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1、高一英语模块四第一单元教案高一英语模块四第一单元教案牛津英语高一模块四第一单元教案牛津英语高一模块四第一单元教案徐前进徐前进江苏省黄桥中学江苏省黄桥中学二二 0000 五年五月五年五月Period 1.Welcome to the unitPeriod 1.Welcome to the unit1.handout 1)1.handout 1)免费分发的印刷品免费分发的印刷品(如广告如广告,传单传单,讲义讲义),),分发的救济品分发的救济品Please read the carefully.Please read the carefully.DuringDuring thethe floodfl

2、ood manymany thousandsthousands ofof peoplepeoplesurvived on.survived on.靠救济品存活靠救济品存活2)2)发给大家发给大家,散发散发At the Christmas party Santa Claus handedAt the Christmas party Santa Claus handedout the presents under the trees.out the presents under the trees.WillWill youyou helphelp meme toto thethe leafletl

3、eaflet atat thethemeeting.meeting.2.statistics2.statistics1)1)统计数字统计数字,作复数作复数Statistics show that there are more boys thanStatistics show that there are more boys thangirls at school.girls at school.Have you studied the recent divorce?Have you studied the recent divorce?2)2)统计学统计学,不可数不可数 is a rather

4、 modern branch of mathematics.is a rather modern branch of mathematics.3.product3.productn.n.产产 品品TheThe companycompany sellssells2 2plastic products.plastic products.这家公司出售塑料制品。这家公司出售塑料制品。produceproducevt/vivt/vi 生产,生产,制造制造produceproducewoolen goodswoolen goods 生产毛织品生产毛织品n n 农产品或自然产品的总农产品或自然产品的总称称t

5、hethe fieldfield produceproduce is is transportedtransported bybywater to the neighbouring cities.water to the neighbouring cities.农产品通过水路运往邻农产品通过水路运往邻近的城市。近的城市。productive adjproductive adj能生产的,能生产的,肥沃的肥沃的 a aplant which is productiveplant which is productive 多产的植物多产的植物productive landproductive land

6、 肥沃的土地肥沃的土地可能产生的可能产生的discussionsdiscussions讨论讨论Production n.Production n.生产,生产,制造制造(指生产的(指生产的行为)行为),产量,产量Production is up this month.Production is up this month.本月产本月产量上升。量上升。ProductivityProductivity n.n.生生 产产 力力increaseincreaseproductivityproductivity 增加生产力增加生产力3 3thatthatseemseemtotobebeproductive

7、 only quarrelsproductive only quarrels 似乎只会导致口角的似乎只会导致口角的3.service 1)3.service 1)可数可数,服务服务,帮助帮助,贡献贡献DoDo youyou needneed thethe servicesservices ofof a a doctor?doctor?你需要医生的服务吗?你需要医生的服务吗?TheThe hotelhotel offersoffers goodgood services.services.这这家旅馆提供良好的服务。家旅馆提供良好的服务。He did me a service.He did me

8、a service.他帮助过我他帮助过我.2)2)可数可数,公共服务公共服务,公共设施公共设施,劳务劳务Essential s will be maintained.Essential s will be maintained.基本基本的公共服务设施将会得到保障的公共服务设施将会得到保障.ThereTherearearegoodgoodbankingbankingandandinsurance s.insurance s.银行和保险服务银行和保险服务WeWe getget exportexport earningsearnings fromfrom goodsgoodsand s.and s.

9、用货物和劳务创收外汇用货物和劳务创收外汇3)3)不可数不可数,任职任职,用处用处,服务服务He had ten yearsHe had ten years in the navy.in the navy.他在海他在海军服役十年。军服役十年。TheThe oldold manman hadhad manymany yearsyears ofoffaithful to the company.faithful to the company.那老人为公司忠实工作了多年。那老人为公司忠实工作了多年。The in the place is slow/bad.The in the place is slo

10、w/bad.这里的这里的服务很慢服务很慢/很差。很差。You will get good from thisYou will get good from this4 45 5他为这家人好好服务了十年。他为这家人好好服务了十年。RoastRoast porkpork is is oftenoften dd withwith appleapplesauce.sauce.烤肉常和苹果酱一起上。烤肉常和苹果酱一起上。2.2.awareaware adj.adj.知道的知道的,明白的明白的(作表语作表语),),反义词反义词unaware;awareness(n)unaware;awareness(n)b

