1、小小 学学 英英 语语 教教 学学 与与 研研 究究Primary School English Teaching and ResearchChildren as Language Learners How do we learn our first language?by imitations.by repetitions.by singing songs and saying rhymes.by reciting poems.by being corrected by parents.by listening to stories.by learning language rules.by
2、 talking to oneself.by acting and performing.by talking about pictures.by watching television cartoonsSocializing processInteraction and experimentingStimulating,involvesPositive and engourageingDifferences and similarities between L1 and L2Exposure to languageLength of timeLearning contextTypes of
3、inputStrategies for learning Motivation for learningValue of error correction Support and guidanceOpportunities for experimenting with the languageFeedback form1.Rich context and input,opportunties 1.Rich context and input,opportunties for using the language,interaction for using the language,intera
4、ction with others,etc.are Important in with others,etc.are Important in learning any language.learning any language.2.Teachers should create a nice 2.Teachers should create a nice environment and interesting activities environment and interesting activities for pupils to use the language to do for p
5、upils to use the language to do things.things.Better help children learn a foreign languageCreate a better envionment for L2learning a supportive situation -be tolerant to errors Provide more opportunities for children to hear the language,give them more chances to experiment with the languageDesign
6、 activities which are interesting and motivating and encourage children to use the language in context as much as possibleChildren as Language LearnersThe principles for designing activitiesThe principles for designing activitiesPrinciple 1:Children learn best when feeling happy and secure.Principle
7、 2:Children are naturally imaginative,active and creative.Principle 3:Learning is often a mutual accomplishment.Learning is collaborative,not adult driven.Children participate at their own level of understanding with the mothers help.Principle 4:Children often learn through guided participation and
8、they profit from the support and encouragement of more competent people.Principle 5:Children learn best when they are involved both physically and mentally.Principle 6:Children need plenty of opportunities to use similar language again and again.Principle 7:It is not interaction itself but the quali
9、ty of interaction that contributes to better learning.Principle 8:Language is the means through which self-regulation of learning behavior develops.Principle 9:Learning depends upon the negotiation of meaning.Principle10:Children learn in a similar way as they acquire their mother tongue.They learn
10、the whole language rather than through analyzing language rules.The principles for designing activitiesThe principles for designing activities Childrens characteristicsChildrens characteristics suggestions for teacherssuggestions for teachers1.Its difficult for children to understand verbal instruct
11、ions to begin with.2.2.Childrens attention span is very limited.3.3.Children do not often have a clear purpose for learning.They learn simply because happy and enjoy the activity.Keep instructions very simple and support them with body language.Keep instructions very simple and support them with bod
12、y language.Use many short and simple activities instead of long activities.Use many short and simple activities instead of long activities.Make the learning enjoyable and pleasant.Make the learning enjoyable and pleasant.Understanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learn Childrens char
13、acteristicsChildrens characteristics suggestions for teacherssuggestions for teachers4.Children like to do things with their hands,bodies and minds5.Children like to do things with achievable targets because they want to feel sure that it is not something beyond their ability.Organize some hands-on
14、activities for children to do.Use Total Organize some hands-on activities for children to do.Use Total Physical Response(TPR)if necessary.Physical Response(TPR)if necessary.Do not make tasks too difficult for children.Tasks should always Do not make tasks too difficult for children.Tasks should alwa
15、ys have definite out-comes and repeated elements to ensure security have definite out-comes and repeated elements to ensure security and participation.and participation.Understanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learn Childrens characteristicsChildrens characteristics suggestions for
16、 teacherssuggestions for teachers6.Children are imaginative,creative,and like new things and like participate in activities.7.Children are not good at analyzing language rules.Give children opportunities to imagine and create,e.g.invite them Give children opportunities to imagine and create,e.g.invi
17、te them to draw a monster or imagine seeing something through a to draw a monster or imagine seeing something through a telescope and tell others about it.telescope and tell others about it.Do not explain complicated grammar rules to children.Guide Do not explain complicated grammar rules to childre
18、n.Guide children to discover rules by themselves.children to discover rules by themselves.Understanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learnWays to nature childrens motivation(Phillips)Provide a clear meaningfuul purposeTh
19、e activities should be simple enoughThe task should be within their abilitiesThe activities should be largely orally basedWritten activities should be used much leass with young childrenGames and songs with actionsTPR activitiesTasks that involving colouring,cutting and stickingSimple repetitive sto
20、ries Simple speaking activitiesCommunicative value EnjoyableUnderstanding how children learnUnderstanding how children learn-Learner difference is an important topic for language learning and teaching.The following are some of the factors that may influence learner difference in learning a language.
