1、Module 1 City l i f eU nitl Great ci t ies i n Asi a知识点梳理:i词组1.at a n e x h ib i tion。在展览会上2.the capital of Chi n a 中国的首都th e capit a 1 c ity of S handong prov i nee 山东的省会城市3.north-east of S h a n g h ai 在上海东北面ea s t/w e st/s o ut h/nor t ho 在.的东、西、南、1 匕 面n o rth-e ast/n o r t h west o f 在.的东北、西北s o
2、 u th-east/s o uth-w e s t o f。在.东南,西南*in/on/to the e a s t of eg.Shangha i i s in th e e as t of Chin a.Ko r e a is on t he east of C h i na.Japan is t o the e a st of C hi n a.3.how fa r多远4.how。如 何/如何5.h ow Ion g。多久6.i n t he past在过去7.other pl a c es。其他城市8.from sha n ghai to B e ijing从上海到北京9.read
3、s o me informati o n a b o10.the G r e at Wall*the Summer P a lace*the Pal a c e Mu s e u m1 1.mo r e tha n=over,超过*1 e s s t h a n=under。少于12.1 5 mill i o n p e opl e*mill i ons of,tho u sand s o f1 3.h u g e dep a rtment st o re*huge=ve r y b i g1 4.sp i c y foodu t Beijing阅读关于北京的信息。长城颐和园故宫博物院0一千五
4、百万人大型百货公司。辣的食物15.i n A s ia在亚洲As i a 亚洲As i a n 亚洲人亚洲人的 亚洲的16.g r eat cities=bi g citi e s。大城市1 7.whic h c ity 哪个城市18.b y p 1 a ne=by air;乘飞机by s h i p=by s e a;乘船b y trai n/f e r r y。乘火车/渡轮1 9.Thafs right.。对的。*T h a t,s a 1 1 right.没关系,不要紧。2 0.two d ays an d ahal f=tw o a n d ah a lf d a y s 两天半2 1
5、 .li k e vis i ting t h ose pl a ces 喜欢参观那些地方lik e/lov e/enj o y/doing Sth.w o uld 1 i keto do St h.2 2.in Tokyo。在东京II.词性转换1.Japan(n.)日本 一 J a p a n e se(a./n.)日本的,日语,日本人a J apa n ese,some JapaneseMy u ncle met s ome Ja p an ese v isit o r s ye s t erda y.T h ey camefrom Japan.C h in a (n.)中 国 一 Chi
6、nese(a./n.)中国的,汉语,中国人a Chi n ese,a lot o f C h ineseC h i na i s a great nat i o n with milli o ns of c 1 ev e r and brav e Ch inese.2.T h a i 1 a nd(n.)泰 国 一*Th a i(a./n)泰国的,泰语,泰国人That Th a i res t au r ant is 1 ookin g f or a g ood from Tha i land.3.exh i bition(n.)展览会,展览 一 exhibit(v.)Th e S hangh
7、ai Exh i bi ti on Cen t re is on Y a n5 a n Road.4.b ui 1 d(v.)建造 一 bu i Id i ng(n.)建筑物-*b u i Ider(n.)建筑工T h ou s a n d s of b ui J der s h a v e wo r ked hard to bu i Id such awo n derf u 1 bui 1 ding.5.to u ri s t(n.)游客一t o ur(n.)旅游T h o se t ou rists are welcome d b y lo c al tour a gency.6.info
8、rmation(U n count a b l e n oun)*a p iece of inform a t ion s ome in f o rmat i o nSam and A n dy are lo o k in g fo r som e info rm a tion abou t fb rests.I I I.语言点/句型1.s o u t h-e ast(东南),no r th-e a st(东北)south-west(西南),n o rt h-w e s t(西北)这些斜方向方位词与中文表述相反。2.e a s t o f在(范围外面的)的东面i n the east o f在