11、e of sth;be thatbe of sth;be thatWeWe areare fullyfully ofof thethe gravitygravity ofof thethesituation.situation.形势的严重形势的严重.Everyone was that they were in danger.Everyone was that they were in danger.每个人都意识到自己处于危险中。每个人都意识到自己处于危险中。You must be that what you are doing isYou must be that what you are d

12、oing isquite illegal.quite illegal.Are you that you are sitting on my hat?Are you that you are sitting on my hat?I I wasnwasn t t thatthat hehe hadhad feltfelt deeplydeeply sadsad atatthe death of his friend.the death of his friend.用于否定句用于否定句,后接后接 wh-wh-引导的从句引导的从句,ofof 可可以省略以省略YouYou areare notnot (

13、of)(of)howhow worriedworried I I feltfeltabout your safety.about your safety.你不知道我多么担心你的安全。你不知道我多么担心你的安全。We are not (of)what he is longing for.We are not (of)what he is longing for.我我6 6们不知道他在渴望什么。们不知道他在渴望什么。I I m quite how you would feel.m quite how you would feel.I I m too sleepy to be how cold it

14、 was.m too sleepy to be how cold it was.make sb.that;make sb ofmake sb.that;make sb ofWhat the teacher said made me ofWhat the teacher said made me ofthe importance of English.the importance of English.老师的话让我明白了英语的重要老师的话让我明白了英语的重要性。性。AlsoAlso whenwhen youyou writewrite youryour goalsgoals inin a asp

15、ecialspecial wayway youyou areare ableable toto makemakeyourselfyourself continuouslycontinuously awareaware ofof thethesituationsthat will bring you nearer tosituationsthat will bring you nearer toyour goal.your goal.3.similar3.similar1)1)相似的相似的,近似的近似的,类似的类似的We have tastes in music.We have tastes i

16、n music.I I sawsaw somethingsomething inin yesterdayyesterday s sChina Daily.China Daily.2)be to2)be to 与类似与类似/相似相似His views are to mine.His views are to mine.MaryMary s hat is to Jacks hat is to Jack s.s.3)3)similaritysimilarity名名 词词,常常 与与to/with/betweento/with/between 连用连用7 7How much is there betw

17、een the two?How much is there between the two?I I cancan seesee thethe betweenbetween youyou andand youryourmother.mother.EnglishEnglishcookingcookinghashasfewfewsimilaritiessimilaritiesto/with French cooking.to/with French cooking.4.danger4.danger1)1)可数名词可数名词,可能引起危险的人或事可能引起危险的人或事WasteWaste mustmust

18、 bebe treatedtreated soso thatthat it itdoesndoesn t become a to life.t become a to life.Winding roads are a to drivers.Winding roads are a to drivers.HeHelookedlookedaroundaroundcarefullycarefullyforforhidden s.hidden s.The man is a to society.The man is a to society.2)2)不可数名词不可数名词,一般的危险一般的危险Is the

19、re any of fire?Is there any of fire?In war a soldierIn war a soldier s life is full of.s life is full of.3)in 3)in 处于危险中处于危险中;dangerous;dangerous 危险的危险的The man is in.The man is in.The man is dangerous.The man is dangerous.be in ofbe in of 处于危险中处于危险中;out of;out of 脱离危险脱离危险The patient is in of dying.T

20、he patient is in of dying.The patient is out of.The patient is out of.Today many kinds of animalsToday many kinds of animals areare in ofin of8 8dying out.dying out.She was ill,but she was out of now.She was ill,but she was out of now.5.special5.special discountdiscount 特别减价特别减价,打特价打特价 discountdisco

21、unt名词名词,折扣折扣Students get aStudents get a on airon air fare.fare.学生飞机票有学生飞机票有折扣折扣We give 10 percent for cash.We give 10 percent for cash.现金付款打现金付款打折折 10%10%at a at a 减价减价,不值钱不值钱He sold goods to her at a special discount.He sold goods to her at a special discount.6.drug6.drug1)1)常用复数指毒品常用复数指毒品It is da

22、ngerous to take drugs.It is dangerous to take drugs.2)2)作定语作定语,修饰名词修饰名词a drug addict/usera drug addict/user 吸毒者吸毒者a druga drugdealerdealer 毒贩毒贩3)3)可数名词可数名词,药药TheThe doctordoctor prescribedprescribed a a newnew forfor hishispatient.patient.开了一个开了一个 2 2The drugs act upon the nerves.The drugs act upon

