1、2022雅思口语题目及范文(part3) 雅思索试, 全称为国际英语测试系统简称雅思(IELTS),是闻名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一。今日我给大家整理了2022雅思口语题目及范文,我们一起来看看吧! 2022雅思口语题目及范文1 题目: 1. What leisure activities are popular in China? 2. What leisure activity do young people like? 3. Do leisure activities have to be educational? 4. Do men and women like different
2、 leisure activities? 范文: 1. What leisure activities are popular in China? Well, in China, men and women relax in different ways. For most men, playing poker or chess witha couple of friends on the weekend is a fun way to pass time. And as far as I know, many men alsogather up to drink beers after wo
3、rk. Well, for girls though, we like to meet up for some yummystreet snacks or go shopping together. Older women enjoy square dancing after dinner. But havingsaid that, most young people, girls and boys, also hit leisure spots like the KTV to enjoythemselves. So yeah, these are common activities that
4、 we do in spare time. 2. What leisure activity do young people like? Ah, as I just mentioned, the young generation loves to hang out in the KTV to sing and drinktogether. Apart from that, its trendy among young people to go backpacking. Yeah, well, we thinkits cool to be a backpacker, and crash in a
5、 backpackers hotel seems an attractive option for usto meet new people, from different parts of the world. I myself have done that a few times. Mylatest trip was to Thailand. It was so much fun! However, there are also some young people whoprefer to stay at home doing some quiet activities, like sur
6、fing online, or chatting and makingconnections on social apps. 3. Do leisure activities have to be educational? Not necessarily, Id say. I mean, leisure activities are supposed to help people wind down. Youknow, to relieve people from the hectic or even stressful life for a bit. So I dont see the po
7、int tomaking them educational. There are certain activities that are indeed educational though, such assports activities which can teach people about cooperation and team spirit. And I do think its agood idea to engage children in such activities. So they could learn something meaningful anduseful,
8、while they enjoy themselves. However, that doesnt mean all leisure activities should beeducational. 4. Do men and women like different leisure activities? Yeah, yeah, definitely. Men generally prefer more active activities, such as basketball or football. Iguess its because being engaged in those ac
9、tivities, they could not only bond with their mates,but also to build their muscles. You know, one stone, two birds! Besides, many men, teenagers oradults, enjoy playing computer games. Well, I suppose most girls wouldnt think its fun to sit infront of a screen all day long. Girls generally would go
10、 for activities like Yoga to shape their body,or hang out in shopping centres. Yeah, do some girl things, you know. 2022雅思口语题目及范文2 题目: 1. When will the children tell a lie? 2. What should parents do when their children tell lies? 3. Are there any situations that are not suitable to tell the truth? 范
11、文: 1. When will the children tell a lie? Most parents think children lie to get something they want, avoid getting caught or get out ofsomething they dont want to do. These are common motivations, but there are also some lessobvious reasons. If the kids get a new idea, they might wish to test it out
12、 and see what happens.Under such circumstances, the kids lie. In some other conditions, they lie to gain self-esteem andapproval, because maybe the lie can make them look good and seem more impressive. And ofcourse, there are times that the kids need to tell white lies, for example, to spare someone
13、sfeelings. Telling lies is inevitable, but we should teach the kids to be an honest person as much asthey can. 2. What should parents do when their children tell lies? I think parents have to deal with lying the way a cop deals with speeding. If youre going too fast,he gives you a ticket. Hes not in
14、terested in a lot of explanations from you. Hes just going to giveyou a consequence. Look at it the same way with the child. He didnt tell the truth, whether thetruth was distorted, omitted or withheld. There should simply be consequences for that. The firsttime he lies, he goes to bed an hour early
15、. The second time, he loses his phone. It should besomething that the kid feels. 3. Are there any situations that are not suitable to tell the truth? In situations where the person will not grow from hearing the truth but only be hurt by it. There isthe classic example of “do I look fat in this dres
16、s?” In this case, its bad, not because they look fator otherwise, but because they feel like it matters. It doesn't. Theyre beautiful regardless. If youfind out your friend is being cheated on, and you know this for certain, should you tell? Your friendmay be devasted, yes, but in the long run y
17、ou know that their significant other doesnt deservethem and they will be better off knowing the truth sooner rather than later. 2022雅思口语题目及范文3 题目: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smart-phones? 2. Do you think photographers are artists? 3. What are the benefits of l
18、earning painting for children? 4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work? 范文: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smart-phones? Indeed smart-phones have some merits when taking photos. You see, it is convenient. A phone isso portable that you can take it w
19、ith you at about all times. So you can take a picture with itanytime you want. Plus, compared to a professional camera, a smart-phone is relatively cheap.Most people can afford using it to take photos. However, on the downside of it, mobile phonesoften have low pixel. Its hard to get high-quality ph
20、otos on a mobile phone. So if you demand thephoto quality, maybe go with the professional camera. 2. Do you think photographers are artists? Yes, why not? Photography itself is a form of art. It takes some knowledge of the aesthetics totrain oneself to grasp the beautiful moment at the perfect time.
