1、精品文档2021-2022年高三一模考前训练英语试题(一)含答案本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。试题卷包括第I 卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。时 间 100分钟,满 分 150分。第一部分:听 力(共两节,3 0 分)略第二部分:知 识 运 用(共两节,4 5 分)第一节 单 项 填 空(共 1 5 小题;每小题1 分,共 15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.T hank you for your MP4 pIayer.I I I ask Mary to ktea it to you soon.-,I ve bo
2、ught a new one.A.N o sense B.N o hurry C.N o way D.N o22.一You ve d r o p p e d s in the word acros”.一O h,l e t t e r s should be doubled Iike this“acrossA.a;a B.an;a C.an;theD.the;the23.I reaI Iy hope we can see Zhou Xun in Hangzhou this time.Maybe,i f we are.实用文档精品文档A.enough IuckyB.Iucky enoughC.Iu
3、ck iIy enoughD.实用文档精品文档enough lucki ly24.T he Iatest UK official studies show fewer teenagers are nowstudying foreign Ianguages.A.what B.which C.that D.Whether25.My mother a bed in the sitting-room for my cousins from thecountrys i de.A.brought up B.took up C.made up D.put up26.I f peop I e eat natu
4、ra I p I ant poisons by mi stake,they go tohospitaI without delay.A.would B.can C.may D.must27.-A lovely day,isn t it?-Yes.I Iove when the weather is like this.Why not have ourIunch outs i de?A.this B.it C.one D.T hat28.-John,why are you so upset?-1 my ceI I phone a I I morn i ng but it i s nowhere
5、to be found.实用文档精品文档A.am looking for B.have looked forC.have been looking for D.had looked for29.He found himself by a crowd of excited peopIe and toescape.A.surrounded;trying B.surrounding;tryingC.surround i ng;tried D.surrounded;tr ied30.In hot summer,milk quickly turns sour it i s refr i gerated.
6、A.while B.i f C.unt i I D.unless31.S un Yang,a young Chinese swimmi ng taI e n t,severaI gold medaIsbefore the xx London Olympics.A.won B.has won C.had won D.wereto win32.We began to open to the outside wor Id in the ate 1970s.,therehave been great changes i n the country.A.As a result of B.As a res
7、ult C.Fi rst of a11D.After a I I33.S pel I ing Bee is a contest petitors,usuaI Iy chi Idren,are asked实用文档精品文档to speI I as many words as possible.A.wh i chwhereC.whatWhen34.Only after He Ien moved to Austra I ia how important she was tom e.A.I had rea I i zed B.had I rea I i zed C.I did rea I i zeD.d
8、id I reaI ize35.一Can I use your laptop for a whi Ie?-;anyhow I am not using it now.A.T hats OKBymeansC.It doesnt matterD.Use it第二节 完 形 填 空(共2 0小题;每小题1.5分,共3 0分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In ear Iy xx I had bought tickets to a Chr i st ian concert for myseIf andtwo other fami
9、Iy members,but later I decided to 36 my 4-year-old sona I ong.I couldnt find another ticket in the area we were sitting in,so I实用文档精品文档started 37 online for four tickets so we cou I d a I I 38.Imagine mysurpr i se when the four 39 tickets I needed happened to be on the frontrow!T hinking it was a 40
10、,I tr ied again severaI times and each timethe same tickets came up.I knew it had to be God,so after getting 41the initial(最 初 的)shock I decided to 42 the front row tickets,whichstill I eft me 43 the threeor iginal t i ckets.N ot know i ng what to 44with them,I asked around but did not have any 45.T
11、 hen my husband saidtwo of his customers wanted to go to the same 46 but couldnt affordWe went to the i r house and they sa i d they had a fr i end they wanted totake with them.-42 it turned out,this coup Ie does a pr i son ministryand had been _ 48 thi s concert for quite a whi Ie,but even after of
12、fer ingto pay me I -49 and to I d them to cont i nue work i ng i n the pr i sons teach i ngthose men and women to bee 50-people.T his couple lost a 54-severaI years ago and Iistening to thi s music could-52-them in thei rhea I i ng process.T he-&3-of th i s part i cu I ar concert was G i ve 11 Away,