9、(范围内)的东面.e g.T okyo is eas t of Shangha i.Sh a n g hai i s in t h e east of China.Beijing is n o rth of S hang h a i.I t is a Iso in the no r t h of China.3.th e c api t a 1 of C hi n a 中国的首都o f的两种含义(a)o f表 达“的”th e cap i ta 1 o f Chi n a/t h e m a p o f m y sc h oo 1 /the p i ct u reof meo f表达”在之中”
10、(后用复数)one/some/m a n y/a 11/none of t h e boys.e g.Beij i ng is t h e c a p it a 1 of Chin a and i t is a Iso o ne o f theg r e at cit i es i n As i a.4.Thaf s rig h t那是对的T h a ts all r i g h t没关系Y ou are rig h t你是对的All right 好吧e g.A:Tok y o is t h e capital o f J ap a n-B:Tha t s right./You a r e r
11、igh t.A:I a m s o rry.一一-B:Th a t9s al 1 r i g ht.A:Please o p e n the d o or-B:All r ig h t.6:关于“半个的表达法”h a lf an h o u r(半小时)on e hour a nd a half(一个半小时)a n h our and a halfon e and a h a 1 f hou r s(注意复数)两天半 two d ays an d a h alftwo a nd a half days.eg.it tak e s about tw o a n d a h a lf hourst
12、o f 1 y from Sha n g ha i to Beijing.7.by air=by plane 乘飞机:b y sea=b y s h ip 乘船e g.T omorr o w l wi 1 1 travel t o Beiji n g by a ir,.注意批准表达go/t r a v el/get to.by.=take a/a n.toeg.He goes to sc h ool b y c a r.He ta k e s a car to s c ho o 1.8 how,how far,how Ion g 的特殊疑问句h o w fa r “多远”间距离It i s a
13、 b out 1,400 ki 1 omete r s.How fa r is i t?ho w 一 一-如何,如何 (1.by+交通工具2.作表语的形容词)I go to school b y bus.How d o y o u go t o s c h ool?H e b e c a me f i t again.H o w d i d h e become?how long“多长时间”(对时间段提问)*初中阶段用how lo n g 的常见句型-I t takes s b tim e to do s th-sin c e+时刻点或从句-for+段时间一不带not的u n tileg.1.
14、I t takes m e abou t 2 ho u ns to get t h e re.How 1 o ng d o es it t a ke to g et there?2.I have li v ed he r e si n ce la s t year.H ow 1 ong have you li v ed h ere?3.1 have live d h er e f or 2 yea r s.Ho w long h a ve y ou liv e d here?4.I d i d m y hom e wor k u ntil m i dnig h t.How Ion g did
15、you do y o u r homew o r k?*5.(Iw o n9t go t o b e d u n t il I finis h my h o mewnr k.)When wi 1 1 you go t o bed?9 mor e than 超过=overe g.There ar e m o re tha n 1 2 million p e opl e in S hang h ai.There are o ver 12 mi 1 li o n pe o pie i n Sh a ng h a i.10.15 million 一千五百万milli o n s o f 数以百万eg.
