1、 国际商务谈判策划书1000字商务谈判策划书2023字(三篇)国际商务谈判筹划书1000字 商务谈判筹划书2023字篇一 二、谈判团队人员组成: 小组成员:徐燕萍0606540140、李虹0606540113 朱国芳0606540156、陆燕0606540122(组长) 小组分工:主 谈: 陆燕 (公司谈判全权代表); 决策人: 朱国芳 (负责重大问题的决策); 记录员: 李虹 (负责记录谈判内容); 财务参谋: 徐燕萍 (负责计算价格、核算利润); 三、双方利益及优劣势分析: 我方利益:我方是汽车代理商,要求尽早交货,力求建立双方长期合作关系; 对方利益:要求对方尽早付清货款,力求建立双方长
2、期合作关系; 我方优势:我公司拥有大量的客户资源,购置需求量较大; 我方劣势:目前属于汽车销售淡季,我公司资金流淌紧急,付款日期会延迟; 对方优势:款式新奇,型号齐全,能满意不同消费群体的需求; 对方劣势:由于交通等方面缘由,交货日期较晚; 四、谈判目标: 1、战略目标:在互惠互利的根底上,以适当合理的价格完成此次交易; 缘由分析:双方都有意建立长期合作关系; 2、成交目标: 报价:第八代雅阁accord 2.0mt 18万 第八代雅阁accord 2.4 atexl navi 24万 第八代雅阁accord 3.5 at 28万 第八代雅阁accord v6 3.5 31万 交货期:1月后,
3、即20xx年1月31日; 技术支持:要求对方派一个技术参谋小组到我公司供应技术指导; 优待待遇:在同等条件下优先供货; 底线:保证我公司有20%左右的盈利空间; 五、预备谈判资料: 合同、背景资料、对方信息资料、技术资料、财务资料 相关法律资料:中华人民共和国合同法、国际合同法、 国际货物买卖合同公约、经济合同法 备注:合同法违约责任 第一百零七条 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合商定的,应当担当连续履行、实行补救措施或者赔偿损失等违约责任。 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约规定:不行抗力是指不行抗力是指不能预见、不能避开并不能克制的客观状况。 六、程序及详细策略: (一)开局: 由于
4、这是双方第一次业务往来,应力争营造一个友好、真诚的气氛,以淡化和消退双方的生疏感,以及由此带来的防范甚至略含敌对的心理,为实质性谈判奠定良好的根底。 方案一:情感沟通式开局策略:通过谈及双方合作状况形成感情上的共鸣,把对方引入较融洽的谈判气氛中。 方案二:实行全都式开局策略:以协商、确定的语言进展陈述,使对方对己方产生好感,产生双方对谈判的理解布满“全都性”的感觉,从而使谈判双方在友好、开心的气氛中绽开谈判工作。 (二)中期阶段: 1、唱红百脸策略:由两名谈判成员其中一名充当红脸,一名充当白脸帮助协议的谈成,适时将谈判话题从价格上转移至交货期及长远利益上来,把握住谈判的节奏和进程,从而占据主动
5、; 2、层层推动,步步为营策略:有技巧地提出我方预期利益,先易后难,步步为营地争取利益; 3、把握让步原则:明确我方核心利益所在,实行以退为进策略,退一步进两步,做到迂回补偿,充分利用手中筹码,适当时可以退让赔款金额来换取其它更大利益; 4、突出优势:以资料作支撑,以理服人,强调与我方协议胜利给对方带来的利益,同时软硬兼施,示意对方若与我方协议失败将会有巨大损失; 5、货比三家策略:利用对方存在竞争对手的可能性来与正在进展的谈判进展场外比照,给对手造成同一产品的压力,让其能够做出相应的让步; 6、打破僵局策略:合理利用休息时间,首先冷静分析僵局缘由,再运用把握确定对方形式,否认对方实质的方法解
6、除僵局,适时用声东击西、角色互换策略,打破僵局; (三)休局阶段: 如有必要,依据实际状况对原有方案进展调整。 (四)最终谈判阶段: 1、最终通牒策略:适时运用折中调和策略,把握严格把握最终让步的幅度,在相宜的时机提出最终报价; 2、埋下契机:在谈判中形成一体化谈判,以期建立长期合作关系; 3、达成协议:明确最终谈判结果,出示会议记录和合同范本,对方确认,确定正式签订合同时间; 七、制定应急预案: 1、对方使用权力有限策略,声称金额的限制,拒绝我方的提议。 应对方案:了解对方权限状况,“白脸”据理力争,适当运用制造缰局策略,“红脸”再以示意的方式揭露对方的权限策略,并运用迂回补偿的技巧,来突破
7、僵局;或用声东击西策略。 2、对方使用借题发挥策略,对我方延迟付款问题抓住不放。 应对方案:避开不必要的解释,可转移话题,必要时可指出对方的策略本质,双方以长期合作为目标,不能因小失大。 国际商务谈判筹划书1000字 商务谈判筹划书2023字篇二 (我方:舒婷网络集团;乙方:清华同方责任有限公司) 我方(甲方): 舒婷网络集团成立于xx年,是一家嬉戏网络运营集团,董事会主席兼ceo牛舒婷、以及其它5名个人股东(大多数为舒婷网络董事和权益股东),创立了现在的舒婷网络集团,它与闻名的巨人网络集团有过合作,在中国地区是一个掩盖面广、很有影响的网络集团之一,全国500强企业之一。 乙方: 同方股份有限
8、公司是由清华大学控股的高科技公司,于1997年6月成立并在上海证券交易所挂牌交易,股票代码600100。xx年清华同方位列“中国电子信息企业500强”第23位,是中国政府重点支持的电子百强企业。 清华同方以自主核心技术为根底,充分结合资本运作力量,创立了信息技术、能源与环境、应用核电子技术、生物医药四大产业。 在信息产业中,清华同方致力于应用信息系统、计算机系统和数字电视系统领域的技术创新与产品开发,为电子政务、数字家园、数字城市、数字教育、数字传媒等行业供应全面解决方案和成套设备。目前,清华同方在计算机产品、重大行业信息化、数字教育资源、数字电视等领域已具有国内领先的技术实力和市场份额。 在
9、能源与环境产业中,清华同方在人工环境、能源环境、建筑环境和水环境等业务领域,以烟气脱硫、垃圾燃烧、水处理、空气调整等核心技术为根底,专业从事能源利用与环境污染掌握工程、人工环境工程,并在大中型空调设备方面具有显著优势。 在应用核电子技术产业中,以电子加速器、辐射成像、自动掌握、数字图象处理技术为核心的系列产品,已到达国际先进水平。 在生物医药与精细化工产业中,生产新型成药、药品中间体、原料药品等多种产品,已成为一家新兴的生物医药高科技企业。 二、谈判主题 我方向乙方公司选购100台电脑 三、谈判团队人员组成 主谈:牛舒婷,公司谈判全权代表; 决策人:张新新, 负责重大问题的决策; 技术参谋:王