13、and I thank God for the-54-to give this to them.It turned out to be one of the best nights for a I I of us,and it was实用文档精品文档all55 my 4-year-oId boy wanted to hear the music as well.实用文档36.A.takeA.havec.fetchD.manage37.A.buyingB.seeingc.seekingD.searching38.A.calm downB.sit togetherC.settle downD.te
14、am together39.A.avaiI ableB.affordabIec.accessibleD.usable40.A.choiceB.pIeasurec.I uckD.surpr i se41.A.aroundB.overc.backD.on42.A.purchaseB.offerc.chargeD.return43.A.toB.ofc.forD.with44.A.startB.bearC.doD.dea I45.A.takersB.ownersc.consumersD.fans精品文档阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、46.A.p 1 aceB.hallC.d i rect i on
15、D.concert47.A.S o48.A.paying attentionC.taking care of49.A.refusedadmitted50.A.wealthier B.politerB.AstoD.B.acceptedbetterC.when D.B.looking forward tomak i ng preparat i ons forC.respondedC.greater D.WhichD.51.A.ticket B.chance C.son D.home52.A.acpany B.assure C.he I p D.guarantee53.A.topic B.theme
16、 C.title D.idea54.A.success B.time C.per iod D.opportunity55.A.why B.i f C.though D.because第三部分:阅 读 理 解(共两节,4 0分)第 一 节(共1 5小题:每 小 题2分,共3 0分)C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在实用文档精品文档答 题 卡 上 将 该 项 涂 黑。Zoe Chambers was a successfuI PR(Pub I i c Relations)consultant and I ifewas going well she had a great job,beaut i
17、fuI fI at and a busy soc i a IIife in London.T hen one evening in June last year,she received a textmessage telling her she was out of work.T he fi rst two weeks were themost difficult to Iive through.she said.After everything I d donefor the pany,they dismissed me by tetx!I was so angry and I just
18、didn,tfee I Ii ke Iook i ng for another job.I hate everything about the city andmy I i fe.T hen,Zoe recei ved an invitation from an old schooI fr iend,Kathy,toe and stay.Kathy and her husband,Huw,had just bought a farm in north-westWales.Zoe jumped at the chance to spend a weekend away from London,a
19、ndnow,ten months Iater she i s still on the farm.T he moment I arr i ved at Kathy*s farm,I loved it and I knew I wantedto stay.said Zoe.Everything about my past Iife suddenly seemedmeaningless.Zoe has been working on the farm s i nee October of Iast year and says实用文档精品文档she has no regrets.Its a hard
20、 Iife,physicaI Iy very tiring.she says.I n London 1 was stressed and often menta I I y exhausted.But thi s i s a good,healthy t i redness.Here,a I I I need to put me in a good mood i s a hot bathand one of Kathys wonderfuI dinners.Zoe says she has never felt bored on the farm.Every day br ings a new
21、exper ience.Kathy has been teachi ng her how to r ide a horse and she hasIearnt to dr i ve a tractor.S ince Chr istmas,she has been helping with theI amb i ng 一 watch i ng a I amb be i ng born i s unbe I i evab I e,she says,Its oneof the most moving exper iences I ve ever had.I could never go back t
22、o cityI i fe now.n56.When working as a PR consultant in London,Zoe thought she Iived aI ife.A.satisfying B.tough C.meaninglessD.bor i ng57.T he most important reason why Zoe went to visit Kathys farm isthat.A.Zoe lost her job as a PR consultant B.Kathy persuaded herto do so实用文档精品文档C.Zoe got t i red
23、of the city Iifethan London58.How docs Zoe fee I about the country IifeD.Zoe loved Wales moreaccord i ng to the passage?A.T i resome and troubIesome.B.Romantic and peacefuIC.Merita I I y exhaust i ng but hea I thyD.PhysicaIly tiring butreward i ng.59.Which of the fol lowing is closest to the main id
24、ea of the passage?A.A fr i end i n need i s a fr iend i ndeed.B.Where there is a wi I I,there i s a way.C.A mi sfortune may turn out a bI ess i ng.D.Ki I I two bi rds withone stone.BWhat i s the nature of the scientificattitude,the attitude of the manor woman who studies and appIies physics,biology,
25、chemistry,geology,engineer ing,medicine or any other science?We a I I know that science pI ays an important roIe i n our societies.However,many peopIe be Iieve that our progress depends on two differentaspects of science.T he fi rst aspect i s the appIicat ion of the machines,实用文档精品文档products and sy
