1、环境科学与工程专业英语教学课件(2):英文科技论文结构与表达技巧Part 1:The formation of a paper(for a research paper)Section 1:Section 1:TitleTitle(题目)(题目)(题目)(题目)Section 2:Section 2:AuthorsAuthors(作者)(作者)(作者)(作者)Section 3:Section 3:AbstractAbstract(摘要)(摘要)(摘要)(摘要)Section 4:Section 4:KeywordsKeywords(关键词)(关键词)(关键词)(关键词)Section 5:S
2、ection 5:IntroductionIntroduction(引言)(引言)(引言)(引言)Section 6:Section 6:Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods(材料与方法)材料与方法)材料与方法)材料与方法)Section 7:Section 7:ResultsResults(结果)(结果)(结果)(结果)Section 8:Section 8:DiscussionDiscussion(讨论)(讨论)(讨论)(讨论)Section 9:Section 9:AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements(致谢)(致
3、谢)(致谢)(致谢)Section 10:Section 10:ReferencesReferences(参考文献)(参考文献)(参考文献)(参考文献)4/19/20232Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University4/19/20236Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University4/19/20237Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University4/19/20238Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University4/19/20239Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University4/19/202310Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou
4、 University4/19/202311Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityPart 2:The description for each sectionSection 1:Section 1:TitleTitleRequirements:Requirements:concise,striking,reflection of the paper concise,striking,reflection of the paper corecore,if necessary,subheading might be added.,if necessary,subheading
5、 might be added.Check styles in the journal,using some published papers as Check styles in the journal,using some published papers as examples.Some options:examples.Some options:A.A.DescriptionsDescriptions,e.g.Estimation of phosphorus fertilizer,e.g.Estimation of phosphorus fertilizer requirements
6、of wheat in southern Australiarequirements of wheat in southern Australia .Descriptions to be Descriptions to be avoided:avoided:Effects of.e.g.Effects of applied calcium on salinity Effects of.e.g.Effects of applied calcium on salinity tolerance of wheat-tolerance of wheat-very generalvery general&
7、gives little information!gives little information!B.B.StatementsStatements,e.g.Applied calcium can improve salinity tolerance,e.g.Applied calcium can improve salinity tolerance of field-grown wheatof field-grown wheat.4/19/202312Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityC.C.Two-part descriptions or statementsTwo
8、-part descriptions or statements,e.g.Ectomycorrhizas(,e.g.Ectomycorrhizas(内生菌内生菌内生菌内生菌根根根根)of the Myrtaceae)of the Myrtaceae:fungal fruit-body production in forest fungal fruit-body production in forest plantations in southern China.To be avoided:Ectomycorrhizas of plantations in southern China.To b
9、e avoided:Ectomycorrhizas of the Myrtaceae.1:Fungal fruit-body production etc Part 2 may the Myrtaceae.1:Fungal fruit-body production etc Part 2 may never appearnever appearD.D.QuestionsQuestions,e.g.Does applied calcium improve salinity tolerance,e.g.Does applied calcium improve salinity tolerance
10、of field-grown wheat?Can be used if previous literature is of field-grown wheat?Can be used if previous literature is inconclusive or controversialinconclusive or controversial4/19/202313Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityNotes for Title:Notes for Title:1 It should cover the main 1 It should cover the mai
11、n aimsaims and/or and/or messagemessage2 It should 2 It should appealappeal to your audience to your audience3 It should 3 It should not be too longnot be too long,cannot exceed a certain,cannot exceed a certain number of charactersnumber of characters4 Avoid titles with a numbered 4 Avoid titles wi
12、th a numbered subtitlesubtitle 4/19/202314Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 2:Section 2:AuthorsAuthorsuuSingle author or coauthorSingle author or coauthoruuDetailed communication address for all author:from Detailed communication address for all author:from small to large:e.g.small to large:e.g.C
13、ollege of Biology and College of Biology and Environmental Science,Jishou University,Jishou,Environmental Science,Jishou University,Jishou,416000 Hunan,PR China416000 Hunan,PR China.Labeled asLabeled as letter a,b,c,letter a,b,c,for authors from different organizationsfor authors from different orga
14、nizationsuuCorresponding authorCorresponding author:labeled as asterisk *:labeled as asterisk *uuIf you have moved,also add“present address”If you have moved,also add“present address”4/19/202315Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityWhat is the order of the authors of your paper?What is the order of the autho
15、rs of your paper?uuThe person who did the work and wrote the The person who did the work and wrote the manuscript should be manuscript should be first(=senior)authorfirst(=senior)author uuCorresponding authorCorresponding author is the one that will be the is the one that will be the contact for the
16、 journal and correspondence that may contact for the journal and correspondence that may follow after publicationfollow after publicationuuSenior authorSenior author and corresponding authorand corresponding author can be the can be the samesameuuThe research-team leader appears as The research-team
17、 leader appears as the last authorthe last author4/19/202316Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 3:Section 3:AbstractAbstract The abstract is actually the first section of a report or The abstract is actually the first section of a report or paper,coming after the title and before the introduction.p
18、aper,coming after the title and before the introduction.The abstract is a The abstract is a distillationdistillation of a paper,it aims to briefly of a paper,it aims to briefly elucidate the study purpose,experimental methods and elucidate the study purpose,experimental methods and results,and to dr
19、aw a conclusion or give some hypothesis results,and to draw a conclusion or give some hypothesis and recommendations.In a word,the abstract provides the and recommendations.In a word,the abstract provides the reader with a reader with a brief previewbrief preview(简短的预览简短的预览简短的预览简短的预览)of your study.)
