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1、DeSimone Engineering 1供应商质量管理供应商质量管理Supplier Quality ManagementJoe DeSimone美国质量协会洛杉矶分会副主席林海零缺陷管理中国研究院战略总监DeSimone Engineering 2供应商质量管理供应商质量管理Supplier Quality ManagementJoe DeSimone美国质量协会洛杉矶分会副主席林海零缺陷管理中国研究院战略总监DeSimone Engineering Goals for this Course 本课程的目的Understand Supply Chain Management 理解供应链管

2、理Apply new techniques to drive change in your Supply base应用现代科技推进供货渠道革新Drive down the costs of Supplier inefficiency 降低由低效供应商引起的支出 Develop an environment to Listen to the Voice of the Customer创造倾 听客户需求的环境Develop Just-In-Time Procurement发展及时采购Be able to conduct effective supplier Surveys and Audits 能

3、实施有效的供应商调查和审核 Apply Supplier Rating strategies and monitor suppliers 应用供应商评分战略并对供应商进行监 管 Be able to develop strategic partnerships with suppliers有能力与供应商发展战略伙伴关系Understand Basic Principles of Supplier Certification理解供应商证书的基本原则Apply Six Sigma Techniques jointly with suppliers与供应商一起应用6西格玛技术Be able to e

4、valuate the suppliers product while minimizing risks 有能力评估供应商提供的产品,同时将风险降至最低3DeSimone Engineering 4MaterialsandServicesmustbeobtainedinaneconomicmanner必须以经济的方式获取材料和服务This course will help you build,furtherDevelop or manage an effective Supplier Quality Initiative that reduces costs,timeDelays,and Cu

5、stomer dissatisfaction fromWithin the supplier chain本 课 程 将 帮 助 您 建 立并 发 展 和 管 理供 应 商 系 统,从 供应 链 内 部 降 低 成 本,提高 效 率 及 客 户 满 意 度DeSimone Engineering Why SQM?为 何 要 SQM5OurOurCustomersCustomers客客客客 户户户户OurOurCompanyCompany企企企企 业业业业OurOurSuppliersSuppliers供供供供 应应应应 商商商商OneTeamCommittedtoExcellence承承诺诺追求

6、卓越的一个团队追求卓越的一个团队DeSimone Engineering 6ALIGNINGTHEFOCUS焦点集中PlannedJourney规规划划(Letsdoit)采采取取行行动动(Future)将将来来UnalignedProjects杂杂乱乱的的项项目目(Now)现现在在StrategicDirection战略指导战略指导OurSuppliers供供应应商商TacticalDirection战术指导战术指导Focus=Customer=Us=OurSuppliers焦焦点点=用户用户=我们公司我们公司=供应商供应商OurCompany企企业业OurCustomers用用户户DeSi

7、mone Engineering What Does Quality Mean?质量意味着什么?“The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy given needs”“质量指的是产品或服务所具备的与满足特定需求相关的所有特色或特点。”American Society For Quality(ASQ)American Society For Quality(ASQ)-In a restaurant,the amount we lea

8、ve as a tip is a direct reflection of the service we have received-在餐馆,食客所付小费数量直接反映他/她所享受到的服务的水平。-Satisfy a given need can include the quantity,price or purity of something-满足一个既定要求可能涉及到数量、价格或纯度7DeSimone Engineering The Changing Role of Purchasing 采购部门职能的转换8-ProcurementQualitybeganwhenEliWhitneydeve

9、lopedtheconceptofinterchangeability采购质量起源于ELIWHITNEY提出的可交换性概念-Aspartcomplexityincreased,sodidtheneedforQuality对质量的需求随零部件复杂程度的提高而提高-PurchasingAgentsarenowassumingthe added responsibility of Quality Assurance采采购购部部门门现现在在正正肩肩负负起起质质量量保保证证的的附附加加责责任任-Traditionally,thePurchasingAgentsrolehasbeenoneofgettin