21、-Altman(1980):age,sex,previous experience with language learning,proficiency in the native learning,personality,language aptitude,attitudes and motivation,general intelligence,sense modality preference,sociological preference,cognitive styles,learner strategiesUnderstanding how children learnUnderst
22、anding how children learnChildren have some advantages over adults 1.in acquiring good pronunciation and intonation;2.good at imitation;3.not shy in trying things out;4.curious and motivated to learn new things 5.Interested in learning and playing with their native language,reciting nursery rhymes,s
23、inging songs,listening to stories,recognizing and saying words and phrases for fun.Childrens individual difference 1.Can tell if someone is singing off-key.2.Can calculate numbers easily in his/her head.3.Likes to read books with many pictures.4.Likes to dance.5.Like doing puzzles and mazes6.Regular
24、ly spends time meditating.7.Can list three things that help him/her learn.8.Can draw a picture of his/her own favorite food.9.Has a good joke to tell.10.Likes to keep a diary.11.People are born to be different.One cannot be good at everything,but everybody can be good at something.The theory of mult
25、iple intelligenceAmerican psychologist Howard Gardner(1993)Linguistic Intelligence(word smart)言语智力story telling-Logical-Mathematical Intelligence(number/reasoning smart)数理智力-ordering-Spatial Intelligence(picture smart)空间智力listening and drawing-Body-kinesthetic Intelligence(body smart)形体智力-acting-Mus
26、ical/Rhythmic Intelligence(music smart)音乐智力changing lyrics-Interpersonal Intelligence(people smart)人体交往智力making a dialogue with a partner-Intra-personal Intelligence(self-smart)内省智力-Writing diary-Naturalistic-Physical Intelligence(nature smart)自然界智力nature diaryMultiple intelligence Howard Gardenrs t
27、heory on multiple intelligence helps teachers realize the different intelligence pupils have so that they would try different types of activities or teaching methods that cater for the different needs.If a teacher can think of multiple intelligence when planning a lesson,his pupils will definitely b
28、enefit a lot from it.Only when teachers realize the differences between their pupils are they able to teach according to the needs of the pupils and the language styles of the pupils.Learner differenceTeachers need to be aware of the differences and try to develop each students potentials and learn
29、how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students to learn.Teachers should try different types of activities or teaching methods to meet different needs.Teachers should take multi-intelligence theory into account when planning lessons.When designing output task teache
30、rs should try to design tasks of different type,giving everyone chance to demonstrate and use their potential to the fullest.Understand humanistic educationHumanistic education require teachers to treat children as human beings who have their own shoughts and needs.Teachers should never try to force
31、 their ideas into childrens minds and should always try to think the same level as children1.Humanistic education teaches a wide variety of skills which are needed to function in todays world.2.huamanistic education is a huamne approach3.humanistic education deals with basic human concerns.Qualities
32、 of a good primary English teacher1.A very important quality of a primary school English teacher is obviously competence in English:having good pronunciation and intonation,being able to communicate with the language in oral and written forms and understand some basic English grammar 2.Good at using
33、 different teaching techniques with children.3.Need to be versatile:able to act,sing,dance,draw and tell stories;able to organize games and activities(It doesnt mean you need to be an actor or dancer to be able to teach in the primary school).4.Need to understand how children think and learn.Need to
34、 help children to develop in an all-round way:linguistically,intellectually,culturally,and morally.To be a good primary English teacherdevelop competence at least in 3 areas:the English language:knowing the language and knowing how to communicate with the language are essential to an English teacher
35、 the understanding of children:understanding how children think and learn is the key to undertake primary education.,and the methods and techniques for teaching children.are necessary skills for a primary school English teacher and they can be trained and developed.Views on language learning Behavio
36、urist theory-Skinnertheory of conditoningthree stages(stimulus,response,and reinforcement)audio-lingual method which involve endless“listen and repeat”drilling activities.The idea of this method is that language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacher.Mistakes were imm
37、ediately corrected,and correcte utterance were immediately praised.Cognitive theory:language is not a form of behavior,it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.Chomskeys famous question:if all language is a learned behavior,how can
38、a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before?One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.Views on language learningConstructivist theory:learning is a process in which the learner construc
39、t meaning based on his own experiences and what he already knows.John Dewey provided a foundation for constructivism.He believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities.Teachers need to design environments and interact with learner
40、s to foster inventive,creative,critical learner.Therefore,teachers must balance an understanding of the habits,characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learners interests and curiosity for learning.Socio-constructivist theory Vygo
41、tsky emphasises interaction and engagement with the target language in social context based on the concept of“Zone of Proximal Development”and scaffolding.learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.With the teachers scaffoldingt
42、hrough questions and explanations,or with a more capable peers support,the learner can move up to a higher level of understanding and extend his skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.Communicative Language TeachingCommunicative competence is a term in linguistics which refers to a language u
43、sers grammatical knowledge of syntax(句法),morphology(构词),phonology(音位)and the like,as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately.CLT:Communicative Language TeachingThe goal of CLT is to develop students communicative competence,which includes both the knowledge about
44、the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.What is communicative competenceOne language form may express a number of communicative functions and one communicative function can also be expressed by a variety of language forms.E.g.Why dont yo
45、u leave the door open?The speakers not only have to know functional meaning of the language but also the social context where the message is given.E.g.Flight CA937 is now landing.The train is leaving in ten miniutes She is always complaining whenever you talk to her.He is making progress slowly.Comp
46、onent of Communicative competenceHedges discusstionLiguistic competence(语言能力)语言能力):is concerned with knowledge of the language itself,its form and meaningPragmatic competence(语用能力)(语用能力):appropriate use:when to speak,when not,what to talk about with whom,when,where and in what mannerDiscourse compet
47、ence(话语能力话语能力):the ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently Strategic competence(策略能力):策略能力):the ability to compensate for communication breakdown by searching for other means of expressionFluency(流畅性能力)(流畅性能力):the ability to link units of speech together with facility an
48、d without strain or inapprociate slowness or undue hesitationImplication for teaching and learningCommunicative competenceImplication for language teachingLinguistic competenceTeachers need to help learners achiever accuracy in the grammatical forms of the language;pronounce the forms accurately;use
49、 stress,rhythm,and intonation to express meaning;build a range of vocabulary;Learn the script and spelling rules;achieve accuracy in syntax and word formationImplication for teaching and learningCommunicative competenceImplication for language teachingPragmatic competenceTeachers need to help learne
50、rs-learn the relationship between grammatical form and functionsImplication for teaching and learningCommunicative competenceImplication for language teachingDiscourse competenceTeachers need to help learners take turns in speaking,use discourse markers and open and close conversations;appreciate an