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1、英语I ( 2)形成性考核手册作业答案学前准备选择对的答案完毕下列句子。(10分)1 .A 2 o B 3o B 4 o CB 5。A 6。B 7。C 8。B 9。C 10o A学习记录卡1。(10分)三种时态之1。一般过去式(Un itl9)规贝I动词askaske dt riptrip ped不规则动词 g owenttak e 一 t o ok写出下面句子的否认句和疑问句否认句:T o m didnt go to s ee h i s par e n t s in t h e c o u ntry.疑问句:D id Tom gotosee h is p are nts in the co

2、u n try.三种时态之2 (Un i t2 1 )将下面三个句子翻译成汉语:戴夫明天要去取车。我要给他买一把小提琴作为生日礼物。我累了。我要坐出租车去那儿。三种时态之3o现在完毕时(Unit2 2 )举例说明现在完毕时的用法(1) 现在完毕时表达发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果。Sh e has lo s t he r walle t .(2) 表达某人的经历。She has read the boo k twice.三组近义词语的区分prefer 和 rather (u n it20)-Would you like t o go to t h e cin e ma?fd p

3、ref e r (rat h e r, p r e fer) t o g o to the thea t re.日积月累:在你的笔记本上积累下面的语言点。短语动词(Unit 3 1) be wo r r ied ab o u t , t o g i ve up, to be fe d up wi th, toget o n w ith.表达方位的短语(Unit34) on the 1 e f t, at the bac k , i n the mid d le, a 11 h e front表达否认意义的前缀(Uni t35) u n k i nd, u n fr i en d 1 y , i

4、mpati ent, impo s si b I e , i nc o r r ect,dish o nest你对面授的建议(自己写)开放英语K 2 )作业3第一部分:交际用语(10%). A 2o B 3o A 4o B 5 o A第二部分:词汇与结构(40% )6.C 7.A8.C9.C10.A 1 1 .A 12. C 13. B 14.B15. B6.C 17.A18. B 19.C2 0.B 21.B 2 2. B 23. C 24.C 2 5.B第三部分:句型变换26. He s t o le the 1 a pt o p.Th e laptop was sto 1 en b y

5、him.2 7 . Tim didnt go t o work the next day. H e cle a red up the flat.T i m cl e a r ed the fl a t i nst e a d o f g oi ng to work the n extday.3 8 . “I cant fi n d my n o te b o ok, ” She said th a t she c ould n t note b oo k .29. It w a s a pla c e . H e wanted t r e.I t was a place wherehewa n

6、ted30. Tim ha s 1 o st his c a mera. I h acam e ra. aT i m ha s lo s t his cd id I第四部分:阅读理解(20%)3 l.B 3 2 .B 3 3o C 34.B 35B 36.B 3 7 .B 38.A第五部分:翻译41. T had the wind o ws cle a ne d ye s terda y .我昨天让人把窗户榛干净了.42. He use d to pla y b a sketbal 1 every Sund a y.他过去经常每个星期天去打篮球。43. T h ey e n j o yed t

7、hems elves a t the par t y .他们在晚会上玩得很开心.she said.find hero g o thet o go.e 1 o s t mya mera , so39o B 4 0o44. She does n t 1 ike s w i mmi n g a n d nei t h e r does her si s t e r .她不喜欢游泳她妹妹也不喜欢.a rs.45. Ive been 1 earning En g 1 i s h for thr e e y我学英语学了三年了.学习表现登记表(10分)学生自评(自己写)开放英语(2)期末自测第一部分交际用语

8、1. B1. B2 o B 3o A第二部分词汇与结构第二部分词汇与结构6 .A 7o C 8o C6 .A 7o C 8o C9o B 10oB IE B 12o C 13o14o C 15o C 16o17.B18o A 1 9 o C 20o C 21。A22O A 23o C 24o A25 o A第三部分句型变换第三部分句型变换2 6 . Iwas too hot. I couldn t2 6 . Iwas too hot. I couldn tope n th ewind o w.I was t oo hot but I c o uldn?t o pe nthe wi n dow.

