1、I.Language,Culture and Translation What correlation can you find between them?What correlation can you find between them?语言是文化的载体;文化是语言的土壤;翻译是跨文化交流的桥梁。语言是文化的载体;文化是语言的土壤;翻译是跨文化交流的桥梁。每一种语言都从文化中获得生命和营养,所以我们不能只注意如何将一种语言译成另一种语言,还必须力每一种语言都从文化中获得生命和营养,所以我们不能只注意如何将一种语言译成另一种语言,还必须力求表达两种文化在思维方式与表达情感方面的习惯。求表达两
2、种文化在思维方式与表达情感方面的习惯。翻译活动不仅是语言文字的转换活动,更是不同文化的交流和移植活动,翻译所涉及的不仅是两种语言,翻译活动不仅是语言文字的转换活动,更是不同文化的交流和移植活动,翻译所涉及的不仅是两种语言,更涉及两种文化。更涉及两种文化。第1页/共28页II.Lexical Equivalence Read the following words or phrases to see whether Read the following words or phrases to see whether you can find equivalent expressions in t
3、he TL.you can find equivalent expressions in the TL.television television 电视电视 radar radar 雷达雷达 wheat wheat 小麦小麦 医生医生 doctordoctor 西政西政 SWUPLSWUPL 早饭早饭 breakfast breakfast 1=1 第2页/共28页 marry marry 嫁、娶嫁、娶 wife wife 妻子、老婆、爱人、夫人妻子、老婆、爱人、夫人 cousin cousin 堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹表姐、表妹 杯子
4、杯子 cup,glass,mugcup,glass,mug 工厂工厂 factory,plant,mill,worksfactory,plant,mill,works 明显明显 evidently,apparently,obviouslyevidently,apparently,obviously1=2 or more 第3页/共28页 青少年青少年(八九岁到八九岁到2020多岁的人多岁的人)teenager(13-19teenager(13-19岁的人岁的人)知识分子知识分子(上过学有知识的人上过学有知识的人)intellectual(intellectual(有学问、层次较高的知识分有学问
5、、层次较高的知识分子子)学者学者(知识渊博的人知识渊博的人)scholar(scholar(正在学习的人或有学问的人正在学习的人或有学问的人)11第4页/共28页 PredatorPredator (以猎食其他动物为生的动物;猎食动物以猎食其他动物为生的动物;猎食动物)PreyPrey (被别的动物捕食的动物;被食动物被别的动物捕食的动物;被食动物)ScavengerScavenger (吃死动物的动物;食尸动物吃死动物的动物;食尸动物)weekday weekday (星期天或星期六、星期天以外的日子;平星期天或星期六、星期天以外的日子;平日日)1=none第5页/共28页 Try to f
6、ind an equivalent for a word or expression to achieve Try to find an equivalent for a word or expression to achieve faithfulness.faithfulness.(1)speak ones mind(1)speak ones mind 畅所欲言畅所欲言(2)turn up ones nose at(2)turn up ones nose at 嗤之以鼻嗤之以鼻(3)touch and go(3)touch and go 一触即发一触即发(4)hit the nail on
7、the head(4)hit the nail on the head 一语道破一语道破(5)(5)充耳不闻充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear toturn a deaf ear to(6)(6)大海捞针大海捞针 look for a needle in a bundle of haylook for a needle in a bundle of hay(7)(7)颠倒黑白颠倒黑白 talk black into whitetalk black into white(8)(8)骑虎难下骑虎难下 hold a wolf by the earhold a wolf by the ear第6
8、页/共28页(9)Make hay while the sun shines.(9)Make hay while the sun shines.趁热打铁。趁热打铁。(10)Ill news travels fast.(10)Ill news travels fast.好事不出门,坏事传千里。好事不出门,坏事传千里。(11)(11)皇天不负苦心人。皇天不负苦心人。Everything comes to him who waits.Everything comes to him who waits.(12)(12)小巫见大巫。小巫见大巫。The moon is not seen when the
9、sun shines.The moon is not seen when the sun shines.(13)I took the news(13)I took the news with a grain of saltwith a grain of salt.我对这个消息半信半疑。我对这个消息半信半疑。(14)Unless youve(14)Unless youve got an ace up your sleevegot an ace up your sleeve,we are,we are dished.dished.除非你有锦囊妙计,否则,我们是输定了。除非你有锦囊妙计,否则,我们是
10、输定了。第7页/共28页(15)She is now(15)She is now between the devil and deep seabetween the devil and deep sea on this on this matter.matter.她在这个问题上进退维谷。她在这个问题上进退维谷。(16)(16)这些国家的经济形势这些国家的经济形势每况愈下每况愈下。The economic situation in these countries is The economic situation in these countries is on the down gradeon
