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1、教学内容 U n i t 1 G et t i n g r eady fo r s ch o o l L es s o n 1知识目标:1.W er e yo u i n t h e s u p er m ar k et?Y es,I w as./N o,I w as n t.教学目的 2.I bo u g h t a.要求 3.w er e,w as,j u s t n o w,bo u g h t,s ch o o l bag,bo o k s t o r e.能力目标:使用w er e/w as谈论过去发生的事情。教:,点 理解w er e和wa s分别是ar e,am/i s的过去式;

2、难点 听懂运用句型W er e yo u?进行问答。T ap e r eco r der,car ds,s o m e car ds.教具准备教学过程第一课时I -W ar m er:1.G r eet i n g s.2.F r ee t al k.I I.P r es en t at i o n:1.R ev i ew s o m e w o r ds,p en,p en ci l,bo o k,bag,s ch o o l*2.s ch o o l+bag-*s ch o o l bag3.T:T ak e yo u r s ch o o l bag s,g et t i n g r e

3、ady fo r s ch o o l.W e 11 l ear nL es s o n 1.I I I.N ew L es s o n:1.T:I w an t t o bu y a n ew bag.W h er e can I g o?S:S u p er m ar k et.2.P m i n t h e s u p er m ar k et n o w.3.book f bookstore in the bookstoreHe/S he is in the bookstore.4.now f just nowExplain it is the past time.5.Explain

4、these verbs and the past tense.am/is f was are f were buy f bought6.Change the sentences.I was in the just now.I bought a .7.Were you in the?Y es,I was.P ractice the sentences in groups.8.Ask and answer.9.Learn to say.(1)Listen and point.(2)Listen and repeat.(3)Look and say.Homework:Read the text.第二

5、课时I .Warmer:1.Greetings.2.Free talk.II.Revisionam/is f was are f were buy f boughtI I I.P ractice:1.Look and say.2.Work in pairs.Were you in the,?Y es,I was.3.P lay a guessing game.4.Let s chant.Were Y ou in the S upermarket?a.Listen to tape.b.Read after the tape.c.S ay a chant.IV.Homework:1.Activit

6、y Book Lesson 1.2.Recite the words.板书设计:Unit 1 Lesson 1Getting Ready for schoolWere you in the supermarket just now?Y es,I was.No,I wasn t.am/i s-wasare-werebuy-bought教学内容 Unit 1 Getting ready for school Lesson 2矢 口 识 目标:1.Were you at home yesterday?No,I wasn,t.教学目的 2.Where did you go?I went to the

7、supermarket.要求 3.yesterday,did,went.能力目标:谈论过去发生的事情。教学重点 理解一般过去式,听懂运用句型Where did you go?I went to-.难点 问答。教学过程I Warmer:1.Greetings.2.Chant:Were you in the supermarket?II.P resentation:1.Review some words about color.white,black,red.is my favorite color.2.Review the verbs:Was,were,bought.3.Guess and an

8、swer.Were you in the supermarket?Y es,I was./No,I wasn t.4,板书课题:Lesson 2III.New Lesson:1.New words:at home,yesterday.a.No,I wasn t in the supermarket.I was at home yesterday.(Teach at home)b.today f yesterdayRepeat and practice the word.2.Ask and answer.T:Were you at home yesterday?S:Y es,I was./No,

9、I wasn t.3.Game:Change the word card and answer it quickly.4.S entences.Where did you go?I wentExplain do f did,go f wentClap and answer one by one.5.M ake some sentences and answer.6.Learn to say.(1)Listen and point.(2)Listen and repeat.(3)Answer my questions then say.IV.P ractice:1.Look and say.2.

10、Ask and answer in pairs.3.Listen and circle.4.Learn to write.V-Homework:1.Read the text.2.Activity Book Lesson 2.板书设计:Unit 1 Lesson 2Getting Ready for schoolWhere did you go?I went to the supermarket.教学内容 Unit 2 Back to school Lesson 3矢 口 识 目标:1.Did you have a good time in England?Y es,I did.教学目的 2.

