高中英语(5)教师用书:Unit 5 Section_Ⅰ Warming Up - Reading — Pre-reading.pdf

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1、1 SectionSection_ _WarmingWarming UpUp&ReadingReading PrereadingPrereading NowNow manymany hospitalshospitals suggestsuggest thatthat wewe useuse thethe lettersletters DRDR ABCABC toto rememberremember whatwhat toto dodo whenwhen dealingdealing withwith anan emergency.emergency.DoDo youyou knowknow

2、whatwhat theythey standstand forfor?NowNow readread thethe followingfollowing passagepassage toto getget thethe answer.answer.TheThe mostmost importantimportant thingthing toto keepkeep inin mindmind whenwhen dealingdealing withwith anan emergencyemergency (紧紧急情况急情况)isis toto staystay calm.calm.ByBy

3、 stayingstaying calmcalm wewe willwill bebe ableable toto thinkthink whatwhat toto dodo andand makemake betterbetter decisions.decisions.ManyMany hospitalshospitals suggestsuggest thatthat wewe useuse thethe lettersletters DRDR ABCABC toto rememberremember whatwhat toto dodo whenwhen wewe havehave t

4、oto thinkthink fast.fast.D D standsstands forfor danger.danger.WeWe shouldshould firstfirst ofof allall makemake suresure thatthat thethe accidentaccident scenescene isis nono longerlonger dangerous.dangerous.IfIf wewe werewere toto getget hurthurt tryingtrying toto savesave someone,someone,wewe wou

5、ldwould notnot bebe ableable toto help.help.R R isis forfor response.response.WeWe cancan dodo a a lotlot ofof goodgood byby simplysimply askingasking “Are“Are youyou allall rightright?”IfIf thethe personperson cancan answer,answer,wewe knowknow thatthat hehe oror sheshe isis consciousconscious anda

6、nd cancan breathe.breathe.TheThe questionquestion willwill alsoalso calmcalm thethe person,person,lettingletting himhim oror herher knowknow thatthat helphelp isis onon thethe way.way.A A isis forfor airwayairway (呼吸道呼吸道).).WeWe mustmust makemake suresure thatthat a a personspersons airwayairway isi

7、s openopen andand itit isis easyeasy toto breathe.breathe.ThisThis cancan bebe donedone byby gentlygently tippingtipping thethe personspersons headhead backback 2 slightly.slightly.B B isis forfor breathing.breathing.WeWe shouldshould checkcheck thatthat thethe personperson cancan breathe.breathe.Is

8、Is hishis oror herher chestchest movingmoving?IfIf thethe personperson isis notnot breathing,breathing,wewe mustmust trytry toto startstart hishis oror herher breathingbreathing atat once,once,usingusing thethe mouthtomouthmouthtomouth method.method.IfIf thisthis isis notnot donedone withinwithin fi

9、vefive minutes,minutes,thethe personperson willwill die.die.IfIf a a personperson isis breathingbreathing butbut notnot conscious,conscious,itit isis usuallyusually bestbest forfor himhim oror herher notnot toto bebe moved.moved.C C isis forfor circulationcirculation (循环;环流循环;环流)IsIs thethe personsp

10、ersons bloodblood circulatingcirculating?WeWe cancan looklook forfor colour,colour,coughing,coughing,andand eyeeye movement.movement.WeWe cancan alsoalso checkcheck a a personspersons pulsepulse (脉搏脉搏)byby puttingputting a a fingerfinger onon thethe personspersons neckneck oror wrist.wrist.ThisThis

11、isis whatwhat wewe callcall DRDR ABC,ABC,whichwhich cancan remindremind usus ofof whatwhat toto focusfocus onon whenwhen therethere isis anan emergency.emergency.WarmingWarming UpUp 1.Look1.Look atat thethe picturespictures andand telltell whatwhat happened.happened.(1)The(1)The girlgirl inin Pictur

12、ePicture A A cutcut_ _herher_ _fingerfinger.(2)The(2)The girlgirl inin PicturePicture B B burntburnt_ _herher_ _handhand.(3)The(3)The manman inin PicturePicture C C gotgot_ _anan_electricelectric_ _shockshock.(4)The(4)The womanwoman inin PicturePicture D D waswas_ _drowningdrowning.2 2NowadaysNowada