20、of your study.Abstracts from almost all fields of study are written in a Abstracts from almost all fields of study are written in a very similar way.The types of information included and very similar way.The types of information included and their order are very conventional.their order are very con
21、ventional.4/19/202317Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou Universityuu Some background information Some background informationuu The purpose or activity of your study The purpose or activity of your studyuu The methodology used The methodology useduu The principal results The principal resultsuu Conclusion or recomme
22、ndation or hypothesis Conclusion or recommendation or hypothesis Order of Typical Elements Included in an AbstractOrder of Typical Elements Included in an Abstract4/19/202318Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityNotes for Abstract:Notes for Abstract:1 Check the style required by the journal1 Check the style
23、required by the journal2 Abstracts are usually written to be as brief and concise 2 Abstracts are usually written to be as brief and concise as possible.For journal articles the editor often as possible.For journal articles the editor often establishes a establishes a word limitword limit for the ab
24、stract that authors for the abstract that authors can not exceed.In order to shorten an abstract to can not exceed.In order to shorten an abstract to satisfy such limitations,you can satisfy such limitations,you can eliminateeliminate or or combinecombine much of the information shown in the previou
25、s box.much of the information shown in the previous box.3 Do not use references in this part3 Do not use references in this part4/19/202319Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityNotes for Abstract:Notes for Abstract:4 The reduced abstract typically focuses on only two or 4 The reduced abstract typically focus
26、es on only two or three elements,with the emphasis placed on the three elements,with the emphasis placed on the results of the studyresults of the study.Information concerning the.Information concerning the purpose and method is presented first(background purpose and method is presented first(backgr
27、ound information is not included).information is not included).5 Then the most important results are summarized.5 Then the most important results are summarized.Finally,conclusions and recommendations may be Finally,conclusions and recommendations may be included in one or two sentences.included in
28、one or two sentences.6 The verb tenses used in the abstract should be the 6 The verb tenses used in the abstract should be the past past tensetense,except for the conclusion in which the present,except for the conclusion in which the present or past tense can be used.or past tense can be used.4/19/2
29、02320Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySample AbstractResource:Resource:Cecilia Berg Cecilia Berg et alet al.,The avian egg as a test system for.,The avian egg as a test system for endocrine disrupters:effects of diethylstilbestrol(Des,endocrine disrupters:effects of diethylstilbestrol(Des,二乙基已烯雌酚二乙基已烯雌酚
30、二乙基已烯雌酚二乙基已烯雌酚)and ethynylestradiol(EEand ethynylestradiol(EE2 2,乙炔基雌二醇乙炔基雌二醇乙炔基雌二醇乙炔基雌二醇)on sex organ development.)on sex organ development.The Science of the Total EnvironmentThe Science of the Total Environment,1999,233,57-66.,1999,233,57-66.4/19/202321Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 4:Secti
31、on 4:KeywordsKeywords It may include experimental subjects,and principal It may include experimental subjects,and principal terms of measurements.terms of measurements.Requirements:Requirements:1 Choose a limited number of keywords that adequately cover your research,usually about 5,can be added aft
32、er you have written the paper2 No need to repeat words or phrases in the title,unless you like to be absolutely safe computer search engines should find keywords in titles4/19/202322Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University3 Keywords must be useful,so avoid general words or phrases:e.g.plant nutrition is better
33、 than just nutrition,soil pollution is better than just pollution etc4 You can give information not in titles,e.g.names of plants studied,additional mineral elements measured,even locations of surveys5 Imagine yourself doing a search for information about the field of your paper:are your keywords he
34、lpful?6 Arrange alphabetically4/19/202323Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 5:Section 5:IntroductionIntroduction The Introduction serves as an orientation for readers of the The Introduction serves as an orientation for readers of the report or paper,giving them the perspective they need to report