11、I visited Big Ben.We played basketball.要求 3.visit,took,photo,swam,sea,have a good time.能力目标:谈论过去发生的事情。教 学 重 点visit,take,swim等不规则动词的过去式;难点 运用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情。教具准备 Tape recorder,cards,some pictures.教学过程第一课时I Warmer:1.Greetings.2.Chant:Were you in the supermarket?II.P resentation:1.Review some words.supe

12、rmarket,bookstore,toy store-2.Free talk.Were you in the,?Y es,I was./No,I wasn,t.Where did you go yesterday?I went to the.3.Take out some pictures.Look,Wang Tao went to Beijing this summer.Do you know where did S ally go?4.Unit 2 Back to school Lesson 4.III.New Lesson:1.Look at these pictures.T:What

13、 places did they visit?S:B i g B en,B ei j i n g,t h e G r eat W al l.2.D i d S al l y g o t o E n g l an d?D i d W an g T ao g o t o B ei j i n g?Y es,s h e di d.Y es,h e di d.3.D i d yo u g o t o*?Y es,I di d.4.R ep eat,s p el l an d ch an t t h e v er bsan d t h e p as t t en s e.visit play godot

14、akeswimbuyvisited played wentdidtookswambought5.M ak e s en t en ces.e.g:I v i s i t ed B i g B en.I di d m y h o m ew o r k.6.h av e a g o o d t i m eD i d yo u h av e a g o o d t i m e?Y es,I di d.7.L ear n t o s ay.(1)L i s t en an d p o i n t.(2)L i s t en an d r ep eat.(3)L i s t en an d an s w

15、 er t h en s ay.I V.H o m ew o r k:R ead t h e t ex t.第二课时I .W ar m er:1.G r eet i n g s.2.C h an t:W er e yo u i n t h e s u p er m ar k et?I I.R ev i s i o n1.S ay t h e v er bs an d t h e p as t t en s e.2.R ead t h e t ex t.I I I.P r act i ce:1.P o i n t an d s ay t h e v er bs q u i ck l y.2.L

16、o o k an d s ay.3 .A s k an d an s w er.4 .L et?s ch an t:D i d yo u h av e a g o o d t i m e?a.L i s t en t o t ap e.b.R ead aft er t h e t ap e.c.S ay a ch an t.V.H o m ew o r k:1.A ct i v i t y B o o k L es s o n 3.2.R eci t e t h e w o r ds.板书设计:U n i t 2 L es s o n 3B ack t o s ch o o lD i d yo

17、 u h av e a g o o d t i m e i n E n g l an d?Y es,I di d.do-di dv i s i t-v i s i t edp l ay-p l ayeds w i m-s w amt ak e-t o o k教学内容U n i t 2 B ack t o s ch o o l L es s o n 4知识目标:L I m fr o m.教学目的 2.H e i s fr o m*-.要求 3.A u s t r al i a,t h e U S A,C h i n a.能力目标:学习如何介绍自己或他人所在的国家。教学重点 认读识记A u s t

18、 r al i a等国家名词;难点 运用rm/H e s fr o m.句型介绍自己或他人所在的国家。教具准备 T ap e r eco r der,w o r d car ds,s o m e fl ag s.教学过程I .W ar m er:1.G r eet i n g s.2.C h an t:D i d yo u h av e a g o o d t i m e?I I.P r es en t at i o n:1.R ev i ew t h e v er bs.S ay i t q u i ck l y.T:do S s:di dT:t ak e S s:t o o k 2.S h

19、 o w a p i ct u r e o f A u s t r al i a.T:M y fr i en d t o o k s o m e p h o t o s i n t h i s s u m m er.D o yo u k n o w w h er e i s i t?(A u s t r al i a)3.T:T o day w e r e g o i n g t o l ear n a n ew l es s o n.L es s o n 44.板书课题:L es s o n 4I I I.N ew L es s o n:1.T:T h i s i s P et er,o u

20、 r n ew fr i en d.H e i s fr o m A u s t r al i a.T each t h i s w o r d:A u s t r al i aR ep eat an d p r act i ce t h e w o r d.2.T:A n d w e k n o w t h i s i s S al l y.I s s h e fr o m E n g l an d?No,she is from the US A.P ay attention to the and the big letters.3.Game:Listen and find out the

21、flag.Read the words and point to the right flag.4.M atch the word and the flag.China,England5.from S he s from.He s from I m from-*.6.Look at the flags then say the sentences.7.Learn to say.(1)Listen and point.(2)Listen and repeat.(3)Answer my questions then say.IV.P ractice:1.P lay a game.Listen an

