1、2021年高一上学期第一学段(期中)考试英语试题含答案注意事项:1.本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第I I 卷(非选择题)两部分。2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填涂在答题卡相应的位置。3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第I 卷(选择题)第 一 部 分 阅 读(共两节,满分30分)第 一 节 阅 读 理 解(每小题2分,共20分)A group of peopI e decided to cI imb a mountain together.They thought it wasgoing to be an easy cl imb,so they
2、I aughed and taI ked among themseI ves and didn tnotice the sky growing darker.They soon got lost for they couI dn*t see veryfar in front of them.They huddI ed together that night over a fi re.No one waI ked too far away from the group by themseI ves because it wouldsure I y I ead to death.They sat
3、close to each other throughout the dark hoursnot just for warmth,but for the fact that staying with the group was the i r on I yhope for survival.After what felt I ike a century,the sun started its slow cl imbup the sky.They were now able to see as far ahead of them as they I iked,sothey began to go
4、 down the mountain.They still remained as a group at this time even though there was no reaI实用文档need.A bond(凝聚力)had formed throughout the group that couI d not be broken实用文档or i gnored.They knew each other just as we I I as they knew themseI ves.As theyreached the pI ace where they had started the i
5、 r journey,they knew it was timeto say goodbye.Feel ing at peace,theybowed(鞠躬)deep I y to each other.Al Iof them kept the I ove they created as a group c I ose to thei r hearts as they madethei r way out i nto the worI d a I one.1.What was the difficulty the group of peopI e met i n the mounta i n?A
6、.Damaged roads.B.Animals attack.C.Los i ng the i r way.D.Runn i ng out of food.2.What does the under I ined word“huddled”in the fi rst paragraph probablymean?A.Ta I ked a I ot.B.Sat close to each other.C.Played happily.D.Explored the mountain.3.What was the most important thing they did in order to
7、survive?A.They kept close to each other.B.They told stor ies to encourageothers.C.They made a fi re to keep warm.D.They sent some peopI e to find theway.4.They remained as a group when going down the mounta i n b e c a u s e.A.the way was still not c I ear实用文档B.they enjoyed being in a groupC.they ne
8、eded others to puI I themD.the way became difficult to wa I konBI n my thi rty years as a time management speaker,I haveobserved(观察)aI ot of what we can not and shouI d not do to increase our daily results.Timemanagement is not necessariI y working harder,but rather smarter.A lot of our time managem
9、ent has to do more with whatawe not doing ratherthan what we are doi ng.Somet imes our mi stakes wi I I keep us from runni ng at a fu I Ipace.Here are some time management mistakes we shouI d a I I avoid to he I p usincrease our daily efficiency:S tart your day w i thout a plan of action.Without a p
10、 I an,you wi I I have workedhard but may not have done enough r ight things.Time management is not doingthe wrong things more rapidly.That just gets us nowhere faster.Time managementis doing the r ight things.Work with a messy(凌乱不堪)desk or work area.Studies have shown that theperson who works with a
11、 messy deskspends,on average,one and a ha I f hours perday in looking for things.That s seven and a half hourper week.I f you haveever visited the office of a top manager,you can easily find that he or shei s work ing with a clean desk envi ronment.实用文档Don t take a lunch break.Many people do nottake
12、 a I unch break.They workthrough that time per iod i n the hope that it wi I ii ve them more time to finishthe task.Studies have shown that it may work just the opposite.After doingwhat we do for severaI hours,our mind wiI I bee bor ing.A lunch break,even afifteen-minute break,gives us a chance to g
13、et our batter ies a I I charged up aga i n.5.With a plan of action,you can.A.work harder B.do the wrong things more rapidlyC.avoid doing wrong things D.get nowhere faster6.Working with a messy desk or work area,you wiI I.A.waste a lot of time B.find the things you need easilyC.bee a top manager D.sa
14、ve seven and a ha I f hours per week7.The text mainly tells us.A.how to avoid wasting timeB.we should get our batter ies al I charged upC.how important time management isD.some time management mi stakesCDear G od,This is Char I es.I m tweI ve.I m typing this letter.Sometimei,s hard实用文档for me to wr i
15、te.I t s a d i sease cal led dysgraph i a.I a I so have learningdisabiI ities,but my I Q was tested at 140.I could never hold a penci I in the r ight way.My brain doesn t sense whatmy hand is doing.I can fee I the penci I,but the messagedoesn,t get throughr ight.I have to hold the penci I t ighter s
