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1、2023届内江市高三英语零诊考试题卷(考试时间:120分件 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和笫三部分的第一节为选择题,第二部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。2.答题前,考生务必膈自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笫把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分3。分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下

2、面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How docs the woman probably go shopping?A.On foot.B.By bike.2.How much should die man pay for bvo T-shirts?A.820,B.$16.3.Which box is too heavy for the man?A.The tall one.B.The wide one.4.Where docs the co

3、nversation probably take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a factory.5.What will die man probably do?A.Go to Grand Hotel.C.By car.C.$10.C.The small one.C.In a hospital.民 Drive to die city center.&Solve the electricity problem.第 二 节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位

4、置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where does the woman work?A.In Washington.B.In New York.C.In London.7.What are the speakers going to do tomorrow evening?A.Have dinner.B.Visit their friend.C.See some customers.零模英语试卷第1页(共8页)请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What kind of

5、 shape docs the man recommend?A.Round slwpe.B.Square sh叩c.9.Which glasses are the least popular?&Heart-Shaped.A.The gold ones.B.The black ones.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What docs the man want to study?C.The yellow ones.A.Space exploration.B.Engineering.,6.Physics.1.What is the most probable relationship

6、between the speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Husband and wife C.Teacher and student.12.What arc the speakers talking about?A.What major to take.B.How to design a ship.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why docs the man worn to hold a dance party?A.To relax himself.B.To help the homeless.14.How many ways are talked abo

7、ut lo get the message about?A.2.B.3.15.When will the man finish the article?A.Next Wednesday.B.Tomorrow.16.What are the two speakers probably?A.Students.B.Writers.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Who is die speaker?A.A radio host.B.A news reporter.18.n what way has the speaker changed?A.She has spoken faster.B

8、.She has become heavier.C.She has cooked more often.19,Wlwt is difficult for the speaker to get used to?A.The food.B.The weather.C.Why to explore space.C.To make life colorfiil.C.4.C.Tonight.G.Dancers.C.An invited guesLC.The language.20.What docs the speaker think of the people she met in Paris?A.Wa

9、rm-hearted.B.Peace-loving.C.Easy-going.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Some Greatest BookstoresAnother CountryKreuzberg,Berlin,Germany.Another Country is an English Language second hand bookshopwhich is mostly used as a library.They have about

10、 20,000 books that you can buy or borrow.Someregular events are held at the shop,such os readings,cultural events,social evenings and filmnights.零模英语试卷第2页(共8贝)2T hr o u g ho u t t he y e a r i t ha s ho s t e d l i t e r a r y f e s t i v a l s,f i l m s c r e e ni ng s,b o o k r e a d i ng s,a nd g

11、f a s hi o ne d d o ne e p a r t i e s.Barts Books.O j a i,C nl i f o m i a.U S A.“T he W o r l d s G r e a t e s t O u t d o o r B o o k s t o r e ,a b o o k s t o r e f o u nd e d b yR i c ha r d B a r t i ns d a l e i n 1 9 6 4.S he l v e s o f b o o k s f a c e t he s t r e e t,a nd r e g u l a

12、r c u s t o m e r s a r e a s k e d t od r o p c o i ns i nt o t he d o o r s c o i n b o x t o p a y f o r a ny b o o k s t he y t a k e w he ne v e r t he s t o r e i s c l o s e d.Adrian HarringtonS i nc e 1 9 7 1.R a r e b o o k s:r a r e f i r s t e d i t i o ns;l e a t he r b o u nd s e t s a

13、nd g e ne r a l a nt i q u a r i a n(玩).A d d r e s s:6 4 o K e ns i ng t o n C hu r c h S t r e e t,K e ns i ng t o n,L o nd o n,E ng l a nd,U K.Corso Como BookshopM i l a n,I t a l y.E x t e ns i v e s e l e c t i o n o f p u b l i c a t i o n o n a r t a r c hi t e c t u r e,d e s i g n g r a p h

