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1、2022年内蒙古大学英语考试真题卷六(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为!80分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Each day of Earth Week, for example, has been given over to a separate environmental issue. They are, U(31)/), energy efficiency,re-cycling, waterU(32)/U, alternative transpor

2、tation,po11utant information and outdoorU(33)/U. Each one, as youcan see, is who 11y concerned with human problems, human systems, human safety andU(34)/Uhow (American) humans can go on I ivingU(35)/Uthe same material level over the long hauI U(36)/Umessing things up for them-seIves. U(37)/Uon that

3、I istis there any consideration of what are thought to be animals (or trees or rivers) rights; nowhere any regard for the ongoing(U) (38) /Uof spec i es caused by humans; nowhere a U(39)/Ufor thecount I ess other spec i es that are be i ngU(40)/Uda iIy by thedestruction and poisoning of habitats; no

4、where any thought given to theU(41)/Uof the natural systems of the living earth andlearn ing to I i ve in them as the first peop Ie did. U(42)/U a 11,nowhere on the I ist is there found any consideration of wiIderness, of the need for a hea I thy earth to have p I aces where humans don t U(43)/U, wh

5、ere the fu 11 comp lexity and d i vers i ty of life are a 11 owed to U(44)/U unaffected Iy. Al I that the Earth Day peopI e can see issomething called njust think of theU(45)H/U of noutdoorsn,and al I they can think of doing there is human recreationw.The reason that is important is thatU (46) /Uthe

6、 human understands itself as a species reapplies for membership in the biosphere, as the eco-histor ian Thomas Berry has(U (47)/U it,M it wi 11 never stop treating the earth and its treasures (resources) as the rightfuI food for its omnivorous maw (杂食性动物的胃),wi 11 never stop acting as if it owns the

7、earth and has the right of controlU (48)/U its species. This is a matter of passing laws ordoubIe-panning windows; this is a deep reordering of values, a new (and very1 old) way of understanding the earth and its species as sacred, an eco I og i ca I U (49) /U that go r i ght to the heart of our I i

8、 ves. Without it noU (50) /Uchanges wi11 come, or last.A. upon B. over C. to D. from2.Each day of Earth Week, for example, has been given over to a separate environmentaI issue. They are, U(31)(/U1, energy efficiency,re-cycIing, water U(32)/U, alternative transportation,po11utant information and out

9、door U(33)/U. Each one, as youcan see, is who 11y concerned with human problems, human systems, human safety andU(34)/IIhow (American) humans can go on I ivingU(35)/U the same mater ia I level over the long hauI U(36)/Umessing things up for them-seIves. U (37) /Uon that I istis there any considerati

10、on of what are thought to be animals (or trees or rivers) rights; nowhere any regard for the ongoingU(38)/Uof spec i es caused by humans; nowhere a U(39)/Ufor thecount I ess other spec i es that are be i ngU(40)/Uda iIy by thedestruction and poisoning of habitats; nowhere any thought given to theU(4

11、1)/Uof the natural systems of the living earth andlearning to I i ve in them as the first peop Ie did. U(42)/U a 111nowhere on the Iist is there found any consideration of wiIderness, of the need for a hea I thy earth to have p I aces where humans don t U(43)H/U, where the fu 11 comp lexity and d i

12、vers ity of I ife are al I owed to U (44)/U unaffected I y. Al I that the Earth Day peop I e can see issometh i ng called M just think of the U(45)/U of outdoors,and al I they can think of doing there is human recreation.The reason that is important is thatU(46)/Uthe humanunderstands itself as a spe

13、cies reapplies for membership in the biosphere”,as the eco-histor ian Thomas Berry hasU(47)H/U it,it wi 11 never stop treating the earth and its treasures (resources) as the rightfuI food for its omnivorous maw (杂食性动物的胃),wi 11 never stop acting as if it owns the earth and has the right of controlU (

14、48)l/U its species. This is a matter of passing laws ordoubIe-panning windows; this is a deep reordering of values, a new (and very, old) way of understanding the earth and its species as sacred, an eco logical U (49) /U that go r i ght to the heart of our I i ves. Without it noU (50) l/U)changes wi

15、11 come, or last.A. consciousnessB. conscienceC. cautionD. responseEach day of Earth Week, for example, has been given over to a separate environmental issue. They are, U(31)/U, energy efficiency,re-cycIing, waterU(32)/U, alternative transportation,po11utant information and outdoorU(33)/U. Each one,

