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1、I English:AbstractII Chinese:Concrete第1页/共54页 Abstract style is used widely in English,especially inSocial Science WorksOfficial ArticalsNewspaper RemarksLeagal StyleCommercial Letters第2页/共54页Translate the following sentences:1 管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。2.行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。3只要有什么恶作剧,总免不了有彼得在内。4我知道他在

2、申请公司的一个职位。5要是你妈妈看到你的裤子撕破了,你准得吃苦头。6如果这次买卖可以赚到钱,我打算凑一份7因为乔治向老师报告鲍勃考试作弊,鲍勃就对乔治怀恨在心。第3页/共54页 Abstract EnglishMain Characteristics:1 Norminalization2 Preparation第4页/共54页1 Norminalization1.1 prefix and suffix1.2 lexicalization第5页/共54页1)读写能力literacy2)把-从其所处的环境(语境)中分离出来decontextualization3)冒险把危急局势推到局限,玩弄边缘政

3、策的手法brinkmanship第6页/共54页4)不用脑子,愚笨,无知;不注意,粗心大意;无需动脑筋mindlessness5)保护消费者利益运动;(主张以消费刺激经济的)消费主义consumerism6)新闻节目主持人的语言风格或用语anchormanese第7页/共54页 An excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will,in the end,detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now,from when and how

4、and in what mood the thing was done,and intensibly induce a habit of abstraction,generalization and vagueness.第8页/共54页 这类名词含义概括,指称笼统,覆盖面广,往往有一种“虚、泛、隐、暗、曲”的魅力,因而便于用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情绪。第9页/共54页1).管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be modifiedThe signs of the times po

5、int to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration.第10页/共54页2).行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。Every year shows again how true it is that-No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.第11页/共54页2 Prepar

6、ation 介词本来就是虚词,在英语里十分活跃。介词可构成各种各样的短语或成语,其意义有时虚幻得难以捉摸。第12页/共54页1)只要有什么恶作剧,总免不了有彼得在内。be in atIf any mischief was going forward,Peter was sure to be in at it.2)我知道他在申请公司的一个职位。be in forI understand hes in for a job in the company3)要是你妈妈看到你的裤子撕破了,你准得吃苦头。be in for itWhen your mother sees your torn trouser

7、s,youll be in for it第13页/共54页4)如果这次买卖可以赚到钱,我打算凑一份。in on If theres any profit to be got out of the deal,Im going to be in on it.5)因为乔治向老师报告鲍勃考试作弊,鲍勃就对乔治怀恨在心。have it in for somebodyBob has it in for George because George told the teacher that Bob cheated in the exam.第14页/共54页 Why Abstract style is so

8、popular in English?第15页/共54页I Abstract Mind1 Logical and rational-abstract 第16页/共54页 As O.Jesperson pointed out:An Englishman does not like to commit himself by being enthusiastic or too distressed,and his language accordingly grows sober,too sober perhaps,and even barren when the object is to expre

9、ss emotions.第17页/共54页2 Abatract mind is regarded as superior mind which is a mark of civilized man.第18页/共54页As O.Jesperson pointed out:Civilization means among other things increase of abstrct terms and decrease of superfluous special words.The more advanced a language is,the more developed is its p

10、ower of expressing abstract or general ideas.第19页/共54页1)The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments.(=No news is good news)没有消息即表明有令人满意的进展。第20页/共54页2)Was this the realization of an anticipated liability?(=Did you expect you would have to do this?)你有没有预料到你必须做这件事?第21页/共54

11、页 3)必须等到有了这批新设备,才能购买这批货 The purchase should not be completed until the new facilities are available.The actual date of the completion of the purchase should coincide with the availability of the new facilities.第22页/共54页4)医院某些医护人员在手术前后都非常粗心Some of the hospital staff were very careless both before and

