1、Literal translation VS.Liberal translationDomestication VS.Foreignization Adaptation VS.Alienation2.4 Translation strategiesLiteral translation:直译word for word and line for line;keeping both the form and the content;cling as closely as possible to the source language word order.Liberal/Free translat
2、ion:意译sense for sense;scarifying the form while keeping the content and spiritconform to the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture.鳄鱼的眼泪;武装到牙齿;连锁反应;君子协定一国两制;三教九流;Examples for literal translation:crocodile tearsarmed to the teethchain reactiongentlemens agreementone country,
3、two systemsThe three religions and the nine schools of thought纸老虎;断气;安息;长眠;见马克思;上西天;上天堂;吹灯拔蜡;蹬腿paper tigerBreathe ones lastgo to ones eternal restthe long sleepsee Marxgo westgo to heavenblow out the candleskick the bucketYou can kick everything but you can not kick the bucket!直译不等于死译直译不等于死译(dead tr
4、anslation)1.Somehow our path took us towards the park.不知怎么搞的,我们的路把我们带到公园了。我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。2.Hows the world treating you?世界如何对待你?你近况如何?3.她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹。She got up early,went to the town and saw her public father.(Public father should be“father in law”)4.街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生。Women in the street should be cal
5、led on to do some cleaning.“In the street”“in the community”.Note:原原文文结结构构与与汉汉语语结结构构是是一一致致,照照译译即即可可。但但如如果果原原文文结结构与汉语不一致,仍然采取直译方法,就成构与汉语不一致,仍然采取直译方法,就成“死译死译”了。了。It rains cats and dogs/at sixes and sevens/Adams appleLittle fish does not eat big fish直译:小鱼不吃大鱼;意译:胳膊拧不过大腿Examples for liberal translation:
6、试译:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福试译:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福直译:Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.意译:The weather and human life are both unpredictable有人说,翻译是带着镣铐跳舞(translation is like dancing in fetters);还有人说,翻译像女人,忠实的不漂亮,漂亮的不忠实。实际上,忠实与通顺的关系是辩证关系。Contradiction between literal translation
7、 and liberal translationPossible solution:Be faithful to the original senseBe smooth in the target languageBe faithful to the original form我只会马走日、象走田马走日、象走田。让你车马炮车马炮。-I only know the most basic moves.-Would you like me to allow you a handicap?此例中的“马走日”、“象走田”和“车马炮”为中国象棋术语,只好绕过原文的形式。Summary忠实原文是指译文与原文
8、实质内容上的一致,而不是形式上的一致。译者由于对原文理解不深,不能透过原文的形式掌握其实质内容,仅见其形,未见其神,这样译出的文字形式上似乎与原文一致了,但与原文的意思却相去甚远。这便是犯了翻译上的形式主义翻译上的形式主义。但是灵活出了格,过分强调译文的流畅,而不受原文意思的约束,闹了独立性,在原文的思想内容之外随意添枝加叶,这种译法称之为自由主义。自由主义。TranslationeseOver-translation硬译法硬译法/滥译法滥译法Have one foot in the grave 一条腿已迈入坟墓一条腿已迈入坟墓风烛残年风烛残年To spring up like mushroo
9、ms 雨后蘑菇雨后蘑菇雨后春笋雨后春笋Its too early太早了太早了八字没一撇八字没一撇 Domestication/Adaptation VSForeignization/Alienation(归化与异化)(归化与异化)Domestication:it is a strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers.(ethnocentric)(bring a
10、uthor back home)Foreignization:it is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.(ethnodeviant)(send readers abroad)归化的翻译在理论上是把语言看作交际工具;在实践上,强调通俗易懂,避免多义或歧义。习惯认为,当原文与译文之间因文化差异而出现不能通达的情况时,“要用译语文化替代