9、2 7.Although i t r ained, the vi sit wa sa succ ess.2 8.29.I n sp i tetalltallTheya reWhatof the rain , t h ea nd thin. M y moand thin, s ogoi n g t o 1 ookare the y goin g t ovisit wa sa succ ess.t heri s myloo ki s too.mo t her.r the cat.after?3 0. He disturbed the bur g 1 a rs.The b u rgla r s we

10、re distured.第四部分阅读理解3 1. B 32o B 3 3 A 34。B 35。A 3 6。B 3 7。A 3 8 o B 39 o Ao B第五部分翻译. He s t udie d i n a uni v e rsi t y west o f Bei jin g .他在北京西部的一所大学里学习.4 2. He c ame acros s a n old painting at his friend s ho u se.他在一个朋友家看到了一幅古画.4 3 .S he wo u Id buy a large ho u s e i f she won the lottery.假如

11、她中了彩票他就会买一套大房子.4 4. Theflat was i n a b i t of mess.房间里有点乱.45. B oth o f the bo y s ar e g o od at si n gi n g.两个男孩都擅长唱歌.r e nt 和 hir e (uit21)Im going t o re n t (rent, hire)aflat.p 1 a y,d o , g o与运动项目搭配时的区别(unit22)I d o (d o , p 1 ay,go) K ung F u e v ery Friday.He likes to p 1 ay (do, p 1 a y, g

12、 o) che s s in h i s free t ime.两个句型的用法:not .unti 1 . (u n itl9)他直至U 1 0 点才起床。He d i d iTt qe t up unt i 11 0 o c 1 Dck.t oo 和 not en o ugh(u n it 2 3 )A: 这件衬衫太小了。 T his s hirt i s to o sm a 11.B:不,我觉得够大了。Noth我k it is big enough.两个语言功能:如何点餐 Could I hav e .? ril h ave .(unit20)Cou 1 d I have th e gr

13、e en s a 1 ad?ri 1 h av e a steak ,please.提出建议 How a bou t ,Why dont .Sha 1 1 we(uni t 20)How about goi n g to s ee a film?Why dont yo u g o to the cin e ma?S h all we beg i n n o w? Lefs go to the theatre.你对面授课的建议(自己写)英语I (2)作业1参考答案第一部分,交际用语1. B2. A 3.4. B5. B第二部分词汇和结构6.C7. A8.B 9.B 10. A 11. B 1 2

14、 . A1 3.14. A15.1 6 .A17. C18. C1 9 . C 20. C2L B22.3. C2 4.25.第三部分:句型转换26. Tom didnt a y in t he meeting. He left th e off ice.H e leftth eo f f ic e i n s tea d o f s t a yi n gin the meeting.27. W h er e is the re s tauran t ”He a skedwherethe restau r ant was?2 8 . That cin e ma isvery n i ce.Th

15、e t ickets are qu itee xpensThe cin em a isv er y mee but the t icket sare quiteexpensive.29. He sg on e t oS ha n ghai.He s nego t iatingnew c o ntract.He h agone to Sh a n g hai tone g ot i at e a newc ontract.30. Hedid n t run f a st. Hed i d n t catcht he bus.He didn t run fast e nough t o catch

16、 the bus.第四部分阅读理解3 1 . C3 2.B33. A 34. B35. B 36. A 37.38. B 39. A 40 . A第五部分翻译41.虽然这部电影非常令人快乐,但是太长了。4 2.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。43 .我得在六点前到达机场。44 .我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了。45 .帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。学习记录卡2。(10分)时态比较:现在完毕时vs一般过去时(Unit26,un it2 8)选择合适的时态完毕下列句子:I sp 0 k e (speak) wi t h Max 1 ast night.Hav e y o u ever been t

17、 o Ch i na?I h a ve alre a dy see n t h e film.时态连用:过去进行时+一般过去时(Un i t 29)翻译下面两句话:当我正在高速公路上行驶时,我的车坏了。当我正在品茗时,有人偷了我的钱包。“两者之一”、“两者都”和“两者都不”The new web page can b e eit h er blu e or r ed.A: W h i c h of the two books d o you like?B: N e ither of the m,th a nks.Both th e Ei f f e 1 and th e Concorde ha

