1、【防溺水安全训练告家长书】同学安全训练告家长书 敬重的家长: 您好!“一切为了同学,为了同学的一切”是学校的办学宗旨,我们始终视师生的生命安全为最高利益。你的子女是我校的同学,他们的安全训练和防范工作始终是我们学校工作的重点。而同学安全训练是个系统工程,需要学校、.、家长亲密协作,齐抓共管。最近无锡市人民政府召开了安全工作紧急会议,会上市委领导要求全.都来关怀学校的安全工作,要从全面落实“.”和“.”重要思想的高度抓好学校安全工作,坚固树立“以人为本”、“安全第一,预防为主”的理念,以对下一代高度负责,警钟长鸣,常抓不懈,实行训练、预防等措施,家校合作共同做好同学的安全训练和防范工作。现学校将
2、有关安全训练内容打印成文,供家长们训练子女时作参考,建议家长们能常年做好以下十个方面的工作: (一)要加强对子女的思想道德和法纪训练,训练子女遵守.公德和公共秩序;敬重师长,友爱同学,讲礼貌,讲文明,懂道理。 (二)要重视对子女的安全训练和防范,增加其安全意识,培育其防范不法侵害和抵御灾难的力量。 (三)要加强与学校、老师的沟通协作,了解学校作息时间和有关规定。常常与班主任联系,沟通同学在家、在校的表现状况,双休日、节假日、放学期间及晚上要特殊加强对子女的管理和监护。子女未到校上课要查明缘由并准时告知班主任。 (四)要做好子女的交通安全训练。训练子女自觉遵守交通规章,不闯红灯,不骑飞车,不乱穿
3、公路,不骑摩托、电动车来校,不开汽车来校。骑车不带人,横穿道路时留意过往车辆,不乘坐非法运行的黑车和超载车辆。 (五)要注意消防安全训练,不接触易燃易爆及危急品,不私接私拉电器,不玩打火机、火柴,严禁野外用火、焚烧纸屑,住宿同学同时严禁在宿舍内点燃蚊香。使用电器要留意用电安全,人离开时须将电源插头拔掉。 (六)要鼓舞子女乐观参与体育熬炼,养成良好的生活习惯。不抽烟、不喝酒、不暴饮暴食,不食“三无”和霉变的食品,不到街头游贩处购买食品,防止病从口入。勤理发、勤洗澡、勤晒被褥、清洁卫生,勤俭节省,不穿珍贵高档衣服、球鞋,少吃零食。 (七)要训练子女遵守学校规定,不赌钱,不打架,不进嬉戏机厅、网吧及
4、其它未成年人不宜进入的场所,坚决不让孩子携带管制刀具进入学校和公共场所。 (八)要训练子女慎交友,交益友。严禁子女与.上不良分子来往,与他人发生冲突、纠纷要准时报告家长、老师,不得求助于.闲杂人员和外校同学,未经家长允许不得在外留宿,子女外出须向家长请假。 (九)要重视防止意外事故发生。训练子女不要到危急和复杂的地方游玩;要防止子女私自结伴外出,严禁子女私自下河(塘、溪、沟等)游泳玩水。 (十)要敬重、关怀、理解子女,训练子女时,要晓之以理,动之以情,导之以行,切忌对子女实行简洁粗暴的方法。要重视子女的心理健康训练。 最终,让我们家校共同努力,使你的孩子我们的同学健康成长。 Dear Pare
5、nts: Hello! All for the students, for students of all is the mission of the school, we always reunicipal leadership requirements of all sectors of society concerned about the safety of schools work, from school safety comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development and the important
6、thouly establish people-oriented concept of safety first, prevention first hi bells rinittineasures, home-school cooperation and jointly improve students safety education and prevention work. The school will print about safety education content written for parents to educate their children as a refe
7、rence, it is recommended that the parents have been able to do the followinoral and disciplinary education of children, the education of their children to abide by social morality and public order; respect teachers, fraternity students, polite, civilized, to understand the truth. (B) should pay atte
8、ntion to their childrens safety education and prevention, and enhance their safety awareness, develop their ability to ent amunication and coordination with the school, teachers understand the school work schedules and the relevant provisions. Frequent contact with the class teacher communication st
9、udents at home, performance in school, weekends, holidays, and school durinanaent and supervision of their children. Children yet to come to school to identify the reasons and promptly inform the class teacher. (D) to do the childrens traffic safety education. Educate their children consciously abid
10、e by traffic rules, not runninotorcycle, electric car to the school, do not drive a car to school. Bike without attention to passinmable or explosive and danatches, non Yewaiyonmodation at the same time non-lit mosquito coils in the dormitory . The use of electrical appliances to pay attention to th
11、e safe use of electricity, people leave the power pluust be unpluoke, do not drink, do not eat too much, do not eat the three noes and moldy food, less than the street tour traffickin the mouth. Handlinply with school rules, does not ble, do not fie room, Internet cafes and other minors should not e
12、nter the place, determined not to allow childrento carry knives into schools and public places. (H) to educate the children of careful makinents in the society, into conflict with others, the dispute must promptly report to the parents, the teachers, and shall not resort to the social Xianzarenyuan
13、and foreiission outer lenplex place to play; want to prevent their children privately toission Xiahe (pond, creek, ditch, etc.) swimmin with reason, dynamic situation, ple and crude methods. Attention should be paid to childrens mental health education. Finally, let us home-school work toake your child healthy growth of our students.