22、d hold up the flag quickly.I m from-.2.S ay a rhyme.3.Learn to write.V .Homework:1.Read the text.2.Activity Book Lesson 4.板书设计:Unit 2 Lesson 4Back to schoolI m from Australia.I m from the US A.教学内容 Unit 3 A visit to the zoo Lesson 5知识目标:l.What s your favorite food?教学目的 2.Where are you from?I m from

23、.要求 3.bamboo,kangaroo,penguin,the S outh P ole,eat.能力目标:谈论动物及其栖息地和食物掌握单词 bamboo,kangaroo,penguin,the S outh P ole;教学重点 听懂运用句型谈论动物及其栖息地和食物。教具准备 Tape recorder,cards,some pictures.教学过程第一课时I ,Warmer:1.Greetings.2.S ing a song:Our school will shine.II.P resentation:1.Look at the flags,call out the countr

24、y.2.Review these words.China,England,the US A,Australia.3.S entences:I m/S he s/He s from.4.Review the words of animals.monkey,lion,horse,zebra,panda.5.T:Today we 11 have a visit to the zoo to see the animals.Unit 5 A visit to the zoo Lesson 5I I I.New Lesson:l.New words:kangaroo,penguinT:T h er er

25、e ar e m an y an i m al s at t h e zo o.W e h av e l ear n ed s o m e abo u tt h em.N o w l o o k at t h es e an i m al s,do yo u k n o w t h em?S h o w t h e p i ct u r es an d r ep eat.2.G am e:W h at m i s s i n g?3.bam bo oL o o k at t h e p an das,w h at s t h ei r fav o r i t e fo o d?S p el l

26、 an d s ay t h e w o r d i n g r o u p s.4.D o yo u k n o w w h er e ar e p en g u i n s fr o m?T each t h e S o u t h P o l e,p ay at t en t i o n t o t h e bi g l et t er s.5.P l ay a g am e.T o u ch t h e w o r d car d o n t h e bl ack bo ar d an d s ay t h e w o r d.6.A s k an d an s w er:W h er

27、 e ar e fr o m?T h ey ar e fr o m .7.L ear n t o s ay.(1)L i s t en an d p o i n t.(2)L i s t en an d r ep eat.(3)L o o k an d s ay.V.H o m ew o r k:R ead t h e t ex t.第二课时I ,W ar m er:1.G r eet i n g s.2.S i n g a s o n g:O u r s ch o o l w i l l s h i n e.I I.R ev i s i o n1.R ev i ew t h e w o r

28、ds o f an i m al s.2.R ead t h e t ex t.III.P ractice:1.P lay a game:Take the animal to their home.They are from.2.Look and write.Complete the cards below with the information on page 21.3.Read and answer.Answer these questions about penguins.a.Where do they live?b.Can they fly?c.Can they swim?d.Do

29、they lay eggs?e.What do they eat?V.Homework:1.Activity Book Lesson 5.2.Recite the words.板书设计:Unit 3 Lesson 5A visit to the zooWhat s your favorite food?Where are you from?I m from.教学内容教学目的要求教学重点难点教具准备U n i t 3 A v i s i t t o t h e zo o L es s o n 6知识目标:1.W h at an i m al s di d yo u s ee?W e s aw .

30、2.I t o o k a p h o t o o f t h e p en g u i n s.I bo u g h t a bo o k abo u tp en g u i n s.3.W e at e s o m e ban an as o n o u r w ay h o m e.4.s aw,at e能力目标:能用英语描述发生在过去的行为。听懂运用s aw,t o o k,bo u g h t,a t e等动词的过去式描述过去的事件。T ap e r eco r der,s o m e car ds an d s o m e p i ct u r es.教学过程I .W ar m e

31、r:1.G r eet i n g s.2.S i n g a s o n g:O l d M acdo n al d H ad A F ar mI I.P r es en t at i o n:1.R ev i ew t h e w o r ds o f an i m al s:M o n k ey,p an da,k an g ar o o,2.R ev i ew t h e p as t t en s e:am/i s w as ar e一 w er e bu y bo u g h t do 一 di dg o 一w en t s w i m 一 s w am t ak e一 t o o