10、gtheproductatthelowestcost过去,采购部门的责任一直是以最低价格进货。DeSimone Engineering Potential Suppliers候选供应商Potential Suppliers were evaluated on their ability to provide:评估供应商,考查他们是否有能力提供:1.The desired Quality defined as the suitability of product or service for use as intended能满足客户的质量要求的产品和服务2.The total number of

11、 products required,including the schedule by which the product or service is required客户要求的产品数量及交货日期3 Tangible and intangible services that are benefits over and above Quality and Price价格和质量之外的有形/无形服务4 Price,which is the measure of value价格(价值的衡量标准)5 Additional factors:Geographic location,suppliers re

12、serve,financial status,service capability,etc其它因素:地理位置、供应商储备、财经状况、服务能力,等等9DeSimone Engineering Purchasing Agent采购部门 After the previous information is collected,the Purchasing agent will typically:收集到上页所列资料后,采购部门应该:Assemble a team and conduct a plant visit of the supplier,组建团队参观供应商厂家 Perform a survey

13、 of the supplier,对供应商进行调查 Rate the supplier based on the defined set of performance standards 根据一系列绩效指标对供应商进行评分 10DeSimone Engineering Performance Standards绩效标准Performance standards reflect the costs Purchasing Agents must incur in satisfying user requirements.绩 效 标 准 反 映 的 是 采 购 部 门 为 满 足 客 户 要 求 所

14、 需 花 费 的 成本 The supplier may be rated on Quality in three categories:可 以 根 据 以 下 三 个 方 面 对 供 应 商 进 行 评 分1)Cost of defect prevention预 防 缺 陷 所 花 费 的 支 出2)Cost of defect detection 发 现 有 缺 陷 产 品 所 花 费 的 支 出3)COPQ related to defects 与 缺 陷 相 关 的 COPQ The sum of these costs for each supplier can be express

15、ed as a%of the total value of materials purchased from that supplier每个供应商以 上 三 项 支 出 的 总 和 可 以 用 该 供 应 商 所提供的 原 料 总 价 值 的 百 分 比 来 表 述11DeSimone Engineering Procurement Quality采购质量Procurement Quality deals with all aspects that deal with the purchasing of products采 购 质 量涉及到 产 品 采购 的各个环节This definitio

16、n assumes the following:以 上 定 义 基 于 以 下 6 点:We have well defined specifications for design and manufacture of products to be purchased;我们已经为欲购产品制定了详细的设计/生产规范The reliability and maintainability of the product have been determined;该 产 品 的 可 靠 性 和 可维 修 性 已 经 确 定Fitness for Use has been defined;该 产 品 符

17、合 用 户 使 用 要 求Our own Voice of the Customer(QFD)has been captured(and Our customers);我们的客户之声(质量功能展开)和客户的客户之声都已经到位Delivery and packaging requirements are defined;已定义包装及配送要求Liability and environmental concerns are addressed 已经考虑过可靠性及环境 因素12DeSimone Engineering Four Basic Steps 4 个基本步骤1)Learn about the

18、Sources(Potential Suppliers)了解供货渠道(潜在供应商)2)Use site Surveys/Inspections 利用实地调查/检验3)Develop an objective Supplier evaluation system 建立客观的供应商评估系统4)Make the selection based on all of the factors not just cost根据所有因素(不仅仅成本因素)选择供应商13DeSimone Engineering Strategic Considerations战略考量World Class Quality世 界 水

19、 平 的 质 量Lean/Six Sigma Company精 益 生 产/6西 格玛企 业 ISO-9000 Certified ISO-9000 认证Capture a Certain Market 把握一个具体的市 场Based on a SWOT Analysis 基 于 SWOT 的 分 析To Become World Leaders成 为 世 界 级 领 先 企 业To drive down costs降 低 成 本_14DeSimone Engineering The Psychology of Supplier Relationships 供应商关系心理学“What woul

