1、2017小升初英语冲刺阶段测试试题一、按要求改写下列单词(12分)1.复 数:dress _ _ _ _ _ _ _.sheep _ _ _ _ _ _ sca rf2.反义词:behind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ha ppy _ _ _ _ _ hu ngry3.同音词:know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flou r _ _ _ _ _ _ right4.现 在 分 词:pla y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sw im _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _sit _ _ _ _ _ _da ncew a t ch shu t pa int5 .写出下列单词的
2、复数形式(不可数用/):child sheep sw eetlibra ry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _brea d pea ch office6 .写出下列动词的现在分词及第三人称单数形式:pla y ju mpsw im ha v eride w a t ch二、辨音,用T或F表示(5 分)1.dessert desk2.spoonba lloon3.front from4.bea chbrea d5.t hreet ha t 6.ov er open7.hu ngry ru ler 8.sa lt w ha t9.bu t t er doct orlO.w ho w here三、用动
3、词的适当形式填空:(11分)1.M y mot her (w a sh)t he pla t e in t hekit chen now.2.Plea se (ha v e)some w a t er.3.S chool is ov er.T he pu pils ca n (pla y)ga mes.4.D on t (ru n)in t he school,D a nny.5.We (like)mu sic.N ow w e(sing).6.L et me (go)t o t he cinema.7.M a ry,you(clea n)t he w indow?Y es,I a m.8.T
4、 he w orkers (w a nt)some t ea.T hey ret hirst y.9.L ook,M rs Whit e(ha v e)a ma t hs lesson.We like ma t hs.10.I can(list en)t o t he ra dio on S u nda y.11.M iss F a ng:(not ma ke)a noise in t hecinema,Pet er a nd D a nny.Pet er:I m hu ngry.C a n I (ea t)in t hecinema,M iss F a ng?M iss F a ng:(lo
5、ok)a t t he sign,Pet er.Pet er:O h!S orry.T he sign_ _ _(mea n)D on t(e at)or _ _ _(drink).D a nny:L ook,t he film is beginning.L ook,t he boy(pla y)foot ba ll w it h t he children.He ca n(pla y)foot ba ll w ell.Wha t s t he film s na me?Pet er:I don t(know),D a nny.I(like)t he boy.M iss F a ng:D on
6、 t(t a lk).L et s(see)t he film t oget her.Pet er a nd D a nny:S orry.四、按要求填空(16分)I.根据括号内的单词完成句子:1.I ca n(读英语).2.T here are(蔬菜)in t hebow l.3.Plea se(打开书).4.We(正 在 游 泳)in t heschool.5.Is t he girl(骑自行车)?II.用英语写出括号内的数词:1)The(1)da y of O ct ober is t he N a t iona lD a y.2)T here a re (6)floors in ou
7、r school.3)O u r C ompu t er R oom is on the(3)floor.4)How mu ch is y ou r w a t ch?(100)y u a n.5)I m M rs L in.I m (40)y ea rs old.6)T ha nksgiv ing D a y is t he (4)T hu rsda yin N ov ember.7)Which is y ou r E nglish t ea cher?The(5)one in t ha t row.8)Pet er s birt hda y is on the(30)of M a y.9)
8、How ma ny gira ffes a re t here?(21).10)F ebru a ry is the(2)mont h of a y ea r.III.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Wha t t he girls (need)?T hey(not need)G a meboy s.Th e y(n e e d)kit es.2.(look)!T he boy s (pla y)foot ba ll w it h t heir t ea chers.T hey a re good a t(pla y)it.3.L et s (go)a nd (bu y)somepresent s
9、 for D a nny.4.L inda a nd I(be)nea r t he sw imming pool.5.D on t (rea d)ma ga z ines in t he bu s.6.Th e r e(b e)a pen,t w o pen pencils a nd a ru lerin my pencil-box.五、选择填空(25 分)1.Pet er is t a ll.He s M ike.A.besideB.behindC.in front of2.a ny ink bot t les on t he desk?A.A re t heseB.Is t hereC.
10、A re t here3.T here a lot of books in t he libra ry.A.a reB.a mC.is4.T he dent ist likes some t igers.A.dra wB.dra w sC.dra w ing5 .Ha v e y ou got brea d?Y es,I v e gotA.some a nyB.a ny a nyC.a ny some6.C a n I T V?A.w a t chingB.w a t chC.look7.T he t ra ffic light s red.A.Wa itB.D on t cross t he
11、 roa dC.L ook ou t8.I ha v e some fish?A.A mB.D oC.C a n9.Here some glu e.A.ha sB.a reC.is10.E ddie like t he bla ck ca r?N o.A.D oB.D oesC.Has11.any milkmen in the farm?A.Is thereB.Are thereC.There are12.The students always go to bed at nine o clockA.in the eveningB.at nightC.in the morning13.K itt
12、y has old uniform.A.theB.aC.an14.Don t play the kitten.A.forB.withC./15.do you go home every day?At five.A.WhatB.What timeC.Where16.T he ma n ha s got money.He s rich.A.ma nyB.a nyC.mu ch17.T here is flou r in t he pa cket.I mu stbu y some.A.fewB.lit t leC.lot s of18.a pples do y ou w a nt?T he red.
