1、 2023年我的梦想主题演讲稿5分钟内容关于梦想演讲稿三分钟(3篇)2023年我的幻想主题演讲稿5分钟内容 关于幻想演讲稿三分钟篇一 大家好 !我今日的演讲主题是我的职业,我的幻想 悄悄地泡一杯茶,看着茶叶在水面舒张开来,既而沉底。抿一口,清苦的味由舌尖扩散。捧一本书,面对的是安静与安详。在阳光的抚摩下,宁静地阅读。虽然看似无味,但这又何尝不是一种欢乐。然而现实总是将我逼得太紧,太紧让我不得不回到现实中来.每个人都会有或远大、或渺小、或美妙的幻想,而我也不例外。 谈到我的幻想,必需就要谈到我以后的职业了,将来的我是一名酒店的员工,在工作中,我们可能会由于领导的批判而心存不满 ,我们也可能会患病
2、无礼客人的辱骂而满腹委屈。但是,不经受风雨,又怎能见彩虹?不患病挫折,又怎能赢得来宾的认可和赞同?但是你是否会想到,当我们几经周折为客人查找到一个电话号码而受到客人的赞美时;当我们因每天叫醒一个住在酒店的来宾而受到他的认可时,我们应帮忙他们解决困难,而得到感谢时,我们或许成了他们未曾谋面的朋友,而他们也成了我们酒店最忠实的客人。那时我们的心情又将会如何? 在以后的职业中,一声亲切的问候,一个友善的微笑,无一不表达了我们对每一位来宾的关心。岁月无情,时间的消逝会带走我们的青春美貌,生活的砺炼会磨淡我们的壮志豪情,但是,却永久无法熄灭我们始终如一的效劳热忱。 而我的幻想呢,托尔斯泰曾经说过:“幻想
3、是盏指路明灯,没有幻想就没有坚决的方向,没有方向,就没有生活。”是啊!没有幻想的人就犹如行尸走肉,生活也就失去了味道。由于,只有幻想可以使我们拥抱盼望,只有幻想可以使我们保持充足的想象力和制造力。 或许大家很想问,幻想离现实毕竟有多远?而将来又能否胜利?我们应有青春这一梦幻般的黄金季节,对自己布满信念,将自己的才能发挥得淋漓尽致。“沉浮动静皆人生“。而我们却常用一种效益坐标来判别人生的状况。前进为正,后退为负,上升为优,下沉为劣。其实,人生远比这个坐标简单,进退沉浮所含的人生情趣也远不是正负优劣的单一。 水无点滴量的积存,难成大江河。人无点滴量的积存,难成大气候。在将来的职业中,没有兢兢业业的
5、;胜利最终会属于你的. 青春是无价而短暂的,幻想是漂亮而易碎的。这样无价而又短暂的青春因成为是我们一生中最刺眼、最精彩的时间。正值青春的我们应拼尽全力的去追赶自己心中的幻想。越挫越勇、不留余力!就算这幻想现在是遥不行及的、虚无缥缈的你也要拼劲全力的去追逐它、抓住他、实现它。跌倒了,有什么关系,拍拍土,站起来连续前行。现在正值青春的我们,都不全力的去奋斗、去拼搏,那幻想就永久只是幻想而已。不要等到我们两鬓花白时才去懊悔、懊恼为什么在我们年轻时不去努力、不去拼搏。 青年朋友们!今日,我们团聚一堂,明天,我们或许要为求学、为工作,为自己的职业而各奔前程。不管你身在何处,请记住这个自强不息、艰难创业的
6、优良传统,为自已马上逝去青春和聪慧才智,为建立富强、民立、文明的二十一世纪的社会主义国家而努力奋斗吧! 2023年我的幻想主题演讲稿5分钟内容 关于幻想演讲稿三分钟篇二 good evening,dear audience :i am happy that i can have such kind of opportunity to stand here to give you a speech. what i am going to talk about today is “my dream to shine”. we all want to believe that we are capa
7、ble of great feats ,we can call the potential to reach our fullest dream. “no young man believes he will ever fade”, it was a saying of my old friend , and a fine one . we look round in this world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress, as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain o
8、ur eager gaze forward . there is a feeling of eternity in youth, just right which makes us amend for everything. about my dream, it can be traced back to my childhood, i just want play more ,when i grew older, i was convinced that i would be a physicist or a psychologist. after ,its a pity for me th
9、at i could not do anything to approach it .although they have ceased to exist and dispeared ,they lead my growth along the way. dreams nourish our spirit ,they represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality . dream is the beacon. , without dream, there is no secure direction; without
10、 direction, there is no life. so i believe the important thing in life is to have a great dream, and the determination to attain it. without own dream, wecould never have grown up a real man .and in fact, not only for personal, but also for world. now, i have a dream that one day our nation would ri
11、se up and live out the true meaning of its pledge of territorial integrity and people”s rich and powerful,such as our diaoyu island. and as for personal dream, my ideal future career is to be a urban and regional plannerwho could function as a chief planner and designer of a city. at first, it was m
12、y natural teacher of senior high school who brought me great interest in architectures and cities when i was far away from urban planning . and then i met many cities in and out of books by myself .different places and different cultures just made me more interested in cities. i see that therere man
13、y problems caused by urban development and the lack of deliberate planning, such as environmental pollution, slums, urban sprawling establish the kind of housing, industrial, and retail facilities which can be built in it. others evaluate the impact of proposed residential or commercial development
14、and suggest ways for communities to respond. and i want to protect open space andagricultural land in the face of increasing demands for new homes and business. the urban planning system should be complete and can run itself and most cities have developed and therere much experience and many cases t
15、o learn. i want to commit. finally,planners usually can find a decent job and get good paid and i want to have a house, facing the sea with flowers in the future. i will take every effort to accomplish my dream .i wont let it become a fantasy , it is just my dream .maybe some years later , it will b
