1、第二组成员名单:NO.44 邱诗励邱诗励NO.11 邢晓清邢晓清NO.23 陈红波陈红波NO.38 吴楚华吴楚华NO.4 马晓君马晓君NO.9 陈丹敏陈丹敏NO.40 方晓丹方晓丹NO.51 张晓群张晓群国际贸易术语国际贸易术语国际贸易术语国际贸易术语FOBFOBFree on Board(named port of shipment),Free on Board(named port of shipment),即船上即船上交货交货(指定装运港指定装运港)一、一、Definition“Free on board”means that the seller delivers when the g
2、oods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment.“船上交货”是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point.The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term can be used only for sea or inland
3、 waterway transport.这意味着买方必须从该点起承担一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口报关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。二、二、Obligations of the seller&the buyer Several key obligations of the seller and buyer worthy of emphasizing are listed in the following chart 掌握好掌握好FOB的规定能使你更的规定能使你更好的明白其他好的明白其他12个术语的内个术语的内容。因此有必要仔细研读并正容。因此有必要仔细研读
4、并正确掌握确掌握Incoterms2000年关于年关于FOB买卖双方的义务的规定。买卖双方的义务的规定。下表简单地列举了买卖双方下表简单地列举了买卖双方的几个需要重点强调的主要的几个需要重点强调的主要义务。义务。Good command of the provisions of FOB can help you understand the provision of other 12 trade terms much easier.So it is quite necessary to study the obligations of the seller and buyer under FO
5、B in Incotermd 2000 to get the exact meaning of it.Key Obligations of the Seller and Buyer under FOBSellers obligationsBuyers obligationsprovide goods&inform the buyerpayarrange shipment&inform the sellercarry out all export customs formalitiescarry out all import customs formalities&transit through
6、 any countriesbear all the risks of loss of or damage to the goods before they pass the ships railbear all the risks of loss of or damage to the goods when they pass the ships railprovide documentstake delivery&accept documentsFOB术语买卖术语买卖双方的主要双方的主要义务义务卖方义务买方义务1交货并通知买方1付款2租船/订舱,付运费并通知卖方2办理出口手续3负责进口手续
7、及过境运输3负责货物越过船舷前的一切费用和风险4负担货物越过船舷后的一切费用和风险4提供单证5收货,接受单据三、三、The particular points about the sales under FOBIn practice,when adopting FOB in sales contract,special attentions should be paid to the following issues:在实务中,当在买卖合同中使用FOB术语时,必须特别注意以下事项:(1)Risk-transfer point The risk-transfer point under FOB
8、is at the ships rail at the named port of shipment.Thus,a strong warning has been made in the preamble of FOB that the term should not be used when the parties do not intend delivery across the ships rail.It was felt that a change of the FOB-point would create unnecessary confusion,particularly with
9、 respect to sale of commodities carried by sea typically under charter parties.Therefore,its kept unchanged.(1)风险的转移点)风险的转移点 FOB风险的转移点在装运港的船舷。FOB的预言中有强烈的警告,若当事方无意超过船舷交货则不应使用该术语。更改FOB的交货点肯能会造成不必要的混乱,尤其对于使用租船合同进行运输来说,更是如此。为此,国际商会保留此项未做任何修改。(2)Delivery of the goods on board the vessel Incoterms are nei
10、ther international conventions,nor low,but an international commercial practice,so Incoterms have no force.(3)Link-up of vessel and goods Under FOB,it is the buyers primary duty to arrange shipment of the goods.Therefore both parties must try to ensure that transfer of the goods meet the shipment sc