13、ys therethere areare a a lotlot ofof unexpectedunexpected accidents.Whataccidents.What wouldwould youyou dodo inin suchsuch situations?situations?(1)What(1)What kindkind ofof firstfirst aidaid shouldshould youyou givegive toto a a snakesnake bite?bite?TheThe_ _personperson_ _bittenbitten_ _mustmust_

14、 _getget_ _a a_ _doctordoctor_ _oror_ _gogo_ _toto_ _hospithospitalal_ _atat_ _once.once.SpeedSpeed_ _isis_ _veryvery_ _important.important.ItIt_ _willwill_ _helphelp_ _thethe_ _doctordoctor_ _greatlygreatly_ _ifif_ _youyou_ _cancan_ _telltell_ _himhim_ _whatwhat_ _kindkind_ _ofof_ _snakesnake_ _iti

15、t_ _was,was,_ _oror_ _describedescribe_ _thethe_ _situation.situation.(2)What(2)What kindkind ofof firstfirst aidaid shouldshould youyou givegive toto bleeding?bleeding?3 TryTry_ _toto_ _stopstop_ _thethe_ _bleeding.bleeding.PressPress_ _a a_ _handkerchiefhandkerchief_ _ontoonto_ _thethe_ _bleedingb

16、leeding_ _pointpoint_ _andand_ _holdhold_ _itit_ _there.there.HoldHold_ _upup_ _thethe_ _partpart_ _ofof_ _bodybody_ _whichwhich_ _isis_ _bleedingbleeding_ _ifif_ _possible.possible.(3)What(3)What kindkind ofof firstfirst aidaid shouldshould youyou givegive toto a a sprainedsprained ankle?ankle?Tied

17、Tied_ _withwith_ _medicalmedical_ _bandage.bandage.ItIt_ _isis_ _betterbetter_ _toto_ _avoidavoid_ _walkingwalking_ _withwith_ _thethe_ _injuredinjured_ _ankle.ankle.ItIt_ _isis_ _correctcorrect_ _toto_ _useuse_ _iceice_ _bagbag_ _forfor_ _removingremoving_ _painpain_ _andand_ _blbleeding,eeding,_ _

18、andand_ _alsoalso_ _notnot_ _influenceinfluence_ _ourour_ _ownown_ _bodybody_ _healing.healing.(4)What(4)What kindkind ofof firstfirst aidaid shouldshould youyou givegive toto a a choke?choke?ToTo_ _treattreat_ _a a_ _choke,choke,_ _youyou_ _shouldshould_ _makemake_ _him/herhim/her_ _spitspit_ _byby

19、_ _pattingpatting_ _him/herhim/her_ _onon_ _thethe_ _back.back.(5)What(5)What kindkind ofof firstfirst aidaid shouldshould youyou givegive toto a a brokenbroken arm?arm?DoDo_ _notnot_ _movemove_ _thethe_ _patient.patient.SupportSupport_ _thethe_ _brokenbroken_ _armarm_ _inin_ _thethe_ _mostmost_ _co

20、mfortablecomfortable_ _position.position.GetGet_ _medicalmedical_ _helphelp_ _immediately.immediately.FastFast ReadingReading 1 1ReadRead thethe texttext quicklyquickly andand completecomplete thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof it.it.TheThe texttext mainlymainly introducesintroduces (1)(1)threethree type

21、stypes ofof burnsburns andand theirtheir characteristicscharacteristics asas wellwell asas howhow toto givegive (2)(2)firstfirst_ _aidaid_ _treatmenttreatment whenwhen burnsburns happen.happen.2 2ScanScan thethe texttext andand thenthen choosechoose thethe bestbest answeranswer accordingaccording to

22、to thethe text.text.(1)In(1)In thethe text,text,burnsburns areare sortedsorted accordingaccording toto thethe _ ofof thethe skinskin burned.burned.A Alayerlayer B Bfunctionfunction C Ctypetype D Dareaarea(2)Which(2)Which ofof thethe followingfollowing isis NOTNOT thethe functionfunction ofof thethe

