1、The teaching objective of the coursev stimulate you to know what to write,when and how to write the thesis v make it easier for you to accomplish the huge project and get the Bachelor degree and graduation certificateLecture One a brief introduction to academic writing and thesis1)The definition of
2、thesis2)The meaning of thesis writing(3)The significance of thesis writing4)Essential Features of Thesis5)The assessing criteria of qualified thesis6)The procedure of thesis writing(1)The definition of thesisvA formal paper incorporating original research on a subject,esp.one presented by a candidat
3、e for a degree.v论文是人们对某一学科某一领域的某种现象或某一问题进行较为系统和专门研究后对研究成果进行描述的文章。2)The meaning of thesis writingv(1)培养科研创新意识Natural science VS social science researchvDifferent objects:vnature of natural world plus the law of movement VS Social phenomena.vDifferent purposes:vto improve our mental status and build s
4、piritual civilization/to build material civilizationv(2)锻炼思维组织能力v Argument,basis of argument and demonstrationv(3)训练语言运用能力v Reference materialv(4)激活知识的输入与输出vA good writer must be a good reader.3)The significance of thesis writingv 英语教学大纲明确指出:“毕业论文 是考察学生综合能力、评估学生成绩的 一个重要方式。”毕业论文写作的优劣是 决定学生毕业时可否授予学士学位
5、、获 得毕业文凭的重要依据。v毕业论文则指高等学校学生在毕业前根据各自的学科专业所撰写的与本专业一致或内容相关的文章。英语专业学生的毕业论文则必须涉及英语语言、文学、文化、翻译以及相关的边缘学科,而一切与此无关的文章都不是英语专业学生毕业论文所要求的。4)Essential Features of Thesisv1.Professional and Scholarly (专业性和学术性)v2.Original,Authentic and Scientific(独创性、可靠性和科学性)v3.Standard,Complete and Unified(规范性、完整性和一致性)v4.Accurate
6、,proper,Vivid and Varied(准确性、得体性和生动多样性)5)The assessing criteria of qualified thesisvAttitude 20%:serious attitude,punctuality,of good teamwork spirit.vThe quality of the title 10%:apply to the requirements of major cultivation,of proper difficulty,manageablevLiterature review and the quality of tran
7、slation 20%:comprehensive,deep and closely related to the topic vResearch and practical level 20%:independent research,clear idea and adequate argumentsvThe quality of thesis writing 20%:strict structure,coherent language expression,standard formvAcademic innovation 10%:of certain innovation and pra
8、ctical valuev综合成绩:指导教师(supervisor)30%、评阅教师(reviewer)20%、答辩成绩50%v评分等级:90分以上优秀80-89分良好70-79中等60-69及格60分以下不及格1、优秀(90-100分)v(1)在毕业论文(设计)工作期间,工作刻苦努力,态度认真,遵守各项纪律,表现出色。v(2)能按时、全面、独立地完成与毕业论文(设计)有关的各项工作,表现出较强的综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。v(3)选题符合专业培养目标,体现学科、专业特点和教学计划的基本要求,达到毕业论文(设计)综合训练的目的。v(4)论文立论正确,理论分析透彻,解决问题方案恰当,结论正确,
14、准确。v(8)答辩时,不能够正确阐述论文的主要内容,基本概念不清楚,经答辩教师启发,回答仍有错误或回答不出。v毕业论文(设计)不及格者,可申请重修并参加下一年度答辩,重修通过后方能毕业。毕业论文(设计)成绩评定要形成梯度,呈正态分布。既要防止偏严,又要防止偏松。“优秀”等级要从严掌握,一般要控制在15以内,“不及格”等级要慎重对待,一般要控制在5以内。不及格论文要求重新写作 6)The procedure of thesis writingvOutlining the scope Collecting materials Choosing the title Setting the outli
15、ne Draft Polishing and proofreading Final manuscriptRequirements of the coursev1)attendance 10%v2)Class participation 10%v3)assignment 10%v4)Final check 70%Teaching contents of the courseTopic 1:a brief introduction to academic writing and thesis(chapter 1 and 2)Topic 2:choosing a topic and the tran
16、slation of titles(chapter 4)Topic 3:collecting reference materials and research methodology(chapter 5)Topic 4:Plagiarism and documentation(chapter 10)Topic 5:the language features of thesis(chapter 3)Topic 6:the setting of the outline(chapter 6)Topic 7:the writing of introduction(chapter 8)Topic 8:L
17、iterature review(覃覃 chapter 4)Topic 9:the body of the thesis(chapter 8)Topic 10:the writing of abstract and key words plus translation(覃覃 chapter 4)Topic 11:Conclusion and proofreading(chapter 8)Topic 12:acknowledgements and the defense of the thesis(覃覃 chapter 4 and 6)Teaching Arrangementsv Total p
18、eriod:Ten weeksvWeek 1:Brief IntroductionvWeek 2-6 Self-study and researchvWeek 7-15 Student presentation plus teachers sample analysis What to do in the second period?v1)finish your group work:presentation of your chosen topic,each member should be actually involved.v2)select a topic for your thesi
19、s with reference to the collection of former graduates or based on your first year paper.v3)search CNKI on your selected topic and read at least ten relevant papers,then write a summary on the papers either in Chinese or English.Hand it in on week 7(with the detailed information of the papers listed),it will be marked as your daily performance.Recommendation覃先美、李阳编著,高校英语专业毕业覃先美、李阳编著,高校英语专业毕业论文写作教程论文写作教程