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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院: 体育学院 专 业: 社会体育 姓 名: 郇蝉瑚 学 号: 0711330114 外文出处:Songliao Journal (Natnral Science Edition) 2002-01 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文 关于我国休闲体育发展初探参考文献(3条) 1.李明体育产业学入门 1999 2.姜嫒嫒浅论开发我国休闲休育市场 2000 3.曹莉.余暇体育与大众健康 2000(04)相似文献(10条)1.期刊论文田慧.周虹.TIAN Hui.ZHOU Hong休闲、休闲体育及

2、其在中国的发展趋势 -体育科学2006,26(4) 分析、诠释休闲及休闲体育的含义,追溯休闲及休闲体育的起源和发展演变过程,论述休闲体育所包含的5方面内容.提出休闲体育在中国的发展趋势:1)休闲体育将为全民健身活动提供更大的发展空间;2)休闲体育作为健康生活方式的重要内容,将从为身体健康的身体锻炼模式发展成为身心健康的休闲体育模式;3)休闲体育专业研究不断深入,其研究领域的价值和必要性将逐渐引起人们的重视;4)第29届奥运会将加速休闲体育在中国的普及与推广;5)电视、网络等大众媒体将在推动休闲体育的发展中发挥重要作用;6)休闲体育的普及将带动相关体育产业及就业市场的蓬勃发展.2.期刊论文王小琴

3、.Wang Xiao-qin休闲体育对构建和谐社会的作用及发展休闲体育的举措 -福建体育科技 2008,27(4) 运用文献资料、专家访谈、归纳演绎等方法,在界定休闲体育与和谐社会内涵的基础上,阐述了休闲体育对构建和谐社会的作用,认为休闲体育能促进人与自然的和谐发展,促进人与社会的和谐发展,促进人的身心和谐发展,并提出了发展休闲体育的举措.3.期刊论文胡春红浅议新时期发展休闲体育的若干问题 -中共郑州市委党校学报2010(1) 经济的发展及闲暇时间的增多为休闲体育的发展打下了良好的社会基础,而如何树立正确的休闲生活态度、选择科学的休闲生活方式、积极地推进休闲体育、全面建设休闲文化则成为必须认真

4、思考的问题.发展休闲体育应从构建发展休闲体育的社会环境、营造发展休闲体育的文化氛围、创新发展休闲体育的方式、加强发展休闲体育的学术研究四个环节着手.4.期刊论文夏宇.XIA Yu浅谈后奥运会时代我国休闲体育的发展 -长春金融高等专科学校学报2009(4) 后奥运会时代会对我国休闲体育的发展产生巨大影响,休闲体育在我国经济、生活中的地位不断加强,有利于休闲体育管理体制的不断变化,有利于休闲体育与旅游业相结合,使体育消费逐步成为新的经济增长点,最终促进我国休闲体育事业不断向好的方向发展.5.学位论文曹学武汉地区普通高校大学生“休闲体育”现状及发展对策研究 2007 随着社会的发展,科技的进步,人们

5、的工作、学习时间的逐渐减少和闲暇时间的增多,休闲活动以及人们对休闲的认识,将对人类的身心健康、社会的进步日益产生着重要影响。休闲体育以它的社会化、终身化、生活化成为当今世界范围内体育发展的新潮流,是人类社会发展、人类文明进步的必然。大学生在校期间良好的“休闲体育”习惯的养成是实施终身体育的重要手段,终身体育又由几个阶段构成的,而对其影响最大的时期是高校体育教育阶段,大学生参与休闲体育对培养学生终身从事体育的意识起着重要作用。因此,关注和研究普通高校大学生的休闲体育是一个应该高度重视的问题。 本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计等研究方法,对武汉地区普通高校大学生“休闲体育”的现状进

6、行了调查研究,旨在弄清大学生参与“休闲体育”的现实状况,洞悉影响大学生参与“休闲体育”的深层原因,并提出有针对性的建议,为高校相关部门的决策提供一定的依据和参考。本文所提的大学生“休闲体育”主要是大学生在学校中参与的以校园为空间,以课外活动为内容的一种体育活动。 研究结果表明:武汉地区普通高校大学生对全民健身的整体认知水平较低,体育人口比例小,大学生参与“休闲体育”的人数不多;大学生参与“休闲体育”的内容单调,体育消费水平还比较低;大学生参与“休闲体育”的场地设施不足;大学生参与“休闲体育”需要多方面的指导和宣传;普通高校大学生渴望学校提供多方面的体育服务。 针对大学生在参与“休闲体育”中存在