23、the nerves.这些药品这些药品作用于神经作用于神经Period 2 ReadingPeriod 2 ReadingTeaching Aims:Teaching Aims:9 9ToTo improveimprove studentstudents s readingreading abilityabilityon reading expositoryon reading expository EnableEnablestudentsstudents getgetthethegeneralgeneralknowledge of commercial ads and public adsk

24、nowledge of commercial ads and public adsToTo letlet studentsstudents knowknow howhow toto readreadexpository writingexpository writingTeaching Important Points:Teaching Important Points:ToTo improveimprove studentstudents s readingreading abilityabilityon reading expositoryon reading expositoryToTo

25、 letlet studentsstudents knowknow howhow toto readreadexpository writingexpository writingTeaching Difficult Points:Teaching Difficult Points:HowHow toto improveimprove studentsstudents readingreadingability on reading expository writingability on reading expository writingHowHow toto letlet student

26、sstudents readread expositoryexpositorywritingwritingTeaching procedure:Teaching procedure:Step1 Lead-inStep1 Lead-inThoroughThorough PPT,PPT,T T cancan guideguide studentsstudents totolooklook atat somesome commercialcommercial adsads andand publicpublicserviceservice adsads andand thenthen askask

27、questionsquestions likelikethese:these:T:T:Let share some beautiful pictures first.Let share some beautiful pictures first.1010What are they?(advertisements)What are they?(advertisements)As we know,ads are parts of our dailyAs we know,ads are parts of our dailylife.life.WeWe cancan seesee themthem e

28、verywhere,everywhere,especiallyespecially whenwhen wewe watchwatch TVTV.DoDo youyoulike them?like them?T:T:Look at these pictures.Can you guessLook at these pictures.Can you guesswhatwhat kindkind ofof productproduct oror serviceservice is isbeing advertised?being advertised?(T then shows some pictu

29、res in part of(T then shows some pictures in part ofwelcoming to the unit)welcoming to the unit)Advertisement is now playing an importantAdvertisement is now playing an importantpartpart inin ourour life.life.DoDo youyou knowknow howhowmanymany kindskinds areare there?there?AndAnd dodo youyoubelieve

30、 that ads tell the complete truth?believe that ads tell the complete truth?LetsLetslooklookatata astorystoryononP2:P2:Advertisement.Advertisement.Step 2 ReadingStep 2 Reading1.Fast reading1.Fast readingGuideGuide studentsstudents gogo throughthrough thethe wholewholearticle,article,especiallyespecia

31、lly paypay attentionattention toto thethetitles and the subtitles of the article.titles and the subtitles of the article.T:T:whatwhat dodo youyou thinkthink mightmight bebe discusseddiscussed ininthe article from the title?the article from the title?1111AfterAfter SsSs finishfinish reading,reading,T

32、 T thenthen gogo ononasking some questions about the passage.asking some questions about the passage.Q:Q:WhatWhat dodo advertisementsadvertisements encourageencouragepeople to do?people to do?What does PSAs stand for?What does PSAs stand for?What are PSAs meant to do?What are PSAs meant to do?2.Inte

33、nsive reading2.Intensive reading(1)(1)InviteInvite oneone studentstudent toto readread thethe firstfirstpassagepassage andand inviteinvite studentsstudents toto getget thethegeneral idea of the passage.general idea of the passage.(2)(2)Detail readingDetail readingReadRead thethe followingfollowing s

34、entencessentences andand decidedecidewhetherwhether thethe statementsstatements inin thethe followingfollowing is istrue or false.true or false.A Advertisementsdvertisementsarearefoundfoundininmanymanyplaces.places.P PSAs are only found in newspapers.SAs are only found in newspapers.A All ll adverti

35、sementsadvertisements telltell thethe completecompletetruth.truth.P PSAsSAs andand commercialcommercial adsads useuse somesome ofofthe same methods.the same methods.C Commercialommercial adsadscancanoftenoftengivegiveusus1212valuablevaluable informationinformation aboutabout howhow toto liveliveour

36、lives.our lives.A An ad warning people against smokingn ad warning people against smokingis an example of a PSA.is an example of a PSA.(1 T(1 T2F2F3F3F4T4T5F5F6T)6T)(3)(3)DiscussDiscuss thethe structurestructure ofof thisthis article.article.HowHow manymany partsparts is is thisthis articlearticle d

37、ivideddividedinto?into?Part 1 introduction of this articlePart 1 introduction of this articlePart 2 supporting detailsPart 2 supporting detailsPart 3 conclusionPart 3 conclusionT then ask Ss to read reading strategy:T then ask Ss to read reading strategy:howhow toto readread a a expositoryexpository

38、 writingwriting andandtelltell themthem expositoryexpository writingwriting usuallyusuallyfollows the same basic format.So whenfollows the same basic format.So whenreadingreading expositoryexpository writing,writing,wewe shouldshouldpaypay attentionattention toto thethe informationinformation thatth

39、atcomescomesidea.idea.e.g.Lets look at paragraph 3.e.g.Lets look at paragraph 3.What is the subject of this part?What is the subject of this part?1313afteraftera astatement.statement.ThisThisinformation usually supports the maininformation usually supports the mainWhat information supports the idea?