16、o that my brain knows I have it inmy hand.I t s much easier for me to explain things by talking than writing.Thereare so many things I can picture in my mind,but my hands just can t draw itthe way I see it.I t s OK.I m not plaining.I m reaI I y doing fine.You see,you gave mea wonderfuI mind and agre
17、at sense of humor.I m greatat figuring things out,and I love to debate.We have some great discussions i n c I ass,and that s whereI reaI I y sh i ne.I want to be a I awyer when I grow up.I know I d be good at it.You havetold me that you made me spec i a I.You make me be I ieve that you wi I I see me
18、 through,and that you have plans for me to give me a future and hope.My parents want tohe I p me,so they buy me a I aptop.My teacher i s the best this year!I am a I I owedto do a lot of my work on the puter.Life*s hard sometimes,but I accept the chaI lenge.Thanks for loving me.实用文档Thanks for everyth
19、ing.Char I es8.The second paragraph mainly tells us.A.the deta iI s of hi s d i sease B.h i s fee I ings about the d i seaseC.how to prevent the di sease D.how he holds a penci I in the r ight way9.The boy wanted to be a lawyer because of the fol lowing E X C E P T.A.he I oved to debate B.he was goo
20、d at explaining thingsC.he had a great sense of humor D.I awyers don,t have to depend onwriting10.The boy wrote the letter in order to.A.plain about his disease B.show his gratefulnessC.show others that he was clever D.taI k about his I ife第 二 节 阅 读 填 空(每小题2分,共10分).根据内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将
21、该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。We d better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study.11.We may fee I good when we can say someth i ng simple in Engli sh.12.So we must make some pI ans before study.And we should certainlycarry out these pI ans in our study.实用文档13.Our notes are much thinner than
22、the books so that we can I earn themby heart easi ly and can often review and read them.We may a I so record our noteson tapes so as to I isten to them easily.Read i ng a newspaper i s the best thing to improve your Eng I i sh.14.I twiI I he I p you keep i n touch with a I ot of subjects i n Engli s
23、h.15.Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that containthe new words so that we may know how to use the words.I f time permits(允许),we may read a mini Chinese-Engi ish dictionarycarefu I I y from cover to cover,which may he I pus widen our s i ght and master(掌握)knowledge in a I I ways.A.
24、Read a I ittI e from a newspaper every day.B.Don,t read books without making notes.C.Carefully wr ite an e-maiI in English.D.I t s easy to develop an interest in Engli sh study.E.The more,the better.F.Plans are always very necessary.G.Never just memor ize G己住)single Engl ish words.第二部分 英语基础知识运用(满 分
25、2 0 分)完 型 填 空(每 空 1 分,共 2 0 分)实用文档Accept I ife as it is.I learned how to do it from my father.16,hedid not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy,but rather when hewas 17 and ill.My father was 18 a strong man who loved being active,but a terriblei I I ness 19 a I I that away.Now he can n
26、o I onger wa I k,and he must sit quietlyi n a cha i r a I I day.Even talking i s 20.One n i ght,I went to visit him withmy sisters.We started 21 about I ife,and I told them about one of my22 I said that we must very often give things up23 we gro w-our youth,our beauty,our fr iends-but it always 24 t
27、hat after we givesometh i ng up,we ga i n something new i n i ts p I ace.Then sudden I y my father 25up.He said,“But,Peter,I gaveup 26!What did I gain?”I thought andthought,but I couldn t th i nk of anyth i ng to say.27 he answered hi s ownquestion:I 28 the I ove of my famiI y,“I looked at my sister
28、s and sawtears i n the i r eyes,a I ong with hope and thankfuI ness.I was a I so 29 by hi s words.After that,when I began to fee I angryat someone,I 30 remember his wordsand bee 31.I f he could rep I acehis great pain with a feeling of I ove for others,then I should be 32 togive up my smaI I anger.I
29、 n this33 I learned the power of acceptance frommy father.实用文档实用文档Sometimes I _34_ what other things IcouI d haveI earned from him ifhadI i stened more carefuI I y when I was a boy.For now Iam 35 for thisone16.gift.A.ThereforeB.However C.MeanwhiI eD.Afterwards17.A.poorB.s I ow C.t i redD.weak18.A.on
30、ceB.a I ready C.stillD.on I y19.A.sentB.threw C.tookD.put20.A.difficultB.stressfu I C.hope I essD.imposs i bI e21.A.talkingB.ask i ng C.worryingD.car i ng22.A.beliefsambitions23.A.ti I IB.decisionsB.s i nee C.C.exper iencesbefore D.D.as24.A.promisesB.seems C.requ i resD.suggests25.A.summedB.opened C
