1、面向对象程序设计(Java)教学大纲课程英文名Object-oriented Program Development(Java)课程代码学分3.5总学时56理论学时36实验/实践学 时20课程类别学科基 础课课程性质限选先修课程高级语言程序设计适用专业计算机科学与技术开课学院信息工程学院一、课程地位与课程目标(-)课程地位Object oriented programming is an important basic course for the major of computer science and technology. It plays an important role in t
2、he transition process from the basic training to the teaching stage of the professional course. It not only lays a solid theoretical foundation and technical foundation for the future study, but also provides the necessary theories, methods and tools for software development and program design.(-)课程
3、目标In the object-oriented view of software, programs are considered to be col lections of objects that interact by sending messages to one another and reacting to the answers to those messages. These ideas are at the forefront of modern software development. This course teaches the fundamental ideas
4、behind the object-oriented approach to programming.This course aims to convey an understanding of object oriented programming. After taking the course, the student will be able to discuss object oriented techniques with other programmers, and will be able to develop and implement small programs in J
5、ava.二、课程目标达成的途径与方法课程目标课程目标 内容目标达成的途径与方法教学内容课程目标1掌握Java 语言开发 环境、基础 知识、调试 方法1 .课堂讲授2 .实验3 .课外作业Chapter 1: An Introduction to JavaChapter 2: The Java Programming EnvironmentChapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in JavaChapter 7: Exceptions, Assertions, andLoggingChapter 14: Concurrency课程目标2掌握面向
6、 对象语言 核心内容1 .课堂讲授2 .小班讨论/课堂讨论3 .实验4 .课外作业Chapter 4: Objects and ClassesChapter 5: InheritanceChapter 6: Interfaces, LambdaExpressions, and Inner Classes课程目标3掌握泛型、 集合的用 法等1 .课堂讲授2 .小班讨论/课堂讨论3 .实验4 .课外作业Chapter 8: Generic ProgrammingChapter 9: Collections课程目标4掌握图形 界面编程,能实现完 整的系统1.课堂讲授2.实验3.课外作业Chapter
7、 10: Graphics ProgrammingChapter 11: Event HandlingChapter 12: User Interface Components with SwingChapter 13: Deploying Applications三、课程目标与相关毕业要求的对应关系课程目标课程目标对毕业要求的支撑程度(H、M、L)毕业要求2毕业要求3毕业要求4毕业要求5课程Fl标1MMMM课程目标2MHHH课程目标3MHMM课程目标4MHHH四、课程主要内容与基本要求Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java1. 1 Java As a Progr
8、amming Platform2. 2 The Java uWhite Paper Buzzwords3. 3 Java Applets and the Internet4. 4 A Short History of Java5. 5 Common Misconceptions about JavaChapter 2: The Java Programming Environment2. 1 Instal1ing the Java Development Kit3. 2 Choosing a Development Environment4. 3 Using the Command-Line
9、Tools5. 3. 1 Troubleshooting Hints6. 4 Using an Integrated Development l-nvironment7. 4. 1 Locating Compilation Errors8. 5 Running a Graphical Application9. 6 BuiIding and Running AppletsChapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java3. 1 A Simple Java Program4. 2 Comments5. 3 Data Types6. 4 V
10、ariables7. 5 Operators8. 6 Strings9. 7 Input and Output10. 8 Control Flow11. 9 Big Numbers12. 10 ArraysChapter 4: Objects and Classes4. 1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming5. 2 Using Predefined Classes6. 3 Defining Your Own Classes7. 4 Static Fields and Methods8. 5 Method Parameters9. 6 Obj
11、ect Construction10. 7 Packages11. 7. 4 Package Scope12. 8 The Class Path13. 9 Documentation Comments14. 10 Class Design HintsChapter 5: Inheritance5. 1 Classes, Superclasses, and Subckisses6. 2 Object: The Cosmic Superclass7. 3 Generic Array Lists8. 4 Object Wrappers and Autoboxing9. 5 Methods with