23、skinskin accordingaccording toto thethe text?text?A AItIt protectsprotects youyou againstagainst disease,disease,poisonspoisons andand thethe sunssuns harmfulharmful rays.rays.B BItIt helpshelps thethe heartheart beat.beat.C CItIt cancan keepkeep youyou warmwarm oror cool.cool.D DItIt preventspreven

24、ts youryour bodybody fromfrom losinglosing waterwater andand givesgives thethe sensesense ofof touch.touch.(3)When(3)When coolingcooling burns,burns,coolcool waterwater isis usedused toto dodo thethe followingfollowing EXCEPTEXCEPT _._.A Astopstop thethe burningburning processprocess 4 B Bpreventpre

25、vent thethe painpain becomingbecoming unbearableunbearable C Creducereduce swellingswelling D Dpreventprevent anyany blistersblisters beingbeing brokenbroken(4)Which(4)Which ofof thethe followingfollowing firstfirst aidaid treatmenttreatment isis RIGHTRIGHT accordingaccording toto thethe text?text?A

26、 ATakeTake clothingclothing offoff thethe burnedburned areaarea eveneven thoughthough itit isis stuckstuck toto thethe burn.burn.B BDoDo notnot putput coldcold waterwater onon secondsecond degreedegree burns.burns.C CIfIf burnsburns areare onon thethe face,face,thethe victimvictim shouldshould sitsi

27、t up.up.D DIfIf thethe injuriesinjuries areare secondsecond degreedegree burns,burns,itit isis unnecessaryunnecessary toto getget thethe victimvictim toto thethe doctordoctor oror hospitalhospital atat once.once.(5)If(5)If someonesomeone getsgets burnedburned andand hishis handshands getget blackbla

28、ck andand whitewhite andand charred,charred,itit belongsbelongs to_.to_.A Athethe firstfirst degreedegree B Bthethe secondsecond degreedegree C Cthethe thirdthird degreedegree D Dnonenone ofof thethe aboveabove 答案:答案:(1)(1)(5)(5)ABDCCABDCC CarefulCareful ReadingReading 1 1ReadRead thethe texttext ca

29、refullycarefully andand thenthen fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks.BurnsBurns CausesCauses hothot liquids,liquids,steam,steam,fire,fire,radiation,radiation,thethe sun,sun,electricityelectricity oror chemicalschemicals(1)(1)TypesTypes FirstFirst degreedegree burnsburns SecondSecond degreedegree burn

30、sburns ThirdThird degreedegree burnsburns CharacteristicsCharacteristics dry,dry,redred andand mildlymildly (2)(2)swollenswollen mildlymildly painfulpainful turnturn (3)(3)whitewhite whenwhen pressedpressed rough,rough,redred andand swollenswollen blistersblisters(4)(4)waterywatery surfacesurface ex

31、tremelyextremely painfulpainful blackblack andand whitewhite andand charredcharred swollen;swollen;oftenoften (5)(5)tissuetissue underunder themthem cancan bebe seenseen littlelittle oror nono painpain ifif (6)(6)nervesnerves areare damaged;damaged;maymay bebe painpain aroundaround edgeedge ofof inj

32、uredinjured areaarea 5 TakeTake offoff clothingclothing andand (7)(7)jewelleryjewellery nearnear thethe burn.burn.PlacePlace coolcool clothscloths onon thethe burnedburned areaarea repeatedlyrepeatedly forfor (9)(9)anan_ _hourhour oror so.so.PlacePlace (8)(8)cool,cool,_clean,_clean,wetwet clothsclot

33、hs onon themthem untiluntil thethe painpain decreases.decreases.SendSend thethe victimvictim toto thethe doctordoctor oror hospitalhospital atat once.once.FirstFirst aidaid treatmenttreatment(10)(10)DryDry thethe burnedburned areaarea gently.gently.CoverCover thethe burnedburned areaarea withwith a

34、a dry,dry,cleanclean (11)(11)bandagebandage.KeepKeep burnedburned armsarms oror legslegs (12)(12)higherhigher thanthan thethe heart.heart.2 2TheThe texttext cancan bebe divideddivided intointo fivefive parts.Thenparts.Then findfind outout thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof eacheach part.part.PartPart 1 1