32、 k h av e一 h ad3.s ay a ch an t.D i d yo u h av e a g o o d t i m e?Y es,I di d.I bo u g h t a bo o k.T h at s a n i ce bo o k.D i d yo u h av e a g o o d t i m e?Y es,I di d.I t o o k a p h o t o.T h at s a n i ce p h o t o.4.板书课题:L es s o n 6I I I.N ew L es s o n:1.T:I h ad a g o o d t i m e l as

33、t S u n day.I t o o k s o m e p h o t o s.L o o k,I t o o ka p h o t o o f t h e bi r ds.T h at s a n i ce p h o t o.F o l l o w m e:a p h o t o o f t h e bi r ds,o f t h e bi r ds,I t o o k a p h o t o o f t h ebi r ds.A n d l o o k,I t o o k a p h o t o o f t h e,-p an das .(操练:I t o o k a p h o t

34、 o o f t h e*.)A n d g u es s!W h er e di d I g o?I w en t t o t h e zo o.T:T h e zo o!I v i s i t ed t h e Z o o.S o t o day w e 11 l ear n U n i t 3 A Vi s i t t ot h e Z o o L es s o n 6.2.T each:W h at an i m al s di d yo u s ee?W e s aw*.T:T o day I w an t t o s h o w yo u m y v i s i t t o t h

35、 e zo o.P l eas e l o o k car efu l l yan d r em en ber w h at yo u,11 s ee.(L o o k at t h e v i deo.)W e s aw*.s,a,w s aw s ee一s awT:L et s p l ay 九宫格速t己大比拼.H er e ar e 9 an i m al s.W h at ar e t h ey?S s:W h at an i m al s di d yo u s ee?W e s aw,3.T each:W e at e s o m e ban an as.G i v e a can

36、 dy t o a n i ce g i r l.H av e h er eat i t.T:W h at di d s h e eat j u s t n o w?S h e at e a can dy,at e eat at e W e at e s o m e ban an as.4.T each:I bo u g h t a bo o k abo u t p en g u i n s.T:W e s aw m an y an i m al s j u s t n o w.W h at s yo u r fav o r i t e an i m al?T:M y fav o r i t

37、e an i m al i s p en g u i n.B u t I di dn,t s ee t h e p en g u i n s att h e zo o.S o I bo u g h t a bo o k abo u t p en g u i n s.L o o k,h er e i t i s.小声到大声操练短语:a bo o k abo u t p en g u i n s5.L ear n t o s ay.(1)L i s t en an d p o i n t.(2)L i s t en an d r ep eat.(3)A n s w er m y q u es t

38、i o n s t h en s ay.I V.P r act i ce:1.L i s t en an d n u m ber2.L ear n t o w r i t e:P 28 (提醒学生注意动词过去式的正确写法)V .H o m ew o r k:1.R ead t h e t ex t.2.C o p y t h e w o r ds an d s en t en ces.3 .A ct i v i t y B o o k L es s o n 6.板书设计:Unit 3 Lesson 6A visit to the zooWhat animals did you see?We s

39、aw .I took a photo of the penguins.I bought a book about penguins.We ate some bananas on our way home.教学内容Unit 4 M aking P hone Calls Lesson71.知识目标:A、speak.M id-Autumn DayB、S entences:M ay I speak to,please?S peaking.教 学 目 的2.能力目标:A、能运用“Hell。.This i s M ay I speak to ,要求 please?S peaking.等打电话的固定用语。B

40、、培养学生运用英语的语言能力、发散性思维能力和知识的迁移能力。3.情感态度:了解在打电话用语方面的中西方文化差异教学重点 掌握M ay I speak to-,please?S peaking.等用语与人打电话,联难点 系M id-Autumn Day等节日加以拓展运用。教具准备 课件、单词卡片教学过程第一课时S tep I Warming-up:1、Greeting.2、S ing a song:”Our school will shine.”S tep II Revision:1.Review some words.2.Look and answer.What time is it?It

41、s o clock.3.Time,time,have a good time.Chant:Did you have a good time?S tepIII P resentation:1.T:Did you have a good time on Oct 3rd?S how some pictures of M id一Autumn Day.We have dinner on M id一Autumn Day.2.导入课题:Unit4 M aking P hone Calls Lesson7T:Today Chen Ling is inviting her friend to have dinn