16、More than 70 m i 1 1 i on peop 1 e vi s i t e d Shanghai Expo and m i 1 1io n s o f th e m vis i t e d China P avi 1 ion.1 1 1 ik e/love/e n joy 后跟动词 i ngPeopl e in Toky o e nj o y e a t i ng sus h i.like/lo v e d oing s th =like/1 ove t o do s t h12 t here be句型表达某地方或者某时间有e g.T her e a r e 15 mi 1 l
17、ion p e o pl e in Beij i ng.Ther e w i 1 1 be mu c h r ain nex t mo n th注意t here b e 句型的各种时态There was/w ere(过去时)There will be/i s go i n g to be(将来时)T h e re ha v e/h as been(完毕时)eg.T h ere h a v e b e en a lot of people in S h anghai air e a d y andt h er e will b e mo r e in t h e f u tu r e.13.Th
18、es e are a 1 1 great ci t ies i n A s i a.a ll(三者以上)所 有 ,放在b e 动词后,行为动词前。eg.T o k y o,Bangkok a n d B ei j ing a 1 1 come from Asia a n d theyar e al 1 my favourite citiesUnit 2 A t th e air p ortI 词组:1.a r r ive at the airport 到达机场2.a rri v e in L os Angel e s 到达洛杉矶3.arrive h o me/h er e/t h ere 至1
19、 I家/这JL/那儿4.a sil k s car f 一条丝巾=sever al si 1 k s CQ TT es 几条丝巾5.p 1 ent y of s pace 大量的空间6.d e part u re time 起飞时间a r r ival time 到达时间7.o n ea n d a h a lfh o urs=o ne/an hou r a nd a half 一个半小时8.befor e one oclock 一点之前9.have t o do s t h.不得不做某事10.d riv e some b ody to s ome pl a c e 开车送某人去某地11.1
20、eav e A 离开A地/1 e a v e for B 出发去B 地leave A for B 离开A地去B地12.ove r t h er e 在那里13.a boa r d i n g c a rd 一张登机牌14.a name t ag 一张姓名牌15.writ e down。写下16.1 ive i n L os Ange 1 es 住在洛杉矶17.eno ugh space足够的空间18.b i g e nough 足够的大19.to o man y sweets 太多的糖果20.too much me a t 太多的肉21.o ne a nd a hal f hours=o n
21、e hour a n d a h a If 一个半小时22.buy sb.s th.=b u y s t h.for sb.为某人买某物II.词性转换:1.fly v.飞,飞行 f flight n.航班e.g.N ext mo n t h,they wi 1 1 f 1 y to the US A.Their F 1 ig h tNo.i s MU6789.2.d e p art v.离 开,出发 f departur e n,离开,启程e.g.Our p a r e n t s w i 1 1 depart tomorrow mo r n i n g.Th e depar t u r e
22、time is 9.00 a.m.3.p a s s v.通过f pa s sen g er n.乘客;旅客e.g.You cant pass.S to p,please!A1 1 passenge r s mu s t obe y t he rules.4.t rolley n.手推车f(复)t r olle y s5.arr i ve v.至!I达-ar r ival n.到达e.g.T he arrive 1 time i s 3.0 0 p.m.,so they w o a r riv e a t1.0 0 p.m.H L语言点/句型*1.Aun t J u dy and Uncle
23、Mike h ave live d i n L os Ang e le s for sixy e ars.现在完毕时:sb.ha v e/ha s+V.p.p(动词的过去分词)Sb.have/has n ot V.p.p.(否认句)Have/Ha s s b.V.p.p.(一般疑问句)ha v e been t o去过,到过.(已回)h ave bee n i n 住在.(+时间段)hav e g o ne to 去,到.(未回)e.g.I have been to Amer i c a be fore.我以前往过美国。S h e ha s bee n in Lon don for 2 yea
24、r s.她已经住在伦敦两年。W h ere is Mary?S h e has gone t o the library.Mary 在哪?她已经去图书馆To(3)Th e y h ave a i r eady done a lot of things.T om hasnt rea d th a t b ook y et.Ha v e you c he c ke d you r pas s p o r t yet?“already”意为“已经”,用于现在完毕时肯定句“y e t”意为 还,已经,仍”,用于否认句和疑问句。V.p.p.动词的过去分词:bringbroug h t-brought g
25、 e t g o t-got w r it e-wr o tew r ittenbuyboug h t-bo u gh t p ut-put-p ut p a ckpacke d packedli v e live d-live d do-d id-d o ne2.M r s Wang a n d Gran d ma a r e g o ing to Los A nge Is,theUSA,t his S u nday to s e e Aunt Judy and Unc 1 e Mike.本例中使用了现在进行时表达“将来”的含义。这样的动词经常是:g。,come,1 e ave,mo v e
26、 e t c.e.g.I am leaving now.我要离开了。The b us is c omin g.Hu r ry!公交来了,快点。*3.G randma has b ou g ht Aunt J u dy p lenty o f T-s hirt s an d sever a 1 silk scarv e s.buy s b.st h.=buy s th.for sb.e.g.原句可以表述为:G r a n dma ha s b ou g h t pl e n ty of T-shi r tsand sev e ral silk sea r ves for A unt Ju d y
27、.4.How e ver,th e y hav e not p acke d t h eir suit c a s e s y e t.however:可用于句首,句中,句末,前后常用“,”隔开,语 气 比but弱。b u t:用于句中e.g.She w a s i 11,h o w ever,s h e s t il 1 went t o work.S h e was i 1 1 ,but she s til 1 wen t t o wor k.5.W h at time d o es yo u r p 1 ane 1 e ave fo r L os Angeles t omor ro w?