12、a Variah 1e Number of Parameters10. 6 Enumeration Classes11. 7 Reflection12. 8 Design Hints for Inheri tanceChapter 6: Interfaces and Inner Classes6. 1 Interfaces7. 2 Object Cloning8. 3 Interfaces and Cal 1backs9. 4 Inner Classes10. 5 ProxiesChapter 7: Exceptions, Assertions, Logging, and Debugging7
13、.1 Dealing wi th Errors7.2 Catching Exceptions7. 3 Tips for Using Exceptions8. 4 Using Assertions9. 5 Logging10. 6 Debugging TipsChapter 8: Generic Programming8. 1 Why Generic Programming?8. 2 Defining a Simple Generic Class8. 3 Generic Methods8. 4 Bounds for Type Variables8. 5 Generic Code and the
14、Virtual Machine8. 6 Restrictions and Limitations8. 7 Inheri tance Rules for Generic Types8. 8 Wildcard Types11. 9 Reflection and GenericsChapter 9: Collections9. 1 Collection Interfaces9. 2 Concrete Collections9. 3 The Collections Framework9. 4 Algorithms12. 5 Legacy CollectionsChapter 10: Graphics
15、Programming1. .1 Introducing Swing10. 2 Creating a Frame11. 3 Positioning a Frame12. 4 Displaying Information in a Component13. 5 Working wi th 2D Shapes14. 6 Using Color15. 7 Using Special Fonts for Text16. 8 Displaying 1 magesChapter 11: Event Handling11. 1 Basics of Event Handling11.2 Actions11.3
16、 Mouse Events11. 4 The AWT Event HierarchyChapter 12: User Interface Components with Swing12. 1 Swing and the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern13. 2 Introduction to Layout Management14. 3 Text Input15. 4 Choice Components12. 5 Menus12. 6 Sophisticated Layout Management12.7 Dialog BoxesChapter 13:
17、 Deploying ApplicationsJAR Files13.1 2 Java Web StartApplets13.2 Storage of Application PreferencesChapter 14: Concurrency1 What Are Threads?1.1 Interrupting ThreadsThread States1.2 4 Thread PropertiesSynchronization1.3 Blocking QueuesThread-Safe Collections1.4 8 Callables and FuturesExecutors1.5 Sy
18、nchronizers11 Threads and Swing(Items with * are optional)五、课程学时安排章节 号教学内容学时数学生任务对应课程目标1An Introduction to Java1课程目标12The Java Programming Environment1课程目标13Fundamental Programming Structures3 (2)基本语法作业、实验课程目标14Objects and Classes6 (4)类和构造器作业、实 验、小班/课堂讨论课程目标25Inheritance6 (4)继承和多态性作业、 实验、小班/课堂讨论课程目标
19、26interface and Inner Classes4 (2)接口作业、实验、小 班/课堂讨论课程目标27Exceptions, Assertions, Logging, and Debugging4 (2)实验课程目标18Generic Programming2课程目标39Collections6 (2)集合作业、讨论、实 验课程目标310Graphics Programming6 (2)作业、实验课程目标411Event Handling4课程目标412User Interface Components with Swing3课程目标413Deploying Applications
20、2部署作业课程目标414Concurrency4 (2)作业、实验课程目标4六、实践环节及基本要求序号实验项目学时基本要求学生任务实验性质实验类别1Data Type2masterUse Java Data TypeCheckedRequired2Objects and Classes4masterDefine class and create objectCheekedRequired3Inheritance4masterDefine class and inherit classCheckedRequired4Intcrfacc&InncrClasses2masterDefine inte
21、rface and implementCheckedRequired5Exceptions2masterDebug program and write logCheckedOptional6Collections2masterUsearray list,linkcdlist, mapCheckedRequired7Graphics Programming2masterUse window and controlsCheckedRequired8Concurrency2masterUse MultithrcadCheekedRequired七、考核方式、成绩评定考核内容考核方式评定标准(依据)占
22、总成绩比例过程考核含到课率、课堂讨论发言、平时 作业等点名记录讨论发言记录作业批改成绩15-25%实验考核操作及实验报告操作成绩报告批改成绩25%期末考核闭卷或者半开卷或机考卷面成绩50-60%考核类别考试成绩登记方式百分制八、推荐教材与主要参考书(一)推荐教材:1. Core Java Volume I - Fundamentals, 11th Edition, Cay S.Horstmann Gary Cornell 著, 人民邮电出版社,2019年5月。2. Java编程思想(第4版),埃史尔(作者),陈昊鹏(译者)。清华大学出版社,机械 工业出版社,第1版,2007年6月。(二)主要参考书:1. Effective Java中文版(第2版),Joshua Bloch (作者),杨春花(译者),俞黎敏(译者)。 机械工业出版社;第2版,2009年1月。2. Java程序设计题解与上机指导(第3版),辛运帏,饶一梅,谭浩强。清华大学出版 社;第3版,2013年6月。