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1、Unitl Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair WorkThey were studying arts education inChinese kindergartens andelementary schools in Nanjing.Their 18-month-old son Benjaminwas fond of trying to place the keyinto the stot of the key box duringtheir stay at the Jinling Ho

2、telThey would come over to watchBenjamin and then try to teach himhow to do it properly.Because he realized that thisanecdote was directly relevant totheir assigned tasks in China:toinvestigate early childhood educationand to throw light on Chineseattitudes toward creativity.Most of them displayed t

3、he sameattitude as the staff at the JinlingHotelHe emphasized that the mostimportant thing is to teach the childthat on can solve a problemeffectively by oneself.He means that this incident pointedto important differences ineducational and artistic practicesbetween China and the USA.The manner in wh

4、ich the Chinesestaff saw the need to teach the childby guiding his hand in thecharacteristic of a broader attitude toeducation,one that stands in contrastto the Western preference for leavingthe child to explore and team unaided.One example is of children at the ageof 5 or 6 painting flowers,fish an

5、danimals skillfully and confidently;in asecond example,calligraphers 9 and10 years old were producing works;and in a third,young artists work onperfecting their craft for severalhours a day.Americans think that unless creativityhas been acquired early,it may neveremerge,and skills can be picked upla

6、ter.Chinese think that if skills arenot acquired early,they may never beacquired,and there is no hurry topromote creativity.This is mainly due to the difference intheir way of thinking.The author makes the suggestion thatwe should strike a better balancebetween the poles of creativity andbasic skill

7、s.Text OrganizationWorking On Your OwnThe text begins with an anecdote.His thoughts are mainly aboutdifferent approaches to learning inChina and the West.He winds up the text with asuggestion in the form of a question.ChineseShow a child how to do something,ortech by holding the handGive greater pri

8、ority to developingskills at an early age,believing thatcreativity can be promoted over timeAmericansTeach children that they should relyon themselves for solutions toproblemsPut more emphasis on fosteringcreativity in young children,thinkingskills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense EnhancementSum

9、marizingvalueoriginalityandindependeneecontrastbetweenin terms ofharborfearfulcomparablepromotecreativityemergepicked upLanguage FocusVocabularyinsertonoccasioninvestigateInretrospectinitialphenomenaattachedmake upforis awaitingnot;in theteastpromoteemergeda striking contrast between thestandards of

10、 living in the north of thecountry and the south.is said to be superior to syntheticfiber.as a financial center has evolvedslowly.is not relevant to whether he is a goodlawyer.by a little-known sixteen-centuryItalian poet have found their way intosome English magazines.be picked up;cant accomplish;a

11、mexaggeratingsomewhat;the performance;haveneglected;they apply toassist;On the other hand;are valid;asuperiorIIcontinualcontinuouscontinualcontinuousprincipalprincipalprincipleprinciplesprincipalIIIthemselvesitselfhimself/herselfourselvesherself/byherself/onownyourself/byher yourself/on yourownCompr

12、ehensive Exercisesclozecontrastexaggeratingpriorityon theother handpromotingpick upassistaccomplishoccasionneglectingworthwhilesuperiorend equipped definitelyperform designed qualityfacing approachcompetent resttranslationIt takes an enormous amount ofcourage to make a departure from thetradition.To

13、m used to be very shy,but this timehe was bold enough to give aperformance in front of a largeaudience.Many educators think it desirable tofoster the creative spirit in the childat an early age.Assuming this painting really is amasterpiece,do you think itsworthwhile to buy it?If the data is statisti

14、cally valid,it willthrow light on the problem we areinvestigating.To improve our English,it is critical todo more reading,writing,listeningand speaking.Besides,learning byheart as many well-written essays aspossible is also very important.Without an enormous store of goodEnglish writing in your head

15、 youcannot express yourself freely inEnglish.It is also helpful tosummarize our experience as we goalong,for in so doing,we can figureout which way of teaming is moreeffective and will produce the mostdesirable result.As long as we keepworking hard on it,we will in duecourse accomplish the task ofma

16、stering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair WorkThe Salvation Army is a religiouscharitable organization.A SalvationArmy bell ringer is a volunteer whohelp it collect donations.The boy asked him:Are you poor?Hedid it simply out of confusion andcuriosity.Obviousl

17、y he knew nothingabout the Salvation Army bell ringer.He said,“I have more than somepeople,but not as much as others.”This means that he was neither poornor rich.The boys mother scolded himbecause the question was socialinappropriate,especially to a personwho looked poor.Yes,economically he is poor.