13、A.Which onesB.Which oneC.Wha t ones19.D oes M r C hen ma ga z ines in t he a ft ernoon?A.lookB.seeC.rea d20.I like t he y ellow pa rrot I don t liket he blu e one.A.a ndB.orC.w it h21.T he girl her homew ork a t fiv e o clockin t he a ft ernoon.A.doingB.doC.does22.I like a rt.A.notB.don tC.a m not23
14、.T hey like.A.a n sa u sa geB.t he sa u sa gesC.a sa u sa ge24.t he first floor t here a re t w o rooms.A.A tB.O nC.In25.How ma ny du cklings on t he la ke?A.is t hereB.a re t hereC.ha v e六、按要求改写下列句子(11分)1.1 ha v e some ice-crea ms.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)2.We like pinea pples.(否定句)3.T heir fa t her w a nt s a
15、big pa cket of biscu it s.(一般疑问句,否定回答)4.T here a re some t rees a nd flow ers in front of t heriv er.(画线提问)5.O u r ma t hs t ea cher is w rit ing in t he office.(画线提问)6.T heir mot her is pla y ing t he v iolin in t heroom.(画线提问)7.Plea se list en t o t he mu sic,D a nny.(否定句)8.D a nny get s u p a t s
16、ix in t he morning.(否定句)9.He is a st u dent.(反意疑问句)10.M a ry is t a ller t ha n Pet er.(保持原意)Pet er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IL It s sev en o clock.(画线提问)七、阅读理解(15分)I)T he B oy a nd t he D ogM r B row n looks ou t of his w indow.T here is a boy int he st reet.He
17、 is ea t ing a sa nd-w ich.T here is a dog in t he st reet,t oo.T he boy sa y s,C ome here,good dog.I m going t o giv e y ou somesa ndw iches.T he dog comes u p.T he boy kicks t he dog.T hedog ru n a w a y.M r B row n comes ou t of t he hou se a nd sa y s t o t he boy,C ome here,I m going t o giv e
18、y ou some money.T he boyis ha ppy a nd t o M r B row n.B u t M r B row n doesn t giv e hima ny money.He kicks t he boy.T he boy cries a nd sa y s,Why do y ou kick me?I dont a sk y ou for a ny money.T he dog doesn t a sk y ou fora ny sa ndw ich,M r B row n sa y s.B u t y ou kick it.阅读短文,判断下列句型是否与短文的内
19、容相符,相同的用T,不同的用F表示1)T he boy is ha v ing some b 他 a d in t he st reet.2)T he boy doesn t giv e t he dog a ny brea d.3)T he boy likes t he clog.4)M r B row n w a nt s t o.giv e t he boy some money.5)M r B row n is going t o giv e t he boy a lesson(教训).II)A lot of boy s a nd girls in West ern cou nt ri
20、es a rew ea ring t he sa me kinds of clot hes,a nd ma ny of t hem ha v elong ha ir,so it is oft en difficu lt t o t ell w het her t heya re boy s or girls.O ne cla y,a t old ma n w ent for a w a lk in a pa rk inWa shingt on,a nd w hen he w a s t ired he sa t dow n on bench.Ay ou ng person w a s st a
21、 nding on t he ot her side of t he pond.M y G oodness!t he old ma ll sa id t o t he person w ho w a ssit t ing beside him on t he bench.D o y ou see t ha t personw it h t he ja cket a nd long ha ir?Is it a boy or a girl?A girl,sa id his neighbor.S he s my da u ght er.O h!t he old ma n sa id qu ickly
22、.Plea se forgiv e me,Ididn t know t ha t y ou w ere her mot her.I m not,sa id t he neighbor,I m her fa t her.根据短文回答问题1)Wha t did old ma n see on t he ot her side of t hepond?2)Why didn t t he old ma n know if it w a s a boy ora girl?3)Who did he a sk?4)Wha t did t his person a nsw er?5)Wha t did t h
23、e old ma n sa y t hen?111)T a ke C a re(当心)of Y ou r E y esight (视力)S chools a nd pa rent s in S henz hen C it y ha v e beena sked t o t a ke bet t er ca re of children s ey esight a s45 percent (百 分 之)of t hem w ere fou nd t o beshort sight ed(近视).T oo mu ch rea ding,poor light ing a ndt oo mu ch T
24、 V a re bla med(谴责).0f T he cit y,s schoolgra du a t es(毕业生)w ho a pplied(申 请)t o st u dy a tcolleges(大学)t his su mmer,t w o t hirds(三分之二)ha dt o ha v e t heir choices(选择)limit ed(限制)beca u se ofpoor ey esight,S henz hen S pecia l Zone D a ily (深圳特区日报)sa id.根据短文的意思,选出正确的答案1)T his piece of new s w a
25、s report ed by .A.People s D a ilyB.S henz hen S pecia l ZoneD a ilyC.C hina D a ilyD.S chools in S henz hen C it y2)T he pu rpose(目的)of t his new s is to.A.t ell t he children w ho a re short sight ed t o t a keca re of t hemselv esB.bla me(指责)schools a nd pa rent s for childrens poor ey esightC.a
26、sk t he high school gra du a t es t o pa y a t t ent iont o t heir ey esightD.dra w people s specia l a t t ent ion(注意)t ochildren s ey esight3)A ccording(根据)t o t his new s only oft he children in S henz hen C it y ha v e good ey esight.A.45 percentB.less t ha n a ha lfC.5 5 percentD.t w o t hirds4
27、)B eca u se of poor ey esight,ma ny high schoolgra du a t es.A.w eren t a llow ed(允许)t o a t t end(参加)collegeB.cou ldn t gra du a t e(毕业)from schoolC.cou ldn t choose t o st u dy w ha t t hey liked bestD.lost t heir cha nces(机会)t o a t t end college5)Wha t ca u sed(弓 起)so ma ny children t o beshort sight ed?A.T oo mu ch rea ding.B.T oo mu ch T V.C.Poor light ing.D.A ll a bov e.八、小作文(5分)用连贯的不少于5句的句子描写你喜欢的动物。M y F a v orit e A nima l