1、初二我的梦想医生演讲稿600字篇1:初二我的幻想医生演讲稿600字 大家好! 花儿的理想是有一天开的光荣夺目,鸟儿的理想是有一天可以展翅高飞,果实的理想是有一天可以结的又大又红,让人看到就馋涎欲滴,我躺在床上,想着自己的理想 很小的时候,我就有了自己的理想当一名医生。那时,我并不是由于宠爱它而去向它努力奋斗,是由于我身体弱,好生病,每次打针我都会痛的哇哇大哭,我恨极了那个医生。于是,我便在心里悄悄埋下一颗种子,长大后也要当一名医生,去“报复”他,让他尝尝针头扎进屁股里的那种撕心裂肺的疼 于是,这个理想在我心中生根、发芽,直到那一天我才明白做医生的真正含义。5月12日,汶川发生8.0级大地震,当
2、时在全国上下引起了很大的震动,一波又一波的人赶去救援现场。那时我也揪着心,每天都准时收看新闻频道。当我看到失去一条条的生命,正为之难过时,我发觉总会有几个穿白大褂的医生在镜头里奋力地抢救着受伤人员,他们不抢镜头、不争名夺利,不顾自己生命的安危,困难地穿梭在废墟中。 当我看到那样的情景时,我的眼睛潮湿了,心在隐隐的作痛。此时,我好像明白了什么,明白了医生的工作并不是我想象的那样轻松与奇妙。它是高尚的、纯洁的、辛苦的!他们把自己的生命奉献给了别人,所受的压力和困难是可想而知的啊!可在医生忘我的工作中,他们的父母、孩子又何尝不为他们牵肠挂肚呢?这些千千万万的医生是多么可爱,多么无私啊! 医生是人类生
3、命的再造工程师,我要为我的理想做一名医生而努力奋斗着,直到我成功实现这个理想,我会让它在我的生命中永久闪射着光线! 篇2:初二我的幻想演讲稿600字 敬重的老师,友爱的同学: 大家好! 总是让心声装满期盼,总是让幻想连着将来,我们的心海,是一首纯真浪漫的歌谣,是一条绚丽缤纷的彩带,是跳动着不知疲乏的音符,是播种着布满希望的将来! 带着一路风尘,带着对青春的渴望和对五彩梦幻的追求,我们最终走到一起来了。面对将来和自我的挑战,只有让理想在这里放飞,青春才可以变得颜色斑斓! 青春如梦,岁月如歌,时不消逝,何能复得?青春是人生中一段难以磨灭的插曲,它注定是“不平凡”的。它需要我们用心灵和才智去诠译,它
4、更需要我们用士气和自信去充实。当我们背起行囊,来到了平顶山这个象牙塔,青春就该由我们来抒写和舔彩了! 让我们打开奇妙的心灵,让理想在他乡飞行吧,不要让它随着时间的消逝而消逝。要用青春去揍响生命的乐章,我信任每一个音符都将是理想的归宿!青春幻想演讲稿啊!理想是勤奋者织就的一幅画,才智者开拓的一片天空,劳动者用血汗培育的一朵花,执著者用丹心炼就的一片情! 让青春与幻想齐飞或许你正挣扎于人生的得失,或许你正徘徊于苦痛的边缘,或许你曾经苦苦等待,或许你曾经失败,但请记住,其实这一切都部重要,重要的是我们拥有青春,我们拥是有幻想! 拥有幻想的青春是简洁欢快的,拥有幻想的青春是奋勉向前的,拥有幻想的青春是
5、无所畏惧的,拥有幻想的青春是所向无敌的! 来吧,用幻想的翅膀承载起青春的心,让青春与幻想齐飞! 篇3:医生我的幻想演讲稿 敬重的各位评委、各位领导,友爱的同仁们: 大家好!我今日演讲的题目是医者有情,仁爱无涯。 此时此刻,当我站在这里念出“医者有情,仁爱无涯”这八个字的时候,之所以能如此语气坚决且有底气,除了由于内心对于这个行业的承诺和宠爱,更多是由于,在场的各位都是能够理解这个行业的人,而我的这些话,是能够得到大家的认可并引起共鸣的。 假如换一个场合,让我站在许多的患者和群众面前,去讲同样的话,我的内心照旧是坚决的,但我想,或许很难得到我所期盼的理解和回应。这几年来,医闹大事在舆论的关注下,
6、渐渐缓解了一些,但照旧时有发生,而许多人对于医护这个行业的理解,也还是停留在浅显的认知层面上,以至于医护行业被冠上了许多莫须有的“标签”,一点一点地被污名化了,这样的境况,不仅给我们带来了困扰,也让一些想要踏入医护行业的年轻孩子们打起了退堂鼓。 前不久,我在某平台上看到一个学医的男孩发布了这样一段话:“我不想连续学医了,也不想做医生了,临床五年,学五十多本书,出来却只拿两三千的工资。拿药物提成是违法,医闹被打不敢还手,然后每天被喷,还要还房贷车贷,运气不好上手术,工作十几个小时也是平常的事,每天提心吊胆,可怕开错药误诊,值夜班值到两点多,然后全部人都觉得这是应当的。”在这段话的最终,男孩发出了
7、一个疑问:“会不会将来的某一天,没人做医生了?” 看到这段有些杂乱无章的话时,我内心的心情很简洁,我不赞同男孩所说的“上手术台是运气不好”的想法,但不得不承认他所说的“不论付出多少,全部人都觉得理所应当”的现象。身在医护行业,其实我们最终要克服的,就是这个男孩的话所反映出的一种不平衡的心理,当我们日夜连轴转,履行救死扶伤的使命,病患家属却各种质疑声,怀疑我们的医术、品德、动机和目的,一些医护人员的心中难免会生出委屈和不满,或许还会因此而动摇了从医的初心。 可能有人会感到惊异,我身为一名医生,站在这里,应当是去弘扬我们的医护精神,应当是去叙述我们的感人故事,但我却说了一些听起来特别负面的内容,我
8、想告知大家的是,这是从医八年的岁月教会我的道理,不论是想当好一名医生,还要想当一名好医生,只有接纳了全部的辛酸、苦楚、委屈和质疑,才能真正头顶荣光、怀揣初心地坚守毕竟,才能真正把崇高的思想和人文精神融进自己的使命,才能真正在一份份平凡的感动中获得幸福感。 我原本是麻醉科的医生,我记得在麻醉科的最终一个班,我出了一个急诊,当时一名7岁的男童在游泳池里溺水了,我赶到现场的时候,小孩已经全身发紫,牙关紧闭,考虑到食物反流堵塞呼吸道,我跪坐在地上,掰开小孩的嘴巴,直接用手掏出了孩子嘴里的食物,然后进行了气管插管心脏按压,不多久,孩子全身的皮肤从青紫色慢慢恢复了红润,游泳池边的大人孩子一同鼓起掌来。至今
