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1、1.11 took M ichael several m onths to adjust his newresponsibilities as a husband.A.w ith B.at C.to D.from2.My sister is a new d rive r and she can 7 cope driving inheavy traffic.A.at B.w ith C.from D.behind3.I am really glad to have the o p p o rtu n ity of m eeting youperson.A.in B.for C.w ith D.a

2、t4.A very early Greek philosopher once said that the rich m en wereslaves their m oney.A.w ith B.across C.at D.to5.S cientists have w arned that the hum an race w ill run outfresh w ater supply one day.A.through B.over C.into D.of6.Crime does not autom atically go pove rty;some rich menare crim inal

3、s.A.w ith B.to C.for D.in7.When he w rites,he alw ays keeps a dictionary hand.A.in B.out C.at D.on8.Peter has behaved in the m ost unusual way;I can 7 accounthis action at all.A.for B.of C.in D.at9.From then on,I was com m itted losing w eight and ge ttin ginto shape.A.at B.to C.w ith D.in10.The stu

4、dent has been w orking hard for fear that he should fallA.in B.for C.under D.behind零黄:CBADDACABD1.The old man can hardly m ake enough m oney for food,(更不用说儿子上大学的费用了)(less).2.(考虑到他们缺乏经髓),they have done a goodjob.3.(有几个空缺职位)at the com pany,so heapplied.4.They w ant to see a m ovie,(而我们宁愿在家里).5.Her abs

5、ence was(受骇人的暴风雨的阻碍).答案:1.m uch less affo rd his son fs college tu itio n2.Given their inexperience3.There were a few openings4.whereas we w ould rath er stay at horn e5.due to the te rrib le storm 1.The governm ent has devoted a larger part of its nationalto agriculture than m ost other countries.A

6、.resources B.p o te n tia lC.budget D.econom y2.I n w estern countries,it is the for m en to wear suits onform al occasions.A.conviction B.conventionC.confession D.concession3.The annual incom e of school teachers in this place wasat$900.A.budget B.predictedC.account D.assessed4.The long drought cau

7、sed a(an)shortage of w ater in thisregio n.A.urgent B.acuteC.rigid D.dense5.I f you w ant to learn English,you m ust firs t find ateacher.A.able B.desirableC.com petent D.significant6.Jane was the only one who all the conditions:she was ofthe required age,height and degree.A.fu lfille d B.recoveredC

8、.appreciated D.rejected7.The history of life on earth has been a h istory of betweenlivin g things and th e ir surroundings.A.introdu ction B.interactionC.in terview D.interference8.My uncle w arned m e not to have him for a friend.He is acrim in al.A.anything but B.but forC.nothing but D.rather tha

9、n9.To Lauras excitem ent,the general m anager fin a lly agreed to talk toher.A.in reality B.in practiceC.in theory D.in person1 0.The telephone service is superb here,the postal service isless efficient.A.consequently B.thereforeC.whereas D.nevertheless1 1.She couldn 7 hide her at his foolish m ista

10、ke.A.am usem ent B.fascinationC.h o s tility D.recognition12.People are free to accept or what the governm ent says ofthe facts.A.eject B.reject C.in ject D.erect13.I t is highly desirable th a t every e ffo rt to reduce p o llu tio nin Beijing.A.was m ade B.be m adeC.w ill be m ade D.w ould be made

11、14.He is an a rtist,so these econom ic term s are not fam Hi arh im.A.w ith B.ofC.to D.on15.Happiness does not necessarily wealth.A.go after B.go w ithC.go on D.go out16.Jack was very to hear that Mr.Sm ith had been seriouslyill.A.frightened B.disappointedC.distressed D.fru stra te d1 7.We should m

12、ake a clear betw een these tw o scie ntificterm s for the purpose of our discussion.A.selection B.separationC.distinction D.division18.My cam era can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunnyconditions.A.treated B.adjustedC.adopted D.rem edied19.I w ould appreciate it as a secret.A.your keeping B.you t