28、lea v e s p.离开某地le a ve for s p.出发去某地e.g.T hey w i 1 1 le a ve S h a n g h a i.他们将离开上海。They will 1 eave f o r To k yo.他们将出发去东京。M o d ule 1 Unit 31端午节the D r agon B o a t Fe sti v a 118一只甜粽子a s w eet r i c e dumpl i ng2跳进河里jumped int o a riv e r19有肉的咸粽子salty ric e dumpli n gs wi t h meat3国家处在危险中t he
29、count r y was i ndan g er20没有豆的甜粽子s w ee t rice dumplin g s withou t b e a ns4在每年的那天纪念他r e m e mbe r him ont h a t d a y every y ear21我们最喜欢的粽子our fa v o u rite ri c ed um p lin g s5他的工作是给皇帝建议。H is j o b wa s togive a d v i c e to the k ing.22你想吃点粽子吗?Wo u Id yo u like s omer ice dumplings6举行龙舟比赛ha v
30、e d r a gon b o a traces23好的,请。Yes,p l e a s e.7吃粽子e a t r ice d um p 1 i ngs24不用,谢谢。No,t h a n ks.8那年农历五月初五the fifth da y of the f ifth 1 un a r mo n th o fthat y ear25我宁愿吃一片披萨I d r a t h er have ap ie c e o f pizza.9一个粽子a rice d u mp 1 i n g26一些布丁som e p u ddin g s10战争失败lose a b attle27一片饼干a piec
31、e of biscu i t s1 1采纳他的意见take h is ad v ice28一些三明治s o me san d wich e s1 2新皇帝不听他的the new kind di d no tlisten to h i m29给你的外国朋友写一封电子邮件write an e-mail to y ourf o r eign fr i end1 3出生在大约两千年前w a s/wer e bor n a bout tw o th o u san dyear s a go30告 诉 你 一 些 关于.的事情t e l l you somethingab o ut14为什么人们要庆祝它?
32、wh y do p e ople cel ebra t e it?31我爱拍照I love taki n g photos1 5以下是这个节日的故事her e s t h e story o f th e festi v al32拍一些 的照片t a k e s ome p h o tos of.16知道关于端午节的情况kn o w s o methin gabout th e D r ag o nBoat F e s ti v al33我将会送给你一些.I wi 1 1 s e nd you some17一只咸粽子a s alt y rice dumpl i n g34两种粽子two kin
33、ds of rice d um p li n g s语法重点:1.一 般 过 去 时:a.概念:表达过去发生的动作或存在的状态。b.常用的时间状语:yes t e r d a y,l a s t week/y ea r i n the p a s t,.a g o,i n 2023,j us t now.c.结构:主语+动词的过去式+e.g.He watc h ed T V yest e rday evenin g.否认:He di d n 9 t w a tch T V ye ste r d ay e v e ning.d.动词过去式的构成:规则变化:1)一般情况下在动词词尾直接加一ed.e
34、.g.j u m p-j um p e d;2)以不发音的e 结尾的动词直接加一d.e.g.1 o v e-lov e d3)以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,去 y 变 i+e d;e.g.study-s t u died4)以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再 力 口-e d.e.g.sto p-s t o p p e d不规则变化:参见教材P1032.词性转换celeb r a t e v.庆祝*celebrati o nn.庆祝 (be)bom v.出生be a rv.生 e.g.A lice was born in London in2023.count