9、想起来那一阵掌声,我照旧觉得内心温热、心潮翻涌,当时走上医生这个岗位,为的不就是用自己的力气救死扶伤,同时也能赢得一份敬重和认可吗? 篇4:初二我的幻想演讲稿600字作文 大家好! 幻想是什么,我觉得幻想是这世界上最最奇异奇异的东西,她像一个百变的魔术师,让我的童年特别精彩好玩:小时候,我幻想能拥有一只恐龙做为宠物,哈哈看谁敢来欺侮我;我幻想我会飞,飞上蓝天,躺在云朵里睡大觉;我幻想自己也能有一双像灰姑娘一样的水晶鞋,穿上它去参加王子的舞会。我还会幻想能有一个永久也吃不完的棒棒糖。听到这里,你或许会忍不住发笑,但我要说就是这些幻想让我的童年变得五彩缤纷。 后来,我上学校了,成了一名学校生,爱做
10、梦的习惯可一点都没变。我又有了许多新的幻想:我幻想成为科学家,去探究世界的神奇。我幻想能成为运动员,刺眼能跑出几百米。我去参加奥运会,速度快的让各国选手目瞪口呆。我幻想当节目主持人、幻想成为一名白衣天使,幻想成为像郎朗、理查德克莱德曼一样的钢琴大师,我还幻想能成为舞蹈家,在国际舞台上一展风采 舞蹈教室里,我认真地跟着老师学动作,一遍一遍的重复,一点一点的进步,一节课上完经常是大汗淋漓,去年为了去市里参加拉丁舞竞赛,高强度的基训课,我的脚上都磨出了水泡,疼得我鞋子都脱不下来,但是为了我心中的幻想,我咬着牙坚持了下来。当我捧到一等奖的奖杯时,我欢乐地笑了,我体验到了努力追逐幻想的喜悦。 我幻想,我
11、追求,我欢快,我成功!我在追逐幻想的过程中品尝到了努力的艰辛,也收获了成功的喜悦。将来的日子里,我照旧会是一个宠爱追梦的女孩,我不会停息,由于幻想就在前方,它指引着我前进的方向,它赐予我去欣赏这个世界的无穷力气!我会勇敢的张开双臂,迎接成长道路上全部困难的挑战,我会对着蓝天,对着大地,大声高呼:“我的幻想,我做主!” 篇5:初二我的幻想演讲稿600字作文 大家好! 上二班级的时候,我们学了一篇课文,名字叫做太空生活趣事多。从这篇课文里,我学到了宇航员的很多学问,还知道了宇航员在太空会发生许多好玩的事情,比如:走路会都会飘在宇宙飞船中,所以他们只能穿带钩子的鞋,睡觉都要睡在睡袋里等等。而且,他们
12、还能在太空中巡游,探究太空的神奇。宇航员的生活真是太好玩了!从那时起,我就许下了一个奇妙的幻想,长大以后当一名宏大的宇航员。 每当我说起我的幻想的时候,妈妈就会告知我:当一名宇航员不仅要有强壮的身体,良好的心理素养,还要有丰富的科学学问。听了妈妈的话,我想:原来当一名宇航员这么不简洁呀!于是,我暗暗地下定决心:从现在开头,我要多看一些关于宇宙的科普书,帮我增长许多宇宙的学问;还要好好地吃饭,多多熬炼身体,争取让身体长得更强壮,发生困难的时候,心里不要紧急,用微笑去面对困难,这样,我就能当上宇航员了。 以前,我对科普书一点都不感爱好,只宠爱沉醉在童话的世界里。但是现在,我会经常去看科普书,慢慢地
13、,我发觉科普书原来也那么好玩,比如:西顿动物记、法布尔昆虫记、昆虫世界历险记等等。科普书深深地吸引着我,我和科普书也成了形影不离的好伴侣。 虽然我始终在努力,但是,我跟一名真正的宇航员相比,还差得很远呢!以后,我要爱惜好我的眼睛,每天坚持熬炼身体,多看科普书,不断增长自己的科学学问,还要好好学习,认真完成作业,用微笑去面对每一个困难,做好生活中的每一件事情,争取早日实现我奇妙的幻想,成为一名真正的宇航员! 篇6:初二我的幻想当医生演讲稿600字 友爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 今日我演讲的题目是仁者爱人我的中国梦 在我国古代,儒家思想是大部分君主都推崇的,而“仁爱”则是儒家学派的代表思想。“仁
14、者爱人”是出自孟子的著作仁者爱人。“君子所以异于人者,以其有意也。君子以仁有意,以礼有意。仁者爱人,有礼者敬之。爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。”仁者是布满慈爱的心,满怀爱意的人;仁者是具有大才智,人格魅力,和善的人。我以为。仁者爱人,就是要做一个有爱的人,赐予他人善和爱。 我的幻想,没有多么宏大,也没有多么无私。现在,我的幻想是,做一名好的医护人员。生老病死,人之常情。我始终都认为医生是一个很宏大的职业,但同时,我也厌恶医院。在我的记忆中,每次去医院都有一个亲人在那里,他们承受着或多或少的苦痛,而我们这些亲人也承受着心里的熬煎。 记忆中,最严峻的一次,是在我上高二时,我舅舅晚上开车出了车
15、祸。我记得,我的爸爸大半夜被叫醒,然后我们一起去了医院,医院里,我观看我的舅妈双眼通红,而我的表弟,站在那里一动不动,那一瞬间,我无比厌恶医院的那一片一片的白。所以,我现在在努力,努力让自己去吸取我的专业学问,努力学习如何应对紧急状况,努力让自己可以关怀我的家人。既然我选了这个专业,那么,我会去成为一个好的医护人员,去关怀更多的人,这就是我现在的幻想。 感谢大家! 篇7:初二我的幻想当医生演讲稿600字 大家好! 每一个人都有自己奇妙的幻想,而我想的幻想就是做白衣天使-医生。 我知道医生这个职业可以说很危险但是又能说很轻松。我曾经听过这么一个感人的故事:在非典时期,这种病毒把中国的一些城市弄得
16、满城风雨,恐怖的气氛罩在天空上,不断有人患病,弄得人心惶惶。正在这是白衣的战士门站在前线与病毒打着一场没有硝烟的战斗,有一名医生,从一开头就站在第一线,好友们叫他歇一会儿,他总是说:“就让我干多一段时间吧。我已经有了确定的阅历,我更好地履行我的职责,让更多人康复。”这位好医生不知有多少日子未和家人联系了,他对家人的思念只好深深地埋在心底。由于更加忘我地工作,不久他就被传染上了非典,因太久才发觉,已到危重的关头,大家都陷入了哀思中。后来,这位医生将自己的遗体交给了医学人员,让他们尽快找到解决非典的疫苗,让在医院中的那些病人能早一天回到家人身边 这位医生无私奉献的精神深深打动了我,令我更加相当一名