16、ecome true . i grew up in ages and also in thoughts. it was that time i began to know that life is a difficult journey. and it was that time i began to think about my life. i asked myself what a life i want to live, and what a man i want to be. but it was hard to give myself a satisfactory answer. b
17、ut maybe that is the best answer ,we are growing better in this process. in the journey of life, only our dreams are permanent, and only the spirit of pursuing dreams is permanent. classical is something not fade, but grow more precious with time pass by , so is dream. when i am old, maybe my dreams
18、 still shine, hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. i wish everyone can make your dream alive. good luck to everyone! thank you! hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. hold fast to dreams, for when dreams
19、go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. so my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. how to say future? maybe its a nice wish. let us make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. dreamers are not content
20、with merelymediocre , because no one ever dreams of going half way . sonow i will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow . once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my persona
21、lity with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will combine learning with doing. if i can achieve that, i think that i really grow up. to be honest, being a quiet girl can have the courage to show myself, i think i succeed. im not a diamond, not a crystal and nor a star, not
22、 something like jewels or planets will be always bright and twinkling as you imagine. but i do believe shining is not a dream far away, because i have seen the success is on its way. life is just like sailing on the sea, there are lots of fierce storms on your way. you should be brave enough to go t
23、hrough with full of confidence. you have to deal with it on your own, not depending on others. life is a long race, where you have to try your best to win the game. even sometimes you spare no effort, success is not easy to get. so just devote yourself to everything in your life. life is where you h
24、ave to show your honest personality foreverybody. it can win for the love and respect as prizes, live in the big big world, love is the eternal theme for human. all the above are the things i always remember in my teaching. independence, bravery devotion and love are the keys i need to shine and win
25、. everybody has his or her own dream, so do i. i keep on chasing my target and never give up. because i believe this is my time to shine. i do is a process of growing up, actually im standing here is a growth. if a persons life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these cho
26、ices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to become a man, a integr
27、ated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind,has the ability to judge right and wrong. 2023年我的幻想主题演讲稿5分钟内容 关于幻想演讲稿三分钟篇三 亲爱的教师,同学们; 大家好!今日我演讲的题目是中国梦,我的梦。 什么是梦?什么是中国梦?翻开历史的画卷,看那点点滴滴如散落在偌大沙滩上的沙石贝壳,我静静走过,贪欲地看着这些晶莹珍贵的财宝,时而捡起一两颗打动心灵的贝壳,寄出一份幻想,蹲下投放。中国梦,流淌
28、在岁月。 不知道从什么时候开头脑海中渐渐有了祖国的概念,或许是在第一次面对红旗飘飘,或许是在接过红领巾的那一刹那,记不起过往的种种,但我清晰地知道,没有祖国,就没有我的存在!我要努力成长,报效祖国!这个信念始终围绕在耳际,鼓励着我,鞭策着我:努力,努力. 第一次唱国歌是在二年级,记得那时候,心情是止不住的兴奋,每次放学路上都在一遍又一遍的练习着,渴望着有一天祖国能在我们这一辈发扬光大!那时候,幻想就像飘忽的羽毛,没有足够的重量和羁绊,却也拘束。流水匆忙,带走了一些,也转变了一些。渐渐地长大了,经受丰厚了些,心境也更务实了些。照旧饱有孩童时的冲劲但少了些冲动,由于在大千世界,我从来不是了然一身。
29、慢慢在社会大舞台上确立了自己的位置,于人生坐标轴中找到了自己的方向,也明白了肩上的责任。 我依稀的记得,教师曾经说过:甲午战败,日寇踏破中国门户;八国侵华,无情掠夺中国财产;七七事变,老弱妇孺残忍杀害.虽然这些我未亲身经受,但我可以想象到那种血腥。想我中华,泱泱大国,为何面对敌国侵入,而无力抵抗?不正由于科学技术的落后,封建制度的腐朽吗?我不知道那时候的中国人民的幻想是怎样的,但我明白,有梦才能使中国富强!一个国家假如没有幻想,那就等于没有目标,没有目标,国民又该朝着那个方向前进? 由此可见,幻想是多么的重要。有梦,还需有完成幻想的领航者!记得梁启超曾经说过:“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年
30、强则国强.”少年是祖国的盼望,是祖国的将来.假如没有少年,那么这个国家无论她多么的强大,也会不攻自破。作为新世纪的接班人,我们满怀幻想,幻想着有一天自己的祖国能够傲立于世界!那么,我们又该朝着那个方向努力?不行否认,一个人的力气是渺小的,但是一群人,一万人呢?因此,我们首先就要学会团结,所谓,人心齐泰山移,说的就是这个道理。而现在,我们就该好好学习科学文化学问,以此,来报效祖国。 我信任,只要我们努力,朝着幻想努力,那么终有一天他会变成现实,那时候,中国,又该是另外一番景象!中国梦,我的梦,宏大的中国,由于有梦,而富强!让我们从现在就努力,期盼着早日进入那幻想中的天堂! 我的演讲完毕,感谢大家!