35、 or paper,giving them the perspective they need to understand the detailed information coming in later sections.understand the detailed information coming in later sections.It It mainly includes the mainly includes the study statusstudy status and some and some unsolved problemsunsolved problems,the
36、,the study purposestudy purpose,and the,and the needed experimental methodologyneeded experimental methodology.The Introduction can be divided into five parts or stages:The Introduction can be divided into five parts or stages:In Stage IIn Stage I,the author establishes a context(,the author establi
37、shes a context(背景背景背景背景),or frame of),or frame of reference,to help readers understand how the research fits into a reference,to help readers understand how the research fits into a wider field of study.wider field of study.In Stage I of your Introduction you establish a In Stage I of your Introduct
38、ion you establish a setting for your research topic.setting for your research topic.4/19/202324Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 5:Section 5:IntroductionIntroductionIn Stage IIIn Stage II,you review you review the findings of other researchersthe findings of other researchers who have who have al
39、ready published in your area of interest.For this reason,Stage II already published in your area of interest.For this reason,Stage II is often called is often called the review of literaturethe review of literature.The review of literature.The review of literature serves three important functions.se
40、rves three important functions.FirstFirst,it continues the process,it continues the process started in Stage I of giving your readers background information started in Stage I of giving your readers background information needed to understand your study.needed to understand your study.SecondSecond,i
41、t assure your readers,it assure your readers that you are familiar with the important research that has been that you are familiar with the important research that has been carried out in your area.carried out in your area.ThirdThird,it establishes your study as one link,it establishes your study as
42、 one link in a chain of research that is developing and enlarging knowledge in a chain of research that is developing and enlarging knowledge in your field.in your field.4/19/202325Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversitySection 5:Section 5:IntroductionIntroductionIn Stage III,IV and VIn Stage III,IV and V,Aft
43、er you have presented After you have presented a contextual settinga contextual setting and discussed and discussed the previous work of other researchersthe previous work of other researchers,you use the,you use the final part of the Introduction to focus the attention of the reader on final part o
44、f the Introduction to focus the attention of the reader on the the specific research problemspecific research problem you will be dealing with in the body you will be dealing with in the body of your report or paper,and propose the hypothesis you want to of your report or paper,and propose the hypot
45、hesis you want to test in the study.This is done in three additional stages,which we test in the study.This is done in three additional stages,which we designate as III,IV and V.designate as III,IV and V.Stage IIIStage III indicates an area that is not indicates an area that is not treated in the pr
46、evious literature,but that is important from the treated in the previous literature,but that is important from the point of view of your own work;point of view of your own work;Stage IVStage IV formally announces the formally announces the purpose and hypothesis of your research;and purpose and hypo
47、thesis of your research;and Stage VStage V indicates indicates possible benefits or applications of your work.possible benefits or applications of your work.4/19/202326Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou UniversityNotes for Introduction:Notes for Introduction:1 1 The first sentenceThe first sentence is important to
48、attract the editor,is important to attract the editor,reviewers and readers and it is reviewers and readers and it is the most difficultthe most difficult to to writewrite2 It must 2 It must set the sceneset the scene i.e.the context of the paper i.e.the context of the paper and the questions being
49、askedand the questions being asked3 It depends on the chosen journal:specialist or more 3 It depends on the chosen journal:specialist or more general;e.g.general;e.g.4/19/202327Dr.Taowu Ma Jishou University Mycorrhizas(Mycorrhizas(菌根菌根菌根菌根)colonize the vast majority of plants)colonize the vast major
50、ity of plants worldwide and are important in transferring phosphate worldwide and are important in transferring phosphate and other nutrients to plants.and other nutrients to plants.Arbuscular mycorrhizasArbuscular mycorrhizas are are the most common type(Smith&Read 1997).the most common type(Smith&