11、 the down grade.(17)(17)为了为了掩人耳目掩人耳目,他们把自己打扮成革命者。,他们把自己打扮成革命者。In order to In order to throw dust into the eye of the publicthrow dust into the eye of the public,they decked themselves,they decked themselves out as revolutionaries.out as revolutionaries.(18)(18)照当时情况,他除了照当时情况,他除了忍气吞声忍气吞声又能怎么办呢?又能怎么办呢
12、?As things stood,what else could he do but As things stood,what else could he do but swallow the insultswallow the insult?第8页/共28页 Dont take the words too literally.Dont take the words too literally.(19)pull sbs leg(19)pull sbs leg 愚弄;开玩笑愚弄;开玩笑 *拉后腿拉后腿(20)move heaven and earth(20)move heaven and ear
13、th 想方设法;千方百计想方设法;千方百计 *翻天覆地,感天动地翻天覆地,感天动地(21)childs play(21)childs play 简单的东西,容易的事情简单的东西,容易的事情 *儿戏儿戏(22)eat ones words(22)eat ones words 承认自己说错了话承认自己说错了话 *食言食言(23)dog-eat-dog(23)dog-eat-dog 残酷争夺;人吃人的关系残酷争夺;人吃人的关系 *狗咬狗狗咬狗第9页/共28页III.Lexical Gap 1.Lexical gap resulting from social and living 1.Lexical
14、 gap resulting from social and living surroundingssurroundings blockblock AmE(the distance along one of the sides of)a building AmE(the distance along one of the sides of)a building or a group of buildings between two streets or a group of buildings between two streets 街区;四条街区;四条街当中的区街当中的区(24)I live
15、 two blocks from the school.(24)I live two blocks from the school.我住在离学校两条街远的地方。我住在离学校两条街远的地方。/我的住处和学校之间相隔两条大街。我的住处和学校之间相隔两条大街。(25)The place youre looking for is three blocks along(25)The place youre looking for is three blocks along the street.the street.沿此街过三条马路便到了你要找的地方。沿此街过三条马路便到了你要找的地方。第10页/共28
16、页 landinglanding the level space or passage at the top of a set of stairs the level space or passage at the top of a set of stairs between two sets of stairs between two sets of stairs 楼梯顶部的走廊;楼梯阶段楼梯顶部的走廊;楼梯阶段间的驻脚台间的驻脚台(26)She brought up the water,stopping at each landing(26)She brought up the water
17、,stopping at each landing to get her breath.to get her breath.她提水上楼,在每一个楼梯拐弯处歇脚喘气。她提水上楼,在每一个楼梯拐弯处歇脚喘气。living roomliving room a room for general family use,usually during leisure a room for general family use,usually during leisure hours and for entertaining hours and for entertaining 客厅客厅第11页/共28页 2
18、.Lexical gap resulting from social customs2.Lexical gap resulting from social customs 红白喜事红白喜事 weddings and funeralsweddings and funerals saladsalad a dish consisting of green,leafy raw vegetables,often a dish consisting of green,leafy raw vegetables,often with radish,cucumber or tomato,served with
19、a with radish,cucumber or tomato,served with a dressing dressing 沙拉沙拉/色拉,由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,色拉,由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有小萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用常加有小萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用 吃过了吗?吃过了吗?*Have you had your meal?How do you do?/How are*Have you had your meal?How do you do?/How are you?you?第12页/共28页 阴阴 阳阳 功夫功夫 天干地支天干地支 农历节气农历节气 中医术
20、语中医术语 刘师傅刘师傅?Master Worker Liu(master worker?Master Worker Liu(master worker仅指可以收徒工的仅指可以收徒工的工人,而且不可用作称呼语,而实际上工人,而且不可用作称呼语,而实际上“师傅师傅”一词可一词可用于一般工人或者其他行业的人。用于一般工人或者其他行业的人。)二哥二哥?Brother Two,?The Second Brother?Brother Two,?The Second Brother 阿庆嫂阿庆嫂?Sister Aqing(“?Sister Aqing(“嫂嫂”指结了婚的女人。指结了婚的女人。)第13页/共
