1、南开大学23春学期(高起本:1609. 1703)前厅部运营与管理(一) (二)(EI双语)在线作业. Mr. Barnes made a reservation at the Metro Hotel. He arrived at 9 P. M. only to find that the hotel was full. The room held for him was released for sale at 6 P. M. Based on this information, which of the following types of reservations did Mr. Bar
2、nes probably make?( )选项 A: non-guaranteed reservation选项 B: credit card guaranteed reservation选项 C: travel agent guaranteed reservation 选项 D: corporate guaranteed reservation 参考答案:A. When a guest checks out and settles his or her account, the room, s status changes from occupied to:( )选项 A: stayover选
3、项 B: on-change选项 C: due out选项 D: ready for sale参考答案:B.在饭店任何一个对其商品和服务收取营收的部门被认为是一个() 中心,也就是销售点。选项A:支出选项B:收入选项C:转账选项D:以上都不对参考答案:B.饭店每间可销售房收入的计算公式应该是()参考答案:B.前厅部(Fronl off ice)为客人提供服务最集中的地方是总机。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.请勿打扰房Do not disturb简写DND,指住客为了不受干扰,在门 把手上挂“请勿打扰”字样的灯。此房只属于住客房,不可能是走房 或空房。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.预订员
4、应该对酒店客房形态、房号位置所在及房间内部格局与陈设 都应该熟悉。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.大堂副理的主要职责为处理至酒店消费的全部客人的各式疑问和各 种抱怨,通常都由资深的前厅部员工担任。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.饭店收客人取入住押金的种类只有现金。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.电话预订客房具有直接、迅速、清楚地传递双方信息的特点,前厅服 务员受理客人电话预订时无特殊要求。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.酒店的夜间审计工作是酒店每日检查在前厅记录的客账交易是否与 收入中心的交易一致的财务审核活动。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.前厅会计操作通常将应收账款分成两组:住客
5、分类帐(应收住客帐)和 应收公司帐(应收非住客帐)。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.所有增加或减少账户余额的交易均被记录在总账单上。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.预订员应该对酒店客房面积,具体位置所在及房间内部装修程度了如 指掌。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.在酒店中,客人的住宿登记是一种必备的法律手段。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.在海边的酒店肯定是度假饭店,度假型饭店肯定依海而建。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.拇指规则法是在决定每间房的平均销售价时考虑到经营成本、利润 目标以及客房预期销售数的房间价格计价方法。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:B.总机员工在电话与客人进行沟通
6、时应随着客人语速的快慢调整自已 的应答应对语速。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.非住客账单的账户分配给饭店授权挂账的非住客公司或旅行社。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.外宿房(Sleep out简写S/0)指住客在外过夜而未回该房间住宿,前 台应将此信息通知大堂副理及客房管家部,大堂副理应双锁该客房, 并记录,客人返回时,大堂副理再为客人开启房门。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A.前厅系统可以使用遥控技术与收入中心连接进行自动化过账。选项A:对选项B :错 参考答案:A49.50.度假区的特点之一就是向来度假的客人提供旅游,娱乐,休养,健身,康体等方面的服务。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:
7、A在酒店的客房部中,可周转使用的设备有客房服务员的工作车、吸尘 器、洗地毯机、地板磨光机以及其他设备。选项A:对选项B:错参考答案:A选项A:每间可销售房收入=实际客房收入/可销售房间数 选项B:每间可销售房收入二预计客房收入/可销售房间数 选项C:每间可销售房收入=实际客房收入/为销售房间数 选项D:以上都不对参考答案:ALaura, the executive housekeeper at the King s Arms Hotel, wants to purchase new vacuums for the room attendants. To complete her cost/be
8、nefit analysis, she needs information about the frequency and costs of repairs to the current vacuums. Which of the following documents kept by the engineer!ng/maintenance department would give Laura the information she needs?()选项 A: preventive maintenance records选项 B: equipment data cards选项 C: equi
9、pment history records 选项 D: schedul ed maintenance records参考答案:CThe general manager of a large, mid-market hotel wants to hire off-duty police officers as part-time security staff. Which of the following statements about off-duty police officers is false? ( )选项 A: They may be better able to identify
10、 known criminals.选项B: They are oriented more toward crime prevention than the apprehension of criminals.选项 C: They may have superior training in dealing with emergencies.选项 D: They might be fatigued after already working a full duty shift.参考答案:BThe level of service quality in hotels is determined by
11、:( ) 选项 A: independent rating services.选项 B: increasing service variability.选项 C: consistent service delivery.选项 D: the variety of amenities offered.参考答案:CAdding charges and a note usignature on file” to aguestJ s previously settled credit card account is:()选项 A: illegal选项 B: a common practice for c
12、ollecting late charges选项 C: a typical way to handle skippers.选项 D: the usual way hotels settle disputed guest bills. 参考答案:B9,每位住店客人产生的效益的计算方法是 ()选项A:每位住店客人产生的效益二实际客房收入客人人数选项B:每位住店客人产生的效益二预计客房收入+客人人数选项C:每位住店客人产生的效益=(预计+实际客房收入)小客 人人数选项D:以上都不对参考答案:A.对于前厅部来说,()是下列各对客服务过程中最重要的阶段。选项A:入住登记选项B:预订登记选项C:排放定价选