17、优秀的医生。医生是一个崇高的职业,救死扶伤是医生们的职责。无论是小病还是大病都和生命有关,都不能忽视,因此他们总是专心致志,不会有丝毫的差错。 我知道做医生要付出的太多了,虽然我还小,不过我要为我的幻想而去奋斗,我知道没有付出又怎么会有收获呢?“成功在于奋斗”是我上进的动力。 篇8:初二我的幻想演讲稿 各位老师,各位同学们: 大家好! 我是xx,说到幻想,大家确定是都有过自己的幻想,并且每一个阶段自己都是有着不同的幻想,小的时候总是幻想着自己以后可是科学家,数学家,企业家等等,信任很多同学都是有过这样的想法,那么在我们的成长过程当中,确定要有幻想,抱着对事物的憧憬和期盼,这样才能够有更多的提高
18、,在这一点上面我还是应当要做的更好一点,我们应当要对一些事物有自己的看法,这是我们每个人应当要有的态度。 说到我的幻想,我的幻想可能也是很多人的幻想,就是希望自己以后能够考上理想高校,我理想中高校就是我们国家超一流的高校,学校的时候我就特殊憧憬自己以后上了高校之后是一番怎样的景象,我想着上了高校之后就可以轻松一点了,不会有那么多课,没有那么多的作业,但是现在我的想法就不同了,现在我觉得上高校是为了让自己更加的优秀,以后能够成为一名对社会有用的人才,在属于自己领域内成为精英,让家里面过上更好的生活,所以我应当要努力,应当要对自己更加有信念,这是我以后需要去做好的事情,学校阶段的学习我从来都不敢忽
19、视自己,在这方面我也始终都在不断的反思。 我清楚在将来的学习当中,还是有很多需要去好的事情,幻想是我们每个人都要有的,我一会都觉得幻想是指引我前进的动力,我也从来都不敢忽视这些,这也是我应当要有的态度,对此我更加是觉得特殊的有必要,每个人都有自己对工作的态度,在这一点上面我也比较清楚,在我们平常的生活当中,会遇到很多困难,或者说在实现幻想路上会有很多挑战,但是我们不要萎靡,不要放弃,坚持自己的方向,坚持自己的想法就确定会有成果的,对我们来讲这也是一件特殊有意义的事情,实现幻想的路上虽然有坎坷,但是我信任大家以后确定能够做的更好,确定能够实现对自己的要求,对自己更加有信念,这是我们应当要去思考的
20、,是不容忽视的。 让我们坚决自己的方向,做好分内的事情,我知道考上自己理想的高校,我就应当要认真的对待学习,这是特殊重要的,我以后确定会做的更好一点,成为优秀的学校同学,一点点的去完成自己的目标,实现自己的幻想。 篇9:我的幻想英语作文医生初二 “Doctor” is a holy and glorious words, is also a hard pronouns. Took good care of the patient every day, sometimes stay up the night shift. When the doctor is very hard, but it
21、is essential to an industry society. And the doctor were very small, a lot of places of medicines, the doctor is a very important role. When doctors need not only has the compassion, more want to have good technology and solid foundation. I want to lay a solid foundation in elementary school, study
22、hard, and care the patient at work, moment for the sake of patients, the one thousand ways to relieve pain for the patient, is equally to any patient, strict with oneself, strive for perfection. My ideal is to become a doctor, when a “white angel” heal the wounded and rescue the dying. As the saying
23、 goes: “ideal is the navigation of our life!” Without ideal, there is no desire to do better, goal, without ideal, there is no life without ideal, there is no ambition, no backbone. I will struggle for a noble ideal. 篇10:我的幻想英语作文关于医生初二 When the doctors ideal My ideal is to become a doctor can benefi
24、t mankind. I very much admire the doctor, because they have to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, sometimes in order to save a person on the operating table stood in a row over ten hours without rest. In every time after the success of the surgery, the patients relatives will be extremely thank