40、What information supports the idea?What is the conclusion?What is the conclusion?(4).Reading comprehension(4).Reading comprehensionAskAsk SsSs toto summarizesummarize thethe differencesdifferencesandand similaritiessimilarities betweenbetween thethe twotwo typestypesof advertisements.of advertisemen

41、ts.TypesTypes SimilaritiesSimilaritiesof adsof adsdifferencesdifferencesExamExamplesplesPlacesPlaces MethMethpurppurpvalidivalidifoundfound odsodsusedusedosesosestyty1414ComComBillboBillbo PersuPersu ToToTheyTheyBrighBright-teetht-teethfightsfightsbadbadbreathbreath!You!Youproudproudyouryourcookinco

42、oking,g,ntntyouyoubuybuythetheveryveryfreshefreshest stfood?food?sososhouldshouldmercimerci ards,ards,asiveasivepromprom dodoal adsal ads newspnewsp langulangu oteote a a notnotapers,apers,age,age,zines,zines,ngngthetheInterInternet,net,radio,radio,televistelevisionions sprodprodtelltellyouyouthethe

43、letelete.ororcecemagamagaexcitiexcitiuctuctimageimage serviservicompcomp arearetruthtruth ofof1515PSAsPSAsToToateatee et th,h,TheyTheyYes toYes tolife,nolife,nodrugsdrugsKnowKnowledgeledgechangchanghelpfhelpftotoandandcancaneduceducarearepeoplpeopl ululabouabouwewehealthealtlearnlearn es lifees life

44、a alotlot ProjeProject ctHopeHopeolingolingchildchildsafetsafetbybyy yoror follofolloanyanyotherother thethewhicwhice eh hs spublipublic cwelfawelfarere1616wingwingschoschoissueissueadvicadvic everyeverytheytheysmokismokicommicommittingttingsuicidsuicide eslowlyslowly affectaffect give.give.ngngis i

45、sStep 3 DiscussionStep 3 DiscussionNowNow adsads areare becomingbecoming partsparts ofof ourour dailydailylife.Do you like them?life.Do you like them?Do you think it is necessary?Lets have aDo you think it is necessary?Lets have adiscussion.discussion.Step 4 conclusion and homeworkStep 4 conclusion

46、and homeworkPrepare for language points and underlinePrepare for language points and underlinethe difficult onthe difficult onLanguage PointsLanguage Points1.mean1.meanmeanmean toto dodo 打算做某事打算做某事I I meantmeant toto gogoto Nanjing tomorrow.to Nanjing tomorrow.我打算明天去南京。我打算明天去南京。meanmean doingdoing s

47、thsth 意味着做某事意味着做某事 GettingGettingup late means being late for school.up late means being late for school.meanmeanadj.adj.吝啬的吝啬的 He is a mean man.He is a mean man.2.be used to do/(doing)sth.-get accustomed2.be used to do/(doing)sth.-get accustomedto(get,become,grow)to(get,become,grow)used to-happened

48、 in the pastused to-happened in the pastIt is used to clean the blackboard.It is used to clean the blackboard.I I amam notnot quitequite usedused toto livingliving here/cityhere/citylife.life.He has been used to the weather here.He has been used to the weather here.1717Before coming here,John got up

49、 late inBefore coming here,John got up late inthethe morningmorning butbut nownow hehe is is usedused totogetting up early.getting up early.I I usedused toto livelive inin Nanjing.Nanjing.I I usedusednot/didnnot/didn t use to live here.t use to live here.ThereThere usedused toto bebe a a lotlot ofof

50、 trees,trees,didndidn t tthere?there?Ex.Ex.TheThenewnewmachinemachine_production._production.HoweverHoweverI_it.(A)I_it.(A)A.A.is is usedused toto increase;increase;amam notnot usedused totocontrollingcontrollingB.B.is used to increasing;dont used to controlis used to increasing;dont used to control


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