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1、英美文学(1)课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程代码:1101239024课程名称(中/英文):英美文学(1)/Britis and American Literature I课程类别:专业选修课学分:2总学时:32理论学时:32实验/实践学时:0适用专业:翻译适用对象:本科先修课程:综合英语开设学期:第3学期教学环境:软硬件支持能够使用、下载、阅读电子书、文档开课学院:外国语学院二、课程简介1 .课程任务与目的英美文学(1)是翻译专业的一门专业选修课程。本课程以英国文学的重要作品为载 体,以英国文学基本知识的讲授和对重要作品的选读分析为内容,采用多种教学模式和教学 手段。本课程的教学目标在于使

2、学生掌握英国文学的基本知识并通过文学文本的学习加深对 英语语言的认识和掌握,提高其文学阅读、理解与鉴赏能力以及口头与书面表达等语言技能, 并且通过大量阅读加强对文学本质的意识,提高综合人文素质,增强对西方文学及文化的理 解,培养学生的思辨能力、自主学习能力,同时以文学作品中的积极价值为载体,培养学生 的家国情怀,对学生进行思想和价值塑造,满足国家、社会、学校和个人开展的需要。2 .对接培养的岗位能力本课程对接的岗位能力附属于“毕业要求1、2、3”,对接的指标点为“1.1、2、3.1、 3.2、3.3”。岗位能力包括:(1)具备运用英语语言学的科学方法分析语言现象的能力和一 定的文学赏析能力;(

3、2)掌握英语语言学、文学的基础理论和研究方法,具备基本的专业研 究能力,能够运用所学知识撰写并完成科研文章、工程研究报告等;(3)具有批判性思维, 能够运用严密的逻辑思维辨析问题的能力。三、课程教学目标本课程的教学目标表达在三个方面:毕业要求指标点课程口标1.具有正确的世界 观、人生观和价值观,运 用所学知识奉献国家、服【指标点1.1具有正 确的世界观、人生观和价 值观,运用所学知识奉献国L了解西方文化思潮、英国历史 上的重大事件及其对英国社会 和文学产生的影响;能够以文学5) understand feminism;elp forge te independent spirit of fel

4、e.2 .教学te definition and effects of dratic monologue;1) te exibition of te awakening of feminine consciousness.3 .教学难点te understanding of te implication in My Last Ducess;1) te understanding of feminism.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 14 Tos ardy1 .教学内容grasp

5、 te teoretical basis and definition of novels of caracter and environment”;1) understand te social reality (agricultural production and life style destroyed by industrialization) and te tragic fate of peasants, especially women in ardys works;2) understand te role of “caracter and environment in te

6、tragedy of Tess;understand te criticism of ardy on te ypocrisy of Victorian morality;3) understand te naturalistic tendency of ardy.2 .教学te teoretical base and definition of “novels of caracter and environment;1) te analysis of te terne and tragic elements in Tess.3 .教学难点Te teoretical basis, definit

7、ion and key concepts of naturalism.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 15 T. S. Eliot & James JoyceL教学内容1) understand te time spirit of modern society (uncertainty and skepticism) and te background of modernist literature (political, scientific and pilosopical b

8、ackground);2) grasp te caracteristics of modernist literature (subjective perspective, concern on inner world and psycic time in narration);3) appreciate te use of allusion, uncertainty and description of psycology in Te Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;understand te spiritual predicament of modern n

9、 in 7e Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;4) grasp te teoretical base, definition, features and representative writers of stream-of-consciousness novels;discuss wat sould be te spiritual pillar of college students.2 .教学te caracteristics of modernist literature;1) te analysis of Te Love Song of J. Alfre

10、d Prufrock;te teoretical base, definition and features of stream-of-consciousness novels.3 .教学难点te understanding of te function of allusions in Te Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;1) te understanding of te guiding value of traditional Cinese values.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型

11、教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 16 D. Lawrence & William Golding1 .教学内容understand te attitude of Lawrence towards capitalist civilization, science and cine;1) understand te artistic features of Lawrence (special concern on psycological description and symbolism);understand te tragic view of Golding on un natu

12、re;2) grasp te plot and te use of symbols in Lord of te Flies;contrast te Confucian view on un nature and Goldings view on un nature.2 .教学te understanding of te attitude of Lawrence towards capitalist civilization, science and cine;1) te analysis of te role of symbols in conveying te teme of Lord of