10、文芳,负责技术问题; 法律参谋:付美,负责法律问题; 四、双方利益及优劣势分析 我方核心利益: 1、要求对方用完量低的价格供给我方同方电脑 2、在保证质量质量问题的根底上、尽量削减本钱 对方利益:用最高的价格销售,增加利润 我方优势: 1、有多方的电脑供给公司可供我方选择 2、在中国地区是一个掩盖面广、有大较有影响的网络集团 我方劣势:我方连续这批电脑,迫切与对方合作,否则将可能对公司造成更大损失 对方优势:对方的电脑品牌在国际上声誉较好,且与其合作的公司较多。 对方劣势:属于供给方,假如完不成谈判,可能损失以后合作的时机。 五、谈判目标 战略目标:1、和平谈判,按我方的选购条件达成收购协议
11、报价:1000元 供给日期:一周内 底线:以我方低线报价xx元 尽快完成选购后的运作 六、程序及详细策略 1、开局: 方案一:感情沟通式开局策略:通过谈及双方合作状况形成感情上的共鸣,把对方引入较融洽的谈判气氛中,制造互利共营的模式。 方案二:实行进攻式开局策略:营造低调谈判气氛,明确指出有多家供给商竞争,开出1000元的报价,以制造心理优势,使对方处于主动地位。 2、中期阶段: (1)红脸白脸策略:由两名谈判成员其中一名充当红脸,一名充当白脸帮助协议的谈成,把握住谈判的节奏和进程,从而占据主动。 国际商务谈判筹划书1000字 商务谈判筹划书2023字篇三 中瑞劳力士手表商务谈判 北京益时贸易
12、有限公 劳力士钟表有限公司 总经理: 总经理: 销售部长: 财务部长 选购部部长: 销售部部长: 技术总监: 技术总监: beijing yishitrade limited company rolex watches and clocks co., ltd general manager: zhangrongrong general manager: shengqiushuo sale minister: xiaxi financial minister: jianyishuai purchasing minister:zhangshuang sales department ministe
13、r: zhangyanxin technical director:liruijin technical director: yuemingzhu 中方总经理:欢送来自瑞士劳力士钟表有限公司的各位谈判代表来北京进展业务洽谈,我是来自北京益时贸易有限公司的总经理张荣荣。首先,由我来介绍我方的谈判代表,这位是我们公司的营销总监夏鑫,这位是我们公司的选购部部长张爽,这位是我们公司的技术总监李瑞金 cm:welcome from switzerland rolex watches and clocks co., ltd of everyone negotiators to beijing for bu
14、siness cooperation, my name is zhangrongrong, i am the general manager of beijingyishi trade limited company. first of all, let me introduce our negotiators, this is our sale minister xiaxin. this is our purchase department minister zhangshuang; this is our technical director liruijin 瑞方总经理:特别快乐来到漂亮
15、的北京。我是劳力士钟表有限公司 总经理生秋硕。下面由我来介绍我方谈判代表。这位是我们公司的财务总监建益帅,这位是我们公司的销售部部长章燕馨,这位是我们公司的技术总监岳明珠 sm:i am very glad to come to beautiful beijing. i”m the general manager shengqiushuo of rolex watches limited company. please allow me to introduce our negotiators, this is our company financial minister jianyishua
16、i , this is our company”s sales department minister zhangyanxin, this is our technical director yuemingzhu. 中方总经理:贵方从瑞士远道而来,你们那里是海洋性气候,夏季潮湿多雨,而我们北京夏季酷热枯燥,不知贵方对两个国家气候的突然变化是否适应? cm:you came from far away and the summer of switzerland is wet and rain, but we beijing summer hot and dry,we don”t know whe
17、ther you will adapt to climate change suddenly? 瑞方总经理:贵地的气候虽有点热,但是在贵方的周到接待下,我方代表还比拟适应。 sm:your climate is a little hot, but in your thoughtful reception, our representatives are used to. 中方总经理:很快乐听到你这么说。不知道贵方对我方安排的“长城之旅”还满足吗? cm:we are glad to hear you say so. we don”t know whether you are satisfact
18、ed with our arrangement of “the great wall tour“ 瑞方总经理:满足,特别满足。北京是一个历史悠久的城市,世界上闻名的文化古都,中华人民共和国的首都,今日亲眼看到她的风韵,最终一饱眼福 sm: we are very, very satisfied. beijing is a city with a long history, the world famous cultural ancient capital, capital of the people”s republic of china, today we see her charm, an
