1、团队图式的性别角色定向效应:对美国一所联邦卫生保健机构指标的多变量分析qThe Effects Of Gender Role Orientation On Team Schema:qA Multivariate Analysis Of Indicators In a U.S.Federal Health Care Organizationq ROBERT F.SCHERER q College OF Business Wright State University q莱特州立大学商学院q JOSEPH A.PETRICKq Department of Management Wright Sta
2、te University q莱特州立大学管理系qThe Journal of Social Psychology Vol 141 No.1 Feb,2001性别角色定向:是个人对一种标准预期的接受或排斥,这种预期就是一定社会环境下对男性或女性行为的义务、责任和规则的假定。qGender role orientation may be conceptualized as an individuals acceptance or rejection of the “normative expectations about the duties,responsibilities ,and rule
3、s for behavior in specific situations that men and women in a given society should assume”q 一个传统型性别角色定向的人较多的是对这种标准预期的接受,而非传统型性别角色定向的人则更多的是对这种标准预期的排斥。图式:是一种从原有经验发展而来的知识 结构,用来组织新的信息和增进共同的理解qA schema is a knowledge structure developed from past experience that organizes new information and facilitates
4、shared understandingq当不同心理性别的成员进入一个团队,其心理性别和团队图式会指导他们作为团队成员的一些假设、预期和行为。性别图式和自我图式两种理论,被用来解释为什么有些人比其他人更愿意用生理和心理性别作为分类、处理和评价信息的基础。nTwo theoriesgender schema theory and self-schema theoryhave been proposed to explain why some people are more likely to use biological sex and psychosocial gender as the ba
5、sis for categorizing,assimilating,or evaluating information.根据心理性别图式理论,具有性别图式意味着自发地将原因和行为归于与心理性别有关的范畴,而不考虑与性别无关的其他可行的范畴nAccording to gender schema theory,being gender schema means spontaneously sorting attributes and behaviors into categories related to gender,despite viable alternative categories u
6、nrelated to gender.根据自我图式理论,一个在某一领域具有图式的人能够被认为是在该领域属于“专家”型的人nAccording to self-schema theory,a person who is schematic in a particular area can be thought of as an “expert”within that domain.n两种理论最大的不同在于,自我图式理论认为个体只有在与自我相关的特定状态时才会具有性别图式。The biggest distinction between self-schema theorists and gende
7、r schema theorists is that the former argue that individuals are gender schematic only in more specifically self-related ways.以往对个人在使用心理或生理性别因素作为参考和评价的认知结构的不同趋势的经验调查,几乎一直都集中在性别图式如何指导信息处理上。nEmpirical investigators of individual differences in the tendency to use psychosocial gender or biological sex
8、as a cognitive frame of reference and evaluation have focused nearly exclusively on how gender schema directs information processing.n然而本研究的所关注的是,根植于性别图式或自我图式理论上的性别角色定向对团队图式的影响。Of interest in the present study,however,is the relation of gender role orientation,grounded in either gender or self-schem
9、as,to team schemas.团队图式,可以定义为从原有团队经验发展而来的各种知识结构,用来组织新的信息和增进对团队相关现象的理解。nTeam schemas can be defined as knowledge structures developed from past team experiences that organize new information and facilitate understanding of team-related phenomena.以前的研究者提出的一些研究结论:The foregoing researchers produced cons
10、istent results:n团队成员在考虑各种团队现象过程中发展起相似的团队图式。Team members developed similar team schemas over time regarding various team-related phenomena.n团队的全面有效性与成员相似的团队图式有关。Similar team schemas among team members were related to overall team effectiveness.n团队图式首先从原有的团队经验发展而来。Team schemas were developed primarily
11、 from past team experience.与团队有效和无效相关的一个重要变量是团队的心理性别构成。One important variable associated with team effectiveness and ineffectiveness is team gender composition.n心理性别构成对团队作用影响的研究结论各不相同。The results of research on the impact of gender composition on team functioning have been mixed.n关于成员之间的凝聚力,凝聚的程度趋向取
