1、高二英语试题考试时间:120分钟:分值:总分值150分第一局部听力(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共5小每卷15分,总分收75分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后在一个小I,从期中所给的M B、C三个选项中选出/正确选项。听完 每段对话后,你部疗10秒钟的时间来答发有关小题和何注下一小题,每段对话仅读一遇。1. What docs the man suggest the woman do?A. Pul up a notice. B. Search ihe canteen. C. Buy a new leubook.2. Where dg ihe man want(o go?A. Broch St.B
2、. Eisl Main. C. Linden Avc.3. How much time docs the womans watch gain?A. Ten minutes. B. Five minutes C. Fifteen minutes.4. Who is the man probably?A. A policeman. B. A 眄 sution clerk. C. A driving coach.5. Wliai are ihe speakers mainly talking aboul?A. The nkc weather. B. The strong wind.C. The bo
3、iuliful leaves.第二节(共15小30:每翅L5分,总分值22.5分)听下面5段时话或独白.每段对话或独臼后科几个小题,从亚中所给的A、B, C三个选JR中选 出最正说选项.并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前.你将有时间阅谈各个小眼.5秒 钟:听完后,各小翅将给出S秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.所第6段材料,答或第6、7题。6. Where docs the womans brother worl?A. At the police station. B. In a small store. C. In a college.7. How is the womans re
4、lationship with her parents?A. Terribk. B. Jusl so-so. C. Good.所下面段对话.答义第8和第9两个小感.8. Which team does (he nun support?A. The Reds. B. The Cubs. C. The Mce price of the ftnir-day course?A. hiw. B. Reasonable. C. High.18. Whai did the speaker karn (o do on the weemd ur prcyecl.W AHT YOULL GAIN FROM DOI
5、NG THIS PROJECT: An exciting, ncvcr-to-bc-tbrottcn adventure in the fascinating culture of EcuadorThe great satisfaction of helping disadvantaged children and adults and knowing that you made a difTercncc to them, New skilk. nuxe confidence, a greater underMatkiing of a different culture, invaluable
6、 personal and profevoonal development, An entry on your CV llwH makes you stand head and houldcnt above others in the job nurtel, And best of all.an unforgettable experience!20. Which of the following oorrcclly describes the pupils in Quito?.A. They arc all weak at learning.B. They arc all disabled
7、children.C. They are all from rich families.D. They are all from poor families.21. A member io be admiued into the projeci should.A. know English and Spanish wellB. have college ccrtifkatcsC. be over 17 with enthusuismD. ailbni a holiday of one yearThis passage is written with the purpose of.A. call
8、ing in some volunury tcachcniB. telling the readers where to campC. pmvkling inhimwlkm on (Iw job nurkeil. and (he timing of snowmeh.Since the !930?. McIntyre suid. the biggest facton. driving up water strew in the sUtc have been rising temperatures, which cause trees to lose more water to the air,
9、and earlier snowmelt, which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season.22. What is (he wreond paragraph mainly about?.A. The seriousness of big-trcc loss in California.B. Tlw increasing variety of Calitomia big trees.C. The dixinbuliim of big trees in CaliRxnia foresix.D. The
10、inftuenoe of fanning on big trees in Cahfiimia.23. Which of the following is wcll-intcntioncd but may be bad tor big trees?.A. Ecological studies of forcsts.B. Banning woodcutting.C. Limiting homing devdopment.D. Fire control measures.24. Wliai is a major cause of the waler shortage according to Mcl
11、ntw?A. hudequaie snowneh.B. A longer dr* seaMn.C. A wamwr clinuic. D. Dampness of (he air.CDuring the rosy years of elementary school. 1 enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me co keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then canic my luxrcns and teens, and mean gi
12、rls and coo! kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by sinking cigarectes. breaking rules and playing joke on others, among whom I soon foundPupukirity is a well-explored subjecl in socuil psychology. Milch PrinMein a prof cswir of clinkal psychology sorts the popular into Iwo catego
13、ries: the likable and (he Matus seekers. The likublcs plays-wcll-with-ochers qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-surt interpersonal skills and. when capped early, arc employed ever after in life and work. Then theres the kind of popularity ihai appears in adolescence: suius botfn of po
14、wer and even dishonorable behavior.Enviable as the cool kids may have eeined. Dr. PnnMein*s Mudies show unpleasant consequeiicex. Those who were highest in slalux in high school, ax wdl us ihuse Icasl liked in ckmeniary school, arc nws likely lo engagein dangerous and risky behavior.*In oik study. D