12、 after the operation.A high degree of carelessness,pre-operative and post-operative,on the part of some of the hospital staff,took place.第23页/共54页5)缺乏数据会使准确的统计变得很困难。Lack of figures may make it difficult to produce accurate statistics The lack of figures may prove to be an obstacle to the efficiency

13、of the whole of the proposed statistical content of the exercise.第24页/共54页II Application of abstract words can avoid subjective mood.第25页/共54页 1)Survival of the Fittest Those individuals of a species are preserved that are best adapted for their enviroments 2)Studies serve for delight,for ornament,a

14、nd for ability.3)Beauty is Truth,Truth Beauty第26页/共54页 III Many abstract nouns which are derived from adjectives and verbs can produce miniaturization of complex structures.Jesperson said this is handy expressions for complex thoughts.第27页/共54页最基本礼貌的缺乏会导致一个愤怒与混乱的社会。The fact that we lack manners whic

15、h are standardized results in an often angry,chaotic society.The lack of standadization of manners results in an often angry,chaotic society.(College English)第28页/共54页Conclusion:Abstract style is used excessively in English.Some stylists recommend mixed diction 第29页/共54页 The concern with abstraction

16、 characteristic of ancient Greek philosophy has no counterpart in Chinese philosophy.Chinese philosophers quite explicitly favored the most concrete sense impressions in understanding the world.In fact,the Chinese language itself is remarkably concrete.Concrete Chinese第30页/共54页1.汉语的哲学背景是儒、道、佛的悟性。悟性有

17、直觉性和形象性的特征,因而中国人自古以来就擅长直觉思维和形象思维。采用意象-联想-类比来替代概念-判断-推理的逻辑论证。They put greater emphasisi on sense,feeling,impression,imaginery,figuration,metaphorization,imagination,association etc.rather than reason,rationality,logic,concept,judgement,inference,etc.第31页/共54页2.汉语是意象性语言,文字符号具有象形,会意和形声的特点。2.1汉字模拟自然现象和客

18、观事物。2.2成语、谚语、典故、歇后语有丰富的形象色彩。2.3叠词生动逼真地表现听觉、视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉第32页/共54页林语堂:将英语的科学论文翻译为汉语是最难的,因为充满抽象词语。将汉语的诗歌,优美的散文,翻译成英语也是最难的,因为每个名词都是一个意象。第33页/共54页I 汉译英时可采用如下手段来表达英语的抽象意义。1动词取代抽象名词2用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。3用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义。4用形象词语使抽象意义具体化(figuration)。第34页/共54页1 动词取代抽象名词 英语大量的行为抽象名词(action-noun)表示行为或动作意义,由这类名词构成的短语相当于主谓结构

19、或动宾结构。汉语若用相应的名词表达,不自然,不通顺。在英汉转换中,汉语可以充分利用其动词优势,以动代静,以实代虚。第35页/共54页1)I marveled at the relentless(无 情 的)determination of the rain.雨无情地下个不停,我感到惊异。2)He had surfaced(表 面)with less visibility in the policy decisions.在决策过程中,他已经不那么抛头露面了。3)High blood pressure is a contraindication(禁 忌 症 侯)for this drug.高血压患

20、者忌服此药。第36页/共54页4)These problems defy(不服从,藐视,违抗)easy classification.这些问题难以归类。5)In handling the materials of history,each act of selection is also an act of judgment,and therefore the charge of bias is never completely answerable.在处理历史资料时,每选一项资料就是作出一种判断,因此不能说完全没有偏见。第37页/共54页2 用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。范畴词(category

21、 words)用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。complexity relativity display corrosive jealousy arrogance eccentricity lightheartedness第38页/共54页1)We have winked at these irregularities too long我们对这些越轨行为宽容的太久了。2)He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility.据说他对邓的灵活态度印象深刻。3)What they wanted most was an

22、end of uncertainties那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。第39页/共54页4)He discussed greatness and excellence他探讨了伟大和杰出的含义。5)He spoke with firmness,but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.他讲话时,态度坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神暗淡。6)This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a n