42、er together.Doyou know why?Now they are making a phone call.That,s our new lesson.Unit4 M aking P hone Calls Lesson7(打电话)3.Look and listen.Listen again,then underline the answers:a.Who is Chen Ling calling to?b.What time do they have dinner together?c.Why do they have dinner together?4.New words and

43、 new sentences:(1)They 11 have dinner together,because tomorrow?s M id一AutumnDay,引出新词:M id一Autumn DayRepeat the word.小组操练单词。(2)On M id-Autumn Day,we enjoy the moon and eat the moon cakes.出示月亮和月饼图片,学习moon,moon cake(3)They re making a phone call.What does Chen Ling say?Do youremember?让学生判断是 I m Chen L

44、ing or This is Chen Ling.介绍中西方打电话的文化差异。假如你打电话如何自我介绍:Hello.This i s.出示句子:M ay I speak to P eter,please?S peaking.教学单词speak speak to字母组合ea发音与单词eat比较,spell and say.(5)替换人物图片,操练句子(6)运用句型,给身边的朋友打电话4、P lay a passing game.课件出示电话音乐响铃,学生传递电话,音乐停时,手持电话者接答。5、Learn to say(1)Listen and repeat.(2)提出疑难,相互解答。(3)Rep

45、 eat again,t hen r ead in r o l es.St ep IV Ho m ew o r k:Lis t en an d r ep eat t he t ex t.第二课时St ep I War m in g-u p:1、Gr eet in g.2、Sin g a s o n g:”Ou r s cho o l w il l s hin e.”St ep I I Rev is io n:1.Rev iew s o m e w o r ds.2.Mak in g p ho n e cal l s.St ep III Pr act ice1、Act it o u t.课件出示

46、林浩和姚明图片,林浩想打电话邀请姚明参加他的生日聚会,请学生补充单词完成对话,并表演。2、Hav e a r ace:显 示 四 幅 学 生 所 学 节 日 图 片(Chil dr en s Day,New Year s Day,Chr is t m as Day,Mid一Au t u m n Day ),提供相应打电话句子及部分单词,四小组竞赛,填充单词以形成完整对话。3 Wo r k in p air s.展示汇报,对话表演。St ep IVSu m m ar ySt ep V Ho m ew o r k1 .抄写单词,完成活动手册。2 .运用所学的句型Hel l o.This is Ma

47、y I s p eak t o p l eas e?Sp eak in g 与家人、朋友打电话.板书设计:Un it 4 Mak in g Pho n e Cal l sLes s o n 7Hel l o.ThisMay I s p eak t o ,p l eas e?Sp eak in g.MidAu t u m n Daym o o n cak e教学内容教学目的要求教学重点难点教具准备Un it 4 Mak in g Pho n e Cal l s Les s o n 8知识目标:1.Ho l d o n,p l eas e.2.t el ep ho n e,m o o n cak

48、e能力目标:能听懂会说简单的打电话用语。掌握单词t el ep ho n e;听懂运用句型与朋友,家人打电话。Tap e r eco r der,s o m e car ds an d s o m e p ict u r es.教学过程I .War m er:1.Gr eet in gs.2.Chan t :Hel l o.II.Rev is io n1.Rev iew t he w o r ds o f v er bs:am,is 一w as ar e-w er e bu y 一bo u ght do 一didgo 一w en t s w im 一s w am t ak e一t o o k

49、hav e一had2.Mak e a p ho n e cal l:Hel l o.May I s p eak t o ,p l eas e?Sp eak in g.3.Mid一Au t u m n DayI I I.Pr es en t at io n:1.T:Yes t er day is Mid一Au t u m n Day.Wher e did Pet er go?He w en t t o Chen Lin g,s ho u s e.He w as at Chen Lin g,s ho m e.2.T:What did t hey do?They had dinner togethe

50、r.They eat moon cakes.3.T:They had a good time.S o today P eter will phone to his other friendsto talk about that.4.板书课题:Lesson 8IV.New Lesson1.Look and listen.2.Answer my questions:Who s P eter calling to?Who answer the phone first?What does his mother say?3.Teach:Hold on,please.4.New word:telephon


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