25、doctor, coupled with pride after save, can let a person feel infinite joy. I want to be a great doctor, to the point of a household name, this feeling will certainly like star. I want to study medicine because I like biology, especially in learning knowledge about the human body, Im especially excit
26、ed, just want to very good spirit to delve into it, and then use it freely. I think most people would want to go to Beijing, Shanghai city, and I want to go to the place is in the forefront of the war, where there are many people dying, I think there is really a doctor can play their own level, wher
27、e with buttoned medicine, heal the wounded and rescue the dying spirit to treat those who really need me, when the doctor is the true sense of value the doctor. I want to go to the impoverished mountainous area, for those who lack of villagers to the advanced medical equipment, more hope that the he
28、althy growth of the rural children like me. 篇11:我的幻想英语作文关于医生初二 In my home, no relatives when the doctor, when I see the family sick pain, my in the mind is both worried and distressed. If only the doctor want to himself, is bound to help them relieve pain. On one occasion, I have a fever, mother too
29、k me to a hospital, doctors see my in the mind very envy, the doctor can cure all ills, benefit the people. The doctor can do, do less than the average person. They are great, incredibly also puts the patient back from death. Their temperament is unique, and every time cure the patient of his diseas
30、e, they face smile words cant describe it. This is the doctors unique charm. I said to mother: “I grew up to be a doctor.” , listening to his mother smiled and said: “that is, if you became a doctor I have sick need not hospital.” The reality is this shore, the dream is the other shore, action is in
31、 the middle of the bridge. In order to realize my dream, Ive been trying. Now Im reading the third grade, academic performance has been very good, I want to learn by their own efforts to realize their dreams. 篇12:我的幻想英语作文医生初二 I recently heard a formulation from the TV news: “new three mountain”, is
32、that “education, healthcare and housing. The idea of whether or not I cant judge, but these three things with every family, everyone concerned. Now everybody thought education, medical treatment, the high cost of housing prices, dont suffer. I happened to be in a magazine and saw sen-lin zhu to draw
