?Write the sentence on the board then g
32、uide.3 After listening to the tape and ask some quesentations.eg(1)Wheres the Alices skirt?What colour is it?(2)Wheres her fathers shirt?(3)Whose is it?4、Read and act it out.5、Play a game draw personal clothes by himself and put it on theblackboard,pointing the students“Is this your shoes?Isthis.?An
33、swered in turn.6、Practise in pairs.Ask Is this your?”Answer:Yes,it is/No,its not.”7、Listen to the tape for Read and write.Then teach the childrenhow to write sentences.Step three:Consolidation and extension1、Do exercise in Activity Book.2、Listen to tape Lets talk?at home.教学过程第三课时Step one:Warm-upAct
34、out Lets talk”Step two:Presentation1、Teach the words“socks、shoespants by asking“Where are mysocks?”What colour?”White“Notice the usage of the verb“are”2、After chanting to the tap,asking question:What colour is yourshirt/jacket/dress/sweater?What colour are yourshoes/socks/pants?Teacher tell the usag
35、e of isandare3、Listen to the tape and read after it.4、Play a game design the clothes you like(on the board)supposeyoure going for trip.What do you went to wear Choose and sayit.、Play a guessing game.6、Recite the sentence“Is this your T-shirt?“No,it isnt.Step three:Consolidation and extension1 Do exe
36、rcise in Activity Book.2、Write the words:red blue yellow green brown white.3、Listen and chant.第四课时Step oneWarm-up1、Lets chant2、Sing English songStep two:Presentation1、Teacher point to the shoes and say:My shoes are brown,what about you?Help students to describe the shoes.2、Teacher show a doll and ma
37、ke a dialogue with students likethis:T:Look,what colour are the shoes?Ss:They are black.T:Are they new?Ss:No,they arent.T:So,they are old.3、Teach the word“old”4、Teach the word ttsock shorts pants9,in same way.5、Game:What?s missing?6、Good to know7、Let chant8、Learn the song:My clothesStep three:Extens
38、ionFish the Activity Book教学过程第五课时Step one:Warm-up1、Lets sing:My clothes2、Free talkS te p two :P r e s e n ta ti o n a n d pr a c ti c e1 Presentation and practice for“these”When having free talk with Ss,teacher points to a card and asks:Look at this.Whats this?Ss:Its a skirt.Ask and answer for sever
39、al times,then go on as follows:T:Look at these,what are they?Ss:These are pants.2、Teach the wordthosein same way.3、Ss use Lets find out on page 32,or use the cards around theclassroom,ask and answer in pairs.4、Teach the dialogue.(1)Show a pair of baby shoes.T:Look at these,what are they?Ss:They are
40、baby shoes.T:Whos are these baby shoes?Can you guess?Help students guess.(2)Draw a picture of house to teach the words“neighbour”(3)Get students show their baby clothes and sayfl have a babyclothes5 Put on the wall picture,play the tape.Students listen carefullyand try to catch what the dialogue is.
41、6 Play the tape for the second time,Ss try to repeat.7、Roal play.Step three:Consolidation and extensionFinish the Ex.in Activity Book.第六课时教学Step one:Warm-up1、Free talk2、Lets chant3、Make a new chantStep two:Presentation1、Write the words2 Teacher write some words on the board.(itwhite is what iscolour
42、 it)Ask students rearrange the words.过3、Teach the sentence(l)Play VCD,get students to guess:blue skirt?yellowdress?Green jacket?When students guess blue skirt or theother phrase,teacher write the phrase on the board.(2)Get students read the phrases and teach the sentence:I have a new dress for my bi
43、rthday.4 Game:Circle words程5、Pronunciation(1)Play VCD(2)Read the chant:(3)Listen and write the words.Step three:Consolidation and extension1、Lets check2、Finish the Activity Book教后反学生能够掌握A B 部分Lets leam/read and w rite的四会词。能够听说认读A B 部分Lets ta lk 的单词和句型。能够掌握A B部分Read and Write中的四会句型,并能灵活运用。四年级英语下册教案编写
44、者:李文有 执教者:执教时间:年 月 日课 题Unit 4 At the farm共 6 课时教学目标K 能听说认读Lets learn、Lets talk部分的单词和句型2、能听说读写Read and w rite部分的单词和句型教学重点教学难点四会单词和四会句型的正确拼写教学准备Pictures recorder tape教第一课时修改意见Step one:Warm up在教学中利1、Free ttalk用实际来练2、Do actionsStep two:Presentation习对话,这1、Lets learn样能更好的学(1)、T:Are you tired?Oh,yes.Fm tir
45、ed.And Im very thirsty.CanI drink some water,please?掌握知识。S:Yes.T:Oh,my dear,the water is too hot!Please touch it.Isit hot?Ss touch it and repeat:Yes,its hot.、Ss pass it one by one and say cold”.2、Teach the word“cold、warm cool in same way.过3、Teach the word“Weather”Look,Its cold,Its cool,its warm and
46、its hot.Oh,whatsthe weather like today?Is it cold?Is it.?Do you know“weather?What is weather?Read the word together.程教学过程Step three:Extension and Consolidation1、Guessing game2、Find friends3、Chanting Race第二课时Step one:Warm up1、Sing My clothes2、Free talk.Step two:Presentation1、Lefs talk(1)、Play VCD for
47、 weather report then ask:How many cities?What are they?Whats the weather like in.today?(2)、T:Today is warm day.Can I wear a coat today?Help Ssanswer:No,you cantT:Can I wear a sweater today?Help Students answer:No,you cant.(3)、T:Can I wear a shirt today?Help Students answer:Yes,.you can.”(4)、Chant、Pl
48、ay record for Lets talk,students read after tape.(6)、Role play2、Good to know.Step three:Extension and Consolidation第 三 课 时Step one:Warm up1、Listen and chant2、Ss show their mini paper clothes and sing My clothesindividually.Ask and answer.学3、Circle the words and spell them.T S H I RTSW U K E B W WO W
49、 P I D H EEM H X Z R I A讨J A C K E T TE T H I SEEB L U E S L RStep two:Presentation1 Get the group members9 mini paper clothes together.Divide them into some parts,suchas shoes,“jeans,socks,pants,.Ss choose themini paper程clothes from above.2、The four skill words.(1)Ss take turns to do the activity l
50、ike“t a s pan-pantsand pick out the corresponding mini paper clothes toadorn their finger puppets.(2)、Spell the words and try to find their similar feature“-s”.Then talk about why we dont use their single forms.3、Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:Whats the weather like today?What