1、【建筑测量】形成性考核册作业答案建筑测量作业1一、 填空题1.、测量工作的基本原那么是程序上“由整体到局部”;步骤上“先控制后碎部”:精度上“从高级到低级”。、方位角是门某标准方向起始,顺时针至一条直线的水平角,以过直线起点的平面坐标纵轴平行线指北端为标准方向 的方位角_为坐标方位角。坐标方位角范国0360,象限角取值范围为090,为了说明直线所在的象限,在角值前 应加注直线所在象限的名称,3、高程是指地面点沿铅垂线到一定基准面的距离。测盘中定义以大地水准面作基准面的高程为绝对高程,以其它任意 水准面作基准面的高程为相对高程。地面任意两点之间的高程之差称为直差。无论采用绝对高程还是相对高程,两
2、点 间的高差总是不变的。如果何为正时,说明B点高了A点。4、水准测吊的甚本原理是利用水准仪提供的水平视线测定地面两点之间的高差,推算未知点高程一种方法,5、水准仪的粗略整平是指旋转脚螺旋使圆水准气泡居中;水准仪的精确整平是指旋转微颈螺旋,使水准管气泡居中。 6、水准漓量的水准路线分为附合水准路线、闭合水准路线、支水准路线。7、使用微倾式水准仪的操作卷课粗略整平、瞄准标尺、精确整五争尺读数二、名词解释和简答题1、地面点的平面位置如何确定?测量上的直角坐标系有哪些?他们是如何定义的?答:地面点的平面位置可用二维球面或平面坐标确定。测量上的直角坐标系有:高斯平面直角坐标系,独立平面 直角坐标系.高斯
3、投影是一种横轴椭圆柱投影,即设想用一个椭圆柱套住地球椭球体,使椭圆柱的中轴横向通过椭球 体的中心,将椭球面I的,点:位和图形投影到椭圆柱的面上,然后将椭圆柱沿通过南、北极的母线展开成平面,即得到 高斯投影平面,在此平面上,椭球体和椭圆柱相切的一条子午线和赤道的投影为两条相互正交的宜线,即构成高斯平 面直角坐标系。在水平面上设一坐标原点,以过原点的南北方向为纵轴(向北为正,向南为负),东西方向为横轴(向 东为正,向西为负),建立的坐标系为独立的平面直角坐标系。2、何谓水准面?何谓大地水准面?地面点的第三维坐标是什么?答:所谓水准面是假想处丁静止状态的海水面延伸穿过陆地和岛屿,将地球包围起来的封闭
4、曲面。所谓大地水准面是通过平均海水面的水准面,因而大地水准面具有惟一性。地面点的第三维坐标是高程。3、在距离测量及高程测量中用水平面代替水准面的限度分别是多少?答:当地形图测绘或施工测量:的面积较小时,可将测区范围内的椭球面或水准面用水平面来代替,这将使测量的 计算和绘图大为简便,但必须有一定的限度。距离测量时,可将10km长的区域作为距离测量时用水平面代替水准面的 限度,在一般测量工作中,有时这一限度可放宽至25km长的区域:在一般高程测量中,也只能以距离100m为用水平 面代替水准面的限度。4、何谓水准点?何谓转点?尺垫起何作用?什么点上才用尺垫?水准点要用尺垫吗?答:用水准测量方法测定的
5、高程控制点称为水准点,常以BM表示。所谓转点是临时设置,用于传递高程的点,转点的作用就是传递高程。尺垫般由铸铁制成,呈三角型,尺垫,其 中央有一突出圆顶,测量时用于支承标尺。转点上应放置尺垫.水准点不放置尺垫。5、水准仪主要由哪几局部的组成?各有何作用?何为望远镜的放大倍率?何为水准管分划值?答:水准仪主要由望远镜、水准器和基座三个局部组成。里远镜由物镜、目镜、对光透镜和十字丝分划板等 组 成,主要用于照准目标、放大物象和对标尺进行读数。水准器是用整平仪曙的装置。基座通过中心螺旋将仪器与三 角架相连接.旋转三个脚螺旋调节圆水准气泡居中,即可使仪器粗略整平。望远镜的放大倍率:放大后的虚象对眼睛构
6、成的视角B与眼睛直接观测目标构成的视角a之比,即放大后的虚 象与用眼睛直接看到目标大小的比值。水准管分划值:相邻分划线间的圆弧所对应的圆心角值。6、什么是视差?它是怎样产生的?如何消除?答:所渭“视差”,是当眼睛在目镜端上、下微动时,看到十字丝与目标的影像相互移动的现象。其产生的原因 是目标的实象未能刚好成在十字丝.平而上。视差的存在会增大标尺读数的误差,消除的方法是再旋转物镜对光螺旋, 重复对光,直到眼暗上、下微动时标尺的影像不再移动为止。7717、水准测量为什么要求前后视距相等?答:前后视距相等可消除,角误差、地球曲率和大气折光的误差。8、水准测量外业中有哪些测站检核和计算检核?答:测站检
7、核的方法有:】)变仪高法。2)双面尺法。 计算检核:所有测站的后视读数之和与前视读数之和 的差值等于测站高差之和,UP: h = a-b9、水准仪主要轴线之间应满足的几何条件是什么?各起什么作用?水准仪的主要轴线仃望远镜视准轴CC、水准管轴、圆水准轴此外还有仪器的竖轴叱。它们之间应满足以 下几何条件:1 )圆水准轴平行于仪器的竖轴,即:2 )十字丝丝乖宜于以轴,即十字丝横丝,叱;3 )水准管轴平行于视准轴,即CC.满足L L VV,使圆水准气泡居中时,6轴基本铅直,视准轴粗平。使十字丝横丝垂宜于也轴。当哙轴铅直时,横 丝处于水平,横丝上任何位置读数均相同。满足条件LL(:C,使水准管气泡居中时
8、,视准轴处于水平位置。三、计算题. A、B、C 三点坐标分别为 Xa=2186. 29、Ya=1383. 97; Xb=2192. 45, Yb=1556. 40; Xc=2299. 83, Yc=1303.80m o 求 &ab. D*b 和 Bag Dm(P14公式)解:aAB=arctan Yb- Ya/ Xb-Xa= arctan 172. 43/ 6. 16=27. 99所以眦:87 57 14D2ab= (Xb-Xa)2 +(Yb- Ya)2DAb=172. 54m源二arctan Yc- Ya/ Xc-Xa= arctan -80.17/ 113. 54=-0.706Yc- Ya
9、 0aAc=360 -35.22 =324 46 48D2ac= (Xc-Xa)2 +(Yc- Ya)2DAc=139m.设地面上A、B两点,A为后视点,B为前视点,A点高程为18. 763,后视读数为L 523叫 前视读数为1. 875%计算A、B两点的高差。A点与B点哪点高? B点高程为多少?视线高程为多少?解:两点的高差:hAB= (a-b) = (1.523-1.875) =-0. 352m由上可知A点高。B 点的高程:HB=HA+hAB=18.763+ (-0. 352) =18.411m视线高程:Hi= HA+a=l8. 763+1. 523=20.286m.将图l所注数据填入表内