11、原语文化要用译语文化替代原语文化”即把在译语中找不到对等的外语词汇改头换面,或套用译语中与之相似的现成的表达法,把它们变成读者熟悉的译语文化形象读者熟悉的译语文化形象。归化派代表人物尤金奈达(Eugene A.Nida):功能对等Functional Equivalence“The receptors of the translated text could respond to it with comprehension and appreciation in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the original
12、 receptors of the message”.“Translation should arouse the same feeling in its receptors as the feeling of the readers of the original”.NidaSpring,the sweet spring is the years pleasant king.T.Nash春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜。郭沫若原诗中的king是一般性说法,没有任何特殊的文化色彩,可是一旦变成了中国古代和平盛世代名词“尧舜”,就染上了强烈的汉民族色彩。ExampleFor instance:Spr
13、ing up like mushrooms 雨后春笋Everybodys business is nobodys business.三个和尚无水喝Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王as white as snow 通常译为白如雪/但没有见过雪的人可以将其翻译为“白如白 鹭毛”,以达到功能对等的目的。然然而而,翻翻译译负负有有文文化化交交流流的的使使命命,即即尽尽可可能能把把一一个个民民族族的的语语言和文化习惯介绍给另一个民族。言和文化习惯介绍给另一个民族。鲁鲁迅迅先先生生:“必必须须有有异异国国情情调调,就就是是所所谓谓洋洋
15、的全部意蕴,包括文化。特特别别要要强强调调的的是是,在在汉汉译译英英中中,我我们们尤尤其其要要树树立立这这种种文文化化意意识识,积积极极创创造造条条件件,弘弘扬扬中中华华文文化化,帮帮助助英英语语读读者者扩扩大大加加深深对对中中华华文文化化的的了了解解。异异化化的的翻翻译译无无疑疑在在文文化化交交流流方方面面起起了了巨巨大的作用。大的作用。异化派代表人物韦努蒂(异化派代表人物韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti):All roads lead to Rome:条条大道通罗马 不能译成:殊途同归Make hay while the sun shines:趁着太阳晒干草。不能译成:趁热打铁To
16、teach ones grandmother to eat eggs:教老祖母吃鸡蛋 不能译成:班门弄斧班门弄斧show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban,the master carpenter.Summary翻译中对文化因素的处理:归化归化:主要以目的语文化为归宿,指恪守本族文化的语言传统,回归地道的本族语表达方式。异化异化:主要以源语文化为归宿,指在翻译方法上迁就外来文化的特点,吸纳外语表达方式。归化、异化区别于意译、直译归化、异化区别于意译、直译异化和归化是在1995年由美国翻译理论家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venu
17、ti)在译者的隐形(The Translators Invisibility)一书中提出来的。从历史上看,异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念延伸,但又不完全等同于直译和意译。Note:直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面如何在语言层面处理形式和意义处理形式和意义。(Linguistic reproduction)异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素语言、文化和美学等因素。(Cultural,linguistic,and aesthetic considerations)红楼梦译者A Dream of Red Mansions (杨译)(杨译)The Sto
18、ry of the Stone (霍译)(霍译)好了歌好了歌世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了!世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了!终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。世人都晓神仙好,只有姣妻忘不了!世人都晓神仙好,只有姣妻忘不了!君生日日说恩情,君死又随人去了。君生日日说恩情,君死又随人去了。世人都晓神仙好,只有儿孙忘不了!世人都晓神仙好,只有儿孙忘不了!痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了?痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了?霍克斯好了歌英译文Men a
19、ll know that salvation should be won,But with ambition wont have done,have done.Where are the famous ones of days gone by?In grassy graves they lie now,every one.Men all know that salvation should be won,But with their riches wont have done,have done.Each day they grumble theyve not made enough.When
20、 theyve enough,its goodnight everyoneMen all know that salvation should be won,But with their loving wives they wont have done.The darlings every day protest their love,But once youre dead,theyre off with another one.Men all know that salvation should be won,But with their children wont have done,ha
21、vedone.Yet though of patents fond there is no lack,Of grateful children saw I neer a one.(Hawks,1973)评:每每小小节节的的一一、二二、四四行行押押韵韵,即即“won,done,one”,读读起起来来 比比 较较 流流 畅畅。尾尾 韵韵“won,done,one”,基基本本符符合合原原作作“好好、了了、了了”的的韵韵脚脚和和意意义义。匠匠心心独独运运。但但从从学学术术上上严严格格考考求求,还还差差一一大大步步。“了了”不不仅仅是是“完完了了”、“了了结结”,而而且且更更是是“了了悟悟”。晋晋书书黄