16、 as youcan see, is who 11y concerned with human problems, human systems, human safety and U(34)/U how (Amer ican) humans can go on I i v i ng U(35) /Uthe same material level over the long hauI U(36)/Umessing things up for them-seIves. U(37)/Uon that I istis there any consideration of what are though

17、t to be animals (or trees or rivers) rights; nowhere any regard for the ongoingU)(38)t/Uof species caused by humans; nowhere a(U(39)/Ufor thecountless other species that are beingU(40)/Udaily by thedestruction and poisoning of habitats; nowhere any thought given to theU(41)/Uof the natural systems o

18、f the living earth andlearn ing to I ive in them as the f irst peop Ie did. U (42) /U a 11, nowhere on the Iist is there found any consideration of wiIderness, of the need for a hea I thy earth to have p I aces where humans don t U(43)/U, where the fu 11 comp lexity and divers i ty of life are a 11

19、owed to U (44)/U unaffected Iy. Al I that the Earth Day peopI e can see issomething called just think of theU(45)/U of outdoors,and al I they can think of doing there is human recreation.The reason that is important is thatU(46)/Uthe humanunderstands itself as a species reapplies for membership in t

20、he biosphere, as the eco-histor ian Thomas Berry has(U)(47)/U it,it wi 11 never stop treating the earth and its treasures (resources) as the rightfuI food for its omnivorous maw (杂食性动物的胃),wi 11 never stop acting as if it owns the earth and has the right of controlU(48) /U its species. This is a matt

21、er of passing laws ordoubIe-panning windows; this is a deep reordering of values, a new (and very old) way of understanding the earth and its species as sacred, an eco logical U(49)/U that go r i ght to the heart of our I i ves.Without it noU(50)/Uchanges will come, or last.A. intenseB. passionateC.

22、 profoundD. turbulent4. In the case that occurred in France in 1981, how many peopIe witnessed itA. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Five.5. If Quebec was separated from Canada, the two pacts with US .A. should remain effectiveB. should be abolishedC. should be discussed againD. should be supplemented6. The s

23、cientist from the French space agency did al I the following things except .A. taking further photosB. taking soil samplesC. planting vegetation in the soilD. taking samples of vegetation7.The US border with Canada is the in tile worId.A. longest defended borderB. longest undefended borderC. longest

24、 undefined borderD. longest coastal border8. Peter Sturrock th inks that the f i e I d of UFO study is in a state of.A. popularizationB. pauseC. developmentD. ignorance and confusion9. Which of the fol lowing is NOT trueA. In the days before the vote, the Clinton Administration had been careful to d

25、escribe the referendum as an internal matter.B. It is critical for the United States to have a stable northern neighbor.C. Mr. Clinton discussed the outcome of the referendum Tuesday with Canadian Prime Minister.D. Both pacts will be discussed further with united Canada.10. In which countries are th

26、ere programs of pursuing UFO A. China and USA.B. Chile and France.C. France and Canada.D. Egypt and Greece.11. BlUEXT CH/BIn contrast to traditional analyses of minority business, the soc!IogicaI analysis contends that minority business ownership is a group-1 eve I phenomenon, in that it is largely

27、dependent upon socialgroup resources for its development. Specif ica11y, this analysis indicates that support networks play a critical role in starting and maintaining minority business enterprises by providing owners with a range of ass i stance, from the i nforma I encouragement of fami I y member

28、s and fr i ends to dependab Ie sources of labor and cIi enteIe from the owner s ethnic group. Such seIf-heIp networks, which encourage and support ethnic minority entrepreneurs, consist of Mprimary institutions, those closest to the individual in shap i ng his behavior and be I iefs. They are charac

29、terized by the face-to-face association and cooperation of persons united by ties of mutuaI concern. They form an intermediate social level between the individual and larger secondary institutions based on impersonal relationships. Primary institutions comprising the support network incIude kinship,

30、 peer, and neighborhood or community subgroups.A major funct i on of seIf-heIp networks is f i nanc i a I support. Most scholars agree that minority business owners have depended primari ly on fam iIy funds and ethn i c commun i ty resources for i nvestment cap i taI. Persona I sav ings have been ac