10、并进行计算:衣I水准测量成果计算我测段号点名测站数观测高差/m改正数/m改正后高差/m高程 /m1235671BMA1.6 2. 2740. 008 2. 282200. 0001202. 28221.7-3. 0860. 009-3. 0772199, 20531.5+3.8420. 007+3. 8493203. 0544L8-3. 0630. 009-3. 054BMA200.000Z6.6-0. 0330. 0330辅助 计算fh=33inm 0九四= 40 J l.mm= 102. 8mm.如图2所示附合水准路线,A、B两点的高程、各测段的测站数及观测高差。试计算及调整其高差闭合差,
11、并 求各待定点的高程。0HA= 240.000表2对合水准路线il算测段号点名测站数观测高差/m改正数/m改正后高差/m高程/m备注123456781BMA4+ 1.7480. 008+1.756240. 0001241.75626-2. 5360.012-2. 5242239. 23233+ 1. 1710. 006+ 1, 1803240.41245+ 1.4520.010+ 1.462BMB241. 874Z18 1.8380. 0361.874辅助 计算= 1. 838-(241.874-240. 00)= - 0. 036m=-36mm,*=12J18=建筑测量作业2一填空题1、空间
12、任两方向在水平面上投影之间的夹用称为水平角,同一竖直面内水平方向转向目标方向的夹角 称为竖直角。轻直角为正时,称为仰角,为负时称为俯角,2、DJ6型光学经纬仪山照准部、水平度盘和基座三局部组成,3、经纬仪的使用是指对仪器进行咫史、整壬、嬲S和谈数四项操作步骤。4、测量竖直角在读数前,应注意使指标针水准管气泡居中,目的是使竖盘指标线位于正确位置,5、经纬仪的竖盘指标水准管的作用是保证竖盘指标线处于正确位置。6、使用经纬仪整平的目的是通过调节水准管气泡使仪器竖轴处于铅垂位置,对中的目的是安置仪器使其中心和测站点 标志位于同一条铅垂线上.7、测|司法适用于23个方向,方向观测法(乂称全圆测I司法)适
13、用于3个以上方向。8、竖直角测量的计算公式盘左为a L=7. It is Sunday morning , Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen . She is cooking the Sunday dinner. (l)The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday 选:Wrong (2). Mr Brown has a big family 选:Doesnt say (3)Mr Brown doesnt go to work on Sunday 选: Right (4)Mr Brown 1 ik
14、es working in the garden on Sunday.选: Right (5)The fami ly enjoy Mrs Browns cooking 选 RightHello, everyone I like to talk about myself , My name is Lily , 1 am an IT worker . 1 work (l)Lily woks in IT 选:Right (2)Lily has got a big family in Hong Kong 选:Wrong (3). Lily is working on a training progra
15、m in the TV studio of Shanghai TV Station 选:Wrong (4)Li ly is going to be the IT Manager 选: Doesnt say (5) Lilyas bos and her colleagues are in Shanghai now.选:Right8. Every one has one or two things they like to do for fun . They do these things in their free gime (l)Different people have different
16、hobbies 选:Right (2)David is only in therested interested inChinese stamps. & : Wrong(3) Chinese stamps are very interesting 选:Right (4)Denial 1 ikes to 1 ivc in the counrry 选: Doesnt say (5)David and Denial often go fishing in a boat along the small river 选:Right9. In America, on school days, studen
17、ts get up at seven occlock They wash their faces a(1)American school children do not eat meat at bretik at bretikfast.选:Wrong (2) In America, all the student walk to their schools 选:Wrong (3). In an American school, classrooms are very large 选:Right (4)American children like going to school very muc
18、h 选:Doesnt say (5)The children usually study for six hours at school each day 选 Right10. The dream of every family is to 1ivein a big house. Most British people buy a house(l)Most British people rent a house when they have chi Idrien 选:Wrong (2) Every house in Britain has three bedrooms 选:Doesnt say
19、 (3). Each room has a TV set .选:Doesnt say (4)Children put their bicycles in their room too 选:Wrong (5) British people sometimes grow vegetable in their gardens 选 Right11. Tom:Can I park in the staff car park? David: NO, Im afraid you can*Y Only managers can park there . you can park behind the buil
