1、2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文20篇 2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文1?题目:On Talking to Strangers范文:Nowadays,with the development of economy,people have moreand more chances to get along with strangers.Whats more,talking with strangers has been a heated topic among highschool students.Although there are high risks and unknownel
2、ements,talking to strangers can be beneficial to someextent.First,talking to strangers can help us to build up our selfconfidence.Due to the lack of experience in socialcommunication,many people are not used to it,and may feelscared or intimidated when facing a stranger.However,if weforce ourselves
3、to have a conversation with them,we canlearn how to express ourselves and cope with people whopossess different ideas.It can really boost our self-esteemand broaden our world horizon.Second,talking to strangers can also stimulate ourcreativity.Meeting someone new means that it is a newopportunity to
4、 learn something different.We can learndifferent ways of thinking or obtain knowledge from theconversation we had,which can give us a different view onexisting problems.This can ultimately open up thepossibility of generating creative and useful ideas.Above all,talking to strangers,although a risky
5、thing to do,can certainly bring us a bunch of benefit.We just need totake care that it should be safe to talk with them.Withappropriate preparations and safety measures,it candefinitely be a great platform for us to develop ourpersonalities and to widen our scope of knowledge.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文2题目:放
6、眼未来,珍惜现在It is easy to grow pessimistic about our society and fallinto despair about where it is going.We think about ourfuture,the future of those who will one day take our place,and it can seem scary.We are all too aware of the challengesthat our world faces and how far away the solution can seem.B
7、ut I believe that,in order to get through and make good ofthese uncertain times,it s important to remember andcherish the good things that come our way,particularly now,while they are still here.Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of now.Notice thelittle things-flowers in bloom,the sunset and bea
8、utifullyclear skies-and give thanks for them.The present is all wehave,and if we focus on the here and now,we can turn ourworries into a source of strength and positivity.Don,t let life pass you by,but instead take control andexplore it.Take some time to savor the moment and appreciatethe people,cre
9、atures and things around you,those who lendyou consolation,or bring joy and laughter into your life.It s the little things that really count.And of course,amidst all the worrying that can come withplanning for the future,don t forget to dream.All of ushave an opportunity to take our place in the wor
10、ld,to make acontribution to society,and so every day,take a moment tothink of how you can do something meaningful with your life,no matter how small.If we make the effort to be in the here and now,to focus onthe present,politics and opinions on the future won t seemso daunting.There,s beauty in the
11、present,and if werecognize that,we can make tomorrow even brighter.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文3Topic:A Review of What I Have Achieved during My High SchoolYearsHigh school years,a meaningful and eventful four years in mylife.During high school,I experienced tremendous lessons,accomplished astonishing goals,a
12、nd even made a lot ofmeaningful friendships.Life s greatest education happenedduring this period and I learned to treasure every single day.At first,I was afraid of exams and became anxious every timeI opened a textbook.To figure this out,I often studiedtogether with classmates and in small groups,a
13、nd thisundoubtedly contributed to my academic improvement.Inaddition,I also did lots of learning out of school.Everyafter school,I was busy reading books about politics,history and science.All these allowed me to gain broadknowledge and become familiar with many different fields.Besides academic imp
14、rovement,I also had an honor in sports.As an enthusiast of basketball,I was the captain of my highschool team.We participated in many basketball competitionsduring high school and fortunately,we won the championships.That was an unforgettable memory of mine.Whats more,during the high school years,I
15、also worked onthe development of my personality.I took charge in manystudent activities,such as the schooT s magazine and thebasketball team.Doing so allowed me to learn how to be aresponsible person.Other than that,I was also very activein community services.I took part in charity marathons andenvi
16、ronmental initiatives,which helped me become a bettercitizen.High school years are really something special for me that Icherish in my heart.During this period,I formed lifelongfriendships through activities,manifested hard work both inclass and back home,and gained beneficial lessons fromvarious ch
17、allenges.All these constituted my high school lifeand taught me valuable lessons that are essential for myadulthood.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文4Topic:What Should We Learn from Sun Tzus Art of WarSun Tzus Art of War is a strategic military treatise writtenmore than 2,000 years ago by C hinese strategist Sun T
