1、Module? Unit 2Pandas love bamboo.实小御河李云华教学目标(一)知识目标:1.能理解和运用单词:bamboo, snake, sleep, grass2,能熟练运用句式短语dove bamboo, like water, love the sun, like grass, like playing with children, like to sleep(二)技能目标:能用句型.love/ like.”谈论动物及习性。(三)情感目标:1 .通过解动物的生活习性,了解动物与人类的和谐关系,培养学生热爱动物的情感。2 .通过小组讨论合作,组间交流,增强学生自主学习和综
2、合语言运用能力,为学生营造积极参 与、大胆表达、勇于合作的学习氛围。3 .培养学生爱惜动物,守护人与动物共同家园的意识。2学情分析六年级的学生对一些常见动物的个性、特点及对英语的单词、句型都有了较多的积累,本班 学生的基础较扎实,加上本课新单词较少,因此,新知识的教授并没有太大的障碍。而且孩子们 对熊猫、蛇、大象等动物了如指掌,丰富的生活经验也为了这节课奠定了基础。但是六年级 的学生相对于低年级学生而言,课堂参与不够积极踊跃。3重点难点.掌握本课时的重点单词与重点句型。1 .学会运用描写动物习性的句型,并向同学介绍自己最喜爱的动物。4教学过程【导入】Warming up1. Greetings
3、:T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, cloudy!In this lesson,Thereare two groups: Group 1 and Group 2. Lets see which group will be the winner. Ok?(分组竞赛,激发斗志)2. Sing a song:(播放动物叫声歌曲,让学生做动作、模仿跟唱。以唱歌活跃课堂 气氛,同时让学生初步感知本节课将要学习的内容)T: Do you like singing songs? First, Lets sing “the Animal Sou
4、nds Song.T: You can sing very : Ok!3. ReviewT: We can see so many animals in the song. Do you remember their names?(让 学生回忆歌曲中所出现的动物名称,复习所学过的动物名称。)活动2【讲授】Presentation1 . T: Now lets get on the train and visit the zoo.(让学生坐上小火车,开始参观动 物 园)Now we come to house . Who lives in it? Lets have a look.(进入一号房子
5、 一一熊猫之家,用幻灯片呈现熊猫吃竹子的动画)LooklThe panda is eating something. What is it eating? Oh, its eating bamboo.Read after me, am asm aem aem, oo u: u: u:L bamboo. (j 出新词 bamboo,拿出竹叶图片,边板书边让学生跟电脑读三遍).So what do pandas love? Ss: Pandas love bamboo.(引出重点句型,让学生跟 电脑读三遍,通过比划,拍掌操练,分组竞赛)Ok, we are going to house .Lets
6、 say goodbye to pandas.(让学生向熊猫挥 手说再见,幻灯片离开熊猫之家,继续坐小火车去二号房子参观动物)2 . T: Now we come to house . Its the elephants house!(进入二号房子大象之家,用幻灯片呈现大象喷水的动画)What is the elephant doing? Its playing with water. So what do elephants like ?(引导学生回答Elephants like water.”并板书)Lets chant: What do elephants like? What do e
7、lephants like? Elephants like water .Elephants like water.(把新句型编成朗朗上口的chant,再配上节奏,使学生记忆深刻)3 .(让学生向熊猫挥手说再见,幻灯片离开大象之家,继续坐小火车去三号房子 参 观)Oh, its the snakes house.(出示已学过的单词take, make,让学生根据发 音规律拼读出snake) Follow me, a ei ei ei, snake (拿出蛇的图片,教授新 词snake,板书,跟电脑读三遍,通过高低声的游戏操练)Lets look at the snakes. They are
8、sleeping under the sun.(幻灯片展示蛇在太 阳底下睡觉的图片,引导学生说出Snakes love the sun.,边板书边跟电脑读, 然后通过做动作读单词。)4 .(继续坐小火车去四号房子参观)Now we come to house the sheeps house. What are the sheep doing?(幻灯片展示羊在山上吃草的动画, 引导学生说 出Sheep like grass.,边板书边跟电脑读,然后通过chant分组操 练、竞赛)5 .(让学生向羊挥手说再见,小火车开到五号房子,幻灯片展示狗和孩子们玩耍 的动画)What do dogs lik
9、e? Yes, they like playing with children.(板书带读,指示学 生慢读或快读句子竞赛)6 .(小火车开到六号房子,幻灯片展示熊在雪中睡觉的动画)Look! Its snowing. What season is it? Yes, its winter. What are the bears doin g?(引 导学生说出Bears are sleeping. Bears like to sleep in winter/, 并板书带 读,通过手势指导学生分段朗读句子)a song Lovely Lovely Animar (把课文重点句子以小星星的曲调创作一首
10、新 歌,教学生唱。激发学生兴趣,使学生在美妙的歌曲中巩固知ovelyz lovely animal,how I wonder what you like.Pandas, pandas love bamboo.Elephants, elephants like water.Lovely, lovely animal,how I wonder what you like.8. Watch the video and repeat播放课文视频,跟 读)Students point and read by themselves.涛劫3【练习】Practice and ConsolidationPair
11、 work: Answer and answer.1. Group work: Talk and write about your favourite animal.(教师先介绍自己最喜爱的动物,四人小组合作完成作文)Our Favourite AnimalOur favourite animal is. They live in the. They are like like, too.T:Have you finished? I want some groups to tell us something about your favourite animals.(请小组上来投影展示)活动5【作业】HomeworkTeach your parents the new song.1. Write more about your favourite animal.