8、育经费的投入与管理力度,相应的增加学校体育经费的投入,给学校增设相应的运动场所和体育配套设施,适当降低一些体育场馆的费用,提高体育场馆等设施对大学生的开放程度,改善和提高体育场所的环境;教育部门和高校相关部门要加大学校对大学生“休闲体育”的支持力度,将大学生的“休闲体育”纳入到整个学校的支持网络中,为普通高校大学生减缓压力,并制定一些相应的引导措施,来满足普通高校大学生参与休闲体育的需求,从而促进普通高校大学生“休闲体育”的发展。6.期刊论文梅峰.王守峰我国休闲体育发展状况及发展对策研究 -宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)2004,26(6) 随着我国改革开放的不断深入、社会经济的快速发展及人民

9、群众物质生活水平的显著提高,我国的休闲体育得到了可喜的发展,休闲体育娱乐项目逐渐变得丰富多彩.休闲体育是群众体育的坚实基础和主要类型之一,是一种文明、科学、健康的现代生活方式.笔者从休闲体育的定义、特点出发,阐述了我国休闲体育的发展现状,分析了我国休闲体育发展的必然性,并预测了其发展前景,为我国休闲体育的建设和发展提供了必要的理论依据,在此基础上提出了相关的发展对策及建议.7.期刊论文谢卓斌.刘红.陶干臣论江西省休闲体育的发展 -职业圈2007(10) 文章运用文献法、观察法、问卷调查法等,对江西省部分群体进行调查,分析了江西休闲体育的情况,最后提出江西休闲体育发展必须加大宣传力度;加快休闲体

10、育专业人才的培养;多渠道筹集经费增加资金投入;建立专门机构加强管理;大力发展休闲体育产生;坚持休闲体育活动多元化、趣味化、娱乐化。8.期刊论文马飞.刘适红休闲体育的发展及社会价值 -科技创新导报2010(18) 在城市化进程中,生产、生活、交往方式的变迁给人们身体和心理健康带来了一定的影响.休闲与休闲体育是一种人类的生活方式,它将会促进人们的身心健康,健全与完善终身教育体系,拉动消费,促进社会经济发展,增进人际交往,引导社会风气.本文通过对休闲体育概念的介绍,阐述了休闲体育发展,论证了其独特的的社会价值.9.期刊论文勾英菊中国休闲体育的发展 -河南教育(高校版)2007(9) 休闲愉快的生活是

11、人类生存的不懈追求,社会发展的终极目标更是为了改善和提高人们的生活质量.知识经济和信息化时代的到来,使人们拥有更多闲暇时间.休闲体育在改善人们生活质量、满足健康需求、补充余暇生活等方面具有重要的作用,它的兴起就成了社会发展的必然.休闲,从根本上说,是对生命意义和快乐的探索.因此,随着小康社会的逐步形成,和谐社会的不断完善,人们生活价值取向的不断提高,休闲体育将成为社会文化的主流.10.学位论文张良我国休闲体育的现状与发展策略 2010 休闲是人类社会一种十分古老而重要的活动形式,是构成人类生活的组成部分。随着科学技术的发展和生产力水平的不断提高,我国经济得以稳步发展和快速增长,人民生活水平不断

12、得到提高。在社会物质生活条件日趋丰富的条件下,人们的余暇时间也不断增加,我国休闲体育得到了可喜的发展,在经济和社会生活中占有越来越重要的地位。我国对休闲体育的研究还刚刚起步,把握全面建设小康社会时期人们对体育多样化的需求,充分发挥体育文化的社会功能,为人类社会的发展起到积极的推动作用。 休闲体育作为一种文明、科学、健康的余暇生活方式,在促进人们的身心健康,帮助人们获得巨大的精神动力,提高人们的整体素质方面日益发挥着不可估量的作用;而且对于促进产业经济和社会的发展,促进人际交往、增进体育事业活力、健全和完善终身教育体系,都发挥着重要作用。 休闲时代人们的人生观由维持生存向追求发展进而向追求享受转