35、:TheThe_ _importanceimportance_ _ofof_ _skinskin PartPart 2 2:CausesCauses_ _ofof_ _burnsburns PartPart 3 3:TypesTypes_ _ofof_ _burnsburns PartPart 4 4:CharacteristicsCharacteristics_ _ofof_ _burnsburns PartPart 5 5:FirstFirst_ _aidaid_ _treatmenttreatment SummarySummary FillFill inin thethe blanksb

36、lanks accordingaccording toto thethe text.text.TheThe skin,skin,whichwhich actsacts asas a a barrierbarrier 1.1.againstagainst disease,disease,poisonspoisons andand thethe sunssuns harmfulharmful rays,rays,isis anan essentialessential partpart ofof youryour body.body.SoSo ifif youryour skinskin gets

37、gets burnedburned itit cancan bebe veryvery serious.Dependingserious.Depending onon 2.2.whichwhich_ _ layerslayers ofof thethe skinskin areare burned,burned,theythey areare calledcalled first,first,second,second,thirdthird degreedegree burns.Firstburns.First degreedegree burnsburns makemake anan eff

38、ecteffect 3.3.onon onlyonly thethe toptop layerlayer ofof thethe skinskin andand itit turnsturns whitewhite whenwhen 4.4.pressedpressed (press)(press)SecondSecond degreedegree burnsburns includeinclude severesevere sunburnsunburn andand burnsburns 5.5.causedcaused (cause)(cause)byby hothot liquids.T

39、hirdliquids.Third degreedegree burnsburns causecause littlelittle oror nono painpain ifif nervesnerves areare damaged;damaged;maymay bebe painpain aroundaround edgeedge ofof injuredinjured area.Ifarea.If possible,possible,wewe shouldshould dodo somesome firstfirst aid.First,aid.First,removeremove cl

40、othingclothing usingusing scissorsscissors ifif necessarynecessary 6.6.unlessunless itit isis stuckstuck toto thethe burn.Takeburn.Take offoff otherother clothingclothing nearnear thethe burn.burn.CoolCool burnsburns immediatelyimmediately withwith coolcool 7.7.butbut notnot icyicy waterwater whichw

41、hich preventsprevents thethe painpain becomingbecoming 8.8.unbearableunbearable (bear)(bear)andand reducesreduces swelling.Itswelling.It isis helpfulhelpful toto squeezesqueeze coolcool clothscloths 9.9.outout_from_from a a basinbasin andand placeplace themthem onon thethe burnedburned areaarea over

42、over andand overover again.Holdagain.Hold 6 thethe bandagebandage 10.10.inin placeplace withwith tapetape ifif necessary.Lastly,necessary.Lastly,itit isis vitalvital thatthat wewe shouldshould getget thethe victimvictim toto thethe doctordoctor oror hospitalhospital atat onceonce ifif thethe situati

43、onsituation becomesbecomes worseworse andand worse.worse.DiscussionDiscussion DiscussDiscuss inin groupsgroups ofof fourfour toto seesee whetherwhether thethe followingfollowing isis rightright oror wrong.Ifwrong.If itsits wrong,wrong,explainexplain whywhy andand givegive thethe correctcorrect state

44、ment.statement.SamSam knockedknocked overover a a kettlekettle fullfull ofof boilingboiling waterwater ontoonto hishis legs.Hislegs.His legslegs becamebecame red,red,swollenswollen andand coveredcovered withwith blisters.Samblisters.Sam brokebroke thethe blistersblisters andand pouredpoured icyicy w

45、aterwater fromfrom thethe fridgefridge ontoonto thethe skin.skin.Wrong.SamWrong.Sam_ _shouldshould_ _notnot_ _havehave_ _brokenbroken_ _thethe_ _blistersblisters_ _becausebecause_ _thethe_ _burnsburns_ _couldcould_ _becobecomeme_ _infected.Heinfected.He_ _shouldshould_ _havehave_ _pouredpoured_ _coolcool_ _water,water,_ _notnot_ _icyicy_ _waterwater_ _onon_ _thethe_ _burn.burn.


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