1、复习提纲(期末)一、基本概念接口应具有功能有哪些?锁存、隔离、转换、联络。MCS-51单片机有5 个中断源,分几个优先级?可实现几级中断嵌套?2、2 MCS-51的两个外部中断源分别是哪些?INTO、INT1 TO和T1的溢出中断标志是哪些?TFO、TF1 MCS-51单片机同级别中断源优先级从高到低如何排?PXO、PTO、PX1、PT1、PS PWS 状态位有哪些?CY AC FO RSI RSO OV 4KBEPROM单片机是哪种型号?8751 RSI RSO选择内部RAM的地址单元范围。00Q00H07H 01O08-0FH 1010H17H 1118H1FH 控制器主要功能部件有哪些?
2、IR ID PC SP DPTR MCS-51子系列单片机有哪儿个特殊功能寄存器?21 单片机复位后,工作寄存器工作在那个区?0 P0 口 P3 口作通用I/O输入口时,应先向口写入什么数据?OFFH 外扩存储器时,P0和 P2的作用是如何?P0分时传送地址和数据,P2传送地址 MCS-51单片机共有几条指令?111 MCS-51单片机内部设有儿个定时器/计数器?2 MCS-51单片机定时器16位计数器工作方式的代码是多少?Ml M0=01 -INTO,-INTI中断源的中断矢量地址分别是哪些?0003H 0013H TO、T1溢出中断源的中断矢量地址分别是哪些?000BH001BH 输入/输
3、出信息有哪些?控制、数据、状态 单片机发展主要经历了哪3 个阶段?(1)19717978年初即单片机阶段(2)19787983年单片机普及阶段(3)1983年以后16位单片机阶段单片机主要有哪5 个方面的应用?(1)家用电器(2)智能卡(3)智能仪表(4)网络与通信(5)工业控制按位数分,有哪3 类单片机?(1)4 位单片机(2)8 位单片机(3)16位单片机 MCS-51单片机-EA、ALE、-PSEN信号的作用如何?(1)-EA=O,执行外部程序存储区指令;-EA=O,先内部,后外部。(2)ALE访问外部存储器时,锁存P0 口送来的低8 位地址。(3)-PSEN外部程序存储器读选通信号。运
4、算器主要包括那些电路?(1)算术/逻辑部件(ALU)。(2)累加器A。(3)暂存寄存器。(4)寄存器B。(5)程序状态寄存器(PSW)。(6)十进制调整。运算器主要用于实现那些运算?(1)算术/逻辑运算。(2)位操作运算。MCS-51单片机有哪7 种寻址方式?(1)立即。(2)直接。(3)寄存器。(4)寄存器间址。(5)变址。(6)位地址直接。(7)相对。MCS-51单片机有哪7种伪指令?(1)定位伪指令ORG。(2)定义字节伪指令DB。(3)定义双字节伪指令DW。(4)预留存储器伪指令DS。(5)赋值伪指令EQU。(6)结束汇编伪指令END。(7)位定义伪指令BIT。CPU寻址外设常采用哪两
5、种编址方式?(1)端口与主存储器单元统一编址。(2)端口单独编址。MCS-51单片机寻址外设采用哪种编址方式?(1)采用统一编址方式 CPU与外设之间的数据传送方式通常有哪几种传送方式?(1)无条件。(2)查询。(3)中断。为 什么用定时器T1作波特率发生器?为何采用工作方式2?(1)用T1作波特率发生器时,改 变T1计数初值,可改变波特率的大小。(2)T1工作在方式2时,计数溢出后,自动装载初值,使波特率稳定不变。MCS-51单片机串行口有哪4种工作方式?其波特率如何产生?(1)同步移位寄存器,fosc/12。(2)10位移位收发器,由定时器控制。(3)11位移位收发器,5 3 2或4/6
6、4。(4)11位移位收发器,由定时器控制。D/A和A/D的技术指标包括哪5个方面?(1)分 辨 率(2)转 换 精 度(3)转 换 时 间(4)量 化 误 差(5)量程 机械式按键信号有抖动现象。MCS-51的P3 口各引脚第二功能有那些?MCS-51的复位后,程序从何处执行?SP指向何处?MCS-51的POP1作为输入口时,应先向端口的各位写“1”。MCS-51程序状体字PSW的RS0、RS 1位各状态组合使通用寄存器R0-R7对应的数据区的地址单元如何?MCS-51各中断源对应的入口地址如何?二、分析计算 指出下列指令中目标和源操作数的寻址方式MOVA,40H目标操作数寻址,原操作数寻址:
7、寄存器,直接寻址MOVA,R0;寄存器,寄存器间址MOVRI,#50H:寄存器,立即寻址MOVDPTR,#1000H;寄存器,立即数MOVXDPTR,A:寄存器间址,寄存器寻址MOVCA,A+PC;寄存器,变址寻址ADDA,RO:寄存器,寄存器寻址MOVC,20H;位 寄 存 器,位地址寻址 已知内部数据存储器40H单元中的内容为67H,41H单元中的内容为68H,试分析下段程序执行后,各有关单元中的内容。MOV A,40HMOV RI,AMOV R0,#41HMOV A,R0MOV 40H,AMOV RI,AMOV R0,#66H(40H)=_68H_(41H)=68H A=68H R0=6
8、6H R1=68H 试比较指令SJMP reL AJMP addrl和 UM addrl6的不同之处。SJMP rel;相对转移,rel是相对PC的8 位偏移地址。AJMP addrl 1 ;绝对转移,转移时PCioPCo被 11位 addrll地址替换。LJMP addrl6;长转移,转移时PC被 16位 addrl 1地址替换。写出共阴和共阳极LED显示器的“0267”的字形码。(共阴:3FH 5BH 7DH07H)(共阳:COH C4H 82H F8H三、应用设计 画出MCS-51单片机上电复位电路图。画出MCS-51单片机按纽复位电路图。试编写一段程序,将内部数据存储器40H、41H单