14、益的参考价值。引证文献(16条) 1.陈凯湛江市休闲体育的发展现状与对策研究期刊论文-湛江师范学院学报 2009(3) 2.金银日.卫志强多学科视角下休闲体育概念的解析期刊论文-上海体育学院学报 2009(5) 3.梁赞斌.高慧妮经济欠发达中小城市城镇居民休闲体育活动开展研究以嘉鱼县鱼岳镇为例期刊论文-咸宁学院学报 2008(6) 4.梁永庆我国休闲体育的现状及发展对策研究期刊论文-黑龙江科技信息 2008(36) 5.任宏略和谐社会的构建需要休闲体育期刊论文-辽宁经济管理干部学院辽宁经济职业技术学院学报 2008(2) 6.谢雨航休闲体育探析期刊论文-体育文化导刊 2008(1) 7.王燕飞

15、论休闲体育在我国的开展期刊论文-科教文汇 2008(3) 8.郝冰花浅论中外传统休闲体育文化的差异期刊论文-中国科技信息 2007(8) 9.王红.刘江山试析我国休闲体育的现状、成因及发展期刊论文-山东体育科技 2007(1) 10.孟庆宁民俗体育的当代价值期刊论文-山西高等学校社会科学学报 2006(11) 11.韩素萍.张晓宁休闲体育概念研究之综述期刊论文-山东体育科技 2005(4) 12.杨芳.张军献关于休闲娱乐体育研究期刊论文-南京体育学院学报(社会科学版) 2005(1) 13.王志威论英国政府对体育休闲娱乐的管理学位论文硕士 2005 14.王志威论英国政府对体育休闲娱乐的管理学

16、位论文硕士 2005 15.梅峰.王守峰我国休闲体育发展状况及发展对策研究期刊论文-宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2004(6) 16.朱玉芳.徐奕宏探讨休闲体育在高校体育发展中的作用期刊论文-广州体育学院学报 2004(5)本文链接:附件2:外文原文References (3) 1. Li Ming sports industry learning introductory 1999 2. Ginger jingyuan jingyuan in shallow theory development leisure Hugh cultivating market. 2000 3. CaoLi

17、. Leisure sports and public health 2000 (04) Similar literature (10) 1. The journal articles TianHui. ZhouHong Hui ZHOU TIAN j. If leisure, leisure sports and development in China trend - sports science 62 (26 4) Analysis, interpret the meaning of recreation and leisure sports, recreation and leisur

18、e sports trace the origin and development, discusses the evolution process of leisure sports contains five aspect content. The proposed leisure sports development trend in China : 1) leisure sports will for popular fitness activities provide larger development space; 2) leisure sports as the importa

19、nt content of a healthy lifestyle, for healthy body from exercise patterns of leisure development becomes physical and mental health Sports mode; 3) leisure sports professional research unceasingly thorough, its research in the field of value and necessity will gradually attracted peoples attention;

20、 4) the 29th Olympic Games will accelerate the leisure sports in Chinas popularization and promotion; 5) electric Depending on the mass media and Internet in promoting the development of leisure sports play an important role; 6) leisure sports popularization will drive the sports industry and relate

21、d the vigorous development of the employment market. 2. Journal of qin Xiao - WangXiaoQin. Where leisure sports in constructing the harmonious societys role and developing leisure sports action - fujian sports technology 2008,27 (4) By using literature material, expert interviews, induce deduction w

22、ait for a method, on defining the leisure sports and the basis of the content of the harmonious society, this paper expounds the recreational sports in constructing the harmonious social role that leisure sports can promote The harmonious development between human and nature, and promote the harmoni

23、ous development of man and society, and promote the harmonious development of both physical and mental, and puts forward the development of leisure sports action. 3. Journal of new period HuChunGong shallow re-debate several problems of developing leisure sports of CPC zhengzhou municipal party comm

24、ittee party school - 2010 (1) The development of economy and the increase of free time for leisure sports have laid a good social base, and how to set up the correct leisure life attitude, scientific choice of the leisure lifestyle, vigorously promote Sue Idle sports, the comprehensive construction

25、leisure culture becomes must ponder earnestly problem. Development from developing leisure sports leisure sports social environment, create the cultural atmosphere of developing leisure sports leisure, innovation and development Sports mode, enhance the development of leisure sports academic researc

26、h four aspects. 4. Journal of Yu 2000c XiaYu. Be recreational sports in China after the Olympic Games time evolution - changchun financial higher school journal 2009 (4) On our Olympic Games time will after the development of leisure sports, leisure sports a tremendous impact in Chinas economic, lif

27、e, to the status of leisure sports continuously strengthen the management system, to Sue the constantly changing Idle sports and tourism combine to make the sports consumption has gradually become a new economic growth point, eventually promotes recreational sports in China to good career developmen

