1、GRE作文如何准备GRE高分考生告诉你 GRE的高分考生的背后都有着自己的殷勤付出和积累,只有努力才会有回报。两次备考GRE的韩春晓同学有着她独特的阅历来共享给大家。 GRE作文如何打算 GRE高分考生告知你 我也很庆幸遇到了新东方骆彦伟老师,他的课堂节奏快,在课下我整理出了一大本笔记(自己整理笔记为个人习惯,其实老师的讲义就是特别条理清楚的笔记本,结构设计得一目了然,上课要刚好补充就能快速学习消化)。根据老师的分类题材,多刷机经,在考场上就不会有生疏的题目。特殊说一下小作文,肯定要根据老师的方法总结不同类型的逻辑错误及其特征,时间充裕的同学肯定确保把题库刷一遍,甚至多遍。大作文我也是刷了一整
2、套题库,不用每篇都写,但是肯定要每一篇都有自己的思路和相应素材,然后着重练习新东方点题班上的重点题目。最重要的是提高打字速度,在备考的过程中要多动手,写思路也尽量用电脑打,就可以一箭双雕。个人认为,要想得高分就肯定要有充分的说理和举例。 只要时间久,铁杵磨成针。不论是多难的东西,只要自己下功夫,努力的去学习理解,就可以在最终收获胜利。 GRE高分作文的写作结构 In surveys Mason City residents rank water sports(swimming,boating,and fishing)among their favorite recreational activ
3、ities. The Mason River flowing through the city is rarely used for these pursuits, however,and the city park department devotes little of its budget to maintaining riverside recreational facilities. For years there have been complaints from residents about the quality of the river's water and th
4、e river's smell. In response, the state has recently announced plans to clean up Mason River. Use of the river for water sports is,therefore,sure to increase.The city government should for that reason devote more money in this year's budget to reverside recreational facilities. 这个题目应当算基础类了,首
5、先找结论,然后依次去看指出缘由或者前提,再倒上去分析。 这题作者的结论就是:The city government should for that reason devote more money in this year's budget to reverside recreational facilities. 得出这个结论是基于这样几个前提: 前提1:居民更喜爱水上运动,证据:Survey 前提2:河水利用率低是由于水质问题,证据:居民的埋怨 前提3:river usage is sure to increase,因为do the river clean up 从新GRE写作满分
6、范文来看,整篇文章结构明朗,每段结构也很清楚。传统的5段式,3个反对点。 首段:While it may be true that the Mason City government ought to devote more money to riverside recreational facilities, this author's argument does not make a cogent case for increased resources based on river use.指出结论以及作者的文章逻辑证明存在问题,没有其它多余的废话。 其次段:Citing sur
7、veys of city residents, the author reports city resident's love of water sports先写作者如何认为,然后写自己的反对,质疑Survey的精确性,加举例,连用了自己的3个假设进行反对。最终还加上觉得怎样才算好的论证。 第三段:Additionally, the author implies that residents do not use the river for swimming,boating,and fishing,despite their professed interest,because the
8、 water is polluted and smelly.也是先写作者观点(包括他文中的隐含意思或前提);接着自己的反对+进一步绽开;最终能加上认为可行的论证建议是最好的了,这样不会一味批判究竟,段内结构更完整。 第四段:Building upon the implication that residents do not use the river due to the quality of the river's water and the smell, the author suggests that a river clean up will result in increa
9、sed river usage.上一段先批他前提2有问题,再表示即使前提2对,前提3也有问题,这样就是逻辑结构更好。 分了If the river's water quality and smell result from problems which can be cleaned, this may be true和If the quality and aroma results from the natural mineral deposits in the water or surrounding rock,this may not be true.结构相当紧密完整;最终一句再次
10、强调作者的论证问题。 结尾:和开头呼应,强调结论可能正确,作者的论证有问题(paraphrase) 所以,发觉结论、前提(包括隐含前提)、证据和理出作者的写作思路很重要很重要,其中隐含的意思也要能够读懂。对主结论的把握、(小)结论的辨识也要弄明白。 GRE写作常用词汇整理 同等甚至更多: commensurably, or perhaps even more; 伴随: along with; keep pace with; consistent with; in harmony with; cope with; in accordance with; in conjunction with;
11、serve as catalyst which will foster; 逻辑: reasoning; way of thinking; line of reasoning; analysis; 倾向:be less prone to; 在成长路上: in ones course of growth; 富人:haves 穷人:have-not 提建议时说作者须要: a more complete understanding of_; 天生的: by nature; inherited; inherent; intrinsic; in origin; innate; 供需关系: supply a
12、nd demand; GRE写作高分作文分析 题目: Too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. Society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its citizens. I must say that I reject this statement. While it is true that we n
13、eed to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I
14、dont think so. To do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; I think most people would reject that. Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unsh
15、akable belief that our lives can be made even better. But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to
16、 argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope. Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like th
17、ose of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a
18、life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no prov
19、en drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really make people happy? What we already have, we have. And since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused
20、, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mass destruction. Doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bully stance of “I am bigger and better and I have more toys and so I win” to a plac
21、e where everyone wins. Technology is the thing that will allow people to do that. But, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. We have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it can bring. And there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has
22、already experienced. When technology is pushed to the outer edge, that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. This has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different
23、environment. It gave us telecommunications, new fabrics and international cooperation. Paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hosptal, are a direct development of that technology. None of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if
24、we had not pushed for technological advancement. If we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now are the bedrock of the 21st century. 分析: 字数:651 语言:平实的语句完全没有网络流行模板的痕迹,也是很多过了6级的考生
25、通过练习可以达到的水平。 I must say that I reject this statement. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I dont think so. Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we ha
26、ve no hope. 当然,这并不意味,在GRE作文考试中,平实的语言比润色后的语言有更多的优势。从这篇作文中,我们可以得到以下两条重要信息: 1、 通过记忆大量模板使语言“全副武装”、“气概汹汹”并非高分作文的必要条件,这种方式的弊端在课堂上我们已阐述过。 2、 在陈述idea的过程中,体现出critical thinking才是胜利的关键。我们在课堂上对critical thinking这一概念做过多次具体的说明,现在请大家一起来体会这一概念在文中的运用。 第一段: (表明立场)I must say that I reject this statement. (让步)While it i
27、s true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, (折回自己立场)that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. 其次段: (概述科技的两面性)Technology has helped, and it has hurt.
28、 (详细探讨科技的贡献)Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. (详细探讨科技的危害)But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capa
29、ble of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. (表明已考虑到科技的危害,但是依旧坚持自己立场)And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope. 第三段: (提出反方的立场)Some might argue that we would be bette
30、r off without technology. They might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the benefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. Such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia
31、 are devoted to it. (通过详细论据反对反方的观点)But upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. It would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. It would be a life
32、where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hours; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. Would this world really m
33、ake people happy? 第四段: (在第三段驳论的基础上进一步立论)What we already have, we have. And since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mas
34、s destruction. Doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bully stance of “I am bigger and better and I have more toys and so I win” to a place where everyone wins. 第五段: Technology is the thing that wil
35、l allow people to do that. (指出支持观点存在的一点不足)But, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. (解决方案)We have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it can bring. And there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has already experienced. When technolo
36、gy is pushed to the outer edge, that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. This has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different environment. It gave us telecommun
37、ications, new fabrics and international cooperation. Paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hospital, are a direct development of that technology. None of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if we had not pushed for technologic
38、al advancement. If we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now are the bedrock of the 21st century. GRE作文如何打算 GRE高分考生告知你本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页