9、元中的内容,传送到外部数据存储器200()、2001H单元中。MOV R0,#40HMOV DPTR,#2000HMOV A,R0MOVX DPTR,AINC ROINC DPTRMOV A,R0MOVX DPTR,A 试编程将内部30H3FH单元中的内容,传送到内部40H4FH单元中。MOVMOVMOVL0:MOVMOVINCINCR0,#30HRl,#40HR2,#10HA,R0R1,ARORIDJNZ R2,L0试编程将Pl 口的高3 位置位,低 5 位不变。ORL P1,#111OOOOOB试编程将Pl 口的高5 位置位,低 3 位不变。ORL P1,#11111OOOB 试编写一段程
10、序,完 成 Y=XO.(-X1)+X2.X3(X4)+X5逻辑运算。(假设X1X5、Y 对应 P1.1P1.5、Pl.7)MOVANLMOVMOVANLANLORLORLMOVC,P1.0C,/P1.140H,CC,P1.2C,P1.3C,/P1.4C,40HC,P1.5P1.7,C 试编写一段程序,完成Y=-(X4.Xl)+(-(X2.X3)+X4.(-X5)X6逻辑运算。(假设 X1X6、Y 对应 P1.1P1.6、Pl.7)MOVANLCPLMOVMOVANLCPLORLMOVMOVANLANLORLMOVC,P1.4C,P1.1C40H,CC,P1.2C,P1.3CC,40H40H,C
11、C,P1.4C,/P1.5C,P1.6C,40HP1.7,C 二分法逐次逼近A/D转换器的逐次逼近过程图。逼近波形图:以4 位、满档10V的 ADC,当被测Vi=8.2V为例,说明其逼近波形图如下:画出M C S-5 1 单片机内部振荡方式的时钟电路图。用 C 5 1 编写程序,将外部RAM的3 0 H-3 5 H 单元的内容传送到内部R A M的3 0 H-3 5 H 单元。t t l n c l u d e m a i n()(c h a r p d a t a *m;c h a r d a t a *n;P 2=0;f o r(m=0 x3 0;m =0 x3 5;m+)n=m;*n=*
12、m;)用汇编语言编写程序;让定时器T O 工作在方式1 产生1 0 0 H z 的方波,并由P 1.0 输出此方波(设晶振频率为6 M H z)。ORG0 0 0 0 HAJMPM A I NORG0 0 0 BHAJMPT OI N T;主程序ORG0 1 OOHMAIN:MOVT M OD,#0 1 H;T 0 方式1、C/T=0(定时 G A T E=0(软启动)MOVT H O,#0 F 6 H;给T O送初值MOVT L O,#0 3 C HMOVI E,#8 2 H;允许 T O 中 断(E A=1,E T O=1)RETISETBSJMPTRO$;启动TO;中断服务程序ORG03
13、00HTOINT:CPLP1.0;P1.0取反MOVTHO,#0F6H;重装载THO和TLOMOVTLO,#03CH第二册综合训练后的翻译U11.众所周知,东方人和西方人在儿童教育方面存在着很大的差异。It is known to all that there is a great difference in child education betweenWesterners and Easterners.2.东方人非常重视儿童早期的技能教育,而不急于促进创造力的发展。Easterners give greeter priority to developing skills at an ear
14、ly age,rather thanpromoting creativity.3.另一方面,西方人更多地强调小孩的创造力,认为技能以后能学会。On the other hand Westerners put more emphasis on childrens creativity,believing that skills can be picked up later.4.事实上,学会自己解决问题的方法与把着手教的方法各有其优缺点。In fact,both learning to solve problems by oneself and teaching by holding thehan
15、d have their advantages and disadvantages.5.国位我们应从两者之间寻求一种更好的教育方式,以达到一种平衡。Therefore,we should find a superior wav to approach education,striking a betterbalance between the two extremes.U21.萨姆沃尔顿在本顿维尔小镇从一个专卖廉价商品的小店起家,逐渐发展成为价值60亿美金资产的廉价连锁店一沃尔玛公司。Sam Walton started,in Bentonville,with a little dime st
16、ore that grew into a$6billion discount chain called Wal-Mart.2.人人都说他为人友善,性格开朗,是个好邻居;他尽力与人们融洽相处,从不炫耀,也从不盛气凌人。By all accounts,hes friendly,cheerful,a fine neighbour who does his best toblend in,never flashy,never throwing his weight nround.3.他从不需要任何特殊待遇,也不关心是否是美国首富。而他脑子里真正想着的是沃尔玛员工共同取得的成功。He never wan
17、ts any special treatment,or cares whether he is the richest man inAmerica.But the renl story in his mind is the success achieved by the Wal-Martteam.4.萨姆制定了沃尔玛的生活方式。他善待员工、集思广益。他信奉广开思路、褒奖成功。Sam lays down the Wal-Mart way of life.He treats his people right,and gets ideasinto the system from the bottom
