1、RiddlesRiddlesn nWhat am I if I jump into the water?A waiter.Riddlesn nWhy is the letter Why is the letter E E like alike a dying person?dying person?Because its the end of life.Riddles n nWhy is the letter e so important?Because its the beginning of everything.Riddlesn nIf a dictionary goes from A
2、to Z,what goes from Z to A?A zebra Riddlesn nWhy is the letter n so unimportant?Because its the beginning of nothing.Riddlesn nWhy is the letter Why is the letter A A similar to 12 oclock?similar to 12 oclock?Because its in the middle of the day.RiddlesLunch and dinnern nWhat two things cant you hav
3、e for breakfast?RiddlesA wet one n nWhat kind of umbrella does a Russian carry when its raining?RiddlesA taxi-drivern nWho earns a living by driving his customers away?RiddlesA stamp n nWhat travels around the world and stays in a corner?RiddlesA blackboard n nWhat is white when its dirty and black
4、when its clean?RiddlesIn the dictionary.n nWhen does divorce come before marriage?RiddlesAn envelopen nWhat starts with E,ends with E and only has one letter?RiddlesHeat,because you can easily catch cold!n nWhich runs faster,heat or cold?RiddlesTulips n nWhat flowers does everyone have?Because it ne
5、ver Because it never shows the white feathershows the white feather.n nWhy is crow the bravest bird in the world?Why is crow the bravest bird in the world?Riddlesn nWhat word becomes shorter if you add two more letters to it?n nShort.Riddlesn nWhat starts with T,ends with T and is full of T?A teapot
6、 Riddlesn nWhat ring is square?What ring is square?n nWhat has four legs,but only one foot?What has four legs,but only one foot?n nWhat nail should you never hit with a hammer?What nail should you never hit with a hammer?n nWhat might one magnet say to another magnet?What might one magnet say to ano
7、ther magnet?n nWho earns his living without doing a days work?Who earns his living without doing a days work?n nWhat must you keep after giving it to someone What must you keep after giving it to someone else?else?n nWhy did the man throw a clock out of the Why did the man throw a clock out of the window?window?