33、 a cartoon, immediately and in the ”new three mountain“ linked to the high cost of health care. This cartoon is no empty seat at a table in the football playground, an athletes leg was injured, trip on the ground, pain to full head big sweat, a doctor come forward to help, the doctor said to the inj
34、ured, ”would you please do a CT, to take an X-ray, ultrasound, through a full vision, a blood fat, next gastroscope test.“ The player was on the spot. From this cartoon, we can see that the high cost of health care is one reason why the hospital in order to increase their income, the doctor gave the
35、 patient a lot of unnecessary tests, increase the cost of the equipment onto the hospital patients to burden. The athlete on the leg injury, according to the X-ray, most did check bone hurt is ok, other checks are redundant. Like a doctor, is no medical ethics. 篇13:我的幻想英语作文医生初二 I am eager to be a go
36、od doctor, the doctor is a noble profession, salving patients is the responsibility of the doctor. Doctors save small to outpatient, big to surgery, related to peoples lives, therefore, they are always so focused, cant have a negligence, they know a small mistake can lead to serious trouble. Wheneve
37、r you know a good doctor and treat critically ill patients, I admire and envy is what is in the heart could not help secretly was definitely I also want to be a doctor when he grows up. A has a doctor Bethune spirit, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. Popular now in China the a/h1n1 flu, SARS
38、 medical staff wearing a thick mask, wearing heavy insulating clothing, in the face of family dont understand, risk for infection virus bustling about in the isolation zone, the difficulty of medical personnel. 5.12 wenchuan earthquake, dont know how that affects the hearts of the people, everyone i
39、s eager to contribute an own force, hope to make your own effort, to help the people in the disaster area. Lofty mission and to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, doomed to the medical personnel must have a firm than most people, was destined to life race every minute counts, doomed must surmoun
40、t to complete a travelling, blame away. 篇14:我的幻想英语作文关于医生初二 Although the doctor this career is very dangerous, there is a big risk, and careful and technology, but I also very willing to. I want to use love to treat patients. My mother is a doctor. Remember every time she finish see expert outpatient
41、 service has been more than two when he go home to have a meal, I have already had lunch with my father. Im curious, early before the time from work, why she still come home so late? On one occasion, I go to the mothers office, find mothers kind of out of office, a large group of patients sit in the