18、 up.He believes in cultivating ideas andrewarding success.5.从来没见过有谁为他工作和他接触一段时间后不受益的-与萨姆沃尔顿交往会使你成为一个好人。No one who has worked for him or has been around him for any length of timeisnt better offcoming into contact with Sam Walton just makes you a betterperson.U41.在网上呆的太久,就会发生一些奇怪的现象。比如说对社交活动感到厌恶,脾气暴躁
19、,动辄生气。After too long on the Net,sommething strange would happen.For example,I feelan aversion to outside forms of socializing,or become bacRempered and easilyangered.2.其原因是缺乏任何形式的社交活动-长时间一个人呆在家里,缺少朋友,同事之间人与人的接触。This may be due to lack of social life of whatsoever-long time alone at homewithout human
20、 contact with friends or colleagues.3.为了恢复生活的平衡,我强迫自己回到真实世界中去。我打电话,会见朋友,去健身房,采访写报道,去医院看病。To restore balance to my life,I force myself back into the real world,I call people,meet with friends,get to the gym,arrange interviews for stories,and go to see adoctor.4.但面对面地与人相处实在难以忍受。我找了个借口逃之夭夭,重新回到公寓,冲向电脑,
21、似乎那儿才是一个安全的地方。But sometimes face to face is too much.I make my excuses and flee and re-entermy apartment.I run to the computer as though it were a place of safety.5.你一旦开始用网络交际取代人与人的真实接触Wa走出这种穴居状态就会相当困难。Once you start replacing real human contact with cybe-interaction,coming backout of the cave will
22、be very difficult.U51.迈克尔自从能记事起就一直梦想着飞翔。他母亲故事中的细节使得迈克尔梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.The detailsin his mothers stories made his dreams full of color and beauty.2.从14岁起,迈克尔在父亲督导下开始非常周密的训练。他父亲的格言是:要想有所收获,就得努力工作(奋斗)!From the of 14,Michael began a very care
23、ful training program monitored byhis father.His fathers motto:If you want something,work for it.3.在全国少年奥林匹克运动会上,他超越了个人最好成绩、获得了冠军、并创造了新的世界记录。At the National Junior Olympics,Michael surpassed his personal best,won thechampionship and set a new world record.4.迈克尔的成功当然欣然都是对他斑莪力的回报。但是人们最惊讶的是他是位盲人。Michael
24、s success was,of course,the reward for his hard work.But people weremost surprised by the fact that he is blind.5.迈克尔的故事告诉我们获得成功的两个重要因素:梦想或想象力和严格训练或努力奋斗。MichaeKs story tells us two most important factors for success-dream orimagination,through training or hard workU61.尽管朋友提醒我不要上当,但女强人的故事仍然令我心醉神迷,我贪婪
25、地阅读一篇又一篇的成功故事。Despite my friends warning against being taken in,yet superwomen talescontinue to charm me and I consume success stories by the pound.2.一般说来,成功的女人都是极有成就的人-不仅在上班之时干得出人头地,而且在工作之余也大有作为。Generally speaking,successful women are movers end shakers-not only duringoffice hours,but in their spar