14、i c s a ndf a s hi o n,a l o ng w i t h a s t r o ng e m p hns i s o n p ho t o g r a p hy.I t w a s f o u nd e d i n 1 9 9 0 i n M i l a n,I t a l y,b yC a r l a S o z z a m i l.The BookwormC hi na.A b o o k s ho p,l i b r a r y,b a r,r e s t a u r a nt a nd e v e nt s p a c e,no w w i t h f o u r

15、d i v i s i o ns i n t hr e ec i t i e s-B e i j i ng,S u z ho u a nd C he ng d u.T he i nt e r c o nne c t i ng r o o r r i s w i t h f l o o r-t o-c e i l i ng b o o k s o ne v e r y w a l l a r e l i g ht a nd a i r y i n s u m m e r,y e t w a r m a nd c o m f o r t a b l e i n w i nt e r.2 1.W h

16、 a t c a n y o u d o i n A t l a nt i s B o o k s?A.S e l l r a r e b o o k s.B.L e a m p ho t o g r a p hy.C.A t t e nd a f e s t i v a l.D.B u y b o o k s a ny t i m e.,2 2.W hi c h b o o k s t o r e ha s d i e l o ng e s t hi s t o r y?A.B a r t*s B o o k s.B.A t l a nt i s B o o k s.C.A d r i a

17、n H a r r i ng t o n.D.“2 3 .H o w i s T he B o o k w o r m d i f f e r e nt f r o m t he o t he r s?A.I t i s u s e d a s a l i b r a r y.B.C.I t ho s t s a l l s o r t s o f a c t i v i t i e s.D.BC o r s o C o m o B o o k s ho p.I t ha s b r a nc he s i n d i f f e r e nt c i t i e s.I t o p e ns

18、 o nl y i n s u m m e r a nd w i nt e r.H o w f a r w o u l d y o u g o t o m a k e a g o o d i m p r e s s i o n a t a ne w j o b?A c o l l e g e s t u d e nt i n A l a b a m aw a l k e d 3 2 k i l o m e t r e s i n t he d a r k t o g e t t o hi s ne w j o b.T he s t o r y b e g i ns w i t h W a l

19、t e r C a r r s c a r b r e a k i ng d o w n t he ni g ht b e f o r e s t a r t i ng a ne w j o b.C a r rw a s u na b l e t o f i nd a r i d e.S o,he f i g u r e d o u t ho w l o ng i t w o u l d t a k e t o w a l k f r o m hi s ho t i s e t o t he j o bi n P e l h a m-3 2 k i l o m e t r e s a w a

20、y.H e l e f t a t m i d ni g ht s o t ha t he c o u l d m a k e i t t o t he c u s t o m e r s ho u s eb y 8 :0 0 a m t he ne x t m o r ni ng.P e l ha m p o l i c e s a w hi m w a l k i ng a l o ng a hi g hw a y a t 4:0 0 a m.S o,t he y s t o p p e d t o s e e i f hene e d e d he l p.A f t e r he a

21、r i ng hi s s t o r y,t he y t o o k hi m t o a r e s t a u r a nt f o r b r e a k f a s t a nd t he n t o a c hu r c hw he r e he c o u l d s a f e l y w a i t u nt i l 8 :0 0 a m.T he p o l i c e t he n t o o k C a r r t o t he h o m e o f c u s t o m e r J e nnyL a m e y.L a m e y s a i d t ha t

22、e v e n t ho u g h C a r r ha d j u s t w a l k e d t he e nt i r e ni g ht,he r e f u s e d he r o f f e r t or e s t.H e j u s t w a nt e d t o s t a r t w o r k i ng.W hi l e he w o r k e d,he t a l k e d w i t h t he c u s t o m e r t e l l i n he rho w m u c h he l i k e d he r k i t c he n.J e

