1、2022年德国留学申请书应该怎么写 想去德国留学读本科的学生也是许多的,那么这些学生在申请的时候须要满意哪些条件?下面是我整合的2022年德国留学申请书应当怎么写,一起来看看吧,确定对你有所帮助的。更多留学申请书点击出国留学申请查看。 2022年德国留学申请书应当怎么写 Applied Program:Organizational Behavior I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in setti
2、ngs where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medi
3、um sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally
4、offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative. In contrast, foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have the ability to make decisions on their own, th
5、ough the extent to which this is true depends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. These organizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission to your well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program, b
6、ut to impress upon you my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in both scholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based my decision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, but rather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My per
7、sonal philosophy is that money and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives and that in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's inner needs. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to use this gift to the very best of
8、my substantial capabilities. I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the
9、behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or
10、 her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their
11、innate ability to take the initiative. 德国留学本科申请条件 一、德国留学本科申请条件 学历 1、在国内是重点高校的学生只须要完成一个学期的学习时间,就可以进入德国本科读相关专业。 2、在国内是一般高校的学生假如是只读了一个学期的话,是可以进入德国的学校读预科的。 3、在国内是三年专科的学生要学习了三个学期以上才能进入德国的学校读预科。 4、假如你是中学的毕业生,那就不符合德国的高校要求,当然也包括预科也不行,必需要进入国内的高校读书才行。 5、专科的毕业生也要在德国读预科或者是通过预科的考试之后才能申请。 语言 去德国读本科对学生的德语是有一些要求的,德
12、国的每所高校都要求学生有800个小时学习德语的时间,还要参与德语的考试符合要求的才能申请。 1、DSH:这种是对于没有德语基础的学生而作出的要求,当学生满意了这所高校的全部要求(除了语言)之后,就到德国先学习一年的德语,这一年是特别难熬的,你不仅要学习德语,还要适应这里的环境,不过这都是为你进入高校提前做的打算。你在德国学习完一年的德语之后,就参与DSH考试,通过之后就可以去读你想读的专业了。 2、德福考试:这种一般在国内就有考试,想申请德国的本科专业大部分都是要求考到TND4,有一部分的专业是要求能考到TND5的,德福的考试是要比DSH考试要难一点,但是费用是要比它低许多。 3、APS:学生
13、还要通过APS的考试,考试分为面试和笔试,笔试一般都是考专业学问,而面试则是考你的德语语言实力,还有你的学习状况等等。 德国留学的相关福利解读 一、医疗报销 留学国外有医疗保证是特别有必要的。而留学德国的留学生只要定期按时缴纳医疗保险,就可以和当地本国居民享受同样的医疗待遇福利,只要缴纳医疗保险就相当于加入了当地的医疗体系,所以可以享受同等待遇。 而每个月缴纳的保险费用也并不是很贵,相对来说价格还特别便宜。这里须要留意的是选择缴纳保险的保险公司,选择公立的。 二、持学生证游玩半价 出去留学,在学习的同时,平常大家可以利用节假日出去游玩,这时候只要持学生证购票,就可以享受几乎是成人票价的一半价钱
14、,并且开放的通道还有特地的通道,这样特别的便利。像一些以及私立的博物馆景点,持学生证,有的甚至可以免费进入巡游,这样丰富课余生活,也是在开阔留学视野。 三、交通 学生们,每学年在入学的时候,须要交注册费。这个注册费不仅是入学凭证,还是学生在这一个学年出行的票证,凭借这个票证可以在出行的时候免费乘坐公共交通工具。 而这个票证大多数的学校都会干脆绑定学生证,这样学生在出行的时候,只要干脆出示学生证就可以干脆出行了。有一些学校须要凭借学生证额外购买相关交通出行服务,当然手续费也特别的便宜。 四、免税打工 在德国,不管你是打工的兼职还是全职,只要是雇佣关系,就要把每一笔收入的资金进行缴税。税卡也肯定要事先办理好。然后在每年固定的时间里,可以要求申请退税,学生退税也包括在其中,并且可以申请全额退税,这样大家只要保存好相关的证明资料,拿好税卡申请即可。 2022年德国留学申请书应当怎么写本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页