13、o keepC.that you keep D.that you w ill keep20.She cam e to the m eeting her serious illness.A.in case of B.instead ofC.on account of D.in spite of答案:CBDBCABCDCABBCBCCBAD1.The old generation alw ays som e of the ideas of theyoung.A.disapproved B.objected C.frow ned D.criticized2.Evidently the farm er

14、s house is not w ith yours.His is ju s ta sm all cottage,w hereas yours is like a palace.A.com petent B.com parable C.com p e titive D.com parative3.We trie d to strike a proper betw een the e ntirely dem andsof the tw o parties.A.d istrib u tio n B.balance C.com bination D.assignm ent4.The old coup

15、le m arried on 20 May 1964,and so every year they havea pa rty on th e ir.A.cerem ony B.assem bly C.entertainm ent D.anniversary5.For football players,in ju rie s are an occupational hazard.A.am ateur B.dram atic C.professional D.additional6.Mr.Foster has never been to China.he know s very littleabo

16、ut it.A.Consequently B.C ontinuously C.C onstantly D.C onsistently7.Every man in this country has the rig h t to live w here he w ants tothe color of his skin.A.w ith the exception of B.in the lig h t ofC.by virtue of D.regardless of8.On such,there is only one thing to do-to give up.A.cases B.occasi

17、ons C.circum stances D.situations9.She described the plot of the film she had seen the daybefore.A.in com m on B.in fashion C.in advance D.in detail10.The organization had broken no rules,but had it actedresponsibly.A.nor B.so C.either D.both.1 1.We have been told that under no circum stances thetel

18、ephones in the office for personal affairs.A.we may use B.may we use C.we could use D.did we use12.According to the federal governm ent,residents of H aw aii have thelongest life :77.2 years.A.rank B.span C.scale D.scope13.I suffered from m ental because of stress from m y job.A.dam age B.release C.

19、re lie f D.fatigue14.She felt offended at m y rem arks,but it wasn 7 m y to hurther.A.im plication B.indication C.in te n tio n D.invasion15.equal educational advantages,there w ill be nodifference in average standings,either on account of race orgeographical location.A.Provided B.Concerning C.Given

20、 D.Follow ing16.By that tim e,Eliot had already risen to in the lite ra rycircle in his country.A.a ltitud e B.phenom enon C.prom inence D.significance1 7.A ll flig h ts having been cancelled the snow storm f wedecided to take the train.A.due to B.in spite of C.regardless of D.because18.This hotel$6

21、0 for a single room w ith a bath.A.dem an ds B.prices C.charges D.claim s19.The address of an e-m ail m essage includes the source and theof the m essage.A.destination B.reception C.target D.objective20.The food and clothes are for th e ir needs.A.efficient B.sufficien t C.effective D.pro ficie n t答

22、 案:DBBDCADBDABBDCCCACAB1.He is _(强壮、勇敢,而且最重要的是诚实).2.(为了安全),don t violate the tra ffic rules.3.(一旦我决心要做什么),/w ill achieve it by allmeans.4.We didn 7 expect that(他会击败他的对手)andwin the gam e.5.The police(指控他犯了谋杀罪).答案:Key:1.strong,brave,and,above all,honest2.For the sake of safety3.Once I set m y m ind on

23、 som ething4.he w ould overcom e his opponent5.charged him w ith m urder1.The film star alw ays seem s in d iffe re n t to public opinions.A.to B.at C.for D.from2.My uncle cam e a book he had alw ays w anted to have.A.on B.out C.in D.upon3.My English teacher pointed several spelling m istakes inm y

24、com p o sitio n.A.out B.at C.for D.to4.R eflecting those nice days,M ary couldn 7 help giving asigh.A.at B.on C.from D.of5.My boss was no m eans satisfied w ith m y job.A.through B.for C.by D.at6.I f you persist being late,you w ill be fired.A.in B.at C.from D.on7.I could think little to say the pre

25、sence of so m any peoplehere.A.at B.w ith C.in D.for8.Jack alw ays counted his father when he was in trouble.A.on B.in C.for D.out9.His parents were so strict w ith him in his studies that he had littletime to participate any activities outside of class.A.in B.from C.at D.on10.At the m eeting they a