22、黄山山谷谷“痴儿不了公家事痴儿不了公家事”。原文是歌谣体,这同吟唱原文是歌谣体,这同吟唱 者者“疯疯狂狂道道人人”的的形形象象是是一一致致 的,体现了一种亦庄亦谐的风的,体现了一种亦庄亦谐的风 格意义。霍译文使用的也都是格意义。霍译文使用的也都是 一些日常词语,结构简单,很一些日常词语,结构简单,很 好地体现了原文风格意义。好地体现了原文风格意义。杨宪益、戴乃迭好了歌英译文All men long to be immortals Yet to riches and rank each aspires;The great ones of old,where are they now?Their
23、graves are a mass of briars.All men long to be immortals,Yet silver and gold they prizeAnd grub for money all their livesTill death seals up their eyes.All men long to be immortalsYet dote on the wives theyve wed,Who swear to love their husband evermoreBut remarry as soon as hes dead.All men long to
24、 be immortalsYet with getting sons wont have done.Although fond parents are legion,Who ever saw a really filial son?“(杨宪益、戴乃迭译本)“好好了了歌歌”的的思思想想是是说说一一切切皆皆空空,但但又又以以神神仙仙号号召召,这这是是佛佛道道兼兼有有的的思思想想。“神神仙仙”一一词词的的内内涵涵意意义义在在中中英英文文化化中中不不同同。杨杨译译将将“神神仙仙”直直接接换换成成“immortals”,霍霍译译则则变变通通地地使使用用了了“salvation”(拯拯 救救)这这 个个
26、是是七七个个音音节节,译译文文是是七七音音步步,音系层面等值。音系层面等值。世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。霍译:霍译:Men all know that salvation should be done.But with ambition wont have done,have done.Where are the famous ones of days gone by?In grassy graves they lie now,every one.杨译:杨译:All men long to be
27、immortals.Yet to riches and rank each aspires;The great ones of old,Where are they now?Their graves are a mass of briars.Summary霍克斯:霍克斯:为了取悦于译文读者,是为一般的英美读者翻译的,因此他遵循了以目的语文化为归宿的原则,即采用了“归化”的方法。杨宪益:杨宪益:想尽可能多地把中国文化介绍给英美读者,是以想多了解中国文化的英美读者为对象的,因而基本上遵循了以源语文化为归宿的原则,即采用了“异化”的方法。总结:总结:从好了歌的两译文分析可以看出,译者不同的翻译目的、
28、文化意识和读者意识翻译目的、文化意识和读者意识;在具体的翻译过程中,决定译者会采用不同的翻译方法,从而产生不同的译本。因此翻译批评不能单凭规范性的翻译标准来评价译本的优劣,而应把翻译目的、翻绎策略和翻译方法等纳人批评苑畴,从更宽泛的时代和社会视角评价翻译的成败得失。2.5 TranslatabilityThere are over 3,000 languages in the world today,therefore,different grammar rules and various ways are used to express ideas.Examples for you to t
29、ranslate:Im a Ford,not a Lincoln.-American former president Ford“Im a Ford,not a Lincoln”“I am a Ford,not a Lincoln;My addresses will never be as eloquent as Mr.Lincolns.But I will do my very best to equal his brevity and plain speaking.”福特是说自己口才与文笔不如林肯,但自信演讲内容言简意赅,并不比林肯差。米的妈妈是谁?是花,因为花生米;米的爸爸是谁?是蝶,因
30、为蝶恋花;米的外婆是谁?爆米花,她抱过米,又抱过花。Example 1Example 2A:Where is Washington?B:He is dead.A:I mean the capital of the United States.B:They loaned it all to Europe.A:Now do you promise to support the constitution?B:Me?How can I?Ive got a wife and five children to support.Which travels faster,heat or cold?Heat,b
31、ecause you can catch cold easily.Customs office:Have you anything to declare?Man:Yes,I would like to declare that I love my wife.Example 3胡太太叹了口气;看见胡国光还是一肚子心事似的踱方步。“张铁嘴怎么说的?”胡太太惴惴地问。很好。不用瞎担心事了。我还有委员的福份!”“么事的桂圆?”“是委员!从前行的是大人老爷,现在行委员了!你还不明白?”-(茅盾动摇)Madame Hu gave a sigh and watched her husband anxious
32、ly pacing about as before.“What did Chang Tieh-tsui say?”she asked timidly.“He gave me very good news.We need not look for trouble.I have the possibility of being a member of a Committee!”“Whats a common tea?”asked the wife,who only vaguely caught the sound.“A committee!Lords and esquires are out of