18、zu.Itcenters around the concept of the use of military maneuversto ensure the victory of the nation in battle.Sun Tzus Artof War has been hailed as a great masterpiece in the field ofmilitary strategy since ancient times.Sun Tzus Art of War also offers many lessons with popularapplication to daily l
19、ife,such as the concept of/zwinningwithout fighting”,which emphasizes the importance ofdiplomatic preparation before any battles.Sun Tzu advocatedthe principle of unified strategy and divided forces”,whichrequires unified strategies while allowing multiple forces tocarry out their own strategies bas
20、ed on the circumstances.Sun Tzus strategies focus on how to take advantage of thesituation in order to achieve the best outcome.Apart from applying Sun Tzus strategies to our daily lives,we can also use Sun Tzus insights to improve our abilitiesand strengths.Sun Tzu teaches us to understand the forc
21、esopposing us,our own weaknesses and the strength of ouropponents.He suggests that we must remain vigilant andmaintain a strong presence so that our opponents will notattempt to defeat us.We can also reveal innovation and creativity from the cluesSun Tzu provides,while finding solutions to complexsi
22、tuations.It is important to understand the meanings of SunTzus works and apply them to the present context.Such anapproach grants us insight into how to make rational andreasonable decisions,as Sun Tzu lived in an era with manyevents of battle and strategizing.In conclusion,we can learn a great deal
23、 from the ancientwisdom of Sun Tzus Art of War.We can not only apply it tocurrent strategic planning,but also to our daily lives toincrease our ability to make rational decisions.In this way,Sun Tzus wisdom will remain valuable for generations to come.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文52023年高考优秀英语作文题目:Keeping Pursu
24、ing Your Dreams范文Dream is something that motivates thousands of people.Without it,the world will be dull.Its important to pursueyour own dreams in life.In the first place,an ambitious dream can keep us staymotivated.With a dream in our mind,we will have a cleargoal and an aim to work towards.This ca
25、n give us hope andstrength to struggle,and it will help to develop ourcharacter.Moreover,the prospect of our dream makes usenergized and help us stay encouraged even when facingdifficulties.Second,pursuing our dreams will result in great rewards oncewe accomplished them.After working hard over a lon
26、g periodof time,the joy and honor that comes with achieving ourdream is unparallelable.A sense of joy and satisfaction willgain after achieving something we desired for so long.Atthat moment,we will feel proud of ourselves.Finally,taking action is a must along the journey toachieving our dream.It ta
27、kes hard work,dedication andpatience to pursue our dream and to become who we want to be.Taking action,such as planning ahead and staying focus,willhelp us to get closer to our dreams.In conclusion,pursuing our dreams is an essential process inour life because it can help to stay motivated,reward us
28、with great satisfaction,and urge us to take action.Let usseize every moment to pursue for our dreams.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文62023年高考优秀英语作文题目:愿望传递:如果一件你希望发生的事情可以变成现实,你希望它是什么?范文:If one of my wishes could be granted,I would wish to have thepower to raise everyone,s living standard.Today,many peopleare livin
29、g in poverty,with inadequate food,shelter andclothing.They dont have access to proper education,jobs andhealthcare,all that leads to a life of suffering.I want tospread my wealth to the deprived,so that everyone can live alife of dignity and joy.To do this,I would want to help build schools,medical
30、clinicsand infrastructure in rural areas.I also want to provide jobopportunities and business grants to those from disadvantagedbackgrounds.In addition,I,d like to support foundations andcharities that are helping to create a more equitableworld,such as those fighting against hunger and helping thos
31、eaffected by natural disasters.It might sound impossible to make such a big change,but Iknow that with determination and hard work,anything ispossible.I envisage a future where everyone is equal and noone has to suffer due to poverty.This is my wish and throughmy efforts,I will strive to see it beco
32、me reality.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文7 2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文题目:Your School LifeTo many of us,school is not just where we learn but alsoechoes our childhood memories.As a new generation ofstudents,are you proud of your school experience so far?My school life has been a wonderful journey of growth anddiscovery.D
33、uring the past years since I entered my school,Ihave gained more knowledge,understanding of the world I livein and confidence in myself.I have achieved a great dealacademically,learning to think in an analytical way,to workhard and to create solutions to problems.With the style oflearning at school,