42、 door. Time passed, bit by bit already half past one, well mom after work time. But mother did not even eat lunch, for some patients a plus sign. I asked my mother why dont go off work, even didnt eat lunch. Mother answered and said to me: ”to see a patient, can remove a disease. As the saying goes:
43、“ the healer parents heart I want to treat the patient as children to. Besides, patients run a trip to the hospital also not easy, cant let peoples hard work in vain.” Mothers words made my heart gave a shock. From then on, my heart ideal rootstocks speared out, want to be like mother devoted, momen
44、t for the patient. 篇15:我的幻想英语作文医生初二 My ideal is to be an excellent doctor, doctor is a noble profession, treating patients is the responsibility of doctors. Doctors save small to outpatient, big to surgery, related to peoples lives, therefore, they are always so focused, cant have a negligence, they
45、 know a small mistake can lead to serious trouble. Every time I know that a doctor has treated a dying patient, my heart is jealous and I have a determination that I will be a doctor when I grow up Its a long story. I want to be a doctor. In April of this year, when the SARS epidemic swept the city
46、of Beijing, the atmosphere of terror was hanging over Beijing, and there was a steady stream of suspected medical records. At that moment, the white soldiers fought day and night in the unsmoked battlefield, regardless of their personal safety. There are so a hospital in resisting SARS front Xiaotan
47、gshan hospital, there was a such a touching story: a doctor, from isolated start fighting in the first line, you let him rest, he always said: “Ive been on the line for such a long time, have a certain experience, can better fulfill my duties, substitution and enlarged the source of infection, again
48、 I am doing a period of time?” The good doctor has not been in touch with the family for months, and he has buried his homesickness deeply and more selflessly. Finally, he the SARS infection, because found too late, has reached the critical juncture, his family in deep sorrow, but the doctor in the isolation zone jieshou reporter interview, although the eyes with tears, and the infinite yearn this beautiful world, but firmly say: “please put my body to the medical organization for anatomy, solve the SARS vaccine as soon as possible,