1、DolphinDolphin1 Brief introduction of dolphin2 Relationships with humans3 The documentary the covethe coveBrief introduction of dolphin Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises.There are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera.bottlenose dolphinChineseWhiteDolphincomm
2、on dolphinThey are found worldwide,mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves,and are carnivores,eating mostly fish and squid.Brief introduction of dolphinBrief introduction of dolphin Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earths most intelligent animals.Brief introduction of dolphinDol
3、phins are social living in pods of up to a dozen individuals.Dolphins can establish strong social bonds;Brief introduction of dolphinDolphinsareacousticcreatures.Thatstheirprimarysense.Thebestsonarthemanhas,isatoycomparedtothedolphins.Mythology Dolphins have long played a role in human culture.Dolph
4、ins are common in Greek mythology and there are many coins from ancient Greece which feature a man or boy or deity riding on the back of a dolphin.Relationships with humansFriends of humans Dolphins are friends of human beings,they are happy to be with people.Assist fishermen fishing;Relationships w
5、ith humansMilitaryfinding minesrescuing lost or trapped humansRelationships with humansRelationships with humansThe documentary the covethe cove The Cove The Cove82ndAcademyAwards(2010)BestDocumentaryFeatureThe documentary the coveTaiji,Japan,FilminglocationsThe documentary the coveThe documentary the coveThe documentary the coveTheFaroeIslandsofDenmarkThe documentary the coveThanks!