26、e time as well.3.然而,我生性就根本做不到事事有条不紊。不论怎么仔细安排时间,我的计划总是出问题。However,I am by nature completely unable to get my act together.No matterhow carefully I plan my time,the plan a I wavs goes wrong.4.另一方面,每天与时间赛跑令人精疲力竭,等我果真有了一些余暇,往往累得都要垮了。On the other hand,racing the clock every day is such an exhausting effo
27、rt thatwhen I actually have a few free moments,I tend to collapse.5.也许成为一个女强人对我来说是不可实现的梦想,但我仍想做个明智的投资-买下我自己演绎的布鲁克林大桥。Perhaps becoming a superwoman is an impossible dream for me,but I still want tomake a wise investment-to buy my own version of Brooklyn Bridge.U71.英语的历史是典型的大量窃取其他语言的历史。就因为这一点,现在英语的估计有
28、100多万个词。The history of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from otherlanguages.That is why English today has an estimated voca b u I a ry of over onemillion words.2.法国人不喜欢借用外来词,因为他们认为这样会损坏法语的纯洁性。而英国人并不介意这些。The French do not like borrowing foreign words because they think it cor
29、ruptstheir language,but that doesnt bother the English.3.这种乐意包容,不管源自何方来者不拒的精神,恰好解释了英语为什么会这么丰富,从而成了第一个国际语言。This happy tolerance and willingness to accept words from anywhere,explainsthe richness of English and why it has become the first truly global language.4.如果不是英国人一向崇尚自由,如果不是人人都能自由的为自己开拓新的道路,英语就不
30、会成为今天的英语。The English language would not have been what it is if the English had not beengreat respecters of the liberties and if everybody had not been free to strike outnew paths for himself.6.事实上,英语不是语法学家、语言卫道士、知识精英的特殊领地。英语是,而且一向是,人民大众的语言。Indeed,the English language is not the special preserve of
31、grammarians,language police,and the intellectual elite.English is,and always has been,thetongue of the common men.综合教材后的翻译Unit 1 Translation我认为总结一下学习英语的经验是值得一试的。这里,我想谈谈三个相关的问题。首先,大量阅读应被视作为学习过程中的重点,因为我们是通过阅读获取最大量语言输入的。其次,尽可能多背熟一些好文章也十分重要。一方面,死记硬背确实无甚裨益。但另 方面,在真正理解基础上的熟记肯定对我们有好处。大脑中储存了大量很好的文章,我们在用英语表达
32、自己思想的时候,就会觉得容易的多了。最后,我们应把所学到的东西用到实践中去的,这是至关重要的。通过多读多写多听多说,我们就能完成提高英语水平的任务。I consider it worthwhile to try to summarize our experience in learning English.Here I would like to make three relevant points.First,wide reading should be takenas a priority in the learning process,because it is through read
33、ing that we get themost language input.Next,learning by heart as many well-written essays as possibleis also very important.On the one hand,rote learning is indeed of little help.But onthe other hand,learning by heart with a good understanding will certainly do well tous.With an enormous store of ex
34、cellent essays in our heads,we will find it mucheasier to express ourselves in English.Finally,it is critical that we should put what wehave learned into practice.By doing more reading,writing,listening and speaking,we will be able to accomplish the task of perfecting our English.Unit 2 Translation自