13、 te Flies.3 .教学难点View on un nature.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。六、学生成绩评定本课程成总成绩包括形成性评价(平时成绩)和结果性评价(期末成绩),其中形成性 评价(平时成绩)占50%,结果性评价(期末考试成绩)占50虬 形成性评价总分值100分, 折算50%计入总成绩,包括平时表现(考勤、课堂表现,10%)、作业(20%)、阶段测试(60%) 和实践工程(10%)o期末考试采用闭卷,总分值100分,折算50%计入总成绩。学生成绩评定表考核平时成绩期中考

14、试期末 考试出勤作业课堂表现阶段测 验辩论工程小文早其他VVVV成绩 比例210330550注:1 .过程考核包括平时成绩和期中考试,根据本课程要求在所采取的考核下方打“2 .期末考试为必修选,且占总成绩的比例不低于40%;3,采用“其他”考核的要写明具体形式。七、教材、参考书目、重要文献以及课程网络资源建议教材:张伯香等主编.英美文学简明教程(上册英国文学)(版).华中科技大学,2013参考书:(1)吴翔林(2)王守仁(3)吴伟仁重要文献:(1)刘炳善(2)侯维瑞 课程网络资源:参考书:(1)吴翔林(2)王守仁(3)吴伟仁重要文献:(1)刘炳善(2)侯维瑞 课程网络资源:主编.主编.主编.主

15、编.主编.英美文学选读.中国对外翻译出版公司,2015英国文学选读(版).高等教育,2011英国文学史及选读.武汉大学,2014英国文学简史.河南人民,2007英国文学通史.上海外语教育,2002(1)中国大学慕课: icoursel63. org/course/NJU-1003567007 南京大学 英国小(2)中国大学慕课: icoursel63. org/course/ZAUT002477004#/info 华中农业大 学英国文学导读务社会。2.具有较好的人文素质和 中国情怀、艺术修养和社 会科学知识家、服务社会。具有良好的 民族文化素养、良好的科学 文化素养、良好的职业道德 素养和良好

16、的技术文化素 养。作品反映的人类普遍价值或状 况为基础,联系中国文化价值观 指导实际生活;能够比照分析中 西方在思维、文化和价值观等方 面的差异,辩证看待西方思想潮 流,加强民族文化自信,培育家 国情怀。3 .熟悉英语国家及本 国相关的、经济、文化、 社会、地理、历史、文学、 科技等领域的基本知识和 跨文化交际能力。【指标点3.1具备一 定的英语语言与文学基本 知识;2.提高学生的语言应用能力。能 够阅读一般难度的文学作品,欣 赏其主题和语言特色;掌握记叙 文、议文章和散文的写作方法和 技巧,到达叙事清晰、突出、用 词得当、逻辑严密和结构合理; 能够以口头形式介绍作家作品 或复述作品内容,到达

17、语言通 顺、流畅、准确、简洁、信息量 充足;能够翻译一般难度的文学 作品,到达忠实、准确、通顺; 能够准确判断文学作品中使用 的修辞格并分析其作用,并能在 书面或口头表达中正确使用常 用修辞格。【指标点3.2 了解相 关国家的、经济、文化、社 会、地理、历史、文学、科 技等领域的基本知识;【指标点3.3具有较 强的跨文化交流、竞争与合 作的能力。3. 了解英国文学开展历史上重 要的文学潮流和流派及其产生 背景、特点、文学创作观、代表 作家和作品;掌握小说、诗歌、 戏剧及散文等文学体裁的特点、 类型和基本构成要素;理解重要 文学术语的概念;了解重要作家 及其代表作品;掌握作家的生 平、其代表作品

18、的篇名、内容梗 概、主题、创作手法、艺术风格、 语言特色及其在英国文学中的 地位与影响,了解一些常见的文 学批评理论,能够利用所学文学 批评手段和基本理论对作品进 行鉴赏并撰写文章或研究报告。四、教学课时安排(一)学时分配主题或知教学内容总学时学时完成课程识点讲课实验实践教学目标Unit 1Geoffrey Caucer22知识目标 能力目标Unit 2Folk Ballads &Edmund Spenser22知识目标 素质目标Unit 3Cristoper rlowe & Francis Bacon22知识目标 能力目标Unit 4William Sakespeare22知识目标 能力目标

