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1、 研究所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(VanderbiltUniversity) 讨论所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(Vanderbilt University) When I first arrived at the Beijing train station, I was quite honestly a tired, sweaty mess. I had forgotten how brutal the summer sun was in China. And yet, in the midst of my struggle against the overwhelming he

2、at, I was still incredibly e*cited to have the opportunity to do research abroad. Its been 3 years since I have traveled to China, and its been 10 years since I have traveled to Beijing. Walking to the car, I looked at the gigantic skyscrapers, endless crowds of people, and dozens of brightly lit sh

3、ops with the same childlike wonder that my eleven-year-old self had. Along with my friend Kathy, we were the only two Americans in the 讨论所 summer research program. While I was grateful to have her as a roommate, I felt very nervous after meeting my other three roommates because I truly had a hard ti

4、me remembering their names. I thought to myself, “Well if I cant remember even just 3 Chinese names how the heck am I supposed to make it here?” I was scared my Chinese wouldnt be good enough to communicate with my lab mentors (and as such was fully prepared to take on the title of the dumb American

5、 girl). As I thought a little more about this concern, a freight train of other worries popped into my head and eclipsed the initial e*citement that I had upon my arrival: 1) What if my AC breaks.I wont be able to tolerate the heat. 2) What if I fall on my butt trying to use a squat toilet instead o

6、f the sit-down ones we have in the US? 3) What if I cant get used to eating Chinese food every day and people think Im “too American”? 4) What if none of the other summer interns like me? Clutching my pillow, I cried myself to sleep the first night at 讨论所 feeling absolutely paranoid about all these

7、what-ifs and feeling more homesick than I have ever felt in my entire life. Little did I know that my time here at 讨论所 would actually comprise the happiest and most memorable summer of my life. Every fear that I had ended up not being a problem whatsoever, and surprisingly, Ive even received complim

8、ents for my Chinese language abilities that I still to this day will label as mediocre. The people here are so warm, and I truly feel like I am part of a family within my lab. Seeing the bright smile of my patient mentor 殷畅师姐every morning is one of the highlights of my day. She along with the other

9、PhD students will always offer to eat lunch and dinner with all of us summer interns. No one ever feels left out, and I love how my 师姐made the effort to get to know me personally. Not a day goes by in which we dont laugh together or joke with the other PhD students. I never would have imagined achie

10、ving this level of comfort and belonging with people who were strangers to me just a few weeks ago. Each week, my lab meets so that the PhD students can discuss their current projects, and I have enjoyed watching my PI thoughtfully offer his feedback for all of his students. Every day has served as

11、an enriching opportunity for me to learn not only new research skills but also new Chinese phrases and cultural tidbits. While I didnt contribute to a big paper, I believe that every little technique that I learned here be it pulling female fly intestines or genotyping flies contributes to building

12、a more holistic research background for me. Ive also noticed that in such a short span of time, my vocabulary bank of Chinese words has grown quite a lot. Speaking and using WeChat with my lab partners and roommates on a daily basis has also allowed me to read and understand much more. I love being

13、able to learn wherever I go, from the subway station to the supermarket. Most importantly, I think my biggest takeaway from this program is all the friendships that I was lucky enough to build with the talented summer interns. On Day 1, I was so sure that I wouldnt fit in with the other interns here

14、, but now on Day 31, Ive reached the point where Im always ready to tackle my friends from behind to say hi. I find it hilarious how I cried the first day due to homesickness and am tearing up now just thinking about leaving my friends. The contrast between the two could not be greater, and for that

15、 I am eternally grateful for this program. I would like to thank my PI, Dr. Rongwen *i (z导师), for taking me on as a summer intern knowing the additional help that I would need given a few language and cultural obstacles. I would also like to thank my mentor (z师姐) for patiently teaching me and allowi

16、ng me to work with her for all her e*periments. Thank you to all the other 讨论所 staff and program directors who keep this program running. This summer will remain near and dear to my heart for many years to come. 篇2:讨论所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(武汉大学) 讨论所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(武汉大学) 从往届的学长口中,听闻了讨论所的暑期训练规划。听他绘声绘色的描述,

17、我觉得这会是一个很不错的去处,因此今年来试着申请了一下,很感谢王所能让我在这个暑假进入Wang Lab进展五周的学习。 来这里之前,我想这边太偏远,可能生活会比拟无趣,没有什么消遣工程。但是,当我真正在这里生活的时候,我才发觉,这里的生活比我想象中的丰富多彩很多。楼下的健身房里,大家挥汗如雨;学术报告厅里,有各种各样有意思的学术讲座;试验室里,有师兄师姐们劳碌的身影;大食堂、小食堂和西餐厅里,也有廉价又丰富的美食。每个试验室拥有的资源许多,试验室很宽阔光明,每个人都有自己的台面,干净明白,还有阿姨定期来清扫。做试验的时候并不感觉杂乱无章,一切都是井井有条地进展着。 由于暑期的时间不长,我的师兄