19、d have a look at last. 中方总经理:感谢贵方的赞美,这是我公司特殊为贵公司预备的具有北京特色的小礼物,盼望你们喜爱。信任我们的合作肯定会圆满胜利。 cm:thank you for your praise, this is a small gift with unique characteristics of beijing that my company especially for you ,hope you like it,and we believe that the cooperation will be a complete success. 瑞方总经理:感谢
20、你们的礼物,期盼与贵公司的合作。 sm:thank you for the gifts, we are looking forward to the cooperation with your company. 中方总经理:好的,那么我们开头谈判吧! cm:ok, lets come to the point! 瑞方总经理:我公司的国际知名度和品牌影响力,贵方也肯定有所了解,我公司的劳力士手表在世界市场上始终都很受欢送。考虑到中国强大的潜在消费市场,此次谈判,我方盼望能与贵方达成大批量的交易。下面请我们的销售部部长给贵方介绍一下我们的合作产品。 sm:you must have some id
21、ea of our company”s international reputation and brand influence , the rolex watches of our company in the world market has always been very popular. considering china”s powerful potential consumer market, we hope to reach large quantities of trade with you. next, please our sales department ministe
22、r to you about our cooperation products. 瑞方市场部部长岳:很快乐你们选择劳力士!信任你们是明智的选择。劳力士着重庄重,有用,不显浮华。另外它的性能包括全自动、单历、双历、防水、防尘等,做工精益求精,特殊是表盘、表把以及表带雕刻成的王冠更是其高品质的标志。 you must have found that is was a wise choice to choose ”s performance including automatic, single calendar, double calendar, waterproof, dustproof, ke
23、ep improving, especially the dial, work table and rolex watches strap, carved into crown is the symbol of high quality. 中方选购部部长李:是的,该名牌手表在制造方面使用先进设备、高质材料,到达了加工精细、高光滑度。很快乐和贵公司合作。贵方能详细介绍一下这款表吗? yes,this famous brand watch manufacturing use advanced equipment, high quality materials to processing fine,
24、 high are very glad to cooperate with you be more specifice on the style of rolex? 瑞方岳:没问题。劳力士有金色全钢表带,白色珍宝贝母表盘,另外它拥有瑞士特制精准机械机芯、恒久耐用镶钻刻度显示 ok ,rolex white pearl had carried dial,swiss precision machinery had special machine core,permanent and durable,had set auger scale display 中方李:听起来很不错!但我想确定一下这款表是
25、否是高精度全钢抛光表扣处理,高硬度蓝宝石水晶防眩外表,三针走时是否精准是否有3点位置日历显示功能。 sounds good! i want be sure that if they had high precision steel polishing clasp processing and had high hardness sapphire crystal surface the glar .besides, when walking three needles had provides accurate 3 point had calendar displays 瑞方岳:这些方面贵方不用
26、担忧。另外我们还拥有多方系列,各具特色。例如探险家型(explorer),附带24小时红色帮助针,以便利探险爱好者区分日夜。劳力士金表潜航者型(submariner),防水深度超过300米。游艇名士型(yachtmaster),配有可旋转外圈,便利计算时差。游艇名士型(yachtmaster),配有可旋转外圈,便利计算时差。游艇名士型(yachtmaster),配有可旋转外圈,便利计算时差。宇宙计型(cosmograph),为一款多功能手表,能满意工程、运动及商业等多种需要。 do not worry about it ,in addition,we have series of exampl
27、e, rolex watch the silent hunter type (submariner), waterproof deepness more than 300 meters. explorer type (explorer), 24 hours with red needle to assist convenient adventurers distinguish night and yacht elites type (yacht master), with inner can rotate, convenient calculation jet lag. program typ