34、I am able to learn how to learn anddevelop my skills to eventually help me succeed in my future.Apart from the learning itself,my school life has also had agreat influence on my social and interpersonal skills.Through various activities such as science club,drama groupand the debating society,I was
35、able to gain thecommunication and presentation skills necessary for anysuccessful professional.Out of the classrooms,I hadcountless chances to form deep friendships,indulge ininteresting hobbies,and experience life outside of myfamiliar environment.Of course,I wasn t always successful.During my scho
36、ol life,I have experienced setbacks and made mistakes.From these,Ihave learnt resilience and perseverance which are importantqualities when facing challenges.To sum up,I believe that I have achieved a great deal duringmy school life and I am proud of it.My school life hasallowed me to learn,grow,and
37、 build valuable skills that Iwill carry with me for the rest of my life.The mostimportant thing I have gained is the self-confidence andmotivation to take on any future challenges with a positiveattitude.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文82023年高考优秀英语作文题目:谈一谈人们为了追求成功而不断努力的重要性范文:Today,we live in an increasingly compe
38、titive world wheresuccess is the main goal of many people.To achieve this end,people are making continuous efforts to achieve their goals.In my opinion,it is of great importance for people to makeuntiring efforts towards success.It is true that success does not come easily.Those who breakthrough the
39、 difficulties and continuously strive for successare always shining stars in the society.They have become asource of motivation for many others and help to spread theidea that dedication and hard work are key to success.Peoplepay close attention to their success stories,exploring newpaths to become
40、successful.The power of such examplesencourages us to make efforts and to take bold risks in orderto reach our goals.Moreover,it is in the process of striving towards successthat we grow and discover our potential.We may fail,but ourexperiences can become valuable lessons for our futureendeavours.If
41、 we do not dare to make an effort,how can weachieve success?Even if success is achieved,it is oftenincomplete or unsustainable as we may miss out on theopportunity to develop our capabilities and improve ourselvesfurther.In short,making untiring efforts towards success is of greatimportance.People s
42、hould make wise choices,persistentlystrive and take risks in the pursuit of success.This isbecause successful cases can motivate us,and failure canbecome a stepping stone to success.Only with the rightmindset and dedication can we achieve a certain degree ofsuccess.2023年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文9Topic:Ready or
43、Not,Here We C omeThe year of 2023 has finally arrived,with the much awaitedNational Senior High School Entrance Exam also around thecorner.As high school students,we have all been makingpreparations to achieve our best results.While we often focus on teaching methods and thus employ moretraditional,
44、orthodox approaches to learning that cansometimes be mundane,I believe there is much more we can doto gear ourselves up for the exam.Of equal importance is theneed to improve our skillset and attitude.We should recognize that knowledge and skill alone will notguarantee a good result.We must tailor o
45、ur own set ofguiding principles and habits that,11 help us achieve ourgoals in the best possible way.This could include gettingsufficient rest so we can be naturally alert in the exam,being disciplined in our studies,or developing a positiveoutlook to tackle challenges.We should not merely succumb t
46、o the anxiety that comes withpreparing for the exam either.The joy and satisfaction willcome when we subsequently relish the successes weve made.Tothat end,we should take pleasure in the learning process anddevelop ourselves holistically,not merely to succeed in theexambut to succeed in life.As we p
47、repare for the year end exam,we should always injecta healthy dose of determination,perseverance,and resilienceinto our learning.In other words,lets be ready,no matterthe difficulties that come our way.In conclusion,the National Senior High School Entrance Examis an important part of our lives,but a
48、s it draws near,letus strive to balance our anxieties with a confident readinessthat reflects our tenacity and integrity.I am sure we canall get through the exam and come out ahead in the end.2 0 2 3 年高考优秀英语作文题目及范文1 0题目:The Positive Side of Experiencing Setbacks范文:As a student,setbacks are inevitabl
49、e when striving forexcellence during high school life;however,we should notlose hope due to these occasional setbacks.Despite thedisappointment of getting a lower-than-expected score on atest or a school project,these experiences can actually helpus in the long run.One positive side of experiencing
50、a setback is that itprovides us with an opportunity to educate ourselves on howto better approach our future goals.It has beenscientifically proven that it is far easier to learn from ourmistakes and failures than from our successes.Going througha setback allows us to evaluate what went wrong and ma