20、d I do if I were in the Suppliers place?”如 果 我 是 供 应 商,我 会 怎 么 做?Traditionally the Customer/Supplier relationship has been on of dictation and autocratic nature;传 统 上-客 户/供 应 商 关 系 带有独裁和专制的色彩Its like a carefully executed program of moves like a chess game;像 下 象 棋 一 样 步步为营The language of communicatio

21、n is$not Quality 沟通的语言是金钱而不是质量As companys start to shrink both their employees and their supplier bases,the need for Partnerships grows随着企业开始裁员和削减供应商,这种伙伴关系越来越重要15DeSimone Engineering ASQ Vendor Vendee Technical Committee ASQ 卖方-买方技术委员会Code of Ethics for Supplier Partnership 供应商伙伴关系道德规范1.Personal Be

22、havior 个人行为2.Objectivity客观性3.Product Definition产品定义4.Mutual Understanding相互 理 解5.Quality Evaluation质量评估6.Product Quality产品质量7.Corrective Action改正行动8.Technical Aid技术支持9.Integrity诚信10.Rewards奖励11.Proprietary Information专利信息12.Safeguard Reputation安全方面的声誉16DeSimone Engineering 17Quality Leaders Deming质量

23、领袖-戴明Dr.W.Edwards Deming14 Points85/15 Management Philosophy“The key to Quality is in Managements hands”-Seven Deadly Diseases-“Drive out Fear“-Deming Prize in Japan-14 点-85/15 管 理 哲学-质量的钥匙掌握在管理层的手中-7 个 致 命 的 问 题-克 服 恐 惧-日 本 戴 明 奖“Cease awarding contracts based on price tag Cease awarding contracts

24、based on price tag alone”alone”签约时不要再仅仅考虑价格因素DeSimone Engineering How Do You Appear to Your Suppliers?供应商怎样看待采购部门?Do you know how your suppliers view you as a customer?你知道供应商是如何将你作为客户来看待的吗?Do you care how they view you?你是否在意供应商对你的看法?Does your suppliers view of you affect your bottom line?供应商对你的看法是否会

25、影响到你做选择时的原则底线?Historically,the customer/supplier relationship has been one ofdistance to each other.Distrust,combativeness,and uncooperationare common.Dont put all of your eggs in one basket attitude.过去,用户/供应商关系一直比较疏远,不信任、不合作、相互抵触的现象非常常见。故不要仅仅依赖于一个供应商。This Paradigm has shifted 现在这种情形已经发生变化18DeSimone

26、 Engineering The New ParadigmSupply Chain Management with developed PartnershipsStrategic Sourcing:The total costs of materials and purchased goods,services are reduced while maintaining higher levels of operating efficiency,quality,technical innovation,customer service,and system safetySupply Chain

27、 Linkages:Structures are the supply chains that interactProcesses are the operational activities that transform inputs to outputsLinkages in the supply chain connect processes with structures via communicationCross-Functional/Cross Enterprise Teams interact between supply chains and supply chain org

28、anizations 19DeSimone Engineering 新规则伙伴关系建立起来之后的供应链管理战 略 性 采购:如果能够维持较高水准的运营效率、质量、技术创新、客户服务 和系统安全,那么购买原材料、商品和服务的总成 本就会下降。供应链联结:-组 织 结 构 即相互影 响、相互作用的多条供应链-步 骤 即将输入变为输出的各种操作活动-联 系 即 通 过 沟通 将各个过程与 组 织 结 构 联 系起来-跨职能/跨企业团队 在供应链和供应链组织之间 进行互动20DeSimone Engineering 21TypicalSupplyChainSetUp典型的供应链架构DeSimone E

29、ngineering 22 Wal-Mart Supply Chain 沃尔玛供货系统沃尔玛供货系统DeSimone Engineering Successful Companies 成功的企业Those companies who are becoming successful at implementing new programs all have one thing in common:即将 成 功 地 实 施 新 规 则 的 企 业 有 一 个 共 同 点:They had to work with their suppliers in order to gain the syner