31、cumu lated often through fruga I living hab i ts that require sacrifices by the entire famiIy and are thus a product of long-term famiIy f inancia I behavior. Addit ionaI loans and gifts from re I at i ves forthcoming because of group obIi gat i on rather than narrow investment calculation, have sup

32、pIemented personal savings. Individual entrepreneurs do not necessarily rely on their kin because they cannot obtain financial backing from commercial resources. They may actua11y avoid banks because they assume that commercial institutions either cannot comprehend the spec i a I needs of minority e

33、nterprise or charge unreasonably high interest rates.Within the I arger ethn i c commun i ty, rotat i ng cred i t assoc i at i ons have been used to raise capital. These associations arc informaI clubs of friends and other trusted members of the ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund

34、that is given to each contributor in rotation. One author estimates that 40 percent of New York Chinatown firms estab I i shed during 1900-1950 ut i I i zed such assoc i at i ons as the i r initial source of capital. However, recent immigrants and third or fourth gene rat i ons of Ider groups now em

35、p I oy rotat i ng cred i t assoc iat i ons on I y occas iona I ly to rai se i nvestment funds. Some groups I i ke BI ack Amer icans, found other means of f i nanc i a I support for the i r entrepreneur i a I efforts. The first Black-operated banks were created in the late nineteenth century as depos

36、itories for dues co 11 ected from fraternal or lodge groups, which themse I ves had sprung from Black churches. Black banks made I i mi ted investments in other Black enterprises. Irish immigrants in American cities organized many building and loan associations to provide capital for home constructi

37、on and purchase. They in turn, provided work for many Irish home-buiIding contractor firms. Other ethnic and minority groups fo11 owed similar practices in founding ethnic-di rected financia I institutions.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rotating credit associationsA. T

38、hey were developed exclusively by Chinese immigrants.B. They accounted for a significant portion of the investment capital used by Chinese immigrants in blew York in the early twentieth century.C. Third- generation members of an immigrant group who started businesses in the 1920T s would have been u

39、nlikely to rely on them.D. Recent immigrants still frequently turn to rotating credit associations instead of banks for investment capital.12.(Bl TEXT A(/BHIt looks as if it came straight from the set of Star Wars. It has four-wheel drive and rises above rocky surfaces. It lowers and raises its nose

40、 when going up and down hills. And when it comes to a river, it turns amphibious; two hydro jets power it along by blasting water under its body. There is room for two passengers and a driver, who sit inside a glass bubbIe operating electronic, ai rcraft-type controls. A vehicIe so daring on land an

41、d water needs windscreen wipers - but it doesn t have any. Water molecules are disintegrated on the screen* s surface by ultrasonic sensors.Th i s unusua I veh icle is the Racoon. It i s an i nvent i on not of Ho 11 ywood but of Renault, a rather conservative French state-owned Carmaker, better know

42、n for its fam i I y hatchbacks. Renault built the Racoon to explore new freedoms for designers and engineers created by advances in materials and manufacturing processes. Renault is thinking about start Iingly different cars; other producers have radical new ideas for trains, boats and aeroplanes.Th

43、e first of the new freedoms is in design. Powerful computer-aided design (CAD) systems can replace with a click of a computer mouse hours of laborious work done on thousands of drawing boards. So new products, no matter how comp Iicated, can be deveI oped much faster. For the first t i me, Boe i ng

44、w i 11 not have to bui Id a gi ant rep I i ca of its new ai r I i ner, the 777, to make sure al I the bits fit together. Its CAD system wi 11 take care of that.But Renault is taking CAD further. It claims the Racoon is the world* s first vehicle to be designed within the digitised world of virtual r

45、eality. Comp I ex programs were used to s i mu I ate the veh i cIe and the terrain that it was expected to cross. This a 11 owed a team led by Patrick Le Quement, Renault* s industrial-design director, to drive” it long before a prototype existed.Renault is not alone in thinking that virtual reality

46、 wi11 transform automot i ve des i gn. In Detroit, Ford is also i nvest i gat i ng i ts potent i a I. Jack Telnac, the firm5 s head of design, would I ike designers in different parts of the world to work more closely together, Iinked by computers. They would do more than style cars. Virtual real it

47、y wi 11 allow engineers to peer inside the working parts of a vehicle. Designers wi11 watch bearings move, oi I flow, gears mesh and hydraulics pump. As these techniques catch on, even stranger vehicles are likely to come along.Transforming these creations from virtual reality to actuaI reality wi11 also become easier, esp


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