23、ew and a better world.现在该是我们两国人民为缔造一个崭新的、更加美好的世界而攀登这一伟大境界高峰的时候了。第40页/共54页 3 用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义。英语抽象词的含义比较笼统、概括、虚泛,在汉语里往往找不到对应的词来表达,这时常要借助具体的词语来解释其抽象的词义。As Peter Newmark pointed out:As a last resort,explanation is the translation.第41页/共54页1)No country should claim infallibility(绝无错误,绝对可靠)任何国家都不应自称一贯正确。2)T

24、he stars twinkled in transparent(透明的,显然的,明晰的)clarity星星在清澈的晴空中闪烁。3)This rambling propensity(倾 向)strengthened with years岁月增添,游兴更浓第42页/共54页4)To help myself live without fault,I made a list of what I considered the 13 virtues.These virtues are 1 Temperance 2 Self-control 3 Silence 4 Order 5 Firmness of

25、mind 6 Savings 7 Industry 8 Honesty 9 Justice 10 Cleanliness 11 Calmness 12 Morality 13 Humbleness第43页/共54页 为了使自己生活中不犯错误,特列出我认为应该身体力行的13条守则。这些守则是:1节制饮食 2 自我克制 3 沉默寡言 4 有条不紊 5 坚定信念 6勤俭节约 7工作勤奋 8忠诚老实 9办事公正 10 衣履整洁 11 平心静气 12品行高尚 13 谦虚恭顺第44页/共54页4 用形象词语使抽象意义具体(figuration)汉语虽缺乏抽象词语,但形象性词语(比喻、成语、谚语、歇后语)相

26、当丰富。汉语常借助这类生动具体的词语表达英语抽象笼统的意义。第45页/共54页disintegrationardent loyaltyfar-sightednessperfect harmonyimpudencecareful considerationtotal exhaustion第46页/共54页feed on fancieswith great eagernessoffend public decencymake a little contributionon the verge of destructionawait with great anxietylack of perseve

27、rance第47页/共54页1)He was open now to charges of willful(任性的)blindness.这时人们指责他装聋作哑2)He waited for her arrival with a frenzied(狂热的,激怒的)agitation(激动,兴奋)他等她来,急得象热锅上的蚂蚁第48页/共54页3)I talked to him with brutal frankness.我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。4)When young he quitted his home and traveled to the metropolis,which he

28、reached in a state of almost utter destitution.(穷困的,缺乏的)年青时代,他背井离乡,徒步来到首都,几乎身无分文。第49页/共54页 英译汉时,“化虚为实”可通行文,添文采,增加译文的可读性;汉译英时,“化实为虚”可化症结、消梗滞,提高转换的可译性。第50页/共54页1)他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,七上八下,老是宁静不下来。His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.2)茗烟又吩咐道:“不可拿进园去,叫人知道了,我就吃不了兜着走了

29、“。“Dont take them into the garden,”Ming-yen warned him.”If they were found Id be in serious trouble.”第51页/共54页3)唉,那是客臣的井蛙之见喽,所谓“情人眼里出西施“啦。Alas,that was owing to my ignorance,that is what is called partiality.4)允跪而言曰:“百姓有倒悬之危,君臣有危卵之急,非汝不能救也。”(罗贯中三国演义)Wang Yun knelt saying,“The people are on the brink of destruction,the prince and his officers are in jeopardy,and you,you are the only saviour.”第52页/共54页 许多形象性词语有很强的民族色彩或特定的文化含义。这类词语往往难以对应翻译,因而不得不借助于虚化手段或其他方法,英汉互译都有这种情况。不过,这种虚化方法会冲淡甚至洗尽原文的形象色彩,使翻译成了一种“令人遗憾的艺术”。第53页/共54页感谢您的观看!第54页/共54页


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