33、 date,and the prevailing nomination is to a Committee.Dont you still understand?”Note:用“common tea”与“committee”的发音相似来模仿原文中“桂圆”(longan)与“委员”的谐音,可谓巧译,两种语言能有音形意俱似的表达方式只是偶然,可遇而不可求。e.g.4 Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his bachelors degree and the woman gets her masters.(pun)婚姻是一所学校。在这所学校
34、里,男人结束单身,婚姻是一所学校。在这所学校里,男人结束单身,女人成为主人。女人成为主人。For some features which are hard to handle,we sometimes have to give up the original rhetorical device.Languages are used not only to express peoples feeling and reflect the objective world,but also to describe languages themselves,and there are many puns
35、 and word games in almost every language.Some of these usages are really hard or impossible to translate into other languages.This lessens translatability.2.7 Prerequisites for a TranslatorExcellent command of the two languagesConsiderable knowledge of the two culturesProfound encyclopedic knowledge
36、Adequate knowledge of the subject matterFair capacity for writingAdequate knowledge of translation theories and skills Plenty of practiceSkills in the use of information technologyA good sense of responsibility Good English Proficiency扎实的英语基础,很强的阅读理解和鉴赏能力。扎实的英语基础,很强的阅读理解和鉴赏能力。足够的英语词汇量。足够的英语词汇量。系统的英语
37、语法知识。系统的英语语法知识。应该大量阅读英语原著,不断丰富自己的语言知识,应该大量阅读英语原著,不断丰富自己的语言知识,提高自己的语感:提高自己的语感:语法意识(语法意识(sense of grammar)惯用法知识(惯用法知识(sense of idiomaticness)连贯意识(连贯意识(sense of coherence)。)。1.(Just)imagine(it).把它想像一下吧。Just imagine!They are going to the moon next Tuesday!不可能/想不到/真没想到。2.Ill buy it.我买了。我相信。3.Youre tellin
38、g me.你正在告诉我。我早知道了。/还用你告诉我!4.Now youre talking.现在你正在谈话。你到底说了合我意的话了。你这样说才合我的意思。Good English Proficiency5.对不起,我们领导今天有事不能见你。“Sorry,our governor has an affair today.He cannot meet you.”Inappropriate word:affairGood Chinese Proficiency1)Whatever you like to eat,just tell me.无论你想吃什么东西,只要告诉我。想吃什么,就告诉我。(bett
39、er)2)Even if you go there,there wouldnt be any result.即使你去了,也不会有什么结果。你去了也是白去。(better)3)He spoke with firmness,but his face was very sad and his eyes were dim.他讲得很坚定,但脸色很凄伤,双眼闪出悲观的神情。他讲话时语气坚定,但面带愁容,眼神暗淡。(better)4)He was but a man with many grey hairs,with a heavy burden of responsibility,of thoughts
40、and worries.他已是长了许多灰发、肩负重任、心中充满思考和忧虑的人。他已是鬓发斑白,肩负重任,思绪万千,焦虑满怀。(better)老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。5)As Caesar loved me,I weep for him;as he was fortunate,I rejoice at it;as he was valiant,I honour him;but as he was ambitious,I slew him.There is tear for his love;joy for his fortune;honou
41、r for his valour;and death for his ambition.因为凯撒爱我,我为他哭泣;因为他幸运,我为他高兴;因为他英勇,我对他尊崇;但因为他有野心,我就刺杀了他。用眼泪回报他的爱;用欢乐庆祝他的幸运;用尊崇纪念他的英勇;而用刺杀制止他的野心。Considerable knowledge of the two cultures1.John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰是可靠的。他不吃鱼,还玩游戏。他既忠诚,又守规矩。他忠实得斋日不吃荤,凡事都循规蹈矩。2.Yuppies.The Euro
42、pean counterpart remains a pale shadow of the all-American original.The animal seems more ambitious,and more common,on this side of the Atlantic.雅皮士。欧洲的雅皮士与土生土长、地地道道雅皮士。欧洲的雅皮士与土生土长、地地道道的美国雅皮士相比乃是相形见绌的美国雅皮士相比乃是相形见绌(不可同日而不可同日而语语)。在大西洋这一边,这群人似乎更有雄心,。在大西洋这一边,这群人似乎更有雄心,而且更为普遍。而且更为普遍。DINK family:DINK family:丁克家庭丁克家庭Yuppies:Yuppies:雅皮士雅皮士/优皮士优皮士Buppies:Buppies:黑人雅皮士黑人雅皮士Juppies:Juppies:日本人雅皮士日本人雅皮士Chuppies:Chuppies:华人雅皮士华人雅皮士Hippies:Hippies:嬉皮士嬉皮士 Thank you!