28、e (cosmograph) universe, as a versatile watches, can satisfy engineering, sports and business duozhong need. 中方李:你们的种类的确挺丰富,我方很满足!但现在据我们了解,格林尼治型(gmtmaster),其可转动外圈及24小时指针,不仅同时显示两个时区时间,更可将时针独立移动至另一时区,而毋须移动分针及秒针。 市场前景更宽阔。 the type of you really have a rich, we are satisfied! but as we know, greenwich t
29、ype (gmt), was selled well noedays. 瑞方岳:英雄所见略同。我正想介绍这款了。好巧呀。 yue: great minds think alike. i just want to introduce this payment. what a coincidence! the master can rotate outer ring and 24 hours pointer, not only shows at the same time two time zones, the more time can be moved to another hour hand
30、 independent time zone, and shall not be obliged to mobile minute hand and a second it maybe has more reday market in the fucher cp张: goog!thanks for the introduce .we have seen your samples and we are totally interested in your products. so , we shall be obliged if you will give us your catalogs an
31、d price list ss章: we ve specially made out a price-list which cover those items most popular on your market. here you are. cp张: oh, its very considerate of you. if you ll excuse me, i ll go over your price-list right now. ss章: oh, take your time,. cp张: after going over your price-list and catalogues
32、, we are interested in(gmtmaster) and yachtmaster, but we found that your price are too high than those offered by other suppliers. it would be impossible for us to push any sales at such high far as we know the market price is on more than 10000 dollor ss章: what?it must be the primary price. you mu
33、st know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years while our prices of chinaware basically remain unchanged. to be frank, our commodities have always come up to our export standard and the packages are excellent designed and printed. so our products are moderately priced. cp张
34、:im afraid i cant agree with you in this respect. i know that your products are attractive in design, but i wish to point out that your offers are higher than some of the quotations. ive received from your competitors in other countries. so, your price is not competitive in this market. ss章:as you m
35、ay know, our roducts which is of high quality have found a good market in many countries. so you must take quality into consideration, too. cp张:i agree with what you say, but the price difference should not be so big. if you want to get the order, youll have to lower the price. thats reasonable, isn
36、t it? ss章: well, in order to help you develop business in this line, we may consider making some concessions in your price, but never to that extent. cp张: if you are prepared to cut down your price by 8%, we might come to terms. ss章:8%? im afraid you are asking too much. actually, we have never gave
37、 such lower price. for friendships sake, we may exceptionally consider reducing the price by 5%. this is the highest reduction we can afford. cp张: you certainly have a way of talking me into it. but i wonder if when we place a larger order, youll farther reduce your prices. i want to order one conta