19、 素质目标Unit5Jon Donne & Jon Milton22知识目标 能力目标Unit6Jon Bunyan &Jonatan Swift22知识目标 能力目标Unit 7Daniel Defoe & enry Fielding22知识目标 能力目标 素质目标Unit8Tos Gray, Robert Bums & William Blake22知识目标 素质目标Unit 9William Wordswort & Samuel Taylor Coleridge22知识目标 素质目标Unit 10GeorgeGordonByron & Percy Bysse Selley22知识目标 能

20、力目标 素质目标Unit 11Jon Keats & JaneAusten22知识目标 能力目标 素质目标Unit 12Carles Dickens22知识目标 能力目标 素质目标Unit 13Robert Browning & Carlotte Bronte22知识目标 素质目标Unit 14Tos ardy22知识目标Unit 15T. S. Eliot & James Joyce22知识目标 素质目标Unit 16D. . Lawrence & William Golding22知识目标 素质目标合计3232五、教学内容及教学设计Unit 1 Geoffrey CaucerL教学内容un

21、derstand te teme (te anticipation of unist spirit) and structure of Te Canterbury Tales;1) ster te descriptive skills demonstrated in te text (ow to describe te appearance of a person and ow to imply is/er caracter);grasp te definition of eroic couplet;2) ster te use of retorical devices and teir ef

22、fects (synaestesia personification, etc).2 .教学te time spirit of ten Englis society;1) te definition of eroic couplet;te use of retorical devices and teir effects.3 .教学难点Te understanding of poetic language (omission and inversion of words, retorical devices).4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式

23、教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 2 Folk Ballads & Edmund Spenser1 .教学内容1) grasp te style and artistic features of folk ballads and te differences between ballads and ronce and teir causes;2) understand te structure and teme of Spensers Te Fairy Queen and grasp te definition of Spenserian stanza;grasp

24、 te definition of sonnet and iambic pentameter;3) grasp Spenserian sonnet (ryme sceme);4) ster te use of symbols in Sonnet 75 (te effect of symbols in conveying te teme) and understand its teme (art and love are eternal);understand te old Englis vocabulary in Sonnet 75;5) connect te symbolic meaning

25、 of water wit te idea of cerising time.2 .教学te causes of symbol;1) te definition of iambic pentameter;te analysis of symbols in Sonnet 75.3 .教学难点Spenserian sonnet;1) te understanding of iambic pentameter.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 3 Cristoper rlowe & Fr

26、ancis BaconL教学内容understand te plots and jor teme in rlowes plays (un desire to ster);1) understand te connection between te teme and Renaissance (te empasis on ns power and pursuit of appiness);grasp te definition of blank verse;2) grasp te igery in Te Passionate Seperd to is Love;ster te features o

27、f essay and te writing style of Of Studies (te use of parallelism);3) grasp te special contribution of Bacon to Englis society.2 .教学te plots and jor teme in rlowe/s plays;1) te definition of blank verse;te relationsip between igery and te teme.3 .教学难点iambic pentameter1) te logic in essay.4 .教学方案设计(含

28、教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 4 W川iam Sakespeare1 .教学内容grasp te plots of te greatest comedies and tragedies of Sakespeare;1) understand te influences of unist spirit and social background on Sakespeares plays;understand te meaning of tragic flaw in Sakespeares traged

29、ies;2) grasp te ryme sceme of Sakespearean sonnet;3) ster te retorical devices used in Sonnet 18 (metapor; personification, pun, retorical question, etc);4) ster te structure (introduction, development, reversal and conclusion) and logic in Sonnet 18 (jor components of an argumentation: tesis, evide

30、nce, conclusion);connect te teme of Sonnet 18 wit dedication spirit.2 .教学te time spirit reflected in Sakespearean plays;1) te meaning of tragic flaw;te logic structure and retorical devices in Sonnet 18;2) te retorical devices in Sonnet 18.3 .教学难点te understanding of meter and ryme;1) te use of reduc

31、tion of absurdity.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 5 Jon Donne & Jon Milton1 .教学内容grasp te caracte ri sties of metapysical poetry;1) understand te differences between metapysical poetry and te traditional poetry in Elizabetan age;grasp te difference between c

32、onceit and metapor;2) ster te retorical devices, argumentative logic and teme of Deat Be Not Proud (retorical question, personification, metapor; synecdoce, etc);grasp te plot of Genesis (raw terial of Paradise Lost);3) understand te connection between te ten Englis society and te rebellious spirit