13、项D:询问查询参考答案:A. Establishing an accounts receivable billing policy and procedure includes determining the:()选项 A: number of days between billings.选项 B: amount of anticipated room sales.选项 C: estimated occupancy for the next 30 days.选项 D: nature of pre-settlement verification activities. 参考答案:A. All t
14、he accounts listed on a high-balance report are: ()选项 A: guest and non-guest accounts that have reached or exceeded assigned credit limits.选项 B: non-guest accounts.选项 C: guest accounts that are due to check out the next day.选项 D: guest accounts that have reached or exceeded assigned credit limits.参考
15、答案:A. Which of the following does the chapter recommend as the way to handle telephone messages for guests? ()选项 A: Place the message slip in the guest s mail and message rack slot until the guest requests it.选项 B: Slide the message slip under the door of the guest s room.选项 C: Time-stamp the messag
16、e slip, place it in an envelope, and deliver it to the guest s room as soon as possible.选项 D: Time-stamp the message slip, place it in the guest s mail and message rack slot, and switch on any in room message indicators参考答案:D. Which of the following system interfaces with a hotelJ s property managem
17、ent system allows guest account transactions to be quickly transmitted from remote revenue centers and posted automatically to electronic guest folios? ()选项 A: a point-of-sale system选项 B: general ledger software选项 C: financial reporting software 选项 D: an inventory control system 参考答案:A.前厅部与()之间必须相互通
18、知房态变更情况,以确保实现高效地 为宾客安排客房,避免出现混乱。选项A:保安部选项B:客房部选项C:工程部选项D:财务部参考答案:B. Compensatory damages are awarded:()选项 A: to punish a defendant for outrageous conduct.选项 B: to the plaintiff for pain and suffering.选项 C: only when punitive damages are also awarded.选项 D: based on the emotions of the plaintiff.参考答案:
19、B. Independent documentation by different hotel departments that verifies transactions posted to guest accounts enables the front office auditor to:()选项 A: monitor high-balance accounts.选项B: reconcile front office accounts with revenue center and departmental records.选项 C: resolve room status discre
20、pancies.选项 D: ensure proper room and tax postings.参考答案:B. Which of the following statistics helps the front office manager decide whether to sell rooms to walk-in guests on nights when the hotel nears full occupancy?()选项 A: percentage of walk-ins选项 B: percentage of no-shows选项 C: multiple occupancy p
21、ercentage选项 D: average dai ly rate参考答案:B. Which of the following is a special room rate offered to guests in affiliated organizations such as travel agencies and airlines because of potential referral business?()选项 A: commercial rate 选项 B: incentive rate 选项 C: promotional rate 选项 D: complimentary ra
22、te参考答案:B. Which of the fol lowing statements is true? ( ) 选项 A: To determine realistic productivity standards, an executive housekeeper should conduct time and motion studies on all tasks necessary to clean and maintain each item on an areay s inventory list.选项 B: Before determining the number of gu
23、estrooms that a room attendant should be expected to clean during a work shift, the executive housekeeper must first establish performance standards for guestroom cleaning.选项 C: A calendar plan for deep cleaning of guestrooms should schedule the majority of work for periods of high occupancy选项 D: Pr
24、oductivity standards for guestroom cleaning are uniform throughout the lodging industry.参考答案:B.当今饭店通过很多先进的途径接受预定问询,包括()选项A:面对面预定选项B:通过电话选项C:信函选项D:邮件或传真选项E:中心预定系统选项F:全球分销系统参考答案:A,B,D,E,F.预定的内容包括()o选项A:宾客的家庭地址选项B:宾客的电话号码(国家代码,地区代码)选项C:宾客的抵店日期与时间选项D:宾客的宗教信仰参考答案:A,B,C.从饭店安全的角度来讲,饭店发生紧急情况包括()以及其他需要 放点的部分
25、员工采取额外行动的安保情况。选项A:客人被伤害选项B:被抢劫选项C:财产受损选项D:火灾参考答案:A,B,C,D.酒店中的“后台”包括()选项A:客房部选项B:工程维修部选项C:餐饮部选项D:财务部选项E:人力资源部参考答案:A,B,D,E.房价的设置方法包括()选项A:市场条件法选项B:拇指规则法选项C:千分之一法选项D:哈伯特公式法参考答案:A,B,D.对于银行来说,()都被视同现金。选项A:现金支票选项B:旅游支票选项C:挂账选项D:汇款参考答案:A,B,D.影响房价的因素有()选项A:客房数量选项B:餐饮的质量选项C:服务的水平选项D:客房位置参考答案:A,C,D.前厅审计的主要目的是核实住客和非住客账户的记录与收入中心的 交易报告的()选项A:准确性选项B:连续性选项C:存在性选项D:完整性参考答案:A,D.酒店内特殊类型的房间通常包括哪几种?()选项A:无烟客房选项B:商务房选项C:残疾人客房选项D:女士客房参考答案:A,B,C,D.下列哪些是描述酒店房态的术语()选项A:住客房选项B:空房选项C:豪华套房选项D:待修房选项E:行政套房参考答案:A,B,D.前厅部最常用的经营比例是出租率百分比。出租率指的是一段时间内无论是售出或占用的房间数与已经销售房间数房间数之比。选项A:对选项B:错