12、决于团队成员的心理性别构成。With regard to interpersonal cohesion,cohesion levels tend to vary depending on the teams gender composition.该研究的理论基础是明显的。The rationale for the present study is evident.n各种不同心理性别角色定向的团队成员,在理解和评价团队工作过程中会有很大不同。Mixed-gender team members with varied gender role orientations may understand
13、and evaluate the process of teamwork very differently.n以前的研究者只研究了心理性别角色定向对小组变量的影响,而没有特别注意性别角色如何影响团队图式。Whereas previous investigators have identified the effects of gender role orientation on group variables,they have not focused specifically on how gender role may effect team schemas.我们提出以下问题作为本研究的开
14、始:We posed the following research question to guide the study:n研究的问题:心理性别角色定向影响团队成员对团队图式的评价吗?Research question:Does gender role orientation affect team members evaluations of team schemas?方法 Method 1n参与者 该研究的参与者是位于美国中西部城市的一所大型联邦卫生保健机构的649名职员。Team members participating in present study were 649 emplo
15、yees of a large federally operated care facility in a mid-western metropolitan area of the United States.n团队图式测试 我们从2000组织调查的项目中建立团队图式的指标体系。We constructed team schema indicators from items included in the Survey of Organizations2000.(SOO-2000)方法 Method 2n在该研究中,我们用了5个因素作为测量团队图式的指标:影响和控制,组织功能,团队建设,同事工
16、作的协作和冲突的解决。For the present investigation,we used five indices as team schema indicators:influence and control,group functioning,team building,peer work facilitation,and conflict resolution.n几项指标的可靠性系数依次从0.65到0.91,其中四项指标的系数达到或超过0.82。Coefficients ranged from .65 for influence and control to .91 for gr
17、oup functioning,with four of the five reliabilities being .82 or greater.方法 Method 3n分组测量 Grouping Measuren为了对参与者按心理性别角色进行分组,我们使用了男性与女性间关系的调查问卷表。To group participants into gender role groups,we used the Male-Female Relations Questionnaire.n采用利克特式的量表设计问卷,得分较高的人意味着更倾向于非传统型的心理性别角色定向。A Likert-type scale
18、 is used for responses.A high score indicates a more nontraditional gender role orientation.方法 Method 4n分析过程 Analytic approachn我们选择了方差的多变量分析作为基本的分析工具,该工具通过在变量之间建立线性关系,能同时分析一系列输出变量,最大限度地比较不同组别之间的差异。We selected multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA)as the primary analytic technique.MANOVA is able t
19、o simultaneously analyze a set of outcome variables by constructing a linear combination of those variables to maximize between-group difference.方法 Method 5n为了测定组别之间程度和方向的不同对个人团队图式指标的影响,我们分别对5个变量进行了方差的单变量分析。nTo determine where group differences in magnitude and direction were on the individual team
20、schema indicators,we conducted univariate analysis of variance(ANOVA)on each of the five variables.结论 Results 1n我们对团队图式指标间的关系进行了基础分析,相互之间全是正相关,相关程度在0.21到0.82之间。We conducted a preliminary analysis to determine the degree of association between pairs of team schema indicators.Correlations were all pos
21、itive and ranged in magnitude from .21 to .82.n在分析实质的研究问题之前,我们进行了两项基础的分析测试,团队图式指标变量的同质性测试结果是不显著的,Bartlett的范围测试结果是显著的。Before investigation of the substantive research question,we performed two preliminary analytic tests.Tests for homogeneity of variance on each team schema indicator were nonsignifica
