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1、绝密启用前2022年全国卷地区高考英语仿真模拟试题卷注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)Many m anag e rs be lie ve that ove rworking is an e vid e nce of d e votion f romthe ir e m ploye e s sid e.Still f e w othe rs re g ard this custom as a thre at tothe worke rs work

2、-lif e balance,which m ay ne g ative ly inf lue nce the le ve lof prod uctivity and e f f icie ncy.Em ploye e s at A m ste rd am d e sig n stud io He ld e rg roe n won t be putting inm uch ove rtim e.Not in the of f ice,at any rate.That s be cause e ve ry d ay at6 pm,the ir d e sks,table s and othe

3、r work surf ace s,with the ir com pute rsattache d,are lif te d to the ce iling by ste e l cable s(钢索)norm ally use d tom ove he avy props(道具)in the atrical prod uctions.If you le ave a half-e ate nsand wich on your d e sk,you re out of luck.“Once the chairs and othe r workplace paraphe rnalia are c

4、le are d away,the space is f re e f or e ve rything and we e ke nd use as a d ance f loor,yog astud io.or anything e lse you can think of the f loor is actually yours,“d ire ctor Sand e r Ve e ne nd aal said.In a way,the of f ice space itse lf is working ove rtim e f or He ld e rg roe n,bring ing ab

5、out lots of publicity and carrying an e nlig hte ne d(开明的)m e ssag e of care e r-lif e balance f ar and wid e.,zWe think that d oing activitie slike this m ake s it e asie r f or pe ople to work he re,“says Ve e ne nd aal.Youknow whe n it is tim e to re lax or d o som e thing e lse that inspire s yo

6、u.”That sound s awe som e.The re?s just one catch.In the m orning,the d e sksre appe ar and e ve rybod y has to g o back to work.1.What can we le arn about the e m ploye e s at He ld e rg roe n?A.The y are unwilling to work late.B.The y are d iscourag e d f rom working ove rtim e.C.The y are pe rsua

7、d e d to le ave the of f ice e arlie r.D.The y are to put away the ir com pute rs af te r work.2.What d oe s the und e rline d word paraphe rnalia in Parag raph 3 re f e r to?A.Props.B.Food.C.Equipm e nt.D.Cable s.3.What d oe s the author think of the He ld e rg roe n s of f ice d e sig n?A.Cre ativ

8、e.B.Inconve nie nt.C.Ord inary.D.Strang e.Com pute rs are incre asing ly com pe ting ag ainstthe m achine is m ore inte llig e nt.In the late stinte llig e nce or A I,a com pute r battle d ag ainstd e bate s.The d e bate s-he ld in San Francisco,hum ans to se e whe the r m an orshow of artif icialhu

9、m ans in live publicJune,2 0 1 8 provid e d a ne we xam ple of how com pute rs are f ast im proving to think and sound m ore likehum ans.A n A I syste m d e ve lope d by m ajor te chnolog y com pany IB M participate d in thee ve nt.It is calle d Proje ct De bate r.IB M said it is the f irst tim e e

10、ve rthat an A I syste m has com pe te d in a live public d e bate with hum ans.Twose parate d e bate s we re he ld be twe e n a com pute r and two hum an d e bate rs.The com pany pre se le cte d possible subje cts f or d iscussion,but said ne ithe rthe com pute r nor the hum ans kne w the chose n su

11、bje ct be f ore the d e bate.Thed iscussions we re se t up in a sim ilar way to m ost political d e bate s.A f te rpre paring arg um e nts,both sid e s g ot the chance to pre se nt a f our-m inuteope ning state m e nt.The n cam e f our-m inute re buttals(反驳),f ollowe d byclosing state m e nts.In one

12、 d e bate,IB M s com pute r battle d Noa Ovad ia,a f orm e r national d e batecham pion.The A I syste m m ad e a case in f avor of the g ove rnm e ntsubsid izing(补 贝 占)space re se arch.It cite d e vid e nce f rom its hug e supply ofinf orm ation f rom ne wspape rs,journals and othe r source s.Ovad i

13、a took theopposite position,arg uing that the g ove rnm e nt could be tte r se rve thepe ople by provid ing f inancial assistance to prog ram s othe r than spacee xploration.Following closing state m e nts f rom both sid e s,re porte rs and othe r atte nd e e sg ave the ir opinions on the re sults.I