18、He livesin a small basement apartment.Hedoesnt even have a color TH He fallsinto the lowest income category Andso on.No,the writer does not feel poor.Thisis because he has enjoyed good healthand creativity which he thinks aremuch more important than materialgoods.He feels out of place among peoplewh

19、o are primarily interested inmaterial things.She told him that she was interestedin whats on the inside,but after hetook her to his poorly furnishedapartment,she changed her mindcompletely.It only shows that to her the mostimportant thing was still materialgoods rather than what she hadclaimed befor

20、e.Commercial can put people underpressure to purchase more than isreally necessary.Because December is the time for towork for the Salvation Army as a bellringei;which gives him a genuinesense of belonging and brings himhappiness in helping others.The boys question has helped thewriter realize that,

21、despite his lack ofexpensive possessions,he is rich inmany other ways and should bethankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Owna,Vthe essay is meant to explainsomething that is,the authors viewof life.That one can live a life full of richeswithout being rich financially.Part One:The writer

22、s encounterwith a boy who raised the question“are you poor?Part Two:In search of an answer thewriter finds that not having expensivepossessions doesnt make him feelpoor mainly because he enjoys life inmany other ways.Part Three:In conclusion,the writerthinks hes grown to understand moreabout himself

23、 because of the boysquestion.Language Sense Enhancementattainprimarily spiritedwear andteardependablemodestminimalexceptionaiyillness-freeenergizingLanguage FocusVocabularyabruptemotionalblesswear andteardatedconsequencesseeminglyin contrasttoCuriositygenuineprimarilysentimentsconfronted with more t

24、han one problem,tryto solve the easiest one first.vital to the existence of all forms of life.some confusion among the students aboutwhat to do after class to follow up on thesubject.nothing more than a job and an apartmentto be happy.tickled him to think that shed come to askhis advicea lingering;f

25、abricating;sentimentsfill out;every item;vital;consequencesbe denied;tangible;cherish;attainIIIt is a long trip and will take us five hours bybus.She arrived early and took a front row seat.Dont take me for a foolIt takes a lot of imagination to fabricatesuch a story.My uncle will take me(along on h

26、is trip)tothe Arctic this summer.He took the dinner plate I passed to him.Kevin took second prize in the weightliftingcompetition.If you dont take my advice,you will regretit.Illhangingto givenot having beingwritten helpedto returnto say,.to openbeing ipraisedComprehensive Exercisesclozewell-off/aff

27、luentdatedfalling intobracketdenytangiblepursuitcherishesout ofplaceabruptfocusdonationsconsumefueledannualplainphysicallysecurityindicatesequallytraditionalfoltowIII.TranslationThe company denied that itsdonations had a commercial purpose.Whenever he was angry,he wouldbegin to stammer slightly.Educ

28、ation is the most cherishedtradition in our family.Thats why myparents never took me to dinner atexpensive restaurants,but sent me tothe best private schoolShortly after he recovered from thesurgery,he lost his job and thus hadto go through another difficult phaseof his life.In contrast to our afflu

29、ent neighbors,my parents are rather pool;but theyhave always tried to meet ourminimal needs.With more and more donationscoming in,our university will bemuch better off financially next year.We will thus be able to focus on themost important task that we,educators,must take on:to encouragestudents to

30、 attain theirscholarly/academic goals,to trainthem to be dependable andresponsible individuals,to preparethem for the life ahead,and to guidethem in their pursuit of spiritual aswell as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair WorkThere are

31、seven characters-Fathei;Mother;Heidi,Diane,Sean,Restaurant Managei;and Mrs.Higgins.No.Because what he does usuallyends up embarrassing them.To buy a guitar.To check if Sean was going toembarrass him.He knew his father was going toembarrass him.It was unnecessary andembarrassing.He wanted Dan to pres

32、sure his soninto asking Diane to the senior prom.He would speak to his son and insistthat the latter give Diane a callShe felt humiliated.Because the Thompson had justmoved.He tried to let her know howexceptionally tatented a young womanHeidi was.Because she couldnt bear beingembarrassed by her fath

33、er.Text OrganizationWorking On Your OwnA fast-food restaurantThe Thompson family dining roomAn office at a high schoolScene One:Father embarrassed Seanby talking too proudly to therestaurant manager.Scene Two:Father embarrassedDiane by persuading a colleague intopressing his son to ask her to thesen

34、ior prom.Scene Three:Father embarrassedHeidi by boating to an official at hernew school about how talented shewas.Language Sense Enhancementonce in awhilefortheproblemhe thinkshumiliatedclasspresidenthaveActuallystop tothinkinterferenceLanguage FocusVocabularytypicaldumbjuniorgloriouswelfarecame ove