26、stems of knowledge that scientists and technologistsdeveI op.T he second i s the appIi cat i on of the special methods of thoughtand act i on that sc i ent i sts use i n thei r work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting?Fi rst of all,it seems that a successfuI scientist i s cur i ous
27、-he wants to find out howand why the universe works.He usuaI Iy pays attention to problems whichhe notices have no satisfying explanation,and Iooks for relationshipseven i f the data avai I able seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinkshe can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solv
28、e theprob Iems which thi s involves.He is a good observer,accurate,patient and objective and uses the factshe observes to the fuI Iest.For example,trained observers obtain a veryI arge amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate ana lysisof the simple Iines that appear in a spectrum(
29、光谱).He does not accept statements wh i ch are not based on the most pleteev i dence avai I able.He rejects author ity as the on Iy bas i s for truth.S cient ists always check statements and make exper imerits carefuI Iy andobjectively.实用文档精品文档Furthermore,he does not readiIy accept his own idea,sinee
30、 he knowsthat man i s the I east re Ii abIe of scientific i nstruments and that a numberof factors tend to disturb objective investigation.Last I y,he is full of imagination s i nee he often has to I ook forre I at i onsh i ps i n data which are not on I y p I ex but a I so frequent I y i np I ete.F
31、urthermore,he needs imaginat ion if he wants to guess how processes workand how events take pI ace.T hese seem to be some of the ways in which a successfuI scientist ortechno Iogi st thinks and acts.60.Many peopIe be Iieve that science helps soc i ety to progressthrough_A.knowledge on Iy.B.more than
32、 one aspect.C.techno I ogy only.D.the use ofmachines.61.Which of the fol lowing statements about a cur ious scient ist i s T RUE?A.He doesn,t fi nd conf i dence and pIeasure i n work.B.He i s i nterested i n problems that are exp I a i ned.C.He makes efforts to i nvest i gate potent i a I connect i
33、ons.实用文档精品文档C.He looks for new ways of acting.62.Accord i ng to the passage,a successfuI sc i ent i st wouldNOT.A.eas iIy be Ii eve i n unchecked statements.B.eas i ly criticizeothers research work.C.always use hi s imagination in work.D.a I ways use evidencefrom observat i on.63.Which word can be u
34、sed to descr ibe the data that a good scientist uses?A.pIete B.objective C.pl icated D.accurateCHey there,S o you re about to spend four years of your Iife and tens of dollarsof your parents money,and a I Iyou reaI Iy know about col lege i s that a I I of your fr iends are going.Doyou ever stop to w
35、onder whyyou re going?*Re I ax.You re mak i ng the r i ght dec is ion.Fi rst of a I I,you,I I d i scoverwhat interests you by taking实用文档精品文档courses in many subjects.For example,it s hard to decide if you wantto be a pa i nter i f you ve neverpainted any pictures;once you re in a drawing-room on camp
36、us,you I Iknow one way or the other.Col lege is also a lot of fun after you graduate,you I I be working everyweekday for 50 or so years.And remember that col lege graduate earn about twice the ine of those whonever attended co I Iege.*Fi nd i ng the r i ght co I I ege can be difficult.Fortunate I y,
37、Johnson Rev i ewi s here to he Ip you everystep of the way.*Researching S chools.T o us,the most important decision you,I I makei s to choose the schooI thatreaI Iy fits you best not the one that i s the most pet itive or has thebest-equipped rooms.*App I y i ng to S choo I.On JohnsonReview.,you II