14、B M re porte d that a m ajority of thosewho watche d the d e bate said the y be lie ve d Proje ct De bate r had im prove dthe ir knowle d g e of the subje ct m ore than the hum an d e bate r.On the othe rhand,the hum an d e bate r g ot praise f or be tte r com m unicating he r id e as.4.Why was the

15、d e bate be twe e n m an and the com pute r he ld?A.To introd uce a ne w prod uct of IB M.B.To show the late st d e ve lopm e nt of A I.C.To prove the com pute r is sm arte r than m an.D.To d iscove r public vie ws about space re se arch.5.What is Proje ct De bate r?A.A live public debate.B.A debati

16、ng project.C.A technology company.D.An AI system.6.WhatJ s the aud ie nceJ s vie w about the d e bate?A.Each sid e has its own ad vantag e s.B.Ne ithe r sid e pe rf orm s we ll.C.The com pute r has be tte r com m unication skills.D.Ovad ia has be ate n the com pute r.7.What m ig ht be talke d about

17、ne xt?B.Something about the secondA.Disadvantages of the debaters.debate.D.Lessons learned from theC.More views about the debates.debates.The “hom e sharing prog ram m e,f und e d by Lloyd s B ank Found ation s charityd e partm e nt,m atche s young pe ople who can,t af f ord m od e rn-d ay housing w

18、ithlone ly old e r pe ople who have spare room s.The young pe rson sim ply has to prom ise to g ive 1 0 hours ofcom panionship(陪伴)a we e k and he lp around the house to be ne f it f rom a re nt-f re e hom e.B ut both partie s m ust pay a f e e of up to 2 0 0 a m onth to cove r the costof running the

19、 sche m e.The young e r pe rson also share s house hold bills.The f ound ation said the prog ram m e tackle s a lack of af f ord able housing,as we ll as he lping g rowing num be rs of old e r pe ople who f e e l lone ly.Em m a,a 3 3-ye ar-old worke r who hom e share s in Putne y af te r sig ning up

20、 f orthe prog ram m e a ye ar ag o,said,“The be st thing about living in a hom e sharingarrang e m e nt is sharing with a g re at house hold e r,and also be ing able to af f ordto live in Lond on,which m ake s m e re ally happy.”I m e t with the house hold e r and his f am ily and we both had the op

21、portunityto se e how we f e lt about the possibility.Thankf ully,it worke d out re allywe ll.The pe rson I share with is g re at f un;we both have a sim ilar se nse ofhum our.I e njoy the com panionship,he lping his conf id e nce to g row andhope f ully he lping him e njoy lif e to the f ull.We have

22、 a g re at f rie nd ship now,which is love ly,she said.The prog ram m e has be e n g ive n a 2 m illion inve stm e nt by Lloyd s B ankFound ation and the B ig Lotte ry Fund.Paul Stre e ts,chie f e xe cutive of Lloyd s B ank Found ation,said,Too of te n,we se parate g e ne rations of the old f rom th

23、e young.Hom e sharing bring s the mtog e the r in a re ally positive way so that the old e r pe rson can continue tohave ind e pe nd e nce and the young e r pe rson can have som e whe re af f ord able tolive.”He said,“This im portant work se ts out to prove it can work on a larg escale and sustainab

24、ly(可持续地).We re e xcite d to be working with the B igLotte ry Fund and a rang e of d e live ry partne rs to prove it can be d one in theUK.8.What is the aim of the hom e sharing prog ram m e?A.To he lp young pe ople to re nt low-cost house s f rom old e r pe ople.B.To he lp old e r pe ople to f ind n

25、ice young pe ople to live with.C.To he lp old e r pe ople share the ir spare room s with young pe ople.D.To call on young pe ople to he lp lone ly old e r pe ople.9.What should a young pe rson d o if he wants a re nt-f re e hom e?A.Spend 10 hours at home everyB.Help to do some housework,day.C.Pay 20

26、0 a month to helpD.Pay all the household bills,others.1 0.What d oe s the und e rline d word tackle s in the f ourth parag raphprobably m e an?C.Take controlA.Start with.B.Figure out.D.Deal with,of.1 1.A ccord ing to Em m a,what is the be st thing about living in a re nt-f re ehouse?A.Sharing with a

