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1、毕业设计(论文)文献翻译题目: 教学系统的设计与开发院(系) 计算机科学与工程学院 专 业 软件工程 班 级 xx 姓 名 xx 学 号 xxx 导 师 xx 2015年 4月 48 日基于网络的教学评估和学习管理系统(e-ATLMS)文摘:网络评估是一个一般术语,包括计算机应用和网络课堂评估过程。本文报告一个案例研究的结果的实现基于网络的教学评估和学习管理系统(e-ATLMS)。它提供了一个视图的有经验的教师和学生使用本系统评估的教学和学习,在教室里。系统开发的目的,帮助老师管理考试问题,提供问题和定义学生的学习。这个案例研究中使用的数据三角测量技术涉及不同的数据收集方法,如观察、采访砂文档

2、分析来提高数据的可靠性和有效性。本研究的发现了信息系统的优点和缺点,使用系统时应考虑的特定主题。虽然本研究的范围是有限的,e-ATLMS可以作为替代实施校本评估的工具。关键词: e-ATLMS,基于网络的学习1 介绍评估中扮演一个重要的角色在决定学生成绩里。基于网络的评估是一个一般术语,包括计算机应用和网络在教学和学习的评估过程。术语网络评估广泛,涵盖一系列活动使用数字技术的所有活动,包括规划和交付的评估、自动标记和在线工具,和报告的所有流程,存储和传输的数据与评估在学校层面(JISC / QCA,2007)。使用基于web的评估允许教师设计评估,开发一个问题银行和提供造型或总结性测试在线(梁

3、&有折痕的,2004)。这个系统给了教师管理的机会,组织,和上传教学和评估材料基础上的教学大纲和学生的需求。老师和学生可以使用自动生成的结果反映出为了提高学生成绩。该系统还允许学生与教师在线交流的主题教育,并提供即时反馈(Vendlinski &史蒂文斯,2002)。网络评估的最佳方法是识别学生的需要和渴望前进,给学生如果老师能够联系好来源和引用。1.1这项研究的目的这个案例研究的目的是概述了有经验的教师和学生使用网络教学评估和学习管理系统(e-ATLMS)评估的教学和学习在教室里。系统使用互联网作为媒介教学评估,帮助老师管理和测试问题和评估学生的学习做好准备。因此,研究解决以下问题:1、教师

4、如何实现e-ATLMS作为评估工具来支持网上学习过程? 2、e-ATLMS的优点和缺点是什么?1.2文献综述基于学校评估(SBA)是现在公认的教学和学习策略的一部分在马来西亚,而不是作为一个额外的任务。教学、学习和评价是不可分割的,不能看到或用于隔离。小企业管理局是一个正在进行的评估学生的进步而发生,在。小企业管理局,一个重要的部分学生的学习,教师可以定期的反馈给学生,帮助他们更好的学习。已经实现的意图发展学生思维过程从而发展解决问题的能力。评估的主要目的是帮助学生改善或提高他们的学习,为教师改进教学和整体,促进学习目标的实现。SBA具有两大功能,评估学习(总结性评估)和评估学习(形成性评价)

5、。根据Stiggins(2002),这两种类型的评估发挥着同样重要的作用在学校获得的信息可以提供反馈的结果在多大程度上已经掌握了。因此,教师可以了解学生的弱点和优点和潜在和采取适当的行动(福尔摩斯加德纳,2008)。评估在教育中起着至关重要的作用。当评估是进行教育的方方面面,它将帮助识别当前状态和允许进一步规划教育改进。在课堂教学和学习,评估是用来确定教师的教和学生的学(Myran &工人,2002)。根据威金斯(1990)评估的过程识别、获取和为决策提供有用的信息来考虑选择我们。一些专家,如威金斯(1990),Kellough & Kellough(1999)和马特尔和卡尔德龙(2005)指


7、学校但只有一个在教室里老师积极使用系统。因为这个案例研究的目的是提供了一个概述的经验教师和学生使用这个系统的评估在教室里教与学,这个案例研究中使用数据三角测量技术涉及不同的数据收集方法,如观察、访谈和文档分析(1980年Spradley,梅里厄姆,1988;Bogdan & Bilden 1998)已经被充分的利用。各种数据收集技术的使用也确保人员不依靠单独一项技术。这可以加强研究设计的有效性。进一步加强数据的有效性,从每个类也曾采访了两个学生。2 研究发现2.1 这项研究的结果对研究问题进行讨论教师如何实现e-ATLMS作为评估工具来支持网上学习过程吗? 教师的主要支柱是确保e-ATLMS能