18、 v e e m a il f a c i liti e s.“自己做”还是“让别人做(UNIT 25)每隔3个月我让人把小汽车保养一下。明天我要让人把电视机修理一下。写出所有的反身代词。单数 myself y o u rse 1 f h ims e If herself itself复数 0 urs e 1 v es yourse Ives themselv e s介词用来描述地理位置(Uni t 25,Unit2 9人表达移动方向(Unit26):(翻译下面句子)这个宾馆四周被田野和树木所围绕。我家远离市中心。他朝窗户走去。他们朝着那条路走去。北京离天津开车要一个小时的距离。成都在重庆的西

19、北部。时间段和时间点:Pll f i ni s h my home work b y 9 o c 1 ock.Pm in a m e e t i n g until 1 .00.He h a s 1 i v e d in London foe three years.Weve becom e good frien d s si n ce 1 a s t summer.B e f ore t h ey 1 e ft, t h ey had a co f f e e.After they 1 a nded, t h ey w e nt to the conf e r e n c e.W h i l

20、e they were e ating , they d i s cusse d th e w e bsite.功能句:I f I we r e y ou ,I would b uy a c ar.你对面授课的建议是(自己写)英语I (2)形考册作业2参考答案第一部分:交际用语2. B3. B 4. A 5. A第二部分:词汇与结构:6.C7. C8.9.1 0. A1 1.2.13. C1 B1 A23. B24, C 25.第三部分;句型变换2 6.1 we n t shoppi ng . I n eede d anewpa i rf sho

21、es.I was shopp i ng bee a us e I need e d anewp airofsh o es.said Da v i d .2 7 . “Can you p hone me 1 a ter, Susan?”David aske d Su s a n to ph o ne him 1 a ter.28. I m a tea c her and sh e is al s o a te a cher.I am ate acher , s o i s s he.2 9. Sh e f orgo t abou t the meeting yesterday.Wha t did

22、 she forget a bout y e sterday?3 0. H i s n ei g hbo r h ea r d them. T h ey mad e a noise.His neig h bo u r h e ard th e m ma k i n g a no i s e .第四部分:阅读理解3 1. B 3 2. B 33. C 34 . A 3 5. B 36, B 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. A第四部分翻译:41. 我们有足够的钱改善网站。42. 你像你的母亲或父亲吗?43. 我周五得从房子里搬出来,由于佛朗哥又招了一位房客。4 4.奥运会是世界上规模最

23、大的体育赛事之一。45 .届时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事聊一聊,会多开心啊。学习记录卡3 (10分)被动语态的用法和构成(UN IT32)把下面三个句子变成被动语态1 . T he room is clean e d b y Mary every day.2Th e la p t o p is s t olen by his neigh bour 3 -The p o lice have been contac t ed b y them.与现在或将来情况相反的虚拟条件句(UNIT3 3)If I wer e y ou , I wo u 1 d bu y a car.间接引语的用法和构成(U

24、N IT 32)1 .-J im s aid th a t he 1 iked s w i mmi n g.2 .-Susan asked how you like d the part y 3一She asked if y o u had go t he r bag.定语从句(非限定性和限定性)(Un i t34/Un i t 3 5 )把下面的句子翻译成汉语:1 .他买了我为他选的那条裤子。2 .这就是他住的房子。3 .我们的设计师工作非常努力,他是去年加入我们的队伍的。反意疑问句(Unit3 3)1 , d oe s n t she?2 -s hall we?3一d id you?(Un

25、it看到/听到/感觉到某事正在发生:see/hear/feeleeesb do i ng sth3 2)试着翻译下面这个句子:I saw h i m get on the bu s 动词一ing 形式和动词不定式to do(Unit35)下面哪句对,哪句错?They haven t go t enou g h t i me to d e sign th e gar d en.(是对的)选词填空1.1 must go t o bed ear 1 y toni g ht. Im s o tired.2. I h ave to leave now. My s ist e r i s wa i t i

26、 n g fo r me.3. You must n sm o ke h ere b e c a use th e y se 1 1 p etrol.4. You dont have topay f or th a L If s f r ee.介词词组 in s p ite of, apa r t from , except for (Unit33)1. I n spite o f the ra i n and th e wind, t hey c am e on t i m e .2. Except f or P o 1 ly, they all d r ank r ed wine.对对方的说法表达同感 n e ith e r, nor, n ot. e i th e r,s o (Uni t 3 5) 把下面句子翻译成英语:2.1 d o nt smo k e. N e ithe r d oes he.2 . Tim lo s t h is camera . S o d id Mary.


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