27、 kind pe rson and be ing able to live in Lond on.B.Enjoying the com panionship f rom e ach othe r.C.Sharing with a hum orous house hold e r.D.He lping build up the house hold e r,s conf id e nce.The sm e l1 of f re sh air is be com ing som e thing of a d istant m e m ory,thanks toour incre asing use

28、 of f rag rance (香气).From air f re she ne rs to sce nte d (有香味的)cand le s,we live in a world of sce nt.Re ce nt f ig ure s show se ve n in te n pe ople use air f re she ne rs or sce nte dcand le s to ke e p our hom e s sm e lling swe e t.Ye t re ce nt re cord s sug g e st thatpe rf um e d prod ucts

29、could af f e ct our he alth,causing proble m s includ ingalle rg ie s(过敏),he ad ache s and asthm a(哮喘).One le ad ing e xpe rt be lie ve s ne arly a third of pe ople suf f e r he alth e f f e ctsf rom be ing e xpose d to sce nts.A m ajor proble m is so-calle d “contact”alle rg ywhe re pe rf um e s an

30、d sce nte d prod ucts cause e cze m a(湿疹)whe n the ycom e into contact with the skin.A bout one in 2 0 is thoug ht to be af f e cte dby f rag rance alle rg y.“Of te n it m ay not be im m e d iate ly obvious that you have d e ve lope d af rag rance alle rg y,“says Dr.B aron.You d on t re act im m e d

31、 iate ly.Grad ually,as you are e xpose d m ore and m ore,the bod y incre ase s itsre action,until it be com e s notice able to you.”Pe ople with pre-e xisting e cze m a are particularly vulne rable (易受影响).“The e cze m a worse ns in are as in contact with pe rf um e s,“says Dr.B aron.“B ut e ve n tho

32、se without alle rg ie s can be at risk of f rag rance alle rg y.”You can be com e sud d e nly alle rg ic to pe rf um e s and pe rsonal care prod uctsthat you have be e n using f or ye ars.Eve n if you know which f rag rancecause s a proble m,it can be d if f icult to avoid,as m ost pe rsonal carepro

33、d ucts-soap,sham poo,sun cre am and washing powd e rcontainf rag rance s,“says Dr.B aron.A nd strong sce nts can also cause he ad ache s.Frag rance s activate the nose sne rve ce lls,stim ulating the ne rve syste m associate d with he ad pain.Tom inim ize risk,suf f e re rs are ad vise d to m inim i

34、ze the contact.uFrag rance sug g e sts cle anline ss-ye t pe ople are sm e lling a pote ntiallyd ang e rous che m ical m ixture,“says A nne Ste ine m ann,prof e ssor of theUnive rsity of Washing ton.We of te n use the m to m ask one proble m -aswith air f re she ne rs-but cre ate a g re ate r one -a

35、d d ing poisonousche m icals to the air.”1 2.What is the te xt m ainly about?A.The world tre nd of using f rag rance.B.The be ne f its of using non-f rag rance d prod ucts.C.The he alth proble m s cause d by f rag rance.D.The ways of re m oving alle rg y.1 3.Which of the f ollowing que stions d oe s

36、 the te xt NOT answe r?A.Which prod ucts contain f rag rance?B.What s the inf lue nce of f rag rance in the air?C.What are the air f re she ne rs m ad e up of?D.How are he ad ache s cause d by f rag rance?1 4.A ccord ing to Dr.B aron,.A.our bod ie s have an im m e d iate re action to f rag rance.B.s

37、e ve n in te n have suf f e re d f rag rance alle rg y.C.f rag rance can af f e ct pe ople who d on,t have alle rg y.D.pe ople can avoid contacting with f rag rance e asily.1 5.The f ollowing parag raph m ig ht d iscuss.A.the asthm a cause d by strong sce nts.B.pe opley s e f f orts to prote ct f re

38、 sh air.C.the m e thod s of curing e cze m a.D.the bad e f f e cts of air f re she ne rs.评卷人 得分-二、七选五(共5题,每题2分,共10分)Want to 1 ive in a pe rf e ctly cle an e nvironm e nt and m ake it shine brig htly?1 6 The n you will not ne e d to purchase e xpe nsive cle aning prod ucts.Cle an the toile t with Cok