23、 nny L a m e y l a t e r w r o t e t hi s o n F a c e b o o k :*I j u s t c a n t t e l l y o u ho w t o u c he d零模英语试卷第3页(共8页)w a s b y W a l t e r3and his journey.He is kind and cheerful and he has big drenms!He is hard-working and tough.0She then started a GoFundMe page to help Walter with money

24、to get his car fixed.When the CEO ofBellhops,Luke Marklint learned of Carrs story,he drove from Tennessee to Alabama to giveWalter his own 2014 Font Escape.Walter Carrs story touched many others around the United Slates.Within a few days,peoplegave over$73,000 to die GoFundMe page.Carr has decided t

25、o give a part of die donations to dieBirmingham Education Foundation.And he has received more offers for jobs and scholarships forschools.24 Why did Walter Carr decide to go to work on foot?A,He wanted to challenge himself.B.He wished to be on lime for the job.C.He was unable to borrow a car.D.His c

26、ar was damaged beyond repair.25 What can we infer about Carr from Paragraph 3?A.He was devoted to his job.B.He was blamed by his customer.C.He called the police for help.D.He started to work after a short break.26.What kind of person does Lamey think Carr is?A.Cautious.B.Generous.C.Ambitious.D.Sensi

27、tive.27.What message docs the text really convey?A.One has to suffer in order to get a good job.B.A good impression is sure to bring one good money.C.One lias to give up something in return for donations.D.The cHbrts to leave a good impression arc to pay off.CFamous for its tolerance(宽容)as well as i

28、ts narrow houses and broad canals(运 河),Amsterdam is undergoing a change of attitude when it comes to the millions of tourists that come tosee it each year.Tolerance has reached its limits in the capital of Dutch t which is now activelyurging visitors to head elsewhere.Ellen van Loon,a partner at Dut

29、ch architeeiural firm OMA says,“We donl wani to tum into aVenice.While tourism earns the Dutch economy around 82 billion Euros a year,die problem we arecurrently facing is that Amsterdam is so loved by tourists,we just have so many coming to the city.MNetherlands tourist ofiicials recently took the

30、decision to stop advertising the country as a touristdestination.Their MPerspective 2030w report,published earlier this year,stated that the focus willnow be on*destination managementH rather than M destination prom otingThe document alsodescribes the countiy,s future slfoUgy,acknowledging that Amst

31、erdams livability will be severelyinfluenced by visitor overloadM if action isnl taken.Solutions(解决办法)listed include working to discourage groups of visitors by cither limitingo rcompletely shutting down accommodaUon and entertainment products nimed at them,as well asspreading visitors to other part

32、s of the Netlicrlands.Some of these measures have already come intoplay.Last year,the famous 1 Amslerdam“sign was removed from outside the Rijksmuscum,diecitys main art gallery.The two-meter higli lettere have been moved to various M lesser-knownneighborhoods in order to entice travelers lo leave ih

33、e center of the city.Bui will the measures being pul in place be enough to save it from being damaged by its o w nsuccess?Like many other locals,Von Loon fears Amsterdam has lost its uniqueness(orever.“Thereason tourists come here is that there,s something in the character of Amsterdam they love,“sh

34、e零模英语试卷第4页(共8页)4increasing and increasing,theyD.Allow.D.Positive.explains.But at a certain point,when the number of tourists isactually kill what they loved in the first place.028.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 indicate?A.Amsterdam doesn,t necessarily copy Venice.B.Venice does more

35、 poorly than Amsterdam.C.Amsterdam is more popular than Venice.D.Venice is suffering from over-tourism.29 Why did Amsterdam advise visitors to head elsewhere?A.To avoid much spending on city management.B To turn the focus on destination promoting.C.To promote the development of other areas.D,To redu

36、ce its pressure of mass visitors.30.What does the underlined word entice in paragraph 4 mean?A.Promise.B.Persuade.C.Inform.31.Whats Van Loons attitude to the measure?A.Skeptical.B.Int(Jterant.C.Ambiguous.DOne of the important,but seldom-discussed,problems in healthcare reWhn is how to take careof ou