38、iner of 格林尼治型(gmtmaster and 438 sets of yacht elites type (yacht master) ss章:i can assure you that our price is most favourable. we are sorry to say that we can bring our price down a still lower level. 中方李:那现在我们谈谈包装吧。你知道的,在肯定程度上包装同产品一样重要。now,let us talk about packing it. packing has a close bearing
39、 on sales. 岳:是的,我特别同意。包装有助于推销产品。人们购置这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以精致高雅的设计至关重要。 yes ,i agree with you .this kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance. packing will help push the sales. good packaging can reflect the honour of rolex! 李:很快乐在这个问题上我们达成共识。 lee: i”m
40、 happy to be in this issue we reach a consensus. 岳:那么,这些产品的包装您有什么想法? yue: so, these the packing of the products you have any idea? 李:我们盼望原装盒子包装。这样具有正品保证 lee: we hope that the original box packaging. so has the quality goods guarantee. 岳:劳力士(rolex)包装附有蚝式、外包装纸盒、内盒、小枕头或者夹子、 cosc漆牌、防水标签、证明书/cosc证书、 说明书。
41、 rolex (rolex) packing will oyster type, with the outer packing box, inside box, support, rolex watches small pillow or clip, cosc paint brand, waterproof labels, certificate/cosc certificate,manual。 李:包装必需很结实,能承受野蛮装卸。 lee:the packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handing. 岳:买方通常很留意包装很多国外
42、客户已经认可了我们标准化的包装 yue: you can totally rest know buyers always pay great attention to standardized packing has been approved by many foreign clients. 李:听起来很好!但是为了促进销售,我可以提出其他意见吗? lee: sounds good! but in order to promote sales, i can put forward to other comments? 岳:可以,请说! yue: yes, please say! 李:宇宙计型
43、,格林尼治型能否依据他们特有的风格进展包装设计,使其别致且引人注目。 lee: cosmic plan, can according to the type of greenwich their own style of packaging design, make its unique and compelling. 岳:这也是我方的一大特色。依据每款的特有性能我们都有独具特色的包装。 yue: this is one of the features of our. according to each of the special performance we all have a uniq
44、ue characteristic of the packing. 李:想的这么周到!很快乐和你方合作,包装能否防水、防震、防磁 lee: think so considerate!we are very happy to cooperate with you. packing can waterproof, shock, the magnetic? life had water-proof, shock-resistant and anti-magnetic the proof-was placed, shoresistant- -the magnetic 岳:那是必需的! yue: tha
45、t is a must! 李:还有一件事情,由于蓝色在我国很受欢送,可以把这种颜色考虑进包装中吗?让蓝色作为基调可能有好处。 lee: and one more thing, because blue in our country is very popular, can put the color, considering the package? let the blue as fundamental key may be good. 岳:哦,是吗?我们会考虑。我会尽快的按贵方要求进展设计,保证给你们一个满足的创新样品。由您打算一个。 yue: oh, really? we will consider. as soon as possible to meet your requirements for design, to guarantee you a satisfactory innovation samples. do as your decided 李:哇!你们真是到处周到!祝我们合作开心! lee: wow! you are thoughtful everywhere! i wish our cooperation happy!