35、从他加盟以来,乔治从早忙到晚。他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。由于表现出色,他被提升为执行总裁(CEO=chief executive officer)0从那以后,他尽力和工人打成一片,从不盛气凌人。另外,他制定了一些奖励制度,鼓励工人们努力工作。他相信忠诚和勤劳会大大促进公司获得成功。人们都说他是位出色的执行总裁。George was on the run since the moment he came aboard.He was always cheerfuland devoted himseIf heart end soul to his work.Because of his
36、 excellentperformance he was promoted to CEO.From then on he tried hard to blend in withthe workers and never threw his weight around.He also laid down/introduced areward system to encourage the workers to work hard.He believed that loyalty andhard work would greatly contribute to the success of the
37、 company.By all accounts hewas an outstanding chief executive officer.Unit 4 Translation也许你羡慕我,因为我可以借助计算机在家里工作。我也这么想,互联网使我的工作方便多了。我可以通过电子邮件撰写编辑并交出我的文章,在网上与我的同事聊天,与老板讨论工作。我用鼠标一击,马上就能拿到我要的一切资料,获得最新的消息。可是,另一方面,用网络通信有时也令人沮丧。系统有可能瘫痪,更糟的是,因为没有面对面交谈的情感提示,键出的词有时候似乎很难理解。Perhaps you envy me for being able to
38、work from home on the computer.I agreethat the Internet has made my job a lot easier.I can write,submit and edit articles viaemail,chat with my collea-ues on line and discuss work with my boss.With a click ofthe mouse,I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news.But then,communicat
39、ing through the Net can be frustrating at times.The system may crash.Worse still,without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication,the typedwords sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit 5 Translation心 理 学 家 们(psychologists)通过众多的事实证明了这一说法:要想让自己很快从低落的情绪中解脱出来,你得让自己哭。你不必为“哭”而感到羞愧。忧虑和悲伤能随同眼泪一起流
40、出身体。看一看唐娜(Donna)的例子吧。她的儿子在一次车祸中不幸丧生。这次打击之大使她欲哭无泪。她说:“直到两个星期后的一天,我才开始放声痛哭。然后,我便觉得好像一块大石头从我的肩上抬走了。是眼泪将我带回了现实之中。Psychologists have used numerous facts to bear out the argument that in order torecover quickly from the negative emotion,you should allow yourself to cry.Youneednt to be ashamed of crying.An
41、xiety acd sorrow can flow out of the body alongwith tears.Considerinr the case of Donna.Her son unfortunatelv died in a car accident.Theintensity of the blow made her unable to cry.She said,“It was not until two weekslater that I began to cry.And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my
42、shoulders It was the tears that brought me back to earth.Unit 6 Translation芭芭拉梦想当一名执行总裁已有好长时间了。为了达到心中渴望的这一目的,她向多家跨国(multi-national)公司申请工作,但都失败。然而,似乎任何东西都不能使她气馁。不久前她利用当地一家银行的贷款,开了一家餐馆。她边做生意边照料两个年幼的孩子。同时,她还攻读工商管理硕士(M B A)学位。尽管如此,她努力做到将自己的事情安排得井井有条。不过,即便对她来说,争分夺秒地工作也绝非易事。这是件十分累人的活儿。Barbara has dreamed