15、r. Prinstcin examined (he (wo types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student suncys ,Vc found (hat the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over (iine their classmates. But so iud those wKo sen? high in status,
16、h clearly showed that while likability can ledd to he3hhy adjuMmeni. high Matus has jz the nppoN处 effect on 以“Dr. Prinstcin has also found that the qualities (hat made the neighbors want you cm a phy diHerlwring, kindness, openness - carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and c
17、onnect with ochers.In analyzing his and other research. Dr. Prinstcin came to another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive lite outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too, Being liked creates opportunities Gh learning aid foe new kiikix of life experiences (hai he
18、lp M)inetxxiy gain an advanuge/ he said.27.Whal sort uf girl was the aulh(r in her airly years of elemenlan1 school?.A. Unkind.B. Lonely.C. Generous.D. Cool.2S.What is the second paragraph mainly about? .A. The classification of the popular.B. The characteristics of adolescents.C. The imponancc of i
19、ntcipcfM)na! skills. D. The causes of dishonorable behavior.29.Whai did Dr. PciiiMeins study find alx)ui tle most liked kids? .A. They appeared (o be aggressive.B. They leixkd 10 be more 皿puihle.C They enjoyed the highest statusD. They performed well iicdcmically.30. What is the txrsi title for the
20、text? .A. Be Nkc-You Wont Finish LastB. The Higher the Status, the BelterC. Be (he Bcm-You Can Make ItD. More Self-Control. Less AggressivenessD“OK * 1 said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice/UTufs going on with yxiu aixl your friend J. ? * J. i$ the leader of a gnnjp of ihir
21、xl-grackrx al her campa position Lucy herself occupied lhe previous summer.Now shes Qhc erne on 械 outs and every day at snack time, she (ells me all about it, while I otYer the unhelpful advice all summer long.“Shes fond of giving orders. Lucy complained.“Shes turning cvctyonc against inc.Sbcs mcan.
22、Shcs bad at nuth.Slws cerrible al kickbalLAnd hes fat/ Excuse nve. * 1 said, struggling for c3hn.*What did you just ay? * *ShcS fat. * licy)into her bowl.We arc going upstairs* * I said, my voicecold. *We are going to discus this.* And up we went.Id spent the nine years since her birth getting ready
23、 for this day the day wed have to have the convcniation about this horrible wordknew exactly what to say to (he girl on the receiving end of the teasing, but in all of my imaginings, it never oikc occurred to me that my daughter would be the one who used the F word-Fat. My daughter sat on her bed. a
24、nd I sat beside hcr?*How would you feel if sonKonc nude futi of you for Mine(hing ihal wasnt your fault? * I began.,fcShe could stop eating so much. * Iaic)* mumbled. nKMKhing the simple advice i ihousand ductorx and well-naming friends “nd relatives luive given overucight women fbr years.Mlt*s not
25、alwa)*s that easy. I said/Everyone difYerent in tenns of how they treat food/ Lucy looked at me. waiting (or inc to go on.I opened my inouth. then closed ii.Should 1 tell her chat, in teasing a womans weigh. Abes joined tlw long, proud (radicion of critics who go after any woman with whom ibey disag
26、ree by Marling with yoifre ugly* and ending with,fcno man would want you aixi liters muM be something wrong with any man who er ibe only thing 1 can conie up with (hat is absolutely (rue.l say to my daughter. “【love you. 31M (here is nothing you could ever loves her. and fbnhe world n.C. Because she
27、 is really shocked at Lucys rudeness.D. Because *Jk decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own.33. h can be in I erred fnm (be passage ihal.A. the author eamx a living by willing MunexB. the author is a fat but good - looking womanC. the author will stop loving her daughter fbr what she saidD.
28、the authors daughter agreed with her from the very beginningWe can learn from the last paragraph that.A. Iicy wm ckeply moved by her prayerB. a nuxhers prayer will shape her daughierN 址liiixk lewank lifeC. the author allows her daughter to iwc the F word in her headD. the author hopes her daughter will never have weight troubleThe authors attitude towards her daughter can be best described as.A. loving bui strict B. indiffcivm hui paiieniC. saiixfied atki friendlv D. unlisGed and angn, 第二节(共5小电;每效2分,总分