21、28页 My grandfather is his My grandfather is his cousincousin,so hes kith and kin(,so hes kith and kin(亲戚亲戚朋友朋友)to me somehow,if you can make that out,I cant.)to me somehow,if you can make that out,I cant.我的祖父跟他是我的祖父跟他是堂兄弟或表兄弟堂兄弟或表兄弟,因此他和我有亲戚关,因此他和我有亲戚关系,也许你能够把这个关系弄清楚,我可没有办法弄清系,也许你能够把这个关系弄清楚,我可没有办法弄清
22、这个关系。这个关系。Three Three cousinscousins of the French President were also to of the French President were also to receive diamonds.receive diamonds.法国总统的三位法国总统的三位远亲远亲后来也接受了一些金刚石。后来也接受了一些金刚石。她从贫苦的她从贫苦的姑家姑家,又转到更贫苦的,又转到更贫苦的姨家姨家。She had lived for a while with some impoverished She had lived for a while wit
23、h some impoverished paternal relativespaternal relatives,then had been bundled off to some,then had been bundled off to some maternal relativesmaternal relatives who were,if anything,even worse who were,if anything,even worse off.off.第14页/共28页 我属鸡。我从来不吃鸡。鸡年是我的本命年。我属鸡。我从来不吃鸡。鸡年是我的本命年。I was born in th
24、e Year of the Rooster.I never eat I was born in the Year of the Rooster.I never eat chicken.The Year of Rooster will bring me good luck chicken.The Year of Rooster will bring me good luck or bad luck.(Chinese people traditionally use 12 or bad luck.(Chinese people traditionally use 12 animals,repres
25、enting the 12 Earthly Branches,to animals,representing the 12 Earthly Branches,to symbolize the year in which a person is born.1993,for symbolize the year in which a person is born.1993,for example,is the Year of Rooster.People born in this example,is the Year of Rooster.People born in this year hav
26、e the rooster as their life symbol.All other year have the rooster as their life symbol.All other years of the rooster,according to an old Chinese years of the rooster,according to an old Chinese saying,become either good or bad luck years for saying,become either good or bad luck years for them.)th
27、em.)第15页/共28页 醋醋vs.vinegarvs.vinegar(赵辛楣)一肚皮的酒,几乎全化成酸醋(赵辛楣)一肚皮的酒,几乎全化成酸醋 The wine in Xinmeis stomach turned to sour vinegar The wine in Xinmeis stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy.in his jealousy.龙龙vs.dragonvs.dragon 望子成龙望子成龙hope ones children will have a bright hope ones children will ha
28、ve a bright future(*hope ones children will become a dragon in future(*hope ones children will become a dragon in the future)the future)like a dragonlike a dragon凶猛地凶猛地 Shes a dragonShes a dragon她是个凶狠的女人。她是个凶狠的女人。第16页/共28页 猫头鹰猫头鹰vs.owlvs.owl 英语中英语中owlowl是智慧的象征:是智慧的象征:as wise as an owlas wise as an o
29、wl。在儿童读。在儿童读物和漫画中,物和漫画中,owlowl通常很严肃,很有头脑,常充当裁判。通常很严肃,很有头脑,常充当裁判。汉语里的汉语里的“猫头鹰猫头鹰”则与前兆、迷信有关,人们怕碰上则与前兆、迷信有关,人们怕碰上它而倒霉。它而倒霉。孔雀孔雀vs.peacockvs.peacock 在中国文化中孔雀是吉祥的象征,而在中国文化中孔雀是吉祥的象征,而peacockpeacock在英语中在英语中则表示则表示one making a proud or arrogant display of one making a proud or arrogant display of himselfhims
30、elf,如:,如:the young peacock,proud as a peacockthe young peacock,proud as a peacock。第17页/共28页 柳柳vs.willowvs.willow 在中国文化中,柳树常用以喻指春天的来临和春光的明在中国文化中,柳树常用以喻指春天的来临和春光的明媚(媚(“春风杨柳万千条春风杨柳万千条”);又由于与);又由于与“留留”同音,古同音,古人常借其抒发离别思念之情(诗经:昔我往矣,杨人常借其抒发离别思念之情(诗经:昔我往矣,杨柳依依,今我来思,雨雪霏霏)。在西方文化中,古时柳依依,今我来思,雨雪霏霏)。在西方文化中,古时有戴柳