35、 r yn.国家;乡下c o untr y si d e n.郊外,郊野a d v ic en.劝告;忠告a d vise劝告,忠告,建议a d j.悲哀的s adly ad v.悲哀地n.伤心,伤心die死;死亡dead a dj.死的 deathn.死亡1 a t era d v.以后;后来late a d j.迟的/a d v.迟,晚5 minu t es l a t e r 5 分钟以后 T h e b o y was 5 m i n ut elate.迟到了 5分钟lo s ev.(los t,1 o s t)输掉losta d j.失去的,迷失的 e.g./faun d my lo
36、st pe n a t I a s t.最后我找到了我丢失的钢笔。win v.(wo n,w o n)赢得 win ne r n.获胜者 d a ng e r n.危险;风险 da n g er o us adj.危险的 w ithout pre p.没有 w ith p r e p.有;和.起 send v.(sent,s e n t)发送,寄 se n d er n.寄件人 five n u m.五 fifth 第五 sa 1 ty a d j.咸的 s a It n.盐3.know sth.a b out sth./s b.知道关于.的情况4.wo u Id 1 i ke t o do
37、sth.=w a n t t o do sth.想要做某事5.His job was t o giv e a dvic e t。t h e k in g.他的工作是给国王出谋划策。a.动词不定式t o give ad v ice to t he k in g 在句中做表语;e.g.M y ho p e is to b ecome a n u r s e.我的愿望是成为一名护士。b.gi v e advice t o somebody 给某人提建议,相称于 give som e body ad v icec.adv i c e 为不可数名词,一条建议:a pie c e o f a d v i
38、ce6.It was th e fi f th d a y of the fif t h 1 una r m o n th of that ye a r.3P天是那一年的农历五月初五。农历是中国传统的日历表达方法,在英文中要用序数词来表达农历某个月的某一天。春 节(农历正月初一):t h e first day of the f i r s t lunar mont h元宵节(农历正月十五):t he fif t e e nt h day o f th e f i rst lun a r m onth中 秋 节(农历八月十五):t he fifteen t h d a y o f t he e
39、 igh t h lu n a r mon t h7.表达随着:wi t h/wit h o u t介词with表 达“带着”,“带有”。反义词为w i t h 0 Utoe.g.Do y o u 1 i k e coffee with or w ithout mil k?你要喝奶咖还是清咖?8.表达对别人礼貌的邀请,如Would you li k e s om e.?其肯定回答为:Y e s,ple a s e.否认回答为:No,thanks.9.在表达两种相反态度的情况下可以说:I 1 i k e bu t I d o n tlik e 10.1 dont 1 i ke rice dump
40、l i ngs.Id r ather h a ve a pie c e of pi z za.w ou 1 d ra t her do“宁愿,宁可”,后接动词原形,口语中常使用,d rat her do的缩略形式,用于表达喜好、偏爱,相称于prefer to。e.g.11 is r a ining outside.Id r ather s t ay a t horn e.外面在下雨,我宁可待在家里。X w o uld ra t h e r do=d rath e r do否认:would r a t her not do s t h.=d r a ther n ot doUnit 4 S t
41、a ying healthyi 词组1.st a y he a It h y=ke e p h eal t hy。保持健康2.in d oo r act i v itie s,室内活动3.o u td o or activ i ties室外活动4.1 i k e da n cin g喜欢跳舞5.li k e r unning喜欢跑步6.e n jo y s w i mming喜欢游泳7.love s ports喜欢运动8.lo v e p laying喜欢玩9.for g et work i ng。忘掉工作10.play a nd wo r k11.do p u zzle s。玩拼图游戏12.