11、hedule provided by certain voyage line.So,on one hand,the buyer should send the ship just in time,on the other hand,the seller should deliver the goods to the nominated port.(4)Fees for loading the goods on board Under FOB,the point of risk and delivery is over the ships rail.But it is hard to use s
12、hips rail as a point to divide responsibilities and cost because the loading of the goods is a continuous performance!(2)货物装上船的要求)货物装上船的要求Incoterms 不是国际条约,也不是法律,仅仅是国际惯例而已,所以Incoterms 不具有法律约束力。(3)船货衔接)船货衔接 在FOB下,安排运输货物的船只是买方的基本责任。为此双方必须努力确保货物的交付时间和相关航线的船期衔接。因此,一方面,买方须及时安排船只或舱位;另一方面,卖方把货物送到指定的港口。(4)货物
13、装上船的费用)货物装上船的费用FOB 术语风险和费用的转移点是“越过”船舷。但以船舷作为区分责任和费用的点有点困难,因为装载货物是一个连续的过程!Link-up of vessel and goods 船货船货衔接问题:衔接问题:Stocking notice 备货通知Send out boats notice 派船通知Shipment notice 装船通知Expressions frequently used in charter parties,such as FOB stowed,FOB stowed and trimmed(short as the variations of FOB
14、),are sometimes used in contracts of sale in order to clarify to what extent the seller under FOB has to perform stowage and trimming of the goods on board the ship.There are FIVE variations of FOB commonly used to define the issue:FOB Liner Terms FOB Under Tackle FOB Stowed FOB Trimmed FOB Stowed a
15、nd Trimmed(FOBST)Loading,stowing and trimming charges are to be borne by the seller.Attention which should be given specially to the variations of FOB,is these variations are not defined by ICC.They are just what the seller and buyer refer to commercial practice in liner and charter party trade.为此,在
16、租船合同中经常使用的表达方法如“FOB理舱”,“FOB理舱和平舱”等(被简单成为FOB的变形),有时被用在销售合同中以明确在FOB术语下卖方要在何种程度内负担装货及理舱和平舱的义务。具体的这些表达法有:FOB班轮的条件(FOB Liner Terms 或 FOB Gross Terms 或 FOB Berth Terms)FOB吊钩下交货(FOB Under Tackle)FOB包括理舱(FOB Stowed)FOB包括平舱(FOB Trimmed)FOB包括理舱和平舱(FOB Stowed and Trimmed 或 FOBST)装货、理舱和平舱的费用都由卖方承担。对于以上FOB的变形,需要
17、特别注意的是这些变形不是由国际商会所定义的,只是卖方和买方援引班轮和租船合同中的商业惯例而已。(5)FOB in Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1990Extreme caution is necessary when conducting business with exporters in USA.FOB in Revised American Foreign Trade Definition 1990 can be interpreted as:FOB(named inland carrier at named inland poi
18、nt of departure)FOB(named inland carrier at named inland point of departure)freight prepaid to(named point of exportation)FOB(named inland carrier at named inland point of departure)freight allowed to(named point)FOB(named inland carrier at named point of exportation)FOB Vessel(named point of shipme
19、nt)FOB(named inland point in country of importation)Among the above six interpretations of FOB,only the fifth one is similar with Incoterms regarding the obligations of the seller and buyer,except that the seller is not obliged to obtain any necessary export documentation,or to implement customs dec
20、laration.(5)1990年美国对外贸易定义年美国对外贸易定义修订本修订本中的中的FOB当美国出口商进行交易时需要特别注意。1990年美国对外贸易定义修订本把FOB术语分为六种,它们分别是:FOB在指定内陆发货点的指定内陆运输工具上交货;FOB在指定内陆发货点的指定内陆运输工具上交货,运费预付到指定的出口地点;FOB在指定内陆发货点的指定内陆运输工具上交货,减除至指定地点的运费;FOB在指定出口地点的指定内陆运输工具上交货;FOB Vessel 船上交货(指定装运港);FOB在指定进口国内陆地点交货。在上述六种规定中,只有第五种与Incoterms 对FOB买卖双方义务的规定相似,除了前