31、叶花圈以哀悼死者的习俗,故有戴柳叶花圈以哀悼死者的习俗,故“wear the“wear the willow”willow”有有“痛失心爱的人,思念亲人痛失心爱的人,思念亲人”的意思。的意思。You are quite wrong in supposing that I have any You are quite wrong in supposing that I have any call to wear the willow Miss Windsor never has call to wear the willow Miss Windsor never has been to me m
32、ore than a bubble.been to me more than a bubble.如果你以为我必须为失去自己心爱的人而哀伤,如果你以为我必须为失去自己心爱的人而哀伤,那那你就大错而特错了。你就大错而特错了。温莎小姐温莎小姐对我来说,从来对我来说,从来就是无足轻重的。就是无足轻重的。第18页/共28页 3.Lexical gap resulting from religious beliefs3.Lexical gap resulting from religious beliefs Good Samaritan lawGood Samaritan law 1.a statute
33、granting immunity to good Samaritans,1.a statute granting immunity to good Samaritans,especially physicians or other health professionals who especially physicians or other health professionals who happen upon the scene of an emergency or happen to happen upon the scene of an emergency or happen to
34、be present when an emergency occurs,for any alleged be present when an emergency occurs,for any alleged negligence in their efforts to render assistance to those negligence in their efforts to render assistance to those in need.in need.紧急救助过失免责法紧急救助过失免责法 2.(in a few states and some foreign countries
35、)a law 2.(in a few states and some foreign countries)a law requiring individuals at the scene of an emergency to requiring individuals at the scene of an emergency to render assistance to the extent that they can do so render assistance to the extent that they can do so without danger to themselves
36、or others.without danger to themselves or others.紧急救助法紧急救助法第19页/共28页 Good Samaritan:Good Samaritan:好撒玛利亚人;乐善好施者。这一典故来好撒玛利亚人;乐善好施者。这一典故来自自圣经圣经 路加福音路加福音1010(LUKE 10LUKE 10)“好撒玛利亚人的比好撒玛利亚人的比喻喻”(The Parable of the Good SamaritanThe Parable of the Good Samaritan)。有一个律法)。有一个律法师(师(an expert in law an exper
37、t in law)试探耶酥()试探耶酥(JesusJesus)怎样才可以获得)怎样才可以获得永生。耶酥问他律法上是怎么写的?他回答说:永生。耶酥问他律法上是怎么写的?他回答说:“你要尽心、你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的神,尽性、尽力、尽意爱主你的神,”而且而且“要爱你的邻居如同要爱你的邻居如同爱你自己。爱你自己。”(Love your neighbor as yourself.Love your neighbor as yourself.)那人又问)那人又问耶酥:耶酥:“谁是我的邻居呢?谁是我的邻居呢?”耶酥回答说:耶酥回答说:“有一个人从耶有一个人从耶路撒冷去耶利哥(路撒冷去耶利哥(Je
38、rusalem to JerichoJerusalem to Jericho)落到了一强盗手中。)落到了一强盗手中。他们剥去了他的衣裳,把他打个半死,就丢下他走了。有一他们剥去了他的衣裳,把他打个半死,就丢下他走了。有一个祭司(个祭司(priestpriest)从这条路下来,看见了他,但从他身边过)从这条路下来,看见了他,但从他身边过去了。又有一个利末人(去了。又有一个利末人(LeviteLevite)来到这个地方,看见他,)来到这个地方,看见他,也照样从他的身边过去了。惟有一个撒玛利亚人也照样从他的身边过去了。惟有一个撒玛利亚人(SamaritanSamaritan)行路来到那里,看见他就动
39、了慈心,上前用)行路来到那里,看见他就动了慈心,上前用油和酒油和酒 (oil and wineoil and wine)倒在他的伤处,包裹好了,扶他骑倒在他的伤处,包裹好了,扶他骑上自己的牲口,带到店里去照应他。第二天,又拿出二钱银上自己的牲口,带到店里去照应他。第二天,又拿出二钱银子来,替他交给了店主子来,替他交给了店主耶酥问他:耶酥问他:“你想,这三个人哪你想,这三个人哪一个是那位落难之人的邻居呢?律法师说:一个是那位落难之人的邻居呢?律法师说:“是怜悯他的。是怜悯他的。”耶酥说:耶酥说:“你去照样做吧。你去照样做吧。”第20页/共28页(27)When the(27)When the G
40、ood SamaritanGood Samaritan and I informed the and I informed the woman that an ambulance was on its way,she perked woman that an ambulance was on its way,she perked up(up(振作振作),saying that she did not want an ambulance),saying that she did not want an ambulance but would like to go home.(but would