42、g o fi s h i ng13.g o c ycling。去骑车14.go s wimmin g。去游泳15.g o o n a p i cnic16.watch t e 1 e v i sion17.s ee a film18.read a boo k19.play comp u ter game s20.play te n nis/b ad mint o n21.play basketbal 1 i n the p laygroun d22.play t h e piano23.make a model24.have a barbec u e25.f 1 y ki t es26.h e
43、 a 1 t h p r oblem27.have a h e ad a che28.h a v e a s t o mach a c h e29.h ave a c o 1 d30.h ave a fever31.h av e a s o re thro a t工作与玩耍去钓鱼。去野餐看电视看电影。看书玩电脑游戏。打网球/羽毛球。在操场上打篮球弹钢琴。制作模型进行一次烧烤0放风筝。健康问题头疼。肚子疼感冒发热喉咙疼32.h a ve t o o t hac h e牙 疼(注意没有a”)33.Im afraid34.too much+不可数名词35.t o o many+可数名词36.too
44、litt 1 e+不可数名词37.t oo f ew+可数名词38.watch t oo much televis i o n。恐怕(表 达 婉 转 语 气)太多。太少。看太多的电视(*w atch tel e v is i o n fo r t o o 1 o ng)39.w a tch 1 ess40.we a r en o ugh41.*put o n42.wear more cl o43.eat t o o muc ht elev i sionc lot h est hesspicy fo o d。看少一点电视。穿足够多的衣服穿上穿更多的衣服。吃太多的辛辣食物44.h av e exe
45、rcise。做运动45.once a day。一天一次46.tw i ce a w e e k。一周两次47.three time s a mont h。一个月三次48.g o to be d 1 ate 晚 口 垂49.g o to bed e a rly。早睡50.p r a c t ise swim mi n g51.*p r a c tis e do i ng s t h.52.h e Ip do the hou s ework。练习游泳。练习做某事帮助做家务53.*help s b.(to)do s th./help s b.with sth.帮助某人做某事I I.词性转换1.act
46、(v.)activit y(n.)a c t i vit i es(p 1 .)*a ct i ve(a.)e.g.W e t ak e p a rt i n all kin d s o f activi tie s.He is v ery ac ti ve i n class.2.he a It h(n.)h e al t h y(ad j.)u n h e alt h y(a.)e.g.H ealt h i s the most i m p ort a nt t h ing.You should eat health y food.E a ting too mu c h i ce c r
47、e am is unhealthy.3.r e al(adj.)r e a 1 1 y(adv.)e.g.Its really cold t o day.H e who does n*t rea c h t he G reat W al 1 is no t a r e al man.4.tooth(n.)一 tee t h(pl.)一toothachee.g.T o o mu ch s w e e t food is bad for your t ee t h and youll have t oothache.5.fun(n.)*fu n ny(a.)e.g.The children had
48、 fun a t t he b e a c h yest e rda y.Its a funn y story.6.many/m u c h (a.ad.)mo r ee.g.Yo u shou 1 d d r ink mo re wa t e r.7.li t tie 1 es s;few -fewere.g.Yo u sho uld w a tch les s televi s i on.8.o ne once;two twic ee.g.I go t o school o nc e a week.IIL 语言点/句型1.s tay1)*s tay healt h ys t ay保持,相称
49、于k eep,后接形容词2)sta y with h is cousinstay逗留2.li k e/1 ove/e n jo y+d o in g1 )enjo y后加名词或动名词e.g.Tom e njoy s the f i Im.s He en j o y sru nn i ng.*enj o y on e sei f=have a g oo d t ime 玩得快乐2)lik e to do/1 ik e doing前者强调某一具体行为,后者则强调抽象概念或某一类事物e.g.I 1 ik e to rea d h i s n ovel.I 1 i k e readi n g.3.fo
50、rget d o i n g sth.忘掉做过某事*f or g e t t o do s th.忘掉去做某事e.g.He f o r got t o close t h e win d ow.I w i 1 1 never fo r get my 1 4thb i rt h day.*remember to do st h.记得去做某事*rememb e r doi n g s th.记得做过某事4.play bask e t ball;p 1 ay th e piano球类运动前不加th e,而乐器前要加th e5.favourite(adj.)=like.bes t 最爱慕e.g.I l