30、gies that they had identified,while convincing management that a new paradigm is possible他们不得不与供应商合作,以争取供应商的合作,同时说服领导层,实行新规则是可能的23DeSimone Engineering 24Relationship to Business Success 与业务成功的关系与业务成功的关系ImproveProducts&ServicesEliminateWasteImproveAssetUtilizationImproveResponsivenessQualityCycleTime

31、CustomerSatisfaction Revenue CostPermitsPricingOptionsBecomePreferredSourceRetainCustomerLoyaltyFirsttoMarketFastesttoReacttoDemandShiftsMeetScheduleCommitmentsEliminateUnnecessaryActivitiesEliminateShrinkage(scrap)PreventReworkEffectiveChangeManagementReduceComplexityReduceWorkingCapitalReduceInven

32、toryImproveFixedCapitalUtilization改进产品和服务提高反应能力允许定价权成为首选供应源保持客户忠诚度杜绝不必要的活动杜绝亏损(报废)预防返工杜绝浪费提高资产利用率销售首选对需求的变化作出最迅速的反应满足进度表的要求有效的变革管理降低复杂程度削减运营资产减少库存提高固定资产利用率收入成本DeSimone Engineering Economics of Outsourcing 外购经济学Purchased materials account for 50%of U.S.manufacturing costs所 购 材 料超过了美 国 制 造业 成 本的50%If

33、poor Quality is present,the final product will be of poor quality如 所 购 原料 质 量 低 劣,最 终 产 品 质 量 比 然 低 劣If deliverables are late,final products will be late to the customer如 所 购 材 料 不 能 如 期 交 货,企 业 最 终 产 品 也 无 法 如 期 交 货 Cost savings may be obtained with Continuous Replenishment持续地 补 充 供 货 可 以 节 约 成 本 (

34、Continuous updating of product and data shared between suppliers and customers this eliminates inventory and space costs)供应商和客户共享产品和数据的不断更新能消除存货和场地成本25PurchasingmustselectsuppliersthatsharethecompanyscommitmenttoQuality采购部门必须选择那些认同企业质量承诺的供应商DeSimone Engineering Single Sourcing单一货源Single Sourcing lim

35、its suppliers to gain more control over Quality and delivery 单一货源不利于供应商保证产品质量和按期交货Should limit single sourcing to a max of 15%to limit the risk为了减少风险,单一货源最多不能超过15%Develop a partnership with the single source与单一货源供应商建立伙伴关系 Involve the partnered supplier in Six Sigma efforts,as well as the product des

36、ign process将合作的供应商纳入 6 西格玛体系和产品设计过程 Develop an on-demand Direct Response(JIT)relationship with the supplier 与供应商建立基于需求的直接反应(准时生产)关系26DeSimone Engineering Site Selection Where to Locate 厂址的选择Key Factors for Location 选厂址的关键因素 Market Strategy市场战略 Service or Manufacturing生产或服务 JIT/Lean considerationsJIT

37、/精益生产考 量 Geographical/Economic/Social status地理/经济/社会状况 Quality and available technology质量及可利用的技术 Trade Agreements/Government Regulations 贸易协定/政府规定 Exchange rates 交易率 Labor Force costs and education劳动力成本及教育 Raw material availability可获得的原材料 Export/Import regulations,duties,and tariffs 出口/进口规定、关税27DeSi

38、mone Engineering Location Factor Rating选址因素评估Dynaco Mfg Co(Ball bearings)is evaluating three possible site locations.They used the following Location Factor Rating (Note:2 other methods exist:The Center of Gravity Technique and the Load-Distance Technique see Excel files)(0to100)LocationFactorWeight


40、2020.0018.2015.00WageRates0.159.0014.2510.80CommunityEnvironment0.1511.2512.0012.00ProximitytoCustomers0.106.509.009.50ShippingModes0.054.254.603.25AirService0.052.503.254.5077.5080.8082.0528他们是根据以下因素来进行评分的DynacoMfg公司正在对三个后选厂址进行考察另外还有两种方法:重力中心法和远程负重法DeSimone Engineering SQA TechniquesSQA 法Analysis o

