1、一Read and understand these words.crash _ die_ appear _suddenly _ from then on _碰撞出现死突然地从那时起What was the farmer doing?_What happen to the hare?_He was working in the field.He was growing vegetables.The hare ran very fast and crash into a tree.What did the farmer do with the hare?_He picked up the har
2、e and took it back home.He cooked it and had a delicious meal.What did the farmer do in the field?_Why did the farmer sit in the field all day?_He sat in the fieldBecause he waited for a hare to appear.三Read the passage after teacher.四Complete Part 2 on page 10.阅读文段,把数字编号填到相应图片下的括号内。五Read the passag
3、e after video.4231六Complete Part 3 on page 11.1.True 2.False(I didnt know how fast you could walk.)3.False(Go.)4.False(You will get to the city in two hours.)5.True 6.False 六Draw the mind-map.Before the farmer caught the hare.While the farmer caught the hare.After the farmer ate the hare.beforewhileafter