22、nt.Bartletts test of sphericity was significiant.结论 Results 2n通过多项MANOVA测试,性别角色定向对系列团队图式指标具有显著影响。Gender role orientation had a significiant effect on the composite set of team schema indictators as shown by the omnibus MANOVA test.n对团队图式指标结构的分析揭示出两个显著不同的因子:我们称第一个因子为“解决困难”,第二个因子为“组织凝聚力”A review of th
23、e structure of the set of indicators revealed two significant and distinct underlying dimensions.We labeled the first dimension “problem solving”.We labeled the second dimension “group cohension”.结论 Results 3n在解决困难因子方面,非传统型和传统型的女性组与两个男性组都有很大的不同,男性组有较高的综合得分,其中非传统型的男性组得分最高,而非传统型的女性组得分最低。nOn the proble
24、m-solving dimension,both nontraditional and traditional women differed significantly from both male groups.The male groups had higher composite problem-solving scores,with the nontraditional men exhibiting the highest and the nontraditional women the lowest.结论 Results 4n在组织凝聚力因子方面,传统型的组与非传统型的组之间差距明显
25、,传统型的女性组得分最低,非传统型的男性组和女性组比他们的对应组显示出更强的组织凝聚力。On the group-cohesion dimension both traditional groups were significantly different from the nontraditional groups.The traditional women had the lowest composite scores on this dimension.the nontraditional men and women perceived greater group cohesion am
26、ong team members than did their traditional counteroarts.结论 Results 5n我们最后进行了单变量分析,测量对个人团队图式指标在程度和方向上的影响。We conducted a final analysis,at the vuivariate level,to determine magnitude and direction difference on each of the individual team schema indicators.n结果是:非传统型的组比传统型的组显示出更强的影响和控制力。传统型的女性组在冲突解决和组
27、织功能方面的得分最低。非传统型的女性组在团队建设方面的平均得分最高。传统型的男性组在工作协作方面的平均得分最低。分析讨论 Discussion 1n结果显示,在多变量分析和单变量分析之间有很大的不同。Results showed that there were differences at both the multi-and uni-variate levels.n在进一步讨论和解释这些结果之前,对本研究有限性的几点说明。Several caveats about limitations of this study require mention before discussion and
28、interpretation of this results.n本研究的三个有限性:只选取了5个团队图式的指标;参与者只来自于美国卫生保健机构;研究没有考虑变量之间的偶然性关系。分析讨论 Discussion 2n研究结果表明,非传统型性别角色定向的男性和女性会采取积极有效的行动帮助工作团队达成目标。The results suggest that the nontraditional men and women were able to use both instrumental and expressive behaviors to assist the work team in meet
29、ing its objectives.n非传统型性别角色定向会一定程度使团队成员把个人兴趣置于团队利益之下。The nontraditional roles appear to provide work-group members with the ability to subordinate personal interests,to some extent,for the well-being of the team.分析讨论 Discussion 3n本研究结果表明,单凭心理性别因素不足以解释解决困难和团队凝聚力两个因素。Results of the present research s
30、uggest that gender alone was not sufficient to explain team problem-solving and cohesion.n本研究的多变量分析增加了我们对团队图式结构的宏观了解。The multivariate nature of the present study adds to our knowledge of macro-level team schema constructs.分析讨论 Discussion 4n将来的研究者们应该继续沿着以下几方面进行研究。Future researchers should proceed alo
31、ng several lines.n这些方面是:除性别角色定向外,再考虑它与以前研究中的其他变量如何共同对团队的输出和目标的完成产生影响;后来的研究应该包括团队知识、团队经验和性别角色定向,组成一个包含认知和行为因素的团队图式构造模型;样本不再仅取自卫生保健机构,以提高结果的概化度。分析讨论 Discussion 5n本研究结论对于团队的组建和构成有着许多实际意义。The results of the present study have implications for a team formation and composition.n团队成员的心理性别组合应该与团队的目标相符合。The mix of team members should be congruent with the objectives of the team.n组织管理者应该认识到性别角色定向对团队图式形成的潜在影响。Organizational managers should be cognizant of the potential positive effects of gender role orientation in fostering a range of team schemas.Lixy3614制作