28、t. Constantly 5. Dissertations in wuhan CaoXue ordinary university students leisure sports status and developing countermeasure of 2007 With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, peoples work, learning time gradually reduce and the increase of free time, leisure activit

29、ies and people for leisure of human knowledge will health of body and mind, clubs Will progress increasingly producing main effect. With its leisure sports socialization, lifelong learning in the world today, living within the new trend in sports development, human and social development, will be th

30、e progress of human civilization However. College students good leisure sports habits are an important means of implementation of lifelong physical education, lifelong physical education and composed of by several stages, and the influence of the period of the most college sports teaching is Yukon s

31、tage, college students to participate in the leisure sports on cultivating students consciousness of lifelong sports play an important role. Therefore, attention and research of ordinary university students leisure sports is a should attach great importance to the issue . This paper utilizes the lit

32、erature material law, expert interview, questionnaire and statistics methods of ordinary university in wuhan, college leisure sport investigation on the current situation of research, aims to make clear big Students participate in leisure sports and discern the realistic situation of college student

33、s to participate in the influence the deep reason of leisure sports, and put forward the Suggestions pertinently for college related departments, the decision provides certain basis and Reference. This paper proposed college student leisure sport is mainly involved in the college students in the sch

34、ool campus for space, in extra-curricular activities for content a sports activities. The results of the study indicate that: wuhan ordinary college of fitness overall cognitive level is low, sports population, small proportion for college students to participate in the small Numbers of leisure spor

35、ts; College students to participate in the Leisure sports content drab, sports consumption level is low; College students to participate in the leisure sports facilities is insufficient; College students to participate in the leisure sports requires a wide range of guidance and propaganda; pugh The

36、college students desire to provide a full range of sports school service. For college students to participate in leisure sports in existing problems, this paper puts forward the following Suggestions: government and school sports administration should increase on body-building propaganda, and build

37、a good campus Sports atmosphere, further improve the ordinary university students sports exercise consciousness, make students have the correct sports value and cultivate their nurturance lifelong physical exercise habit: school departments shall be added Big on college students leisure sports propa

38、ganda, use the school radio station, radio, blackboard paper, column, etc. Various kinds of media of publicity, students to leisure sports attention, Hugh Idle sports moving into a good campus environment of public opinion; education department of college sports funds must be increased funding and f

39、orming system, every year must press the certain proportion growth, the government departments must also depend on Social forces, to encourage and promote good economic performance of the school sports in corporate sponsor; Education departments and university relevant departments should strengthen

40、the ordinary university students sports funds and management strength , the corresponding increase school sports funds, to add the corresponding athletic school sports facilities, and appropriate lowering some the sports facility costs and improve stadium facilities on college students open Degree,

41、improve and enhance sports place environment; Education departments and university relevant departments shall enhance on college students leisure sports school of support, and will leisure and sports college students into the whole school Support network for ordinary university students, and make so

42、me relief corresponding measures to satisfy common guide college students participation in leisure sports demand, in order to promote the ordinary college students Hugh Idle sports development. 6. Journal of recreational sports in China. WangShouFeng MeiFeng development status and development counte

43、rmeasures study - journal of ningxia university (humanities and social science edition) 26 (6) With the deepening of our reform and opening up, the rapid development of social economy and peoples material life level increased significantly, the recreational sports in our country got welcome developm

44、ent, leisure sports entertainment project out Gradient have colorful. Leisure sports is the solid foundation and mass sports, one of the main types of, is a kind of civilization, science, healthy modern lifestyle. From the recreational sports definition, characteristics, this paper expounds the Our

45、leisure sports development present situation, has analyzed the necessity of leisure sports development in China, and forecasts the development prospect for our country the construction and development of leisure sports provides the necessary theoretical basis, based on this the rapture Out of the re

46、lated development countermeasures and Suggestions. 7. XieZhuoBin. LiuGong journal. TaoGan minister concerning the development of jiangxi leisure sports career circle - 2007 (10) Using the literature, observation, questionnaire, investigation in jiangxi province, part group analyzed the situation of

47、jiangxi leisure sports leisure sports, and finally puts forward the development of jiangxi must be increased publicity ; Accelerate the cultivation of leisure sports professionals; Financing ways increase capital investment; Establish special agencies to strengthen management; Vigorously develops the leisure sports produce; Insist on leisure sports activities of pluralism, gout, entertainment Digestion. 8. MaFei journals. LiuShiGong


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