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1、Unit 7 Arranging ConferencesTaskl2: Arranging large conferenceActivity (Page 118)1st -Find out the purpose of the conference2nd -Help you boss to confirm the date and place of the conference3rd - Call the hotel and reserve a conference room4th -Send out notice of the meeting to all participants5th -
2、 Make (print out) conference agenda and prepare handouts6th- take a roll call7th -take meeting minutes8th - submit final draft of meeting minutes for approval9th -send a reminder notice of each decision requiring action to the relevant personActivity (Pagel23)Time & DatePeopleTopics &purposeActions1
3、0:00 10:5011:30September 20thDecember 28thSeptember 2ndNovember 25th9:009:20October 30thGrace YoungLisa GreenSophia LeeDavid BrownJohn SmithGary Miller sales manager R&D manager advertising managerincrease the sales of new developed producttarget market specifications and characteristics advertising
4、 planprepare promotionactivitieschoose an advertisingcompanyImprove productperformanceMeeting Title Conference of ABC Co, for New Product PromotionLogistics9:00Date:Time:September 2ndAttendees:Grace Young Lisa Green Sophia Lee David BrownApologies for absence:MeetingPurpose:increase the sales of new
5、 developed productAgendaJob titles are preferable here, because people may be transferred, but duties usually not.ItemtimeAgenda Item /Presenter110:00specifications and characteristicR&DJohn Smith Gary M川erTip: We usually do not write job titles, but names here.manager210:50target marketSalesmanager
6、311:30advertising planSalesmanagerAction List.No.ActionWhoWhenStatus orcomment1ImproveproductperformanceR&D managerSeptember20th2choose an advertisingcompanyadvertisingmanagerNovember 25th3prepare promotionactivitiessales managerDecember28thIt was a pleasure meeting you yesterday. Your ideas on new approaches to sales in our region were insightful and a great help to me. Thank you for making time to meet with us and for sharing your thoughts.Sincerely,Karen