21、 And you do also need photographytechniques, like taking the right shooting angle, using the right mode, and looking for the suitablescene. The whole process is not an easy task. I imagine it would take quite a bit of time and effortto finally come out with photos of desirable effects. Given the har
22、d work that a real photographerhas to take on, I think its fair to say that they equal to any other artists in our society. 3. What are the benefits of learning painting for children? Children are natural painters. I mean, for children, painting is about the most common way toexpress themselves. If
23、they are encouraged to paint, basically they are given the opportunity todevelop and nourish their imagination. In the long run, this will do great good to their mentaldevelopment. Not only that, painting can help children concentrate. Children are active, oh, actuallysome children are too active th
24、at they cant even sit down for five minutes. But painting requiresthem to focus and be quiet. When they are immersed in painting, they will naturally develop theirconcentration skills. 4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work? Well,to be an artist certainly requires a tremendous amount
25、 of hard work. Only if you arededicated to what you do can you achieve the best results, isnt it so? But that being said, to be afamous artist like Van Gogh does demand natural gifts. You cant imagine a painting like TheStarry Night came only from hard work, can you? I mean, a painting like that is
26、something genius.It takes inspiration. Im afraid thats not something that a person like you and I can sit down toaccomplish. So can we become a well-known artist through hard work? Well, its possible, but notprobable. 2022雅思口语题目及范文4 题目: 1. Whats the difference between teachers nowadays and those in
27、the past? 2. Whats the difference between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI? 3. Whats the difference between private schools and public schools? 4. Whats the difference between international schools and other schools? 范文: 1. Whats the difference between teachers nowadays and those in t
28、he past? I think in todays world, a teachers job has become much more difficult. Thats mainly becausemany children today are spoiled at home. Teachers must basically provide supervision as well ascare 24/7. Take my mother as an example, she is a middle school teacher. She worries about herstudents a
29、ll the time, and her phone is available for her students at all times. Besides, she keeps intouch with all the parents, just in case of emergencies. But when she was a student herself, herteachers were only responsible for teaching and her parents had never even met her teachers. 2. Whats the differ
30、ence between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI? Thatd be quite different, I imagine. As a person, we ought to interact with another human beingwhen it comes to education. Simply because an experienced human being can show us how tobehave according to the social code. Therefore children
31、 will grow up making their own social netsmore easily. We are social animals after all. However, if we leave children to the AI, they willprobably only have access to knowledge. Yet a successful human being needs much more thanjust knowledge. So yeah, in the education system, I think AI should only
32、be complementary toteachers. 3. Whats the difference between private schools and public schools? Ah, firstly, private schools are expensive. As far as I know, in many countries, public schools arefree. The government pays for childrens education. However, if you send your children to a privateschool
33、, the tuition alone would cost a fortune, let alone other expenses, such as the extra fees forputting your children on a swimming team for training, etc. But having said that, we cant deny thatmost private schools do provide better facilities, as well as more qualified faculty members. Yeah,well, mo
34、st private schools have high criteria when it comes to hiring teachers. 4. Whats the difference between international schools and other schools? I think both the international schools and other public schools have their own positive side. Publicschools might have seemed unqualified for some people,
35、but they are helpful for families with alower income, because international schools are too expensive for them to afford. On the otherhand, for international schools, their educational concept is different. Their students dont need tostudy every detail by-heart and memorize it. They will be able to
36、sit for exams very well even ifthey only understand the idea of the studies. International schools put more efforts into trainingtheir leadership and way of thinking, while in the public schools, children learn the rudimentaryknowledge, and enter the next level of education by studying hard. 2022雅思口
37、语题目及范文5 题目: 1. Why should we keep parks clean? 2. Why is it necessary to have parks? 3. Why is walking on grass forbidden? 范文: 1. Why should we keep parks clean? Well, parks are public avenues that hold many people. They are also leisure places where peoplewant to spend quality time with their frien
38、ds and family. So of course, parks should be cleanedregularly. Actually, the council usually have janitors on duty every day in the park. Apart from that,people are now aware of the importance of keeping parks clean, so they dont throw rubbisheverywhere. The government has also set up many rubbish b
39、ins in the park to help keep the parkclean and tidy. Yeah, I think thats the main reason why we need to keep the park clean. 2. Why is it necessary to have parks? Well, as I said, parks are public leisure spots in the city where citizens can relax. You know howbusy life in the city can get. I think
40、we really could use a place to enjoy ourselves, you know, to getaway from the bustling urban life for a while. Besides, parks offer a patch of green to people.There are often artificial lakes, artificial mountains, and gardens in the park. When we live in a citythat is filled with skyscrapers, aspha
41、lt roads, and bustling people, its important that we also get achance to be close to nature. I guess thats why we need parks in the city. 3. Why is walking on grass forbidden? Yeah, well, even kids know that we should not walk on the grass today. Essentially, its becausewalking on the grass will hur
42、t the grass, of course. And we need that greenness that the grass canoffer. We cant afford losing it. The other thing is that, grass is public property nowadays. If wetrash the grass, then we are technically trashing the public property. I suppose that is consideredrude behavior in most countries. So yeah, we were all taught to protect grass since the day wewent to school. 2022雅思口语题目及范文(part3)本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页