37、r aging population as people continue to live longer.According to a new study from theMacArthur Research Nehvork on an Aging Society,by 2050 Americans may live 3.1 to 7.9 yearslonger than the government expects.That would mean women would live 89 to 93 years and men 83to nearly 86 years.The research

38、ers base their conclusion on“rapid advances in biomedical(生物医药)technology that delay the start and progression of major deadly diseases or that slow the agingprocess.MWhile this is good news,especially for the young,the life expectancy,which is in excess of(超过)the governments estimates,would raise c

39、osts sharply for Medicare and Social Security.Ifthe study*s predictions are accurate,the total cost for those two programs ill rough 2050 could bebetween 8 3.2 trillion and S 8.3 trillion higher than the US Census Bureau and the Social SecurityAdministration currendy expect.And thats only the beginn

40、ing.With anticipated scientific breakthroughs in coming decades,people could eventually live to 150 years of age,says Dr.Steven Joyal,an official of the LifeExtension Foundation(LEF),a nonprofit organization tliat promotes research on how we can livelonger and healthier.The MacArthur paper,in fact,s

41、ays that some experts believe llie average lifeexpectancy could hit 100 by 2060.Whats more,Joyal says,overcoming disease and slowing down the aging process will lead to asharp decline in disability,allowing people of advanced age to function as well as they did when theywere much younger.In other wo

42、rds,a 90-year-old person could have the same mental and physicalcapacity(能力)as somebody 40 or 50 years old.H32.What does the new study show?A.Great progress has been made in the US in public security.B.Americans will live much longer by 2050 than they do now.C.Few people pay attention to the healtli

43、 care reform in the US.D.Fewer Americans suffer from deadly disease now than before.零模英语试卷第5页(共8页)5B3.What probably helps Americans live much longer?A.Social security.B.Healthcare reform.C.Biomedical technology.D.New research in health core.34.What problem may a longer life expectancy in the US lead

44、 to?A.It will increase public costs for the government.B The old will hove some mental problems.C It adds to the chance of being disabled.D The aging process will speed up.35 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Life for Senior Citizens in the USB.Disadvantages of Longer Life

45、ExpectancyC The Longer Life Expectancy in the FutureD What Can Be Done to Support So Many Aged People第 二 节(共5小题海小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sometimes its hard to find time to exercise.But in fact,whellier youre on the road,at work,or at home,you can always find a few more way

46、s to work out.36 Just train yourself to findways to fit in a little fitness,and you*11 soon gain the rewards.37 When you go to the store,park far away from the door so you can enjoy a nice walk onyour way to the shop.While youre shopping,look for ways to turn it into a quick workout.If youre shoppin

47、g on your own,avoid depending on your cart,and try to keep your pace up.Any time you find yourself with something heavy in your hands,lift it.This works with cannedfood,gpee3y bags,backpacks,and anything a little heavy.38 If you prefer,raise your armover your head and lower your hand behind your hea

48、d repeatedly.Playing with kids and pets is alsoagreat way to get a workout.The same goes for dancing,skating,and games like tennis,pingpong,basketball,and softball.39 Join them!Youll get a surprising workout and have a lot offiin at the same time.40 ou can do such moving across the room.If you,re ne

49、ar a wall,try a wall sit with yourback pressed against the wall and your legs bent.Stay in that posilion as long as you can.Do thisevery day and you*1 1 develop real strenglli.A,If it is easy,then do some more.B.The main problem is that you have no free time.C.As you go about your day,look for chanc

50、es to walk.D.When you have a spare moment,why not do leg lifts?E.If your kids like to play games,dont just sit and watch.F.The biggest change you have to make is in your attitude.G.When you*re sealed during long journey,why not stand up?第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共2 0小题;每小题I.5分,满分3 0分)阅读下面短文,从短文


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