41、f Requirements需求分析 Supplier Assessment供应商评估Market Testing and Tendering 市场检验和招标Customer Supplier Requirements客户供应商要求 PPAP,FMEA,SPC,Part Certification Honeywells Manufacturing Process Control(MPC)29霍尼韦尔的生产过程控制DeSimone Engineering Specifications 规范标准Product Specifications:Defines what is required for

42、a product to perform as expected by the customer产品规范:定义客户希望产品达到什么要求 Process Specifications:Defines the parameters of the manufacturing process that must be controlled in order to produce a product过程规 范:定义制造过程中必须控制的各种参数Analytical Specifications:Defines the analytical technologies to measure a require

43、d level of accuracy分析性规范:定义衡量精确程度所需的各种分析技术Raw Material Specifications:Defines what is acceptable as raw material entering a manufacturing process原料规范:定义原材料进入生产过程时应达到的标准Quality Management:Defines the management practices under which you wish to have products produced质量管理:定义你希望产品在何种管理环境下生产30DeSimone E

44、ngineering Product Specifications产品规格Should contain the following:应包含以下各项1.Reliability,serviceability,shelf life,and maintainability requirements可靠性,可服务性,保质期限,和可维修性要求2 Permissible tolerances and comparisons with process capabilities允许的误差以及与工艺能力的比较3 Product Accept/Reject criteria 接受/拒绝产品的标准4User inst

45、ructions,installability,ease of assembly,storage needs,and disposability用户指导,可安装性,便于装配,存储要求及使用随意性5.Benign failure and failure safe conditions良性次品及次品安全条件6 Aesthetic and other qualitative specifications and acceptance criteria 美学及其它质量规范及可接受的标准31DeSimone Engineering Product Specifications产 品 规格7.Failur

46、e Mode and Effects Analysis,Fault Tree Analysis失效模式与效应分析,故障树形图分析8 Ability to diagnose and correct problems诊断与解决问题的能力9 Labeling,warning,identification,traceability,risk management,and recall requirements标记、警 告、识别、跟 踪、风险管理、召回要求10Review and use of standard parts标准件的检验和使用 32DeSimone Engineering Process

47、and Analytical Specifications过程及分析规范 1.Manufacturability of the design,including special process/analytical needs,automation,assembly,and installation of components设计的可生产性,包括特殊工艺/分析需要,自动化,装配组合及零件的安装2Capability to Inspect and test the design/prototype,including special inspection and test requirement

48、s检验与测量产品设计/模型的能力,包括特殊检验与测试要求3Specifications of materials,components,and subassemblies (including approved supplies and suppliers sub-tier,etc.)材料、零件和部件的规格(包括经认可的供给品和供应商)4.Packaging,handling,storage,and shelf life requirements,safety factors related to incoming and outgoing items包装,操作(上/下架.),储存及保质期限的

49、要求,与出/入厂部件相关的安全因素33DeSimone Engineering Basic Indexes基本指数PCI Process Capability Index 1/PCI x 100=%of specification taken up by the process.34TCITestCapabilityIndex:ForanalyticaltestingThePCIandTCIcanenablethedesign/developmentandprocurementPeopletoeffectivelydevelopestimatesthatcaninvolveintospecif

50、icationsPCI和TCI可帮助研发和采购人员进行有效的评估,并且可将结果纳入产品规格DeSimone Engineering 35CpRatioCpRatio6sUSLLSL+3s-3sQualityIndicesDeSimone Engineering 36CpK RatioTheCpkCpkestimatestheprocesscapabilityiftheprocessmeanisoffcenter如如果过程果过程均均值偏值偏离离中中心,心,CPK值可值可以以用来用来对加工对加工能能力进行评估力进行评估DeSimone Engineering 37Cpvs.CpkCpvs.CpkL


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