31、.spokeD.turned26.A.everyth i ngB.someth i ng C.anythingD.noth i ng27.A.SurprisinglyB.I mmediately C.NaturaI I yD.Certainly28.A.acceptedB.ga i ned C.enjoyedD.had29.A.attractedB.warned C.touchedD.aston i shed30.A.mightB.should C.couldD.would31.A.quietB.calmC.re I axedD.happy32.A.I i ke I yB.freeC.ab I
32、 eD.ready33.A.methodB.wayC.caseD.form34.A.guessB.doubtC.wonderD.know35.A.gratefuIB.doubtfuIC.hopefuID.cheerfuI第11卷(非选择题)注意事项:用0.5毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第 三 部 分 短 文 填 空(共两节,满 分 2 5 分)第 一 节 课 文 填 空(每 空 1 分,共 1 0 分)I n f ifteen terr ible seconds a I arge city lay in 36.Thesuffer ing ofthe people
33、was 37.The I ast thi rty years have 38 the greatest number of laws stoppingour r i ghts and 39 unt i I today we have reached a st a ge 40 we havealmost no r ights at all.We were put into a 41 in which we either to 42 we were lessimportant or 43 the government.We chose to attack the I aws.We firstatt
34、ack the I aw in a way which was 44;when th i s was not al lowed on I y then45 we decide to answer violence with violence.实用文档第二节 语 法 填 空(每空1.5分,每空最多两个词,共15分)A proverb says,“Time i s m o n e y.But in my opinion,time is even 46precious than money.Why?47 when money is spent,we can earn it back.However,
35、when time is 48(go),it wiI I never return.49 i s known to a I I that the time we can use i s I imited.Therefore weshouI d make 50 use of our time to study hard so as to serve our countryin the future.51 it is a pity that there are a lot of people 52 donot reaI i ze the vaI ue of time.Theyspend the i
36、 r prec i oust ime 53(pI ay).I n a word,we should form the good habit of 54(save)time.Do not putoff what can be done today 55 tomorrow.第四部分 写 作(共两节,满分25分)第 一 节 短 文 改 错(共10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面写出该加的词。修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及修改均仅限一
37、词。2、只允许修改10处,多 者(从11处起)不计分。When I began my sen i or h i gh schoo I years,I had diff iculty to I earn i ng Eng I i sh.I dared not speak Engli sh i n pub I ic because my poor pronounce.I could not get实用文档high marks,but I always used badgrammar.Afraid of be laughed at,I never putup my hand answer quest
38、ions i n class.When my Engli sh teacher Miss Li I earnedabout th i s,she encouraged me and I end me a hand,which helped improving myEng I i sh.With his help,I became i nterest i n Eng I i sh and final I y got h i gh marks.Miss Li,like a shining star,shines on my path to success.第 二 节 书 面 表 达(15分)假设你
39、叫李华,现在在英国工作,你的朋友陈立写信告诉你他打算赴英留学,想知道初到英国可能会遇到的困难。请你用英语给他写一封回信,信的内容应包括:1.可能会遇到的困难:语言方面的障碍,饮食的不习惯,想家孤独等;2.鼓励他并表示愿意帮助他。注意:1.词 数 1 0 0 左右。2.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Chen L i,I m glad to hear from you.Youasked me about the difficulties you may meetwith when you get here in the UK.Yours,实用文档Li Hua天水一中X X 第一
40、学期高二期中考试试题答案第 I卷选择题第一部分阅读部分(共 2 节,满 分 3 0 分)第一节阅读理解(共 1 0 小题;每 小 题 2 分,满 分 2 0 分)A 篇1.C2.D3.A4.BB 篇5.C6.A7.DC 篇8.A9.C10.B第二节阅读填空(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满 分 10分)11.D12.F13.B14.A15.G第二部分 完形填空(共 2 0 小题;每 小 题 1 分,满 分 2 0 分)16-20 B D A C A21-25 A A DB C26-30 A A B C D31-35 B C B C A第 I I 卷 非选择题第三部分课文填空(共 1 0 小题;每
41、小题1 分,满 分 1 0 分)36.ru i ns37.extreme38.seen39.progress40.where/i n wh i ch41.position42.accept43.fight44.peacefuI45.did实用文档第 四 部 分 语 法 填 空(共1 0小题;每 小 题1.5分,满 分1 5分)46.more47.Because48.gone49.I t50.fuI l/good/great51.the52.who/that53.playing54.sav i ng55.tiI l/unti I第 五 部 分 写 作(共2节,满 分2 5分)第一节 短文改错(共
42、 10小题;每 小 题 1 分,满 分 10分)56.difficulty to learning中 “to”改为“in”或去掉67.because 后加 of58.pronounce 改为“pronunciation”59.but 改为 and60.Afraid of 后 的“be”改为“being”61.“answer”前加上“to”62.“lend”改为“lent”63.improving 改为 improve64.W i th h i s he I p 中 his 改 为 her65.interest 改 为“interested”第 二 节 书 面 表 达(满 分 1 5 分)Dea
43、r Chen L i,I I m glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you maymeet with when you get here in the UK.Now,I d I ike to tel I you something aboutFi rst,you may have the prob I em about the实用文档language which you think you arewe I I prepared.You may f i nd it difficult to muni cate wi
44、th the nat i ves,becausemany of them have a strongaccent.Besides,you maynot get used to the westernfood here or even hate to have it.Whats more,you may feel lonely and missyour famiI y and fr iends,especially in the very beginning.However,you neednt worry about it.SeveraI weeks I ater,you wi I I get usedto everything here and love the pI ace,and I ll a I so try my best to he I p youwhen necessary.Best wishes!Yours,Li_Hua实用文档