33、in Paradise Lost;understand different understandings of te ige of Satan.2 .教学te caracteristics of metapysical poetry;1) conceit and metapor;te retorical devices, argumentative logic and terne of Deat Be Not Proud)2) te rebellious spirit in Paradise Lost3 .教学难点te understanding of te term metapysical”

34、;1) te intriguing logic in Deat Be Not Proud.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 6 Jon Bunyan & Jonatan SwiftL教学内容1) understand te influences of Enligtenment Movement on Neoclassical Englis literature (jor concern on social issues);grasp te definition of Neoclas

35、sicism (style and purpose);2) appreciate te language features of Te Pilgrims Progress (plain, concise and fres);3) understand te social criticism in 7e Pilgrim/s Progress (te weaknesses and falling of un beings);ster te use of symbols and allegory in Te Pilgrim/s Progress;4) understand te social cri

36、ticism in Gulliver/s Travels (criticism on politics, religion, legal system, science and pilosopy and un nature);5) appreciate te language features of Gulliver/s Travels (easy, clear, simple and concrete diction, uncomplicated syntax, economy and conciseness of language);ster te use of irony and sat

37、ire.2 .教学te social criticism in Te Pilgrim/s Progress;1) te use of symbols and allegory in Te Pilgrim/s Progress;te social criticism in Gulliver/s Travels.3 .教学难点te language features of Te Pilgrim/s Progress;1) te language features of Gulliver/s Travels.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式

38、,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 7 Daniel Defoe & enry Fielding1 .教学内容understand te social causes of te rising of Englis novel (dend of Englis bourgeoisie for reflection of teir daily life and te need to entertain);1) grasp te plots of Tom Jones and Robinson Crusoe)understand te realistic nature of Tom J

39、ones and Robinson Crusoe;2) ster te common ways of story-ling (omniscience and limited viewpoint) and teir advantages and disadvantages;3) appreciate te language features of Robinson Crusoe (easy, free, plain, objective and detailed);4) appreciate te iges of Robinson Crusoe and Friday and different

40、perspective of understanding te terne of Robinson Crusoe (post-colonialism);5) compare te assimilation of Friday wit Cinese tinking of seeking common ground wile reserving differences and armonious coexistence.2 .教学te social causes of te rising of Englis novel;1) te reflection of social reality in T

41、om Jones and Robinson Crusoe;2) te common ways of story-ling (omniscience and limited viewpoint) and teir advantages and disadvantages.3 .教学难点te use of details in narrative writing;1) te understanding of post-colonialism.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 8 Tos

42、 Gray, Robert Bums & William BlakeL教学内容1) understand te causes of Sentimentalism (discontent wit social reality and encroacment of industrialization on agriculture);2) ster te retorical devices in Elegy Written in a Country Curcyard (onotopoeia, transferred epitet, metapor; pun, eupemism, etc);appre

43、ciate te outlook on life in Elegy Written in a Country Curcyard)3) grasp te stylistic features of Robert Burns (Scottis dialect, folk song tradition, oral and plain);understand te social criticism in Blakes poems;4) grasp te symbols in te two Te Cimney Sweeper;inspire students to tink about te meani

44、ng of life.2 .教学te retorical devices in Elegy Written in a Country Curcyard;1) te outlook on life in Elegy Written in a Country Curcyard;te symbols in te two Te Cimney Sweeper.3 .教学难点te understanding of poetic language in Elegy Written in a Country Curcyard)1) te building of values.4 .教学方案设计(含教学方法、教

45、学手段)在传统课堂讲授的基础上,利用线上线下混合式教学模式,采取任务型教学法、分组 讨论等手段进行教学。Unit 9 William Wordswort & Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 .教学内容grasp te related concepts of Ronticism (definition, caracteristics and different scools);1) understand te view on nature of te Lake poets;grasp te poetic principles of Wordswort and teir exib

46、ition in / Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;2) ster te structure of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (emotion to reflection);3) appreciate te poetic style of Coleridge (vivid poetic iginations, mystic and musical quality, realistic and supernatural concern);4) understand te temes of Te Rime of te Ancient rine

47、r (atonement, armony between un and nature);5) connect te teme of 7e Rime of te Ancient riner wit Cinese traditional concept of armony between n and nature.2 .教学te definition, caracteristics and different scools of Ronticism;1) te poetic principles of Wordswort;te temes of Te Rime ofte Ancient riner.3 .教学难点te exibition of poetic principles of Wordswort in / Wandered Lonely as a Cloud


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