8、够成功,并帮助改善教与学的质量评估。本节提出了三个案例,一个用于每一个老师。夫人Ruby和夫人诺拉SMKC形式和夫人Rozy烟。每个案例描述了经验的老师和她的两个学生使用本系统评估的教学和学习在他们的教室。2.1.1 Madam Rubys案例夫人Ruby是一种高级教师和数学优秀教师,年龄在46岁。她教数学了20年。自2005年以来她暴露在网上学习,使用这种教学方法在她的教室。夫人Ruby表明她准备使用e-ATLMS教室。根据记载,显然在她的网上课程,她设法准备6个任务,进行了两次论坛,管理两个测验和上传11资源。这所学校有一个完整的基础设施。计算机实验室非常舒适和干净。这个实验室是一个教室,

9、装修成一个计算机实验室。设备超过足够小的学生人数。台式电脑配备了扬声器,耳机,稳定器20单位的电脑和老师的电脑也完成并连接到液晶投影仪。有互联网连接在局域网和无线网络。检查信号强度时以100 mbps的速度非常缓慢。三星激光打印机ML2251N模型与所有局域网连接到电脑。白色屏幕连根拔起和老师已经使用白板将投影仪。轮毂单元仍然运转良好,摄像头放在实验室的一个角落里。三个观察,看看她在网上教学和学习进行评估。她教形式4类与20名学生(12个女孩,男孩8日)在一个类中。她用计算机实验室教学如果有需要与电脑和互联网。由于计算机的数量一样的学生,每个学生都有电脑。她一直暴露在基于web的学习之前,但现

10、在承认,所使用的系统更加用户友好,易于理解和使用。文档摘要显示,夫人Ruby有很强的背景,专业知识在计算机操作,文字处理软件,上网冲浪,cd - rom。在训练期间,夫人Ruby有一个完整的考勤记录。书面证据还表明,学生的工作记录。记录显示,Ruby小姐已成功进入手动马克和评论文章的问题通过上传单个文件的应用程序。形成性测试的六个问题都由她由多项选择题,简答题和匹配。大多数形式的问题是简单的问题。然而对于修订测试,有40多项选择题提供了作为期末考试的复习。尽管互联网的问题,所有的学生成功完成规定的时间内的问题。夫人对Ruby的类显示了学生们试图讨论问题的答案,但不是在同一顺序和类,年底夫人Ru



13、Madam Rozy的案例夫人Rozy生物学是一个优秀的老师,年龄48岁。她已经教生物学了20多年。她一直暴露在大量的课程和在线学习和使用这e-ATLMS在她的教学和学习在教室里。她准备了四个在线课程形式4和5,名叫插件,生物学形成4,5和生物+生物形式。使用e-ATLMS夫人Rozy显示她的兴趣在她的教室。显然在她所有的在线课程,根据记载,她设法进行二十作业提交和讨论论坛,准备20资源但只有一个测试由多个选择和真/假的问题。她还能够进行聊天室的所有课程。夫人Rozy有问题在她的学校使用互联网。所以,她必须购买自己的宽带互联网在课堂上使用。由于学校计算机实验室的问题与所有电脑,学生们在学校有困

14、难与电脑一对一的实践。面试的反馈,只有五个电脑可以使用。这意味着学生们在教室里不能动手。因此,Rozy夫人准备了所有的任务和资源为学生做在家里。令人惊讶的是,所有的学生都积极参与了所有的讨论和节日期间他们还成立了一个聊天室。虽然他们在教室里不能动手,但夫人Rozy使用所有的讨论和上传作业,讨论他们在教室里。2.2 e-ATLMS的优点和缺点是什么?参与者被要求评论长处和优势,这一系统教学、学习和评估。他们的评论分为四类:有效性、效率,使用能力和吸引力。1有效的系统,他们的评论是:一个交互式网络系统更有效的教学和学习;资源是最新的和有趣的;学生可以更容易地检查作业。2 系统的效率,他们的评论是:

15、教学和学习在任何地方都可以做,在任何时候,它通过互联网可以从任何地方访问,教学和学习资源可以很容易地构造和可以下载视频等多种形式进行灵能点等。测试可以在任何时间完成问题可用;促进学生和老师之间的有效沟通,和容易接触学生放假期间,不断被接受或没有老师在课堂上学生出勤率;用户友好等。3 可用性的系统,他们的评论是:学生计算机与互联网在家里更多的优势,一个在线课程教学很好,特别是吸引学生学习,教师和学生将保持联系他们的学习问题,这种方法因为有趣和有用,特别是如果教师没有其他承诺或教师在学校,学生可以提供的培训阶段和水平的除了重复,直到他可以正确地回答所有问题。然而,毫无疑问,每个系统都有其缺点,但e