39、e.It s am azing how powe rf ul Coke m ig ht beas a toile t cle ane r.1 7 You 1 1 save your he alth by not consum ingche m icals that Coke contains and save m one y by not purchasing prof e ssionalcle ane rs.Pour som e cola ove r the stains and le ave it all f or a f e w hours.The n le t wate r wash

40、the toile t!Re m ove wate r stains with orang e pe e ls.You ve just e ate n an orang e.1 8Do not throw away those orang e pe e ls.You can use the skins to cle anstainle ss ste e l.Your appliance s will shine ag ain af te r you rub(擦)the mwith the skins.The pe e ls can e asily m ake those stubborn st

41、ains d isappe arin a se cond.Use banana pe e ls to polish le athe r f urniture.Expe rts claim that bananape e ls are g re at f or polishing le athe r sof as and arm chairs.B anana skins arerich in oils and have the rig ht te xture to d o the task.1 9 A f te rward s,re m ove the le f tove r with a cl

42、oth.This trick is sim ple and che ap.Use it ifyou want your le athe r f urniture to look brand ne w ag ain.2 0 Why would you want to buy one whe n you can m ake your own prod uctthat is che ap and non-toxic(无毒的)?Just pour 2 lite rs of slig htly warmwate r into a d e e p bowl.The n ad d 5 0 m l white

43、 vine g ar and half a te aspoon ofd ishwashing liquid.Shake the bowl and the n f ill up a plastic spray withthe m ixture.Use it to cle an wind ows and m irrors.Make your g lass surf ace scle an and shiny.A.Wait a m inute!B.Make your own g lass cle ane r.C.Follow the ste ps g ive n be low.D.Of course

44、 your answe r is ye s.E.The y le ave no m arks or scratche s.F.Inste ad of d rinking it,use it to cle an the toile t bowl.G.The y are e conom ical and saf e to use on all of f urniture.评卷人得分三、完形填空(共 20题,每 题 1.5分,共 30分)Volunte e ring abroad has the powe r to chang e you in une xpe cte d ways.Itisn t

45、like your 2 1 trip abroad.Som e tim e s the se chang e s are cle ar whileothe r tim e s the y re 2 2 ,hard to d e f ine.B ut how will a volunte e r tripabroad af f e ct you?I can,t say e xactly how,but I can he lp you 2 3 your e xpe rie nce ortake the im pact(影响)you will m ake into 2 4 by sharing ho

46、w volunte e ringin Ind ia chang e d m y lif e -2 5 ,is still chang ing m y lif e.I kne w I was trave ling to Ind ia to te ach Eng lish at a prim ary school,2 6 I d id n t know it would bring about ne w 2 7 .I worke d with localte ache rs and stud e nts while volunte e ring 2 8 .The ir knowle d g e a

47、nde xpe rie nce s we re d if f e re nt f rom m y own,so at f irst it was d if f icult to2 9 .Howe ve r,af te r som e tim e,I be g an to und e rstand and wante d to le arnm ore about the ir culture which 3 0 he lpe d m ake m e a m ore culturally 3 1pe rson.A nd working in a 3 2 e nvironm e nt g ave m

48、 e the chance to im prove m ycross-cultural com m unication skills and 3 3 ne w pe rsonal and prof e ssionalskills.It also taug ht m e that I had little 3 4 f or ce rtain thing s.A lthoug h I like d com m unicating with m y stud e nts,I 3 5 that I d id n te njoy be ing a te ache r.A f te r re turnin

49、g hom e f rom volunte e ring,I oncewond e re d if m y 3 6 of volunte e ring abroad had 3 7 be e n the rig ht act.Thanks to m y pe rsonal e xpe rie nce,I be cam e 3 8 about spre ad ingre sponsible volunte e rism.Now thre e ye ars late r,I take up m y _ 3 9 he re at Go Ove rse as as the irVolunte e r

50、A broad Dire ctor 4 0 I m active ly f ind ing ways to e d ucateothe rs on re sponsible volunte e ring.2 1 A.ave rag eB.rand omC.e xpe nsiveD.inte re sting2 2 A.te m poraryB.com ple xC.vag ueD.chang e able2 3 A.e valuateB.arrang eC.pre d ictD.re cord2 4 A.consid e ration B.practiceC.e f f e ctD.m ind


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