41、like to go home.(New York TimesNew York Times)(28)(28)谋事在人,成事在谋事在人,成事在天天。Man proposes,Man proposes,HeavenHeaven disposes.disposes.Man proposes,Man proposes,GodGod disposes.disposes.第21页/共28页 4.Lexical gap resulting from national psychology4.Lexical gap resulting from national psychology“这这断子绝孙断子绝孙的阿
42、的阿Q Q!”远远地听到小尼姑的带哭的声远远地听到小尼姑的带哭的声音。音。“Ah Q,may you Ah Q,may you die sonlessdie sonless!(a curse intolerable to!(a curse intolerable to ear in Chinese)”sounded the little nuns voice tearfully ear in Chinese)”sounded the little nuns voice tearfully in the distance.in the distance.(在中国人的观念中这种骂人的话是最刻毒的咒
43、语,而在中国人的观念中这种骂人的话是最刻毒的咒语,而在西方文化中,独身主义蔚然成风,断子绝孙对个人和在西方文化中,独身主义蔚然成风,断子绝孙对个人和家庭而言无足轻重,因此不可能理解家庭而言无足轻重,因此不可能理解“sonless”sonless”的文的文化含义。化含义。)第22页/共28页(3)(3)一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了胖了”,说我,说我“胖了胖了”之后即大骂其新党。(鲁迅祝福)之后即大骂其新党。(鲁迅祝福)When we met,after exchanging a few polite remarks When we met,after exchang
44、ing a few polite remarks he said I was fatter,and after saying that immediately he said I was fatter,and after saying that immediately started a violent attack in the revolutionaries.started a violent attack in the revolutionaries.After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met,After exchanging a
45、few polite remarks when we met,he observed that I looked“fat”,and he observed that I looked“fat”,and having made that having made that complimentary remarkcomplimentary remark he started a violent attack on he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.the revolutionaries.(中国人见面习惯说中国人见面习惯说“胖了胖了
46、”,“发福了发福了”,而西方人忌讳,而西方人忌讳肥胖,容易误解为一方对另一方的一种提醒或告戒。肥胖,容易误解为一方对另一方的一种提醒或告戒。)(4)(4)毛主席问陈妻:毛主席问陈妻:“你们俩你们俩感情感情好不好?好不好?”陈妻答:陈妻答:“好。好。”主席听了感到非常高兴。主席听了感到非常高兴。Then Chairman Mao talked with Chens wife.He was Then Chairman Mao talked with Chens wife.He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life.pleased t
47、o know that they had a happy home life.(汉语中上对下出于关心询问婚姻、年龄、家庭、感情汉语中上对下出于关心询问婚姻、年龄、家庭、感情等是很正常的,但在西方这则是对隐私的侵犯。等是很正常的,但在西方这则是对隐私的侵犯。)第23页/共28页III.Translation of Lexical Gap 1)1)解释法(用于典故成语等等)解释法(用于典故成语等等)东施效颦东施效颦?Dongshi imitates Xishi.?Dongshi imitates Xishi.The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a dis
48、torted way The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse.that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse.狗嘴吐不出象牙狗嘴吐不出象牙 A filthy mouth cant utter decent language.A filthy mouth cant utter decent language.第24页/共28页 2)2)音译:音译:Hippies(Hippies(嬉皮士嬉皮士),炕,
49、炕(kang)(kang)3)3)音译加解释音译加解释 班门弄斧班门弄斧 This is like showing off ones proficiency with the axe This is like showing off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter.before Lu Ban the master carpenter.粽子粽子 zongzi made of glutinous rice zongzi made of glutinous rice 观音观音 Buddhism Guan
50、yin,the Goddess of MercyBuddhism Guanyin,the Goddess of Mercy 鸳鸯鸳鸯 Mandarin duck and drake lovebirdsMandarin duck and drake lovebirds第25页/共28页 4)4)音译加范畴概念词音译加范畴概念词 chocolate chocolate 巧克力巧克力 糖糖 opium opium 鸦片鸦片 烟烟 golf golf 高尔夫高尔夫 球球 rifle rifle 来福来福 枪枪 nylon nylon 尼龙尼龙 布布第26页/共28页 5)5)意译:根据该词的内涵造词。