38、find hundreds of actualco I Iege appIi cat ionsand Ii nks to many more.实用文档精品文档Raising Your S cores.Amer ican Col lege T est is one of the most importantparts of the admi ssioncourse.It s not the most important,though,and everyone needs to preparefor the best.But,i f you can do better,find the r i g
39、ht course for betterscores.Paying for S chool.Most famiIies need financial aid for the high costof co I Iege.T he prob Iem i sthat financial aid seems difficult to get and many fami Iies get caught upi n the pr ice of col lege rather than learning the ways to get financial a i d.If you reaI ly do yo
40、ur research,you I I learn that you can afford to attendany col lege,no matter the cost.For more i nformat i on,ca I I 600-3681 or v i s itJohnsonReview.Whereveryou go,have a nice trip!Johnson S mithFounder and CEOJohnson Rev i ew64.T he author thinks you should choose the col lege that is.A.we I I-e
41、quipped B.pet it i ve C.famous D.实用文档精品文档suitable65.What does the author adv i se you to do to pay the h i gh cost co I Iege?A.T o ask the famiIy for help.B.T o get to know how toask for financial aid.C.T o do research on the pr ice of col legeD.T o make a studyof financial courses.66.What s the aut
42、horJ s purpose of writing this text?A.T o make Johnson Review popular.B.T o he Ip readers find the r i ght co I Iege.C.T o suggest ways to prepare for co I Iege learning.D.T o introduce col lege Iife.Amer ica is a mobi Ie society.Fr iendships between Amer icans can be closeand rea I,yet d i sappear
43、soon i f situations change.N either side fee I s hurtby this.Both may exchange Chr istmas greet ings for a year or two,perhapsa few letters for a whi Ie then no more.If the same two peopIe meet againby chance,even years Iater,they pick up the fr iendship.T his can be quitedifficult for us Chinese to
44、 understand,because fr iendships between us实用文档精品文档flower more slowly but then may bee Iifelong fee Ii ngs,extend i ng(延伸)sometimes deep I y i nto both fami I i es.Amer icans are ready to receiveus foreigners at thei r homes,share thei r hoiidays,and thei r home Iife.T hey wi I I enjoy we Ii ng us a
45、nd be pI eased i f we accept thei r hospitality(好 客)easi ly.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Amer icans is thatalthough they i ncIude us warmly i n the i r persona I everyday Ii ves,theydon t show the i r politeness to us i f it requi res a great deaI of time.T his is usuaI Iy th
46、e opposite of the practice in our country where we maybe generous with our time.S ometimes,we,as hosts,wi I I appear at ai rportseven in the middle of the night to meet a fr iend.We may take days off toact as guides to our foreign fr iends.T he Amer icans,however,express thei rwe I e usua I I y at h
47、omes,but tru I y can not manage the time to do a great dea Iwith a visitor outside thei r daily routine.T hey wi I I probabIy expect usto get ourseIves from the ai rport to our own hoteI by bus.And they expectthat we wi I I phone them from there.Once we arrive at thei r homes,the we IewiI I be full,
48、warm and reaI.We wiI I find ourseIves treated hospitably.For the Amer icans,it is often considered more fr iendly to invite a fr iend实用文档精品文档to the i r homes than to go to restaurants,except for pure I y bus i ness matters.S o accept thei r hospitality at home!67.Which of the fol lowing statements i
49、s T RUE according to the passage?A.Fr iendships between Amer icans usuaI Iy extend deep Iy i nto thei rfami I i es.B.Fr iendships between Amer icans usuaI Iy last for a I I thei r Ii ves.C.Amer icans always show thei r warmth even if they are very busy.D.Amer icans wi I I cont i nue the i r friendsh
50、ips aga i n even after a longbreak.68.From the last two paragraphs we can I earn that when we arr i ve i n Amer icato visit an Amer ican fr iend,we wiI I probably be.A.warmly we Ied at the a i rport B.offered a r i de to his homeC.treated hospitably at his home D.treated to dinner in arestaurant69.T