43、of becoming a CEO for a long time.To 5chieve her heartsdesire,she applied for a job in many a multi-national corporation,but failed to get it.However,nothing seems to be able to undo her.With a loan from a local bank sheopened a restaurant not long ago.While doing business she is having two youngchi
44、ldren to care for.Also,she is working at/studying for an MBA degree.Despite allthis she manages to get her act together.Nevertheless,even to her,racing the clockis by no means a piece of cake.Its a very exhausting job.Unit 7 Translation虽然英语是如何产生的还是个遥,语言学家倾向于认为它和很多欧洲语言来自同一个源头,即印欧母语。英语最初是在公元五世纪入侵英格兰的盎
45、格鲁一撒克逊人使用的。他们将英语的基本词汇传给了我们。在十五个多世纪的发展中,英语大量借用了其他语言,这种借用大大丰富了英语的词汇。随着移民来到美洲,建立了独立的美利坚合众国,英语又增添了一个新的变种:美语。虽然有人担忧英语的发展失控了,但大多数以英语为母语的人对他们语言的宽容性感到自豪。Though how the English language came into existence remains a mystery,linguists/language scientists now tend to believe that English and most otherEuropean
46、 languages have descended from a common source:the Indo-Europeanparent language.English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded Englandin the fifth century.They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English.In its over 15centuries of development,English has borrowed from other languages ma
47、ssively,andsuch borrowing has greatly enriched its vocabulary.As settlers landed in America andestablished the United States as an independent nation,a new variety was added tothe English language:American English.Though some people worry that thelanguage is running out of control,many native speake
48、rs of English take pride in thetolerance of their language.听力高频词一、一个星期七天Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday二、一年十二个月January February March April May June July August SeptemberOctober November December三、一年四季1.spring 2.summer 3.autumn 4.winter四、容易拼写错的数字1.eighth 第八 2.ninth 第九 3.fort
49、y 四十 4.twelfth 第十二 5.twentieth 第二十五、亲属称呼1.daughter(女儿)2.niece(女性晚辈)3.nephew(男性晚辈)4.cousin(同辈兄弟姐妹)5.aunt(女性长辈)6.uncle(男性长辈)六、以下动词加ed或一in g要双写最后一个字母1.regret(regretted,regretting)后悔 2.control(controlled,controlling)控制3.admit(admitted,admitting)承认 4.occur(occurred,occurring)出现5.prefer(preferred,preferri
50、ng)宁愿 6.refer(referred,referring)提到7.forget(forgetting)忘记 8.permit(permitted,permitting)允许9.equip(equipped,equipping)装备注意:quarrel,signal,travel中的1可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)七、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词1.broadcast(broadcast,broadcast)广播 2.flee(fled,fled)逃跑3.forbid(forbade,forbidden)禁止 4.forgive(forgave,forgiven)原谅5