35、rinterferencefadingnarroweddownfrankschemesat any rateconsists of five generals and fourpolice officers.will be in a tocation overlooking thelake.was humiliated by her commentsabout my family background in frontof so many people.have any proof that it was Henry whostole the computer?was exhausted af

36、ter the long cycleride.hysterical;was handed down by;should have known better thantwisted;over and over;tatented sonpatience;not to keep him in suspense;assured;repeatedlyColbcationadequateanxiouscertaincontentcrazylikelyfortunatekeenUsagebe beadmitted postponedlive buybe bannedbeComprehensive Exerc

37、isesclozetypicalwelfareconstantfranktalentdumbrepeatedlydreadinterferencebetassureknow better thanthatdespiteadmitted differentreallyattempt mannersamenotcontacttendTranslationHave scientists found proof of wateron Mars?The planning committee hasnarrowed down the possible locationsfor the nuclear po

38、wer plant to twocoastal towns.Sam not only lost his job but also bothlegs;he had to live on welfare for therest of his life.A jury consisting of 12 membersvoted in unison that Mary was guilty.Sean felt humiliated to hear his talentbeing questioned.George,the son of Mr.Johnson,likedlistening to heavy

39、 metal music in theevenings,which made it hard forother residents in the community tofall asleep.Eventually the exhaustedneighbors lost their patience anddecided on direct interference.Theycalled Mr.Johnson to tell him in afrank manner what they werethinking.Mr.Johnson assured themthat he would cert

40、ainly settle the issue.As soon as he put down the phone hescolded his son JW hat has come overyou?You should know better than todisturb others for your ownamusement.In the end Georgetraded his CDs for computer gamessoftware from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehension

41、Content QuestionPair WorkShe used to be a television producei;but now she is a writer.She writes and edits artictes online,submits them via email,andcommunicates with colleagues via theInternet,too.She could stay computer-assisted athome for weeks,going out only t getmail,newspapers and groceries.Th

42、ey feel as if they had become onewith the computei;and life seems tobe unrealThat people who grew used to avirtual life would feel an aversion tooutside forms of socializing.She gets overexcited,speaks too much,and interrupts others.She is bad-tempered,easily angered,and attacks everyone in sight,al

43、lbecause she has tong becomeseparated from others and lacksemotional face-to-face exchangeswith people.She fights her boyfriend,misinterpreting his intentionsbecause of the lack of emotional cuesgiven by their typed dialogue.Because we rely on co-works forcompany.She calls people,arrangers to meetth

44、e few friends remaining in the City,gets to the gym,arranges interviewsfor stories,doctorsappointments-anything to get herout of the house and connected withothers.No,she doesnt feel happy.She feelsbeing face to face is intolerable.She makes her excuses and flees,re-enters her apartment,runs to thec

45、ompute!;clicks on the modem,anddisappears into the virtual worldagain.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own2-31,4-10,131112The first paragraph describes theconsequences of living a virtual lifeand the last tells of the authorsescape back into it.Togethei;theybring out the dilemma people atpresent are

46、 in:Because of moderntechnology;we have a choice betweena virtual life and real life,but findboth unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancementroutine drug abuse appointmec+ntsfor restorecompanyunemploymentexternallyVocabularyfledgymset apartconverselybut thensymptomspittingabusingtonetook;ineditinghave

47、arrangedin sightstretcheddatasmoking cigarettes jars on me.find themselves getting sucked in.has arranged for a technician fromthe computer store to check andrepair it.fled their country to avoid militaryservice/fled to other countries toavoid military service.restore peoples confidence in it.the vi

48、rtual;on line;vianightmare;routine;any appointment;arrange forcue;remarks;his tuneColtocationWe came here all the way on foot.Private cars are not allowed oncampus.They are on vacation in Florida.Mary has been talking to her friendon the phone for an hour.Dont worry,Lucy is always on time.Industrial

49、 demand on fuel is on therise.UsageharddifficultimpossibletoughhardeasyComprehensive ExercisesclozeInternetclickvirtualroutinesarrangenightmareannoyingconnectioncrawlstake inspitdatasuckedintoAt timesfleeon linecompaniondeliveraccessenablescustomersdelightsprovidessmallremoteinformationTranslationRe

50、search shows that laughter canbring a tot of health benefits.A slow Internet connection speed isreally annoying.As the law stands,helping someonecommit suicide is a crime.In her report,Mary tries to interpretthe data from a completely differentangle.Sue is a girl of great talent.Heramazing memory se


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