1、 国庆节文艺晚会主持词国庆文艺晚会简短主持词(三篇)最新国庆节文艺晚会主持词(精)一 20xx年10月1日,在这一天,祖国母亲迎来了她的华诞。在这个寓意深刻的日子,首都北京的天安门广场进行了盛大的国庆阅兵。 上午十时,期盼已久的六十年国庆阅兵式开头了。“齐步!走!”,随着一声洪亮的声音,国旗护卫队走了出来,他们一个个精神抖擞,步伐整齐。护旗手举着国旗,英姿挺立的走在最前方。到了升国旗的地方,随着国歌的声音,国旗在护旗手的手中冉冉升起,飘在空中,大家唱着义勇军进展曲,度过了那短暂而漫长的2分07秒。 当国家乘着红旗牌轿车在长安大街检阅后,一个个阅兵方阵,迈着整齐的步伐,走过威武的天安门时,我为我
2、是一个中国人十三亿人民的一份子,而傲慢。 阅兵完成后,14个徒步方队开头承受阅兵分列式。其中,让我印象最深刻的是特种兵。他们穿着迷彩服,一个个抬头挺胸,大踏步从天安门城楼走过。坚决的眼神,稳健的步伐是他们共同的特点。他们留下的一个个脚印,会让中国人引以为豪! 接下来的是装备车的巡游。一部部武装车从长安街驶过,例如有:两栖战车、99式坦克、武警装甲车还有飞机梯队:空警预警机 空警200 轰6h战机它们都是我国自主研发的,现在,我们的国家真是越来越强大了! 凡遇国庆大典,阅兵式总是典礼中声势最大的一项活动。在这项极其盛大的仪式中,呈现出一个的军威、一个国家的国威和一个民族的浩然正气。新中国成立以来
3、的13次国庆阅兵,留下了我军进展壮大和共和国成长的每一步脚印。 阅兵历来被认为是展国力、扬军威的最好方式。60周年国庆阅兵,既可以展现解放军现代化、正规化建立的巨大成就和崭新风貌,又可以展现中国维护国家安全与统一、促进世界和平与进展的强大信念,向全世界呈现“中国力气”。 我们当代中学生是社会中最富有活力的局部,是复兴中华民族宏大事业的盼望,二十一世纪是我们的世纪,社会主义现代化建立的重担历史地落在了我们的肩上,让我们勤奋学习,把握本事,携手并肩,将具有中国特色的社会主义现代化建立推向新的高潮,共同制造中华民族辉煌绚烂的明天! 最新国庆节文艺晚会主持词(精)二 耶!一年一度的国庆节到了,举国同庆
4、,爸爸也回来了,我们全家要一起去万达玩了! yeah! the annual national day is coming, the whole country is celebrating, and my father is back. my family is going to wanda to play together! 我们乘5路公交车去,在妈妈预备付钱时司机伯伯却说:“今日不用交钱!”惊喜啊,原来国庆节坐公交车不用钱。 we took the no. 5 bus, but when our mother was ready to pay, the driver said, “no
5、money today!“ its a surprise. it used to cost nothing to take the bus on national day. 路上,一排排五星红旗在店面前飘扬,大的、小的、长的、短的,可多啦!到了目的地,我们就进去玩。在游乐园里玩得正兴起,旁边的一个画画的地方突然响起了一个姐姐甜甜的声音,说可以在一个类似于寿司的食品上用食用色素作画,画完有嘉奖!大人小孩蜂拥而上,那里立刻被围得里三层外三层,这下我想看都看不到了,只能在那个乐园里玩,根本看不到,既然我看不到,那我就用听的。 on the way, rows of five-star red fla
6、gs are flying in front of the store. there are many big, small, long and short ones! when we get to the destination, well go in and play. playing in the amusement park is on the rise, and a sisters sweet voice suddenly rings in a nearby painting place, saying that she can paint with food coloring on
7、 a sushi like food, and there is a reward after painting! adults and children swarmed up, which was immediately surrounded by three floors. i cant see it now. i can only play in that paradise. i cant see it at all. since i cant see it, i can use listening. 过了十几分钟,那个声音又响起了“看,这个小朋友在这儿写上了70,这个小朋友画上了天安门
8、”,听着听着,我都想去看看了,但我只能待在原地,多无奈!不久这个活动散了,看着获奖的小朋友拿着奖品快乐地离去,我既替他们快乐也失落,幸好我还能玩其它的,什么海洋球、小房间在这儿应有尽有。 after ten minutes, the voice rang again, “look, this kid wrote 70 here, this kid drew tiananmen gate.。.“ listen, i want to see it, but i can only stay where i am, how helpless! soon the activity was over. w
9、atching the winning children leave happily with their prizes, i was happy and lost for them. fortunately, i could play other games, such as ocean balls and small rooms theres everything here. 后来,我们玩起了海洋球,累了,就躺在那上面,弟弟妹妹趁我不留意,把我埋了起来,我一睁眼,弟弟妹妹就装作若无其事的样子在那儿玩,我很生气,拿一个球扔去,弟弟妹妹也扔过来 later, we played ocean b
10、all. when we were tired, we lay on it. my brother and sister buried me when i didnt pay attention. as soon as i opened my eyes, my brother and sister pretended to play there as if nothing had happened. i was very angry. i took a ball and threw it. my brother and sister also threw it 玩累了,我们也回家了,一路上爸爸
11、妈妈也跟我们聊了许多其它快乐的事,今日真是个好日子,既快乐又幸福,哈哈! tired of playing, we also went home. along the way, mom and dad also talked with us a lot of other happy things. today is really a good day, both happy and happy, ha ha! 最新国庆节文艺晚会主持词(精)三 四四方方一座城 亿众同胞衍根生 千古英雄 万年风 谁无感慨谁无梦 沉睡中朦糊涂 矍烁下露困庸 谁无自责谁无痛 十月一日的诞生 福海的聚集 我们一起在新中国下贺国庆 娇媚的花瓣是心愿 繁华的都市是实现 飘扬的锦带是祝愿 文明和谐的篇章是承受 春之声 夏之曲 秋之韵 冬之歌 献给祖国 喜迎国庆 顶旭日 踏拂晓