18、带着我做了一个小课题,重复之前另外一个师兄做的小试验。最开头读paper,了解试验室的共同方向,也是在第一次知道了apoptosis(凋亡) necroptosis(程序性坏死的其中一种) pyroptosis(焦亡,程序性坏死的另一种)的区分以及各自的特点,也知道了我们试验室做的是necroptosis的方向,让我对cell death领域内多了一分了解。开头上手做试验了以后,师兄给我定下了每周的小目标,从构建质粒到转染细胞再到用免疫荧光定位特定蛋白,做了一系列分子试验与细胞试验,中途也经受了种种失败,不断地重复和分析,师兄最终也帮我找到了失败的缘由和解决的方法,而这也是我在讨论所收获的最珍

19、贵的东西。试验过程中,我第一次了解到了Gibson Assembly 的技术,在师兄的帮忙下,也是第一次学习到了设计Gibson引物的原理,怎么去NCBI找特定质粒序列,怎么用SnapGene Viewer去分析。尽管试验室的大方向是一个生化试验室,但是也有许多的subgroups在做动物试验,有时候我会去旁观,其他的师兄师姐们也很好,会很急躁地解答我的问题。 暑期的高潮肯定非年会莫属了。预备了很久的summer节目、KTV大赛、羽毛球竞赛和乒乓球竞赛无疑都是大家关注的焦点,住在五星级酒店里的我们,还能去游泳和泡温泉来放松自己。固然,每天都还有各种PI们精彩的学术报告,提问与争论,都是顶尖PI

20、们和学生们的学术沟通。 五周的时间很快就要过去了,舍不得Wang Lab师兄师姐们对我们summer得到关怀和亲切的指导,也舍不得讨论所这片安静的科研圣地。讨论所后有一片宁静的水塘,在试验做不出来心烦意乱的时候,常去那里漫步。夜晚的昌平线,总是人满为患,从北京城内打工的人们,晚上纷纷回家,匆忙又疲乏。北生所这一片土地,在北京这个繁忙的大都市里,闹中取静。Wang Lab的成员,能唱会跳,运动也棒。于我而言,讨论所是一个很让人舒适的、情愿沉下心来做科研的地方。 篇3:讨论所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(中科大) 讨论所大学生夏令营暑期训练心得体会总结(中科大) 作为一名大二的学生,我有幸作为

21、summer来到了讨论所,来到刘清华教师的试验室。下面谈谈我的感想,首先说讨论所。 讨论所给我最主要的印象是专心,到处专心。 先从伙食来说,讨论所的伙食不能说一般,每天都别出心裁的换着把戏。以早餐为例,早餐的肉包馅料就有酸豆角肉沫,酸菜肉丁,梅菜扣肉等等,厨师们不能说是不专心。讨论全部三个食堂,一个大食堂供大家平日里吃饭,一个小食堂可以去下馆子,一个西餐厅可谓高山流水,三个食堂相得益彰,满意了大伙的各种需求。 从地理上来说,讨论所安居北京的偏远一隅,最近的商场要做三站公交,也很少见到饭店,甚至也没有超市。讨论所就坐落在安宁静静的生命科学园内,四周绿草如茵,碧树掩映。讨论所的试验室,食堂,健身房

22、,图书馆,会议中心都分布在一栋小小的红楼里,可谓五脏俱全,同时也极大的提高了人们的生活效率。 再来谈谈对试验室的感想。 最深的体会在于,试验室里仔细的科研气氛,每天早上到晚上,没有人低着头玩手机,没有人轻松闲聊,大家或是在做试验,或是在看文献,或是在争论问题,这是我从前所没有感受过的,也是深深触动了我的地方。我以为,这也将是我来讨论所最大的收获:科研应当是什么样的态度。 试验室里的人也各有特点:我每天刚过八点来到试验室,都能看到王教师做试验的身影,有时候周六周天来到试验室,也会看到他在做试验,这是令我所肃然起敬的。我的师姐做试验时既严谨又优雅,灵敏而精准,看着师姐做试验我学到了许多从别处学不到

23、的东西,有时候拿文献去找师姐问问题,她也会举一反三,不仅讲内容,也讲方法,我以前看文献从来不好好看图看数据,现在才得以改正这个坏习惯,能够有这样一位师姐带我,我深感幸运。同样幸运的事是遇到了一位师兄兼学长,我初入试验室时很不习惯,还好有师兄对我照看颇多,师兄从来没有架子,为人幽默而工作仔细。刘教师一周开三次组会,每天会与学生们谈话乃至经常错过饭点,是试验室当之无愧的领头人。将整个试验室团结起来的除了刘教师还有吴师姐,师姐为人极好,声音动听,统筹着试验室中的各种事务,而又会在各种生日时买来蛋糕和薯条招待大家,让我们每一个人都感到了试验室的亲切得意之处。 在讨论所的经受使我收获颇多,也让我体会到讨论所是特别优秀的科研院所,感谢讨论所能够给我这样一次珍贵的时机,特别幸运能够来到刘清华教师的试验室,我喜爱我遇到的每一个人,有缘再会。


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