1、社会学专业培养方案(本科)(中文授课)一、培养目标(结合专业特点,确定符合本专业的国际化人才培养目标)本专业培养具有较全面的社会学理论知识、熟练的社会调查技能、良好的社会分析素养, 掌握社会统计方法及熟练运用数据分析软件的能力,能在机关、企事业单位、社会团体、教 育科研机构从事社会研究与调查、政策研究与评估、社会规划与管理、开展咨询与筹划等工 作的社会学高级专门人才。二、培养要求(本专业应该掌握的知识和应具备的能力)本专业学生主耍学习理论社会学和应用社会学的基本理论和知识,接受社会调查、社会 统计分析方法的基本训练,毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1 .掌握社会学基本理论和知识,具有运用所
2、学理论分析社会现象、问题、趋势的能力。2,熟悉和掌握社会学调查统计方法、技能,熟练运数据分析软件,具有初步的社会调查 研究能力;3.基本的社会工作知识和社会工作实践能力4.良好的汉语口头及书面语言表达能力,沟通、协调、组织能力5,了解社会学的前沿理论及其重要研究领域中的新进展,具有可持续学习的能力;6,良好综合素质、良好的个性开展及创新能力三、主要课程(标出8-10门核心课程即可) 社会学概论、西方社会学理论、社会调查研究方法、社会心理学、社会统计学、开展 社会学、城市社会学、组织社会学、文化人类学、家庭社会学四、学制基本学制为四年,弹性学习年限为36年五、授予学位法学学士六、学分要求课程类别
3、修读性质学分占总学分比例必修:选修课内 教学通识与公共基础课必修3023. 07%86. 15%: 13. 85%(选修学分含分层、 分类课程学分)学科基础课必修7053. 85%专业课选修1813.85%实践环节必修129. 23%选修0课内教学+实践环节合计130100%最低毕业学分要求课内教学+实践环节合计课外教育工程130学分0学分合计= 130学分七、教学进程表Bachelor Degree Program for International Students(对外招生宣传用)I. Program Title (专业名称)SociologyII. Program Descriptio
4、n (专业介绍)社会学分析各种社会现象,研究社会中人的行为,探求如何解决社会问题的学科,是一 门兼具趣味性和实用性的学科。它的研究领域涉及到我们身边的家庭、组织机构到国家乃至 国际社会。社会学专业的学习能使学生掌握理论知识,提高推理能力,同时获得个人成长, 树立良好的人生观。在社会学学习中,学生会逐步了解个人的成长会经历哪些阶段、面临哪 些问题?女性在现代社会中的角色?如何分析社会热点问题,比方青少年犯罪问题、失业问 题、环保问题、同性恋问题等,社会学都会以它独特的视角给出答案。另外,社会学还有自 己一套专门的研究方法,比方通过观察、采访、舆论调查来资料,并运用统计技术和计 算机技术进行资料分
5、析。学生毕业后能在机关、企事业单位、社会团体、教育科研机构从事 社会研究与调查、政策研究与评估、社会规划与管理、开展咨询与筹划等工作。Sociology is an interesting and yet practical discipline which analyzes social phenomena, studies how human behaviour is influenced by social factors and strives to find approaches to solve social issues in various areas ranging from
6、 families, organizations, communities to nations and the whole world. Study on sociology enables students to strengthen their ability of abstract theoretical reasoning as well as find goals and meanings in life through the study on social issues (eg, juvenile delinquency, unemployment, environment p
7、rotection, and gay issues), personal growth (e.g.,life spans and main issues in each stage) and gender (e.g.,the roles of females play in society). Sociology also trained students on research skills, including conducting surveys, data analysis and drawing inferences from data. Our graduates have far
8、ed very well in various kinds of occupations including urban planning, education, data science, public service, journalism, social work, or marketing.III. Special Features(专业特色)1 .社会学是一门利用经验考察与批判分析来研究人类社会结构与活动的学科。2 .研究对象非常广泛,小到几个人面对面的日常互动,大到全球化的社会趋势及潮流。3 .社会学专业不仅学习一些理论知识,还要学习社会调查的方法、数据分析的方法,实用 性很强。4
9、 .社会学专业有很多实习机会,从一年级到四年级,每年都有实习,可以到社区、企业、 其它城市、农村进行参观、考察、进行调查研究。5 .社会学系人数不多,因此在课堂和研究上,每一位学生都可以和老师积极互动,得到充 分的关注和指导。1. Sociology critically analyzes human organizations, relations and activities in society by focusing on experience.2. Sociological research area ranges from global issues to daily intera
10、ctions.3. Sociology equipped students with the ability of theoretical reasoning as well as research skills on conducting surveys and data analysis.4. Our department offers internship opportunities in urban and rural areas every year. Students in each year have the chance to do investigations andsurv
11、eys in communities or entrepreneurs.5. We are a small major in which undergraduate students frequently interact with faculty and seek guidance in the classroom and through research.IV. Curriculum (8-10 core courses)社会学概论、西方社会学理论、社会调查研究方法、社会心理学、 社会统计学、开展社会学、城市社会学、组织社会学、文化人类学、 家庭社会学Introduction to Soc
12、iology; Western Sociology; Investigation Methods for Society; Social Psychology; Social Statistics; Social Development; Urban Sociology; Organization Sociology; Cultural Anthropology; Family Sociology V. DurationThe basic school system for four years, the elastic period of schooling is 3 to 6 yearsV
13、I. Degree (B.Sc., B.A., or B.Eng., etc.)LL.B.(Bachelor of Law )VII. CreditsCourse categoryStudyingNatureCreditsproportionRequired courses:E1ect i ve coursesInner-class teachingPublicbasiccoursesandgeneral coursesrequ i red3023.07%86. 15%: 13.85%(the credits ofdifferent-1 eve ledand cI ass i f i ed c
14、ourses arei ncIuded i n the credits of eIective courses)Basicdisci plinary coursesrequ i red7053. 85%Specialized courseeIect i ve1813.85%Practice Courserequ i red129. 23%eIect i ve0Inner-class teaching + Practice courses130100%Mini mum graduate creditsInner-class teaching+ Practicecourses (tota1)Extra-curricular education project130 credits0 creditTota1:130 cred i tsVIII. Teaching Schedule