20、ding.选 Because he is not a manager (2). 选:Tom can park his car behind the building (3). 选: After 1:00 (4)选:Eat and drink (5.)选:in the coffee lounge12. Quite a few Americans own motor hotor homes . The motor home is dragged by the car . it has a bedroom Living room, kitchen, and a bathroom A large mo
21、tor home may have two (1).选:Right (2).选:Right (3).选:Doesnt say (4)选:Right (5).选:RightGeorge works with a magazine. He works very hard and is good at his job . His boss, Rose is very Happy with his work . She often tel Is George that he is very good . She is thinking about a change (1).选:Doesnt say (
22、2).选:Right (3).选:wrong (4).选:wrong (5).选:Right13. Thomas is an energetic man . Heworks very hard . He drinks twelve cans of beer every day and he Works from early in the morning till very late at night . His doctor tells him to stop drinking Thomas agrees (1).选:wrong (2).选:wrong (3).选:Right (4).选:Ri
23、ght (5).选: Doesnt say 16. It is Sunday morning . JohnTt just sitting sround and dicing nothing . He hates it . He doesnt like Spending Sundays at home. He likes going out . He likes doings .He likes playing sports . He (1).选:Doesn*V say (2).选:Right (3).选:Right (4).选 wrong (5).选: wrongXowsdays,it is
24、very expensive to have a nice house al 1 to yourself . So, many people have to hsare a house. (1).选:wrong (2).选:Right (3).选:wrong (4).选 Doesnt say (5).选: Right17. Mrs. Jones is a manager of small business company . She usually comes back home around six pm (1)选:wrong (2). 选:wrong (3). 选:Doesnt say (
25、4),选 wrong (5). 选:wrongWhat should you do at a party in England? He re are some suggestions. .选:hosts of a party (2).选:chocolates or wine(3).选:personal questions about family (4).千万别喝醉 (5). 选:leave other gusests18. Let me tell you about my new job. It. great 1 work for Centec Company . They have an
26、office in London (1). ijt: likes his (2). 选:marketing(3). 选:8 hours (4). busy (5). 选:sometimes see each other 21. Americans like traveling around during their holidays . They can use trains., busese or cars, in the Unite (1). Wrong (2).选:Wrong (3).选:Right (4).选 Doesnt say (5). 选:WrongIn schools al 1
27、 over the world, boys and girls are laming foreign languages Everyong knows his own (1).选:Right (2).选:Wrong (3).选:Wrong (4).选 Doesnt say(5).选:Wrong22. Kathy 1ives in Sydney. She works in office and she is a secretary. She begins work st inme every day. (1).选:Right (2).选:Doesnt say (3).选:Right (4)选 W
28、rong (5).选:RightNew York, London Paris and other cities sre exciting places to live in There are amny interesting (1).选:Right (2).选:Wrong (3).选:DoesrTt say (4).选 Wrong (5).选:Right23. Nicola works for British Airways and she is 选:a manager (2). 选:8 am(3). 选:Flying.选 have a meal (5). 选:stay in the sam