16、-ATLMS不能被视为软弱但e-ATLMS使用时更多的挑战。清楚地观察和采访中,忘记密码的问题。不仅学生已被遗忘,但学校电脑密码来访问门户。这是因为学生喜欢改变密码给他们,最后他们不记得密码创建他们自己的。这些因素会影响教学和学习,因为老师必须确保所有学生必须准备的门户。3 结论发现的两个研究问题,就可以得出结论,e-ATLMS许多应用程序,可以帮助促进教师计划、组织、准备、管理、实施评估和获得即时反馈。最重要的是e-ATLMS允许学生与他人合作和反思他们的学习。评价基础上,看起来,系统能够为教师提供设施管理评价教与学在课堂上或教室外。中使用的元素,可以制定e-ATLMS e-ATLMS可以帮

17、助教师:学生积极参与学习目标。为学生提供机会进行自我评估和反思。提供反馈,以帮助学生进行自我修正。提供反馈的机会对话(对等和师生之间的)。鼓励发展的信心,动机和积极的自尊。为学生提供机会去探索新的知识。为教师提供机会来构建教学和评估在适当的时候。学生回答问题在规定的评估。确保教学和评估提供考虑教学大纲。让学生充分参与学习活动和评估。参考文献1 Holmes, B. & Gardner, J. (2008). E-learning: concepts and practice. London: Sage Publications. Kellough, R.D. & Kellough, N.G.

18、(1999). Secondary school teaching : A guide to methods and resources; planning for competence. In U. S. River. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.2 Martell, K. & Calderon, T. (2005). Assessment of student learning in business schools: Best practices each step of the way. Tallahassee Florida: Association for

19、Institutional Research.3 Richey, R.C. & Klein ,J.D. (2007). Design and development research methods, strategies, and issues. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Association.Web-based Assessment in Teaching and Learning Management System (e-ATLMS) AbstractWeb-based assessment is a general term which encompasses

20、 computer application and Internet in classroom assessment process. This paper reports the findings of a case study on the implementation of a Web-based Assessment in Teaching and Learning Management System (e-ATLMS). It presents an over view of the experience of teachers and students who used this

21、system in the assessment of teaching and learning in the classroom. The system was developed with a purpose to help teachers to manage examination questions, provide questions and define student learning. This case study used data triangulation techniques involving different methods of data collecti

22、on such as observations, interview sand document analysis to enhance the reliability and validity of data. The findings of this study give information about the strengths and the weaknesses of the system which should be taken into consideration when utilizing the system for specific subject. Althoug

23、h the scope of this study is limited, e-ATLMS can be used as an alternative tool for the implementation of school-based assessment.Keywords: e-ATLMS; web-based learningIntroductionAssessment plays an important role in determining student achievement in the classroom. Web-based assessment is a genera

24、l term which encompasses computer application and Internet in assessment process in teaching and learning. The term web-based assessment is extensive, covering a range of activities in which digital technologies are used in all activities including the planning and delivery of assessments, automatic

25、 marking and online tools, and all processes of reporting, storing and transferring of data associated with assessment at school level (JISC/QCA, 2007). Used web-based assessment allows teachers to design assessments, develop a question bank and provide formative or summative tests online (Liang & C

26、reasy, 2004). This system gives opportunity for teachers to manage, organize, and upload instructional and assessment materials based onto the syllabus and students requirement. Teachers and students can use the results that have been generated automatically to do a reflection in order to improve st

27、udent achievement. This system also allows students to communicate online with teachers in relation to the subject taught and provide immediate feedback (Vendlinski & Stevens, 2002). Web-based assessment is the best way to identify the needs of students and to instil a desire to move forward if the

28、teacher is able to link students to a good sources and references.Purpose of the studyThe purpose of this case study is to presents an overview of the experience of teachers and students who used the Web-based Assessment in Teaching and Learning Management System (e-ATLMS) in the assessment of teach

29、ing and learning in the classroom. The system was using Internet as a medium of teaching and learning assessment which helps teachers to manage and prepare test questions and assess student learning. The research, therefore, addressed the following questions: 1. How teachers implement e-ATLMS as an