26、re going to focus the question ofthe environm ental pollution.A.at B.with C.on D.over答案:ADABC ACAAC1.The young man should have had a future,but he madesome serious mistakes in his thirties and was arrested.(prom ise)2.The little boy was often nervous in the of his teacherbecause he had been criticiz

27、ed too m uch by the teacher after he failedin the exam.(present)3.The humorous professor som etim es tells some stories tohis students after class.(am used)4.After we waited at the airport for 40 minutes,the planefinally arrived,to our joy.(approximate)5.When Mr.Zhang lost all his m oney in the econ

28、om ic crisis,all hisfriends left,to his pain and hardships.(difference)6.11 is that Mr.Lee was not offered the job he applied forthough he got the highest scores in the exam and job interview.(fair)7.The Olym pic remains the most pure exam pie of thoughmany kinds of sports have becom e professional,

29、with closerelationships with businesses.(compete)8.Those athletes who use perform an ce-enhan ci ng drugs neverexperience the glory of winning through the virtues of hard work and.(determ ine)9.Carl set his mind on track and that was it.His years of practiceand quiet self-confidence set the stage fo

30、r a Olympic track andfield career.(phenomenon)1 0.In 1985,however,a cloud appeared on Carl Lewis1 horizon:Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson,who began to beat Lewis inthe 1 OO-meter dash.(consistence)11.The crowd held their breath as they watched Johnson build anearly lead with his start wondering if Lew

31、 is strong finish wouldbe enough to overcom e him.(explode)12.With his continued hard work and honest in sprinting andlong jump,Lewis proved to the world that the Olympic spirit was notdead,(participate)13.Lewis had dem onstrated that he had m anaged to win honestlyand his love for the gam es truly

32、set a new standard for Olympic(excellent)14.And in 1992,Lewis competed in his third Olympics winning twom ore gold m edals in the long jump and 4x100 m eter relay with afrom the public that w as fit for a king.(receive)15.The am azing Carl Lew is had dem onst rated that he wasany athlete who had eve

33、r lived,not by sim ply w inning,but by w inninghonestly,loving to com pete and w orking the hardest for the longesttim e.(like)K ey:1.prom ising 2.presence 3.am using 4.approxim ately 5.in d iffe re n t6.unfair p e titio n 8.determ ination 9.phenom ena!1 0.consistently1 1.explosive 12.p a rticip ati

34、on 13.excellence 14.reception 15.unlikeV.D irections:I n this section,there are passages w ith ten blanks.Youare required to select one w ord for each blank from a list of choicesgiven in a w ord bank fo llow ing the passage.Read the passage throughcarefully before m aking your choices.Each choice i

35、n the bank isid e n tifie d by a le tter.Please choose the corresponding le tter.You maynot use a”of the w ords in the bank m ore th an once.Passage 1Sport is one of the w orlds largest industries,and m ost athletes are_ 1_ who are paid for their efforts.Because an athlete succeeds by_ 2_,only-not b

36、y econom ic background or fam ilyconnections-sports can b e _ 3_to w ealth,and m any athletes playonly fo r_ 4_than for love.This has not alw ays been true.I n theancient O lym pics the w inner got only a w reath of olive leaves(橄榄叶花环).Even though the w inners becam e national heroes,the gam esrem a

37、 in e d _ 5_for centuries.A thletes won fam e,but no m oney.Astim e passed,how ever,the contests becam e _ 6_less am ateur andcities began to hire athletes to _ 7_ th e m.By the fourth centuryA.D.,the O lym pics w e re _ 8_,and they were soon ended.I n 1896,the O lym pic Gam es w e re _ 9_w ith the

38、sam e goal of pure am ateurcom p e titio n.The rules bar athletes who have ever received a$50 prize or a thle ticscholars who have spent four weeks in a trainin g cam p.At least onecom petitor in the 1896 gam es m et th e s e _ 1 0_.He was SpiridonLoues,a w ater carrier who won the m arathon race.A)