29、e jobAfter yesterdayts fine sunny weather in Wales, today will feel much more like a November day . (1).选:Wales (2).选:Scot land (3).选:foggy(4).选 south-west (5).选:south-east汉译英(Translation).他个子高吗?(IS he tall?)1 .我要跟他谈谈吗?(Shall I talk to him?).十二点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗? (Can I go to have lunch before 12 oblock?2
30、 .我不喜欢逛街买东西(I hate going shopping . /I donMt like going shopping).我的儿子不太自信(My son is not very confident (of himself)3 .他留长头发吗?(Docs he have long hair?或Has he got long hair?).我可以用厨房里的炊具吗? (Can 1 use the cookers in the kitchen?)4 .他们喜欢看英语电影吗? (Do they like /love seeing /watching English films?)5 .她很苗条
31、(Shi is slim).要我把那计算机放在桌子上吗?(Shall I put the computer on the desk?) 11.我可以用客 厅 吗?(Can I use the phone in the sitting room?)12 .我的表兄人很外向(My cousin is quite /very outgoing).她很漂亮(She is beautiful.)14.我的父母不喜欢旅游(My parentsdon,V 1 ike /enjoy travel 1 ing).要我翻开灯吗?(Shall 1 turn on the lights?)15 .我可能在办公楼前停车
32、吗? (Can I park in front of the office /office building?)16 .你的男朋友健谈吗? (Is your boyfriend talkative?或 Is your boyfriend a talkative person?)17 .我的女儿点腼腆(My daughter is a bit /a little shy ).我喜欢在小咖啡店里讲读报(1 like /reading newspapers in cafes)18 .要我在电影院外面等你吗? (Shall I wait for you outside the cinema?).我可以
33、用你卧室的卫生间吗?(Can I use the toilet/bathroom in your bedroom?)19 .要我给他打 话吗? (Shall I make a phone call to him?).他的儿子聪明吗? (Is his son intelligent/clever/ smart?)20 .我可以在花园里吸烟吗?(Can I smoke in the garden?).她中等个。 (She is average height)21 .要我准备一些中国菜吗?(Shall 1 prepare some Chinese food?).我的数学老师很幽默(My maths
34、teacher is very funny /interesting )22 你喜欢讲读英文报纸吗?(Do you like /love reading English newspapers?).她戴眼镜吗? (Does she wear glasses?)23 .她不喜欢向别人借东西(She doesnt 1 ike /hates borrowing things from others ).你更喜欢(do you prefer/do you I ike better)24 .我这个星期要来修理(Ill repair this week.).他们是工程师(They are engineers
35、)25 .你为什么不去市场部?(Why don* you go to the Marketing Department?).大卫此刻在睡觉(David is sleeping now)26 .你为什么不搞个计划(Why dont you make a plan?).我父亲是医生医y father is a doctor)27 .去看看这个公寓房怎么样(What/How about seeing the flat?).你为什么不去找房地产经济人? (Why donf you go to an estate agent?)28 .波莉在读报(Polly is reading a newspaper
36、).我要来清扫(Ill clean it )29 .萨丽是个警官吗?(Is Sally a police officer?).今晚去跳舞怎么样?(What/How about going dancing this evening?)30 .你为什么不去跟他们面谈(Why donMt you go and talk to them face to face?)31 .玛丽在度假(Mary is having a holiday now).在洒吧见面怎么样?(what/How about meeting at the bar?)32 .他现在正在访问纽约办理处(He is visiting the
37、 New York office right now).我来给他们打 (Ill call them)33 .先给玛丽打个 怎么样?(What/how about making a cal 1 to Mary /calling Mary first?).你不什么不去试一试(why dont you have a try?)34 . 小燕读书(Xiaoyan is reading a book)35 .你为什么不去看医生? (Why don,s you go to see a doctor?)36 .你的老师是美国人吗? (Is your teacher from the USA?)37 .她眼 F在培训一个中国同事。(She is currently training a Chinese col league).我是护士 (1 am a nurse)38 . 56.我今晚要干到七点钟(Ill work until 7 oclock)