21、者没有规定卖方必须取得任何出口所需文件,及履行出口报关手续外。温馨提示温馨提示 warm note:FOB条件下:记住3个时间(注:FOB条件下,租船订舱是由买方负责的,但是如有必要买方可请求卖方租船订舱,但费用一切由买方承担,而且卖方有权拒绝这项工作)1、卖方货妥通知的期限(the time limit to notify the buyer that goods have been prepared)2、买方派船通知的期限(the time limit to notify the seller of the ships information)3、卖方装船通知的期限(the time li
22、mit to the buyer that good have been loned)跟美国人签订FOB合同时应注意:写上FOB Vessed New York subject to Incoterms 2000.我们一起练习:我们一起练习:1、我国从汉堡进口货物,如按、我国从汉堡进口货物,如按FOB条件成交,需由条件成交,需由我方派船到汉堡口案接运货物;而按我方派船到汉堡口案接运货物;而按CIF条件成交,条件成交,则由出口方洽租船舶将货物运往中国港口,可见,我则由出口方洽租船舶将货物运往中国港口,可见,我方按方按FOB进口承担的货物运输风险比按进口承担的货物运输风险比按CIF进口承担进口承担
23、的风险大。的风险大。()2、FOB价格术语的变形是因装货费用的负担问题而价格术语的变形是因装货费用的负担问题而产生的,而产生的,而CIF价格术语的变形则是因卸货费用的负价格术语的变形则是因卸货费用的负担问题而产生的。担问题而产生的。()3、FOB价格条件按各国惯例解释都是卖方负责申请价格条件按各国惯例解释都是卖方负责申请领取出口许可证和支付出口税。领取出口许可证和支付出口税。()4、在、在FOB条件下,卖方可以接受买方委托,代理租条件下,卖方可以接受买方委托,代理租船订舱手续。船订舱手续。()FTFTCase study:案例:FOB FOB United Kingdom(the buyer)
24、would like to buy products(10000000)United Kingdom(the buyer)would like to buy products(10000000)from Xian(the seller),and required that the goods were from Xian(the seller),and required that the goods were shipped to Qingdao.After arrival terminals warehouseshipped to Qingdao.After arrival terminal
25、s warehouse,there there was a fire in the night before delivery.According to this case,was a fire in the night before delivery.According to this case,combined with textbook knowledge,please answer the following combined with textbook knowledge,please answer the following two questionstwo questions Q
26、1:Q1:Under FOB,who should bear the risk of the loss of or Under FOB,who should bear the risk of the loss of or damage to the goods?Why?damage to the goods?Why?Q2:Q2:Actually,what did the seller do?Actually,what did the seller do?案例:案例:FOB青岛青岛英国(买方)要向西安(卖方)买产品(英国(买方)要向西安(卖方)买产品(1000万),要求把货物运到青岛结果货物到达
27、码头仓万),要求把货物运到青岛结果货物到达码头仓库后在发货前一晚发生火灾,卖方应得出什么教库后在发货前一晚发生火灾,卖方应得出什么教训?训?Answer:The seller:As the definition of FOB shows that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment.And the risk-transfer point under FOBis at the ships at the named port of shipment.It means
28、 that the seller has to bear all cost and risks of loss of damage to the goods.no insurance;It was not consideration that xian is the inland city,generally,it was not recommended to use FOB.In terms of the seller,from xian to Qingdao for a long distance,so it means that the goods should be delivered
29、 for a long time.Also means that the seller should bear the big risk if the goods were lost.分分析:由析:由FOB的定义可知,货物在指定装运港越过船的定义可知,货物在指定装运港越过船舷时,卖方就完成了交货的义务。由此也可知,舷时,卖方就完成了交货的义务。由此也可知,FOB风险转风险转移点就是装运港的船舷。但事实上,货物在装上货船之前就移点就是装运港的船舷。但事实上,货物在装上货船之前就已经被毁了,没有越过风险转移点,这就意味着已经被毁了,没有越过风险转移点,这就意味着 卖方要承担卖方要承担所有的风险。所有的风险。2没有买保险;没有买保险;无考虑到西安是内陆城市,不建议用无考虑到西安是内陆城市,不建议用FOB对卖方而言,从西安到青岛有一段距离,也意味着货物脱手对卖方而言,从西安到青岛有一段距离,也意味着货物脱手时间长,承担风险也越大。时间长,承担风险也越大。