1、When less is more?How to solve the problem?General reading (main idea)Read the text on page 12 quickly and fill in the blank.The text is mainly about Yellow River _(n.)and how 5 yuan can help to _ (vt.)it.erosionstop/solveGeneral reading (match)Pay attention to the first or the last sentence.An exam
2、ple of success.What to do with five yuan?My important role.Who to control the Y.R.erosion.The cause and bad effects.12345More challenges(detailed reading)Read the text carefully and try to work out the following challenges.ParaMain ideas 1What to do with five yuan?2The cause and the bad effects.3Who
3、 to control Yellow River erosion?4My important role.5A tree-planting program.1.With the money of selling trees,farmers can buy goods or services.2.Jiuchengong Valley has been changed into a green homeland.3.Now government has taken measures to make everyone buy a young tree with 5 yuan.4.Planting mo
4、re trees reduces soil erosion and makes soil stay on the land.More challenges (Decide T,F,or NI).Discussion 1.How do you understand the title When Less is More?Less _ More _moneytrees/benefits2.Talk about the local environment you live in.What can you and your friends do to improve it?Thinkglobally,act locallyLittle things can make a big difference