39、m oney B)ruined C)replace D)presence E)m eansF)am ateur G)approxim ately H)professionals I)increasingly J)revivedK)route L)represent M)qua lifications N)honor O)achievem ent Key to Passage 1:HOKAF I LBJMPassage 2The O lym pic Gam es are the g re a te s t_ 1_ of sport in the w orld.Every four years,a

40、 hundred or m ore countries send th e ir b e s t_ 2_to com pete for the h ig h e s t_ 3_in sport.As m any as 6,00 0 peopletake part in over 20 sports.For the w inners,there are gold m edals and_ 4_.But there is honor,too,for all w h o _5_,win or lose,thatis,in the sp irit of O lym pics,to take p art

41、 is w h a t_ 6_.The O lym picGam es alw ays start in a b rig h t color and action.The team s of all thenations parade in the opening 7 and m arch round the track.The_ 8_is for the Greek team to m arch in first.For it was in Greecethat the O lym pics began.The team of the country w here the Games are

42、being heldth e _ 9_ country-m arches in last.The runner w iththe O lym pic torch then enters the stadium and lig h ts the _ 1 0_.K ey to Passage 2:KDJNG I FHMBA)anniversaryB)flam eC)challengesD)athletesE)com pleteF)cerem onyG)com peteH)custom1)m attersJ)honorsK)festivalL)sessionM)host N)glory O)com

43、petitio nV I.D irections:There are 20 blanks in each of the fo llow ing passages.For each blank there are four choices m arked At B,C and D.You shouldchoose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then choose thecorresponding le tter.Passage 11 f you were to begin a new jo b1 .A)im provem ent B)vict

44、orytom orrow,you w ould bring w ith youC)failureD)achievem entsome basic strengths and weaknesses.2.A)aB)theSuccess o r_ 1_ in your work w ouldC)someD)certaindepend,to _ 2_great extent,3.A)inB)on_ 3_your a b ility to use yourC)ofD)tostrengths and weaknesses to the best4.A)Out ofB)Ofadva nta ge._ 4_

45、the utm ostC)ToD)I n toim portance is your a ttitu de.A person5.A)whoB)what_ 5_begins a jo b convinced that heC)thatD)whichisn t going to like it or is _ 6_that6.A)ensureB)certainhe is going to fa il is exhibiting aC)sureD)surelyweakness which can only h in d e r(阻 碍)7.A)onto B)on C)o ff D)inhis suc

46、cess.On the other hand,a person 8.A)to B)at C)of D)forw h o is secure_ 7_ his belief that he9.A)near B)on C)by D)atis probably as capa ble_ 8_doingthe w ork as anyone else and who isw illin g to m ake a cheerful atte m pt_ 9_it possesses a certain strengthof purpose.The chances are that he w illdo w

47、ell._10_ the prerequisite(先决条件)skills for a p a rticu la r jo b is strength.Lacking those skills is obviously a1 0.A)Have B)HadC)Having D)Had been11.A)being B)been C)are D)is12.A)except B)but C)for D)on13.A)idea B)weaknessC)strength D)advantage14.A)m ake B)take C)do D)weakness.A bookkeeper who cant

48、addor a carpenter who cant cut a stra ig h tgive15.A)as B)till C)over D)line w ith a saw _1 1_ hopelesscases.This book has been designed to helpyou capitalize 12 the strengthand overcom e th e _ 13_ that youbring to the jo b of learning.But in somegroups to m easure your developm ent,you m ust fir s

49、 t_ 14_ stock of w hereyou stand no w,_ 15_ we getfu rth e r along in the book,w e llb e _ 1 6_ in som e detail w ithspecific processes for developing andstrengthening _ 1 7_skills.H o w e ve r,_ 18_ begin w ith,youshould pau se _ 19_ exam ine yourpresent strengths and weaknesses inthree areas that

50、are critica l to yoursuccess or failure in school:your 20_,your reading andcom m unication skills,and your studyout16.A)deal B)dealtC)be dealt D)dealing1 7.A)learnt B)learnedC)learning D)learn18.A)around B)toC)from D)beside19)A to B)ontoC)into D)w ith20.A)intelligence B)w orkC)a ttitu d e D)weakness


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