30、assessment tool to support learning process online? 2. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of e-ATLMS?Literature ReviewSchool based assessment (SBA) is now recognized as part of teaching and learning strategies in Malaysia, rather than as an additional task. Teaching, learning and assessment c

31、annot be separated and cannot be seen or used in isolation. SBA is an on-going assessment of students progress which occurs, throughout the year. SBA, an important part of the students learning, allows teachers to give regular feedback to their students to help them learn better. It has been impleme

32、nted with the intention of developing students thought process thus developing their ability to solve problems. The main purpose of the assessment is to help students to improve or enhance their learning, for teachers to improve teaching and overall, contribute to the achievement of learning objecti

33、ves. SBA has two broad functions, assessment of learning(summative assessment) and assessment for learning (formative assessment). According to Stiggins (2002),both types of assessments play an equally important role in the school as the information obtained can provide feedback on the extent to whi

34、ch an outcome has been mastered. Therefore, teachers can find out about the weaknesses and strengths and potential of a student and take appropriate actions (Holmes &Gardner, 2008).Assessment plays a vital role in education. When assessment is conducted on all aspects of education it will help to id

35、entify the current status and allows for further planning for educational improvement. In the classroom teaching and learning, assessment is used to determine whether teachers teach and students learn (Myran & Workman, 2002). According to Wiggins (1990) assessment is the process of identifying, obta

36、ining and providing useful information for the decision to consider the options available to us. Some experts, such as Wiggins (1990), Kellough & Kellough (1999) and Martel & Calderon (2005) stated that the basis of assessment is a systematic decision-making process involving the identification, acq

37、uisition and interpretation of the information which is useful when considering options based on a decision learning objective. Therefore, according to Morgan & Watson (2002) through the assessment of teaching and learning, teachers.Research DesignThe study employs a qualitative approach of case stu

38、dy as a method for data gathering. This utilizes the techniques of classroom observation, interview and document analysis. The participants were selected using purposive sampling. Since Moodle software used by the researcher in developing e-ATLMS is a new tool for the teachers, a Moodle user manual

39、was developed to help participants to learn to use the system.Two learning management system using the concept of Web-based learning have been developed by researchers as a medium for using e-ATLMS. A 20 hours training session was conducted with twenty teachers from a school. After four months, only

40、 two teachers actively used the system in the classroom. Another training session was conducted with twenty expert teachers from various subjects and schools but only one teacher actively used the system in the classroom. Since the purpose of this case study is to present an overview of the experien

41、ce of teachers and students who used this system in the assessment of teaching and learning in the classroom, this case study used data triangulation techniques involving different methods of data collection such as observation, interviews and document analysis (Spradley, 1980, Merriam, 1988; Bogdan

42、 & Bilden, 1998) have been fully utilized. The use of various data collection techniques also ensure that researchers are not relying on one technique alone. This can strengthen the validity of the study design. To further strengthen the validity of the data, two students from each class had also be

43、en interviewed.FindingsThe result of the study is discussed with respect to the research questions.How teachers implement e-ATLMS as an assessment tool to support learning process online?Teachers are the main pillars in ensuring e-ATLMS can be carried out successfully, and to help improve the qualit

44、y of assessment in teaching and learning. This section presents three cases, one for each teacher. Madam Ruby and Madam Nora both form SMKC and Madam Rozy from SMKS. Each case describes the experience of a teacher and her two students who used this system in the assessment of teaching and learning i

45、n their classroom.Madam Rubys CaseMadam Ruby is a Senior Teacher and Mathematics Excellent Teacher aged 46 years old. She has taught mathematics for 20 years. She exposed to on-line learning since 2005 and had used this method of teaching and learning in her classroom. Madam Ruby has shown her readi

46、ness using e-ATLMS in her classroom. Obviously in her course online, it was recorded that she managed to prepare six assignments, conducted two forums, managed two quizzes and uploaded eleven resources.The school has a complete infrastructure. Computer lab quite comfortable and clean. This lab is a

47、classroom that was renovated into a computer lab. Equipment is more than adequate for small number of students. Desktop computer equipped with speakers, headphones, a stabilizer of 20 units of computers and teachers computer also completed and connected to the LCD projector. There are all Internet c

48、onnections in LAN and Wi-Fi. When checked the signal strength is very slow with 100Mbps speed. Samsung Laser Printer ML2251N model with all LAN connected to the computers. White screen already uprooted and teacher has to use whiteboard to transmit projector. A hub unit is still functioning well and a webcam placed at